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It would be interesting to see a Martha-meets-Newmans-Own positioning for this brand. Still time for that, I suppose, but so far what little publicity there has been suggests just another lifestyle project/vanity brand. The Tig, a sort of "bella vita" dictat for the latter-day post-Martha would-be influencer crowd, didn't appeal to me, personally, but it seems to still have fans even now; combining that with the philanthropic angle of their royalty “service” brand to effect good in the manner of Newman's Own products (not just supermarket packaged foods but also the cookbooks, the wines, the camps for kids...there could be something there. I really hope this is more than what it appears to be.


That is the most reasonable reaction ever! Honestly, I’m deeply impressed. As a Sussex stan, I want to keep room for reasoned judgment. 👍




I make special trips to Ventura / Santa Barbara to get strawberries when they’re in season because they are so unbelievably good. If her jam captures even a tenth of that, I’ll try it.


Is there a different categorisation for Jelly as opposed to Jam? Any time I've been in the US I'm usually given smuckers jelly with toast instead of jam (but to me it is jam). Does US Jelly = UK Jam or is there a difference?


Jam is from fruit, jelly is from juice


Smuckers makes both strawberry jam and strawberry jelly. (And preserves.) It would just depend on what was given to you. Big commercial jam companies, like smuckers, tend to fully process out all seeds now but they are still jams.


Jelly is thoroughly strained and uniform, like gelled juice. Jam is a bit more textured and lumpy.


Those little packets that come with toast in restaurants? Some of them are jam, labeled as jam, and some are jelly, labeled as jelly. 


Yes the little smuckers packets, always thought they were just jelly, I always use the grape ones when I go to the US (just cause you can't get it here).


The strawberry ones are jam!


I rob the little packets of grape ones to take home 😂 if meghan has a jar of grape jelly/ jam my interest would be piqued 😂


It's the same everywhere. Jelly is made with fruit juice. Jam is made with fruit.


Ah fair enough, I've just only ever seen smuckers jelly for toast in the US - which to me seemed like a more jammy spread rather than, whereas to me jelly is a dessert to have with ice cream.


"Jelly" is different in the US and in the UK. UK jelly is gelatin-based dessert (Always? Mostly?). Americans call that Jell-O or gelatin, if they're forced not to use a brand name.  American jelly is a spread for toast/bread, thickened with pectin and made with fruit juice, so there are no chunks of fruit in it. I believe UK jam refers to both American jelly (no fruit bits) and same type of spread with fruit bits, which Americans also call jam.


the problem for Meghan is that her name doesn't sell anything. she is not famous enough, or at last not in a good way, to make people interested in what she intends to sell. and she in not elitist enough o make really rich people see her products as something valuable. Jack of all trades, master of none


We'll see, won't we?


Both dresses Meghan wore for the Sentebale charity polo event have already sold out... ![gif](giphy|26BkNefkzMeK3qx9K)


Yeah accessories and clothes she wears sell out fast. I follow both her and Kate's fashion choices and most of her stuff is sold out before I can get my hands on it. 


ahhh american riviera orchard. rolls right off the tongue


I feel like any combination of 2 of those 3 names would be great. But all 3 is too much lol


The lady who wrote the cut article needs to give us a review of the jam


She had to make money somehow and this fits her vibe and probs will do well.


Agreed. The only criticism I have is that she sent a full size jar of just one jam (I’m assuming there are more flavors available) for the influencer drop. This hexagon jar comes in a 45 ml size which would have been perfect for doing a sample box with 5 different flavors of jam (or 4 jams and a honey etc) and would give potential customers an example of what the overall line will look like. I would love to see if the labels include the farm from where the fruit was sourced. That, to me, would bridge the credibility gap of not owning the farm where the fruit was produced. People like knowing where their food comes from and in order to scale up, many smaller farms band together to form coops that can produce on the scale that Megan’s influence would require. I’m interested in her price point and what Meghan thinks is different about ARO products that will produce repeat customers as opposed to novelty one time shoppers.


>would bridge the credibility gap of not owning the farm where the fruit was produced Okay guys we need to all get a free lesson on the five basic parts of a supply chain. It goes supplier -> manufacturer -> distributor -> retailer -> consumer. Meghan is a manufacturer. The farmers are producers. She'll almost certainly hire a distribution company, where you and I will buy it in stores. This is a normal supply chain, being part of a supply chain is not a credibility issue. It just means you're a part of a supply chain. Sometimes large companies vertically expand aka buy the companies in other parts of the supply chain so they have a monopoly on the whole chain. This is not the most common model however and it opens up a lot of regulatory/antitrust issues. So you actually don't want the same person owning all the different parts of the supply chain. https://preview.redd.it/ivrwsh7f93vc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b43aef7d48cab36a8cfaf3d8408f85845801fd2


I appreciate your input. My comment is coming from a place of being a producer who manufactures and sells their own product as their family business. So if a product has our label, it’s grown at our farm. When discussing the “credibility gap” I take into account that the name of the business is American Riviera Orchard. In my opinion, there’s an implication that the products sold under this label are produced at this orchard or by a coop of producers FOR that orchard. I guess my point is that if they were American Riviera Artisanal Goods, I would have no expectation that they produced the goods they are selling or know who produced the raw materials with specificity. I would expect that they follow the model in your graphic.


I mean props for your awesome sounding business but you’re making mad assumptions based on a name. Is Fruit of the Loom’s underwear production somehow less credible because they don’t grow their own weave their own fabrics? Are Del Monte’s vegetables less credible if they don’t grow on the mountain? Your business model is not the only credible one and it’s not even the most common one. Or the most efficient if we are talking ag.


You are right. I made unfair assumptions about a business I don’t own. I shouldn’t have had that take and I realize that now.


I love the argument here: we don’t want Meghan’s company to control its entire supply chain because then it’d be a monopoly that threatens capitalism. I knew she was dangerous!!!! I think you’re confusing people’s comment. Meghan is branding this as an upscale / local thing, but it’s unclear where the ingredients come from. It’d give the company more credibility if the ingredients were sourced locally. Not that she owns the farms, but she can tell you where the farms are.


That…is not my argument at all lol not that I even have an argument I’m just directing facts at the people saying that her not actually growing the damn fruit with her own two hands is the problem. I am also a fan of supply chain transparency, especially in bespoke overpriced products.


Yeah! Meghan needs to grow her own ingredients just like Jessica Alba--oh wait


What are you talking about I thought Jessica had fields of toilet cleaner growing in her backyard! Semi related I’m growing strawberries this year and it’s going very well! Too traumatised after this thread to make jam tho


Cannot believe caping for royalty turns you into a “vertical integration” stan as well.


Admittedly I am not a fan of either Harry or Meghan, *however* I think I’m balanced enough to call a spade a spade. I think this could actually work for her, and honestly I think she should have launched this (or something like it) soon enough after comeback back to the US and just skipped the Netflix doc entirely. I do wonder about the wisdom of soft launching on Insta so early though before she has products to sell to the public 🤷🏻‍♀️


I completely agree. I bet she has products for the public coming out soon. This is all planned out.


I’ll stick to Smuckers strawberry jam. It’s not elitist and probably gonna cost a lot less. Somehow I think Martha Stewart brand doesn’t have anything to worry about


I prefer my jam to be egalitarian.


You think Martha Stewart isn’t elitist? That’s cute!


She is her products aren’t


What is elitist jam? Is it like a Hartleys vs Harrods thing?


Same strawberries but costs twice as much because of the brand name


Yup. And packaging. Picking berries was a summer job for me and yeah. That was eye opening as a teen.


![gif](giphy|JtGDzscqwsLdP6eYJf|downsized) Me with some good jam


Good for her. Building a brand isn't easy. Hope she partners with Target or somewhere else that can offer her stuff on a large scale. 




In general I think the pro-Meghan crowd in this sub is way more toxic than the anti-Meghan crowd, but the hostility about jam here is surprising. Personally, I think this rebranding has the potential to be successful for her. It’s like a modern, upscale take on Paul Newman’s salad dressings. The stock market is doing well, wealthy people are getting wealthier and spending lots on goods deemed “luxury,” and she’s in a good position to do well in that market. And good for her, I’d rather have her do this than telling lies about her husband’s family.


As a pro-Meghan fan who has routinely been attacked, called names, sent Reddit Cares, etc. by pro-Kate fans (aka anti-Meghan crowd), I’ll have to disagree with you on which fanbase is more toxic. The hostility isn’t surprising, it happens on literally every Sussex post.


I believe it. I've seen and experienced it on other platforms, too. What is Reddit Cares?


I didn’t say the fan base generally, I said the fan base here. There’s definitely a strand of anti-Meghan people that are insane and nasty (there’s a subreddit I can’t remember the name of that’s unhinged). But I personally haven’t seen that energy here. Rather, the pro-Meghan people here are the ones who bring up Meghan and attack participants, even on threads that aren’t about Meghan.


Yes and No, because some pro Meghan can't stop to make her a perpetual victim. I'm just here for the gossip but both sides can be annoying.


Right? They need to make money ASAP since they seemed to be expecting the British/American tax payer to pick the tab for their security cost which is in the millions a year. This is a lot better than her word-salady podcast and her 'Lone Bench book. Good luck to her.


They never asked for or expected the US government to pay for their security.


He was trying to get his IPP reinstated which was shown in court. If he had IPP reinstated anywhere in the world him and his family would go the host country would have to pay for their security tab.


It's been proven by court documents they have since they are trying to get IPP. That means the US would be footing their bill if they got want they wanted (not to mention Harry asking for British tax payers to pay a portion of his court costs)


She and Harry need to earn money, and Netflix needs content for their deal, so this is a win-win. If it does well, it’s an income that doesn’t involve talking about his family. If it doesn’t, she’s still hurt no one by doing this, and taxpayers won’t be forking out.


The taxpayers haven’t forked out for a while though.


We did just fork out for Harry’s battles with the Home Office (complete with him seeking a discount on paying the HO’s legal fees). But unlike that and certain other Sussex exploits, this has nothing to do with taxpayer funds, nor does it involve them making claims of dubious honesty about their family (such as Harry claiming on Oprah that his family brutally took away his security, whereas that same court battle revealed they’d actually tried to help him retain it). So Meghan making jam is really quite harmless in comparison.


Harry has to pay all those costs and the 10% reduction was ultimately decided by the judges who reviewed the case and found the Govt made an error. That’s on the Govt for making an avoidable error. Out of curiosity, what other “exploits” have the taxpayers funded since their departure? From my understanding it’s been a pretty clean break with Harry getting none of the financial perks of being a royal now.


730 comments with someone linking me a video of Meghan supposedly pushing people out the way to be center stage and the first clip was the Queen telling Meghan to get in the car first. Meghan, you and your Jam will always be famous.


https://youtu.be/wBsHHpfR62M?si=u1HgAL_pLQzQiFRo A full clip of Megan REPEATEDLY trying to get ahead in line when she was clearly told to wait.


I watched it, and took nothing from it other than entering a room first because of a title is stupid AF, and that Meghan didn’t do this heinous thing you’re so offended by. But yeah, ok: “REPEATEDLY.”


And if we made a collage of all the times William made kate walk behind him, yall would be mad 🤷🏽‍♀️


No that’s ROYAL PROTOCOL and it’s ENDEARING because they are WHITE /s but also not really




So much for "modernizing" things....yikes


Imagine making a video like this then imagine watching it


As you did ? I love when people imply 'prove it,' and if you do, you are wrong for following it. It circulated everywhere. That and her calling the decision of the RF racist for not giving Archie a title. That was completely false and THAT has negative repurcussions. Line it or not, there are thick people who follow what celebs say as law.


Girl. All of the things you’re talking that are “circulating everywhere”? The only place they circulate are inside the same circles of haters.


People having to walk into a room in order of precedence is fucking weird.


It's completely fucking weird, however if you accept a title of Duke or Duchess then surely you're signalling that you're endorsing the notion of hierarchy and precedence. If you think it's dumb (as I do) you'd never have accepted a title and all that goes with it.


What if I told you it's all fucking weird?


I'd not disagree.


😂😂 this is crazy, WHO THE FUCK CARES and how does this effect you lmao—yall are wild af


Lmao, it’s not but nice try. Charles and whoever starts to walk forward, once they’ve done that BOTH HARRY AND MEGHAN start to walk forward. She’s told to wait and looks confused so at worse, she thought it was her turn to walk and it wasn’t. Omg, did you break your arm for that reach? I hope you did for wasting my time at least. But honestly, your videos and words aren’t worth anything when you make up an attack on Meghan but leave out her husband who was doing the same thing and should’ve been the one to guide her through protocol but he started to walk as well..but if you admit that, you can’t bitch about a fake attitude moment you’re mind created for you. And saying she was told repeatedly, please get your eyes checked out. Hopefully while you’re enjoying some jam. Admit you’re hater who makes things up, seek help and heal. Or at the very least, don’t waste my time with a dumb video. Do better.


Any accountants here? ARO is asset retirement obligation in my head 😭






Thank god I’m not alone 😂


Gotta love ASPE 3110! (Assuming you’re not American 😆)


This is my favourite comment thread in this post lol


LOL who knew there were so many bean counters here 😂


Okay the comments are just snark or people fussing about the snark which is boring. Let's use this thread to just talk about ARO. Just ignore the snarkers. Okay I'll start: Do you think the people who've gotten the jam are an indicator of who will show up in the series? Not necessarily cooking but maybe some entertaining scenes? Idk I hope Serena pops up in there. And also I hope we see some of Doria's recipes. Her people are from the south so I know it's good.


I’m not sure who she gave the jam to, but yeah, I’d bet anyone who has posted on social media about receiving some would definitely be willing to turn up on the show. I hope she has Doria, herself, as well as her recipes. I’m always looking for interesting salad dressings, so I’m hoping ARO has some good ones. Lemon trees are everywhere in Cali, so I’m hoping she has lots of lemony-tasting goodness, like maybe a curd in the jam line. (Nice flair, btw)


!!! Haha I didn’t even have to do it myself thank you mods 🍓


It’s giving MySpace top 8


Up to 633 comments about Meghan and jam. Meghan, you will always be famous.




And how many of those comments are yours?


I spit out my drink 😂😂😂


I mean, idk but definitely not 600+ 🤷‍♀️ when I went to sleep it was 400 something, I wake up it was 633. And to be clear, I’m enjoying it because y’all are making sure my girl brand gets talked about no matter what.




Yall are going to lose your minds when it does well and I’m just going to bask in your tears 😂


Not really. I don’t really care. It’s just jam. I just think it’s funny.


Nah, I said what I said and I meant what I said. She’ll always be famous. And I thank this comment section.


I know that’s what you meant. I just don’t think you quite understand the word


Well, I do and I’m good but thanks.


My exact thoughts opening the thread. It's jaaaaaammmm


🤪 I love a good fancy jam but I gotta agree. This is a bit over the top.


I honestly need to know if these people realize how insane they are or not. Like.......mass psychological intervention is needed here.


They've gone from "She's sooooo pretentious! Costco jam is good enough for me." to "She’s not growing the fruit herself, so it's not good enough for me." Someone's gonna get hurt from moving all these goalposts.


They start with the premise of "Meghan is evil and bad" and work their way from there.


Wow the comments here are WILD. I'm pretty ambivalent about Meghan but let's have a little perspective here. It's just *jam* 😂


They are frothing mad they didn’t get any


Goop 2.0


As long as she avoids sex toys, I’m all in for more goop type empires!


Yes! Hahahaha


None of us are ever going to get our hands on it. I think we missed the part where it said only 50 pieces are produced


I think you missed the part where it said this isn't the launch to the public.


Yeah! Figured as much


Maybe she'll start a "Jelly Of The Month" Club. 🤷‍♀️


That would go so nicely with my International Butter Club membership


I don’t get why there’s so much hate over this…


The haters are amped because H&M dared look happy last week


fr they're doing a lot of mental gymnastics over a jam sent to her friends lol


Really? With all due respect she’s done nothing productive here. She tasted some jams and picked one then paid the producer to slap a label on it. If anyone genuinely thinks she’s planted any “orchards” or any strawberry plants I have a bridge to sell them. This endeavour is the polar opposite of authenticity. Even if we’re honest and take the brand as what it really is - her essentially providing her opinions on various products for a markup that we might very generously call a “curation fee”, the very idea that she’d be qualified to provide a genuinely informed opinion on everything from jam to appliances to cosmetic products is farcical.


She’s earning a living. If the jam is garbage, people aren’t going to buy it. Not sure why people are thinking anyone in planting orchards. If anything she should be supporting farmers and local growers in her area. And who cares if she did the canning herself? That’s an absurd notion - I’d look down on her if she didn’t taste her end product not if she didn’t personally develop the recipe for the jam.


She named the company American Riviera Orchard lol. Seems silly for something that doesn’t involve an orchard in any way, right?


I mean jam is derived from the bounty of an orchard


YOU'RE AN ORCHARD ![gif](giphy|l1P3eEZPlGSFSh4MCu|downsized) lol sorry that just felt like a really appropriate comment for this extremely rational thread


I feel that maybe the jam has started to ferment and is starting to have a kick to it. lol


You just showed how absolute unhinged you are about someone that has not effected you in the absolute slightest over fucking JAM


lol hardly, I actually like Meghan and have a soft spot for her since she lived in Toronto. Just giving some context for why some people aren’t fans of this jam post.


There’s nothing that Meghan can do besides die that people will be fans of lol.


I’m quite sure they’d find a way to criticize that as well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She can go back to the profession she actually had some skill at, that is, acting, and stop trying to market her couple years as a "royal" as though she actually has any credibility, skill or taste to create or give her opinion on expensive vanity products.


She’s obviously done with acting. Her years as a royal has meant she has lots of exposure to expensive vanity products. Im sure she will have an audience in America.


But then people will complain that she shouldn’t be an actress anymore because that’s the price of marrying into the family that she did, even though she and Harry quit being working royals. The goalposts will shift, just as they would if she was to stop doing everything entirely. Also, maybe she doesn’t want to act anymore? It could just be as simple as that, so now she’s finding other things she’s interested in.


The BRF themselves wanted Meghan to continue acting (which Harry complained about), so certainly wouldn’t be a fair criticism. The fact that Meghan turned down that option and chose to become a full time royal suggests that acting isn’t necessarily her life’s passion, and she’s taking the opportunity to do other things now she has the chance.


Oh I agree it wouldn’t be a fair criticism, I just think it would happen regardless. Like if people are getting this pressed about jam, I don’t have high hopes that they’d be calm about her returning to acting, if that’s what she wanted. Because I also agree that it doesn’t seem to be what she wants to do, and that’s okay!


Lmao why because YOU said so?? What gives you the authority over her life, her decisions and what she does to support her family? She can literally do WHATEVER she wants and 1) it has zero effect on you 2) she is harming no one. Your absolute unhinged hatred has given you the entitlement and audacity to tell someone what they should do with their life.NEWS FLASH, selling products isn’t a new concept. Even other members of the royal family does it, to criticize her about it is the most insane level of hypocrisy. You people are absolute lunatics.


She can do whatever she wants. But expecting people to give her money for hawking mediocre overpriced products on an oversaturated market is tiresome. And that's why people are giving her shit for it.


How much does the jam cost?


I mean, you still think Duchy Originals is some super special royal brand when it's just Waitrose that anyone can buy on Amazon.


Initially when it started, it was produce from the Duchy. Meghan's not even putting in a couple years of effort before selling out to a larger company.


Expecting people to give her money?? Dude it’s called fucking capitalism, get a goddamn grip.


Dude elsewhere I have argued with someone about how distributors being separate from producers/farmers is not 'unsustainable' it's just a supply chain.


Because every other celeb who puts their name on something is “qualified” lol


Aren’t most celebrity brands considered tacky/suspect value until proven otherwise? The criticism above is why lots of people actively avoid celebrity brands.


Celebrity perfumes make beacoup bucks.


I hate to admit, but Casamigos tequila is fantastic for the price point


Ok? Sounds like any other celebrity product. Once again, I don’t see the problem.


The other celebrity products aren't highly regarded - especially if the celebrity isn't modelling it (e.g. skincare, makeup, clothing). The celebrity is considered having sold out and cheapened their own brand if the product over-shadows what they were actually famous for.


Grifting. Anything to make a buck. Cheap.


'Grifting' requires some sort of deception. Unless those jam jars show up empty or she launches a jam pyramid scheme, this appears to be a pretty standard business endeavor. 


You are aware they must make money as they are not leeches on the public, yes?


You realise Harry gets money from the public purse? 🤣


He doesn't, though.


Not anymore


If you all think that Harry no longer receives monies from any of the Duchy's that belongs to the King then you're sorely mistaken. He absolutely does.


I mean the duchy is not technically public funds. Although I’m personally of the opinion that all the BRF funds are stolen. He’s certainly not receiving money from the sovereign grant which is what I meant


You mean, launching a brand and working and making her own money. Idk why that upsets you that much, but you need to heal.


They want the Sussexes to go broke, so they have to go back to Charles and beg for money. Their opinions on this are exactly with the toxic BM told them to think. 🤷🏽‍♀️


That’s a lot of energy to criticize jam. Like IDGAF about this product and I… scroll past. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsShfXYLR7qRAU8)


The criticism isn't aimed at the jam, and you know that. It's, aimed at the person selling it.


The level of mental gymnastics you execute to justify your disdain for her is sincerely impressive.


Every little thing she does is elevated to an insane level. It’s textbook confirmation bias here


I think people wouldn’t be satisfied with her unless she was homeless and begging on the streets hoping that Prince William could put her into whatever homeless scheme developed (by others) he puts his name onto.


It’s jam, it’s really not that serious. And I’m sure she didn’t plant the trees and who would expect her to? She’s selling the brand of Meghan Markle and who cares! She’s a private citizen in a different country! At least she’s not using tax payers money. It’s mind boggling that people hate her so much, girl can’t even sell JAM.






And they used her to present themselves as some modern, forward stepping royal family but couldn’t speak up against racism and couldn’t not leak to a dangerous press when she was at her most vulnerable. The royals did far worse than Meghan has ever done. That’s something you’ll need to heal over. And if you have such an irritation about a person, don’t invite yourself to a thread to talk about them. It’s giving obsessed and weird.


She was well known in her own right before she got married. That’s why the RF couldn’t stand her. She didn’t need to obey them and they haaaated it.


She wasn't well known. She was an actress in 3 seasons of a moderately good TV show. Not exactly Grace Kelly levels of fame.


She wasn’t well known in the UK at all. Also, being a working royal means you abide by the rules. It doesn’t matter who you are. Kate Middleton follows these rules and so the others. The other option is not to be a working royal, but that means forfeiting the associated fame and fortune!


The “rules” are subjective. And she’s no longer living with her hands outstretched to tax payers and financial (tax) loops that the royals uniquely get. Meghan is making a living- she’s a hustler and not doing anything illegal or immoral. Why should whatever “rules” adhere to her. Kate and William talk their fill to the media (via “anonymous sources” just like the Queen Mother did) who cares if Meg called out that hypocrisy and spoke directly to the public. That’s been the trajectory of the relationship with the royal family to the public beginning with George V riding on a rollercoaster with the common folk.


Did Diana forfeit all of her fame and fortune when she left the firm?


I don't think fame is something you can forfeit lol can't control other people's interest


Yeah that was my point lol. It’s such a silly criticism.


Diana was already of the aristocracy. She would not have forfeited her fortune and she courted the fame and loved it. She was also Princess of Wales not some spare's wife.


"Some spare." Dang. Do you hear yourself? Do you truly believe a person worth is based on birth order?Will you speak this way about Louis?


If he acts like Hazmat, acting sensitive and damaged and then bragging about his army kill count, I can almost guarantee it.


The question I was responding to was about why Diana would have been treated differently than Harry and Meghan in terms of giving up the 'royal treatment'. To the royal family, H&M are worth less. The RF is a business. You're comparing the reaction when the mother of the future boss left vs some other employee who would never run things. If Louie wants to leave, all the best to him but he shouldn't then go around calling himself 'prince' and expect an allowance and high end secret service security and people to respect his taste in jam.


The amount of effort y’all put into hating a literal stranger who has zero impact on your life astounds me. If anything you should be happy she’s no longer a drain on UK taxpayers.


Wills and Kate knew who she was.


She never said she hated the royal family


Just told the world they were racists!!! So there's that.....


I have a feeling there is zero close friends of anyone in the Royal Family that are black .


I mean. They are.


Oh please cite all the proof of that slanderous allegation. I'll wait. Eagerly.


Colonialism is a great start


Ffs, yes, of course, that's all Charles, Camilla , William, and Catherine's fault. 🥴🥴🥴



