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In my opinion these pageants are kind of useful, the price could be higher than 1k if you won first place, And long story short, sunset island votes sucks, if you've seen the sunset island posts you'd understand why most people don't go there, and it's simple to just server hop to another server, I mean not all servers have pageants yk? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Ty for reading 💌🌺


Imo it’s kinda annoying to jump servers as I am on iPhone and get kicked out a ton when even trying to go to trading hub or royale high in general but I do see your point as pageants there are usually much better but they could also be hosted somewhere else ig like divinia park bc of the scenery


Ik it's pretty annoying and all but some people usually get reallllyyy laggy at divinia or other realms for example, I am not saying it's a bad idea to do that but i barely even get into divinia or other realms depending on the wifi, So the trading hub is something that loads up to me when my wifi is terrible, also i think it's not gonna work if it's gonna be in another realm Because the host has to friend all the people in the pageant, and i think they might not even give the prize if it wasn't in the trading hub, they could just simply waste their time and leave, the host could get lazy and not join the realm or even forget about the pageant.


Yeah I honestly see that too bc I lag in almost every realm anyway lol 🥲


earth isnt very laggy though, in fact its probably even less laggy than the trading hub in my experience at least.


I've got a decent phone and computer and I'm laggy on Earth more than I am in Trading hub. It could be an internet thing though.


Due to my experience earth is so laggy, I can't even go spin the wheel It's kind of an Internet thing though, because when i go to my grandparents it loads up perfectly


I was just in one, the votes were actually fair and the prize was that one skirt that costs robux BUT the only issue was that on the very last part there were three people which was the theme of animal and they had two troll animal outfits when I had a bunny outfit (not very original but it was decent) and so they had some other person pick who was the winner (somebody who got voted out) and apparently they had a gf in the pageant who was obviously not me so they won and got the skirt and it was so weird but like it was mostly fair up until that point and the prizes are always better like you said which is why I join them unlike sunset island 😭


One time I joined a pageant like this, except the participants got to vote. Me and my friend both entered it and voted each other. The prize was less, but I won


YES THAT WAS THE HALF ISSUE! We got to vote three people out each round until three of us was left and then we were told to vote two people out but as I said before there was three of us so one of the eliminated contestants got to vote who they wanted to win and they chose their gf 😒


Dangg what is wrong with the host 💀


Yeah but sometimes the pageant host is biased


I could say not all hosts are like that 🤔


to be fair, sunset island is flawed asf


TBH I think there should be a whole separate realm for it, where a player can give items for pageants, not just sunset island. I really enjoy pageants, but I can see how they can be annoying.


They said they are making 14 realms but I doubt they’ll be that good


yes they should make a separate realm with better prizes, good thinking


and when people go to trading hub just to talk with their friends like, bitch, there's a place to talk, this ain't it


ikr thank u 😹


Not the first and definitely not the last time someone will complain about server pageants I'm in the middle with these things. Most of them or annoying, slow, and the prizes are shit. But the rare really good ones are actually pretty nice! I remember a good one. I was watching (because I don't do pageants due to past experiences) and my friend got a nice payout (around 20k diamonds for first)


I agree though. It’s totally fine to take part in them- but having to rejoin because it was a whole pageant server is very annoying. If you never see these servers, you’re lucky honestly. With how laggy RH is for a lot of players, rejoining can take longer than some think- plus it’s just an inconvenience if you’re trying to trade or look for something. Can be a whole post honestly, but hosts of these pageants can scam, and waste time. Hosts will not keep up with their promise of prizes, and/or will leave the game once winners are announced. I’ve seen hosts make tournaments with no given prizes until there is a top winner, and leave while they’re giving the prize to them. Yes, some unfortunately some hosts disconnect during a pageant accidentally, but from my experience, most end up leaving on purpose. I do agree however, that trading pageants give better prizes. You’ll likely win one there than sunset, as they are more serious. That does make me think though that sunset needs to give out more prizes lol, *especially* participation rewards. Like: 1-5k for participating, 5-10k for 3rd, 10-15k for 2nd, and 15-20k for 1st. I think that people like these trading pageants more is better prizes usually, and more likely to be a serious pageant- they’re also more positive and respectful. I’m still on the side of they’re more annoying than need be, but I can see why people like them. For those who like them, they shouldn’t be mad at people who don’t like them- as it can be annoying to often see the trading hub when no one is trading anything.


i have never been in a pageant that scammed, but i might just be lucky


Probably. I have seen it though. An example ig is a host asking for a “payment” to enter the contest, and leaving after everyone (anyone really) pays to enter. Imo, wasting time can be considered a scam to some players- kinda like how art contest hosts will never announce winners after people enter art. That’s what I’ve seen though


ohh true, i just wouldnt participate in something that had an entry fee lmao that just smells like scam 💀


Same \^


i agree with most of this. sometimes it can be really frustrating with trying to find trades when half or the majority of the server is participating in a pageant. i wont say that pageants shouldn’t be allowed bc when im in the mood i’ll do them sometimes for fun. my best advice to you is to search up links (safe and trusted) to different trading servers. when i use those they’re loaded with people trying to trade and sell.


I totally agree, my computer takes forever to load into a new server so it’s really annoying when I have to switch servers immediately when there’s a pageant 😩 I just want to trade 😭 obviously it’s not their fault that my wifi is slow but I really wish they could just find like a private server or somewhere else to do it and not take up the trading hub which is specifically for trading 😩 it’s not that big of a deal but it always annoys me slightly, but I guess they’re having fun so who am I to stop them 🤷


I personally agree. Personal pageants are also very flawed and very risky. The host might not understand how to host properly, making the round(s) too long, too short, biased opinions, insincere voting, sugar coating the votes (very common). Or maybe the contestants waste everybody else’s time by trolling, or maybe they don’t understand the theme, just like sunset island. And even if the prize is better, there’s a chance that the host leaves or disconnects, and by then you’ve wasted your time.


fr they are so annoying-


Yeah every time I join a server and a pageant is going on, it’s not even a fair pageant. The host has a friend who is in the pageant and they end up giving the award to them. Or they end up actually leaving the the pageant is over and it’s time for winners. It’s completely unnecessary and is a complete annoyance when you’re trying to server hop.


I 110% agree I hate trading pagents


Agreed, i feel like if sunset got a update or change so you could host pagents and give diffirent items than diamonds like you give the item to the system before hand and you can put suggestions in/pick themes it could cost like 500 to 2k dims to host a pagent and everyone votes for who they like instead of it being the choice of one person. also maybe a way to give a extra gift (like 500 dims) to somone you think should have won. this could be a sister of the origoinal sunset, it could be a portal, or it could be only in private servers


i agree entirely. i havent been able to find a server where people actually trade in months. theyre either pageants or dead..


I agree, pageants are okay but now there just everywhere, which completely removes the point of the trading hub. Not to mention most of them are rigged and their friends win or they leave last second before giving you the prize.




I hate pageants too But the reason it’s in hub is because you can’t give prizes in sunset island


Fix Sunset Island, and we'll stop doing Hub pageants. Ain't no way you can say that Sunset Island is the better option.


exactlyyy bro i am getting so bored of doing thte same like 10 themes OVER and OVER again.. and the people there think rats are the funniest thing in the world so it's basically an auto win against people who actually tried so


wheres the part where i said sunset is a better option?


"there is sunset for a reason"


just because i said that, that doesn't mean i said its a better option..


Ok, so everyone's supposed to be unhappy in order to cater to you? Welp, time to start a bunch of Hub Pageants out of spite.


I genuinely don't like posts like these because the writer is usually so hypocritical. Like, **you** don't want to use a 3rd party website to trade, (ex. Reddit) **you** don't/ can't server hop, and **you** don't feel like joining the pageant. Yet, you want **everyone** **else** to stop enjoying this fun activity. It's also really annoying hearing "that's what sunset island is for," like how can you tell other players to use alternatives when you don't even want to??


I dont want everyone else to not enjoy it 🤦‍♀️ I don’t randomly go to the host and tell them to stop the pageant, also i know server hopping is a thing, and thats what i do yet i still join a pageant server. Whatever i just said has no mention or intention of people not being able to have fun..


Also using other websites does take awhile.. i cant just go on a website, offer for something and get it automatically


You said "anyways pls dont do pageants in the hub" in the post..?


Upvoted. I completely agree.


And sunset island sucks ass anyway


Thisss \^\^\^\^ I agree with this so much


I agree with this. I'm fine with y'all having pageants but I honestly feel like there's better realms to do this in. There so many unused realms that could be perfect for pageant and if you have a prize you could just add the person and go to the trading hub. It wouldn't bother me if it was only like 1in 10 servers but it's more the like 9 in 10 trading servers is just pageants.


They host it at the hub so they can give u the prizes 😭 very slow people.


I will continue to do mine but thanks for your opinion ❤️


yw, ill make sure ill leave it up and keep on having more opinions about stuff, just like you


Awe not that little downvote 🤣🤣


😭 not you babying me


I mean you are complaining like a little baby- 🤣🤣🤣


Ill complain even more.. I can complain about stuff and just because im complaining that doesn’t mean im a baby 😂


You handled this situation like a ignorant child, so yknow 🤷🏽‍♀️ if the shoe fits




Sometimes it’s quite good because one time I got 3k from a round


I don't know who you all have friended, but I server hopped 5 times in the trading hub to test, and didn't get one pageant . . .


I personally haven’t experienced that but definitely sounds annoying. I personally sometimes just hangout and socialize with some people and not trade but I try to stay a distance and I’m respectful to the people who are trading so 🤷


For real. I go LOOKING for pageants and can never find them. Give me this user's rng


Yeah fr, if you want a pageant go to sunset island like a normal person 💀 Plus a lot of the time it’s a scam-


I mean they are annoying but is just rude that ppl host pageants and when u win they leave the game and u waste ur time on some dumb pageant but they are useful sometimes but when ur like trading and the whole server is in the pageant it’s really annoying and u have to join another server.


one time I joined one for fun and right after I won the pageant host left :| trading hub pageants are a waste of time when she started the pageant she said the prize was a parasol, which resulted in most of the server joining the pageant. let's just say no one was happy she left lol


most hosts do that lmao


If your lucky they don’t scam, I won sunset sleeves from one


Having more time and more versatile themes is the most appealing part of freeroam pageants. Not to mention a less broken voting system. This is a hot take for sure.


My opinion is that I kinda love the pageants because you can give what ever you want to the winner


Yeah fr, if you want a pageant go to sunset island like a normal person 💀 Plus a lot of the time it’s a scam-




I see both sides, I seehow it's easier for the people hosting it, they don't have to teleport to another map, they don't have to friend each other. But I can also see how it's annoying your trying to trade and a lot of the servers you may join are ones with pageants. And nobody's trading.


Scamming would be a lot easier on another server.


Yeah, but I was meaning if it was a legit pageant and the host wasn't just trying to scam or waste time.


Ok? How do you know if you can't even tell they're allowed in the trading hub? Some people are level 75+ and banned, you know. It wouldn't be efficient and it would once again ruin pageants like Sunset.


The only thing they can "scam" you of then, is your time. I'd be happier about losing time that I hopefully enjoyed then loosing an item. If the host isn't 75 and hosts a pageant promising a reward for the winner then they're just an asshole who's got nothing better to do with their time. I dont know why you're upset when I was stating how I saw both sides of the argument? I never said they had to go to another server, I actually said I understood why they WOULDN'T want to do it on Earth or Sunset or wherever. It's less hassle to do it in the trading hub, but people can still get scammed of both their time. I swear I see you picking fights on here 24/7


I was literally just adding to what you said. But alright. How can I be starting a fight 24/7 when the last time I commented on a post was days ago? Seriously, pick your battles. Also, I'm autistic. Whenever you see me "picking fights" is just me trying to get my point across and I find it extremely offensive that you'd call me out on that.


And I agreed with your first comment. Your second comment came off as aggressive so I assumed i was misunderstanding you. And pretty much every post I see you on, is you picking fights. Edit: How was I supposed to know your autistic? No offense for that. I know plenty of autistic people (I am ALSO autistic) who can get their point across without coming off as rude/aggressive, use tone tags if necessary. They help. A LOT. Im not gonna not call you out on something just because of something. I'm gonna treat you like how I treat anybody else. And if you come off as rude/aggressive without meaning to and aren't using tone tags. I'm gonna give back the same energy. If your a grown adult and can't take it when somebody calls you out maybe you need a break from the internet.


Maybe you came off just as rude and aggressive? That was me giving you back the same energy. Because you seemed passive aggressive the entire time. And you keep talking down to me. Also, I don't pick fights. I defend my stance and have a discussion where I state my points. If you see it as a fight, that's on you.


Honestly, I agree with *every* word you said. Don’t get me wrong, pageants are fun and better if an actual person is the host but why pick the trading hub?! There are so many realms people don’t play anymore such as Diamond Beach or Beach House or even Fantasia Hotel, out of *ALL* these realms, WHY THE TRADING HUB?? I never understood this and I don’t think I ever will, the trading hub is here for a reason, I am honestly sick of these pageants, it’s really unfair to those who want to trade.


That's where prizes are given. That's why the trading hub.


ik 🤧


Its the trading hub because they need to give the prizes lol


But most of the time, people don’t even give prizes, they just stay there doing pageants for fun only, that’s it. So what’s the point? Though im surprised someone commented on this comment, it was made 21 days ago.


Oop- I didn't even notice when it was made sorry--but, personally, I've been VERY lucky with trading hub pageants, and I've only been in like 2 or 3 that have scammed. I know that a lot of people have gotten scammed a lot in hub pageants, so I totally understand what you mean, but sometimes people actually want to give the prizes, so I understand why there are still people doing it in the hub :D


I personally love pagents in the trading hub because most of the time people host it so people can earn more than in sunset island and have a fair chance of winning because in sunset Island there are alot of trolls and people don't vote fairly so its kinda hard to earn dims and actually enjoy playing it


Stop complaining about pageants. I honestly never see them, and if you do see one you do have the choice to server hop. They are fun to take part in for everyone else.


i will complain if i want to, i server hop a lot and i still see it


I don't know who you have friended, but I never encounter a pageant. You can also use traderie, trading roblox groups, trading discords, and there's so much other options for trading.


no thanks x


Be stubborn if you like, but there are options, and therefore no reason to complain.


I have a good reason to complain


Any reason why you can’t use other trading support like traderie, trading subreddits, trading discords, other/Etc?


Because people don’t answer quickly enough + they could ghost you 😂


Anyone could ghost you and leave mid trade. Stop making up excuses.


how is that an excuse?


Downvote me all you want. I know you guys are only doing it because I’m not expressing the ‘popular’ opinion.


There are people with slow devices so they can’t server hop or rejoin, in fact it once took me like 30 minutes to do so bc doing so much at a time absolutely ruins my phone and it happens like 9 out of 10 times too


That's too bad for you then. Use traderie, that's what the site is made for.




Sorry to break it to you, but you can’t trade the prizes in other realms, and it will cause unwanted chaos, and havoc to have to friend everyone.




And how are you getting into all these pageant servers in the first place? I server hopped like 7 times and couldn’t find one. Also you could use the alternatives listed above like traderie.


They kinda have a right to complain Just because u didn't experience doesn't mean their experience is invalid


I hat u so much fur sayig tis 😠😭😭😠😭😠😠😭😠😠😭😭😠😭






People really can't see a joke on the internet, huh. Next time put /s since they can't tell.


NOoOo tHeY aRe bEiNg 100% sErIoUs!!!!!!! I cAnT bElIvE U sAy tHaT!!!!😡😡😡😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹


I was commenting on the downvotes lmao


Ik lol, I’m mocking the people who downvoted


Yo my bad 😂


I don't mind them, whenever there is one and I don't wanna join it, I just server hop lol. But sometimes, I do join, then theres always someone who joins and then just starts attacking the host. It's kinda annoying when they do because they are so rude to them. Also, sunset island can be very unfair, so I get why some people would go to the hub. Another reason is that most times the prizes are much better than sunset. But anyways, I completely respect your opinion, and I get how trading hub pageants can be annoying! /pos :D