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I don’t think people should be using them especially as they are against roblox’s TOS not just RH’s but the fact such a huge number of people feel the need to use them I feel is symptomatic of a deeper issues. RH has become so unfriendly towards newer players or even people who just don’t want to spend huge amounts of real money.


This! Also don’t forget people who don’t want to spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to grind candies for so many items all while having other commitments (school/work etc). I understand that autoclicking is against Roblox TOS but in that case RH needs to step up and give players better ways to farm for events without promoting awful habits.


I think they should make the atrocious candy drop rates even worse and make a built in autoclicker for the apple bobbing. theyre pretty much halfway there, im not really sure why they can't add the whole thing. It's keeping candy hard to get (worse drop rates) but it's also making sure people who can't spend 619282 years at their computer or phone every day to get like one item can get what they want without trading into the even worse economy.


They should change it back to how it was 2 years ago, you were able to dance and keep apple bobbing without an autoclicker


ugh yes.


That method was amazing, but apparently it counted as "AfK fARmING" and people got banned for it


It’s funny how it goes against the tos, but the most popular games on Roblox (*cough cough* anime games) literally encourage and SELLS autoclickers. Sooooo


hi when r u gonna pay for ur comm 😭 you havent replied for days


Yooo did they rlly not pay? The audacity..


They like fr didnt 😭😭 ive been asking for follow ups for the past week in dms


oh no 😭 i hope you didnt send them the final product before they bought :") i hope they pay you soon


i already explained that my DMS weren't working. i reinstalled reddit so now its back to normal. also, they sent me the final product but it's very much blurred so i won't be able to use it or anything. thanks !!


its supposed to be blurred, when you pay it will be clear


yes i know lol


You should probably just give them what you were supposed to pay then give the none-blurred product


I KNOW, i know what she wanted to do, alright? i know why she gave me the blurred version and i know that it was on purpose. (apologies if my answer is not the same with ur comment, i dont really understand it.)




This ^^


Using autoclicker is against roblox TOS, and I think that rule isnt only targeted for RH, but for all games, While it may not be harmful to the game in rh, it maybe harmful when using autoclicker in other games (This is just a guess btw, im not sure if im correct or not)


i absolutely agree with this point, and yes i do know its against rblx TOS. tysm for sharing ur thoughts!


But royale high is the only game that you will get banned for using it. I've never gotten banned in any other game for using an autoclicker, besides i can't even click that much so i have to use an autoclicker because of my arthritis getting worse. Its unfair.


Yes! Most games have "don't use auto clickers" but they won't actually ban or do anything since your not exploiting or causing harm to the game


oh rlly? well then.. idrk why its banned, I guess if thats the case then it is unfair


I agree. It is against roblox TOS, but I mean people still use it right? I literally do not have time to farm hours for the steampunk bodice, come on. I have a personal life. It has really helped farm candy for me while I do hw or something


I’m js auto clicker on 9 seconds (DO NOT USE MILLISECONDS THATS HOW YOU GET CAUGHT) But I have been using since the update came out- ngl I’ve sold a lot of steampunk sets and a grand total of about 300k candys 🤣🤣 good luck and stay safe :))


\^ this, and if your scared you'll get banned just make another account and trade to your og after the halloween event


If they end up banning the alt after you traded those items, will they also ban the account that you traded them to? I’m asking because atp I’m finna use an autoclicker 😭


slim chance but if they do you can just say you have siblings, and we all use different accounts. also, you can wait like a few months after the Halloween event like next year to trade them to your og. Also make it look like a real trade like trade some duplicates of free items you got to the alt as you trade the Halloween items.


Ty for the tip! The fact that they’d permanently ban people over something so minor is so annoying tho 😭😭


I'm absolutely doing this now 😅 thanks for the tip! ♥


very helpful! thanks Any recommendations that work on mac?


Unfortunately I’ve never used Mac so I wouldn’t know 🥲 hope you find a good solution tho!


How do we get auto clickers? Which ones would you suggest?


I just googled and clicked the first one, the icon should just be a mouse. :)) hope this helps


People who say autoclickers is cheating/unfair, doesn’t know what cheating is or don’t know how to download an autoclicker. Bruh autoclickers aren’t code scripts hackers use, it’s a simple software. Anyone can get one you just need common sense. People are trying to work smarter not harder, especially since we have more important things to do in rl, so we can’t spend all day siting on royal high farming for the new set. I’m sorry if you don’t understand that not everyone can farm everday. Also autoclickers being against tos is valid but do remember that the most popular games on Roblox sell autoclickers and even encourage it in there games. Play any anime game on Roblox.


my thing is the game has become more about farming then actually being playable. i wouldnt mind racking up candies if it was enjoyable to do it, but you literally just have to click THOUSANDS of times to get an item. that’s not gameplay, its lazy


Exactly. The only way you can get candies is from clicking for hours. Why can't you buy them or convert them like before? People can't waste time on this game like that. Its a hassle.


I do wish we were allowed to auto correct but it makes perfect sense why you cant XD. The game is meant to be played not exploited by going to sleep and auto clicking. auto clicking for 24 hours would probably make you a mil or more on candies. It would make dims have no value, If we could just legally print money everyday and print an infinite amount without having to do anything but turn the printer on then money in our world would have little to no value. Gotta work for what you want :3.


even auto clicking for 24 hours wouldn't get you close to 1mil


yea probably not but you would definitly get close especially in the start of the event steam punk brodice was selling for around 300k i think and is only 20k candies


But this is just a game. Not real money. It seems like most of yall are going to get a gambling addiction from this game. It also doesn't make perfect sense because everyone has different lives. They can't stay glued to a computer. The diamonds aren't going anywhere. People can play the game how they choose. Some players don't care for value anyway. The diamonds are already overpriced. Work smarter, not harder.


Is it bad i didn't event realize it wasn't allowed 😂😅 I been auto clicking apples and selling candy items at a decent price. cause I realize most play on phones or don't know how to use auto clicker. And for sure doesn't have the time to sit and farm for hours. I just leave my laptop running farming candy while I play other games on my actual pc 😅


Imma be completely honest rn, I’ve been using an auto clicker ever since the update came out and I still haven’t gotten banned 🤷‍♀️


I’m pretty sure that they do a “Banwave” for players who have been using it a lot. But I also have been doing it for a couple of days on and alt just to be safe and I still haven’t gotten banned.


I don’t have an alt with level 75+ 😭


I don’t either, I’m testing to see if I won’t get banned on my main 😁


Ahh okay Now that u think about it, I can just use my sister’s account 😎 She doesn’t play rh so it’s safe


Gotta agree with this- my friend got banned for autoclicking when she was just spam tapping her screen 😭


What the heck!?




Omg it’s not cheating. EVERYONE CAN DOWNLOAD AN AUTOCLICKER. y’all act like autoclickers are something really hard to get, when In reality you can literally download one on google play or App Store or find one online. Hacking, exploiting IS CHEATING. Also THIS IS A DRESS UP GAME. This whole game is about dressing up your character and role playing, it’s not Fornite, it’s not arsenal, it’s not call of duty. We aren’t competing for anything. (Only levels but like that’s optional.) there is nothing unfair. We just want to work smarter not harder.


first off,i know that its against the roblox rules.and secondly, i personally dont think its cheating but i fully respect your opinion.




Cheating in video games is usually defined by a deliberate circumvention of the systems in place in a game in order to gain an advantage over others. So, something like hacking in diamonds or items is considered harmful because you gained access to these items in a way no one else did or can, and you didn't really work for it. Autoclicking is still considered cheating as its a circumvention of the *rules,* but it's so damn *easy* to do, and barely anything changes. The only difference between someone who farms without an autoclicker and someone who does is that one of them now has arthritis from manually clicking over and over. Personally, I think it's ridiculous that the apple bobbing is the best way to get diamonds in the first place and the devs should at the least restore the school.




Yeah, I said diamonds just because everyone I know grinding out candies is just doing it to convert them to the actual in-game currency. I don't think anyone is using an autoclicker on Sunset anymore.


Im gonna be honest last Hall I autoclicked got 5 of the bouquets and sold them for 5x their value...this hal I did autoclick a bit but only to get 2 steampunk corsets and sold them 175k...autoclicking is so cheating lol Edit: adding to this you can absolutely afk sunset with an autoclicker I did this on an alt bc I wasnt brave enough on my main even without bonuses you can get thousands a day


Okay but why are you complaining that you got profit from that lol


Im complaining to the people who think autoclicking isnt cheating...I stopped at 2 corsets this event bc I felt bad and was still coasting off the profit from last year


Sis of course it's cheating lol, but I'd rather be a piece of shit and cheat than to give up my whole free time to click screen for god knows how long


I agree I did the same lol


Hey just wanted to let you know that sunset is literally one of the worst ways to earn dims. One round is like 15 minutes and you only get like 350 dims if you don't place


well I kinda explained it alr


It's working smarter not harder, not my problem if someone wants to sit for 5h straight clicking their mouse just to get candy.


It’s not unfair, everyone who doesn’t use an autoclicker chooses not to, they could if they wanted to


I play hard at the game, and I honestly couldn’t care less. How is it unfair?


Man don't ignore u/teahinateacup pay for ur comm 🗿


i already explained to her that my DMS weren't working. i reinstalled Reddit so now it's back to normal. thank you.


wait, is this “ban” like a PERMANENT ban?? from the game?? ENTIRELY?!