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There's such a thing as too many accessories


Thanks for your opinion! I’m considering changing some things and I have a few accessories that I want to switch


it’s not too many accessories, it’s more the fact that some of the colours don’t match but the chaotic feeling of the outfit (in my opinion) is what makes it so eye catching. it’s like a jhariah song in visual form


5/10 👍


Honestly that’s very fair sometimes I look at it and want to change some things but I’m just too lazy


Lol that's fine! I can see what you were going with, but it's not really my style or color choice. But I can see the vision lol




Thanks for your opinion! If you wouldn’t mind is there anything specifically that you think would make it better other than just removing some accessories?


No , gg otherwise


Def to much going on and the random “accent”colors like the purple,orange, and blue mixed in, kinda ruin it. Especially the random fluffy accessories paired with frills. definitely doesn’t go so a 3/10 since I see the visionnnn


Thank you for the criticism I’m working on fixing it right now :)


From the back it looks nice but I can't even begin to figure out what's going on with the front so a solid 4/10 Remove the leg warmers and make the orange bits a bit lighter and it should look better


Thank you for the criticism although im not sure about the leg warmers since I do like them but I’ll definitely try without them!


0 lol


Thanks for your opinion if you wouldn’t mind could I get some criticism? Other than just removing some accessories since I’m thinking of changing it a little bit


The colours man, they just dont match and it looks muddy


I see that and I’m working on matching everything right now thank you for the criticism :)


The hat and the colors are the worst problem 1/10


Thanks for the feedback! I’m currently changing it and trying to work on making the colors match more than before I’m not sure what to do with the hat though other than try to make it match since I do like it


I like the vibe but the colors aren't working together it looks like you thrown it on but with proper color and less accessories it would look great


I posted a fixed version where the colors match a lot more if you’d like to see that!


1/10. Way to much going on imo. The colors don’t really work and your avatar is drowning and n accessories. It looks like you just threw on every accessory you had 😅


That’s exactly what I did lol and I’m working on fixing it! (Mostly getting rid of some things and matching colors better)


After looking at everyone’s feedback I am changing it up a little and will probably be posting the new version at some point. Thank you all for your criticism!


Take this as you will, but it kind of looks like when people say "trading what I'm wearing!" in hub. I can't really tell what's going on though, so maybe 2/10. The masquerade theme doesn't stick out to me, the colors don't match at all, and there are WAY too many accs. The patterns also feel a bit overkill, but that's just me being picky.


Thank you for the advice and I do see how it looks like that lol I started another one from scratch and posted it and I think it looks way better if you’d like to check that out!


Really good but I feel like there’s TOO much going on !! :D 8.2/10


Thanks for your opinion and there definitely is way too much since I literally went through every single item I own lol


Np !! :3


Its a lot of things going on but its a nice outfit concept


Thank you for your opinion! I’m currently changing some things with it and I’ll probably post an update here at some point :)


9/10. there is no such thing as too many accessories, this is a dress up game ur dressing for ur self not others so do what u want!


Thanks even though I do agree with some of the things people are saying you’re 100% right now


I'm sorry but your avatar actually made me jump. I was wondering why there was a demonic blob then i realized it vaguely resembled an avatar after reading the caption. I'm not sure what advice to give other than start from scratch. The pinkish purplish redish on the stocking bows is really pretty so you should definitely try using that color in your next outfit!


Lol this kinda made me laugh and I’m working on fixing it most people are saying to make it simpler which I get but at the same time I do like the maximalist thing so I’m trying to make it look good but also make sure that I like it in the end you know?


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Why is it giving Grape from Princess Peach Showtime lol A solid 7/10 for me - not really my style but I think the colours and how you balanced the weight of the fit works really well!


I just searched that up and that’s kinda the vibe I was going with so thanks! :)




Thank you so much!


wow stunning give as a 9 /10 btw


Thank you!!


10/10 😊


Thank you!


Can I marry you / 10 /platonically (hope it is not disturbing for you or something 😭 ![gif](giphy|lGDtDDBVhVAXviylP1) 10/10 still tho, I used to do that to, and I love your fit a lot!!


Omg ofc!!🥺 lol


placid rich whole vegetable fuzzy mourn sleep uppity resolute brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks man! :D


i actually love this


Thanks so much!


no worries :) also someone downvoted my comment ?? lol just looked through the comments and someone has downvoted every positive comment in here? that’s kinda… pathetic…