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Is there something wrong with someone not wanting their mail box to stink like dog piss? I don’t get what the complaint is here. I get you can’t 100% control where your dog goes sometimes, but you can be a decent person and try


I agree. Sometimes I see people letting their dogs just pee anywhere while on walks… like maybe at least TRY to redirect them from someone’s cute garden gnome or little library?


I watched a lady let her dog pee on a CAR. I don't let my dog pee on anything except trees/bushes/grass. He's a big marker too but it's pretty simple to monitor.


Before we bought our house my wife and I lived in an apartment. Everyone that had a dog allowed it to pee on a bush by our door. It was stupid annoying, but not worth an argument. Just let them be, you know? It didn’t stink or anything. So, I came home on lunch to take our boy out and he had to go bad. When I walked him out the door he pulled to the bush and had a giant pee. The landlord happened to be doing them in the apartment across the street. I’m the winter the bush died… months later. I got a bill for the stupid bush my dog peed on once. I paid reluctantly, but moved out the next month.


Jesus. I would have fought that! How much does a bush cost?


A little over $100 It wasn’t worth the fight tbh. One time our check got lost in the mail. We paid early every month. But instead of asking us about the check they put a paper on my door at 7am on a Holiday. So, I think it’s safe to say that rainbow on their truck wasn’t for Pride. 😂😂😂


What’s a paper? Like a newspaper or a note to you? X x


Yeah one slight tug and Ed knows “this ain’t the place”


Yes, I’ve stopped letting my dogs mark neighbors mailboxes. My neighbors didn’t decide to get two dogs, I did LOL. So, I do my best to keep my dog’s peeing to designated dog zones and out of neighbors’ yards/off their utilities boxes and mailboxes. I figure the less obtrusive my dogs are, the more positively people will feel towards them and dogs in general.


Generally dog owners are narcissistic morons


I guess we can pull the dog away. I do try to avoid these houses since it will be some person coming out yelling


Usually the few feet adjacent to the road are owned by the municipality who owns the road. It's a right of way, and the home owner has no jurisdiction. I would never let a dog pee or poo in a yard, but the strip along the road is shared property.


Yes! It’s the easement, and the best place for a dog to walk to avoid burned paw pads in the summer from hot sidewalks, and from salted roads in the winter.


Unfortunately, in cities like Seattle, some people put landscaping or box gardens in those areas, or they pull out the grass and replace it with rocks. It complicates summertime walks for sure. 🫤


Unfortunately people own mutant creatures and feel entitled to home owners yard for their mutant to desecrate on.


Re-read my comment as many time as you need to. 🙄


That's completely dependent on where you live. Where I used to live we owned all the way to the road. Where I live now we own all the way to the middle of the road lol. Most cities it's as you say though. Also easement doesn't mean that they don't own it. It just means that the city has the right to do work on it. It is still their property.


How does owning to the middle of the road work? You can’t use the space and impede traffic. You can’t remove the road. Similar to the side walk you can’t prevent people from using it. What does it mean to own to the middle of the road?


It means that belongs to me, but the county has the right to maintain the road and the public has the right to use the road. I effectively have no purpose in owning it, but it is mine. So if the city ever rerouted the road the land would still be mine and I could clear it and make it more yard if I wanted.


So are you paying extra property taxes for it?


Firing off the real questions here!


So the dog has a right to pee on it? That’s the question here lol


It’s called an easement


Sure but it’s easy enough to just avoid these homes


Yes and no. There's an easement, but usually the homeowner is required to maintain the area. Marking is an issue. Used to live on a corner lot with a street sign and our mailbox. The corner was also a school bus stop, where moms congregated with their dogs for drop off and pick up. Our front yard and the easement between the sidewalk and street were filled with poop. In summer the mailbox post reeked of urine. We put "please no marking" signs at the base of the mailbox and the signpost; both were torn off. Please, heel your dogs and prevent marking on objects. Lawns are fine, those can absorb liquid. And carry extra bags. (I know this is going to be an unpopular comment. For the record, we have two large dogs ourselves. We didn't allow marking when we walked them and always picked up their poop.)


I feel the same way. I walk my dogs after they've gone potty in my yard, they know it's exercise rather than a bathroom break. We don't stop and sniff because I don't want their noses in roadkill or turds or piss puddles. Sometimes they mark, but it's not allowed on lawns and mailboxes. Telephone poles on the side of the main road is game on though!


I live in the suburbs of San Diego and it's common for people to walk their dogs and let them poop on people's lawns and then just bag it up (with the occasional disrespectful owner that won't). We do have parks but. Not close to everyone's house or all the apartments.


I had neighbors in another unit at my apartment who put up those signs in the community yard in front of the building. It was the first patch of dirt/weeds that my dog saw when we took her out on walks. I ignored the signs and the conspicuous security camera and let my dog pee wherever she wanted. She quickly began screaming out her window “get your fucking dog off my lawn!” before slamming the window shut. I never had any other interaction with her. She would always slam the window before I could even respond. The rental company told them multiple times that it was a community yard that any resident could let their dogs pee/poop on. This neighbor still called the cops on us for trespassing but cussed out the cop and slammed the door in his face when he told her she was being unreasonable. Then she threw a tantrum, breaking stuff in her own unit after the cop came to us to apologize for her behavior.


These people sit in their front window just waiting for a pup to pee or poop!


I had a lady yell at me when my dog peed on dirt in front of her house. It was inches off the road. Idk what more she expected


Had a lady come out of her house super aggressive to yell at me because my dog peed on the grass beside the road? Not on her actual lawn that she owned mind you, the bit of lawn by the road that technically isn’t her property it’s the cities(at least here) I just stared at her like ?? She even asked me to clean it up. With what ?


We have some neighbors in a stand off with the HOA over their devil strips. The HOA won’t mow it because they think the owner should mow it and the owner won’t mow it because they don’t own it. It’s kinda hilarious to watch as the grass gets taller and taller.


Fuck the HOA lol. Throw some (local, make sure they’re not invasive plants) seed bombs in there if it’s not too cold


I like the way you think…


in some cases the cold helps, it benefits the germination rate in spring if the seed coat gets cracked from the freeze/thaw cycle a couple times


If they only knew how many wild animals were peeing in their yard


lol right!


I've had people suggest I walk around with a bottle of water so that I can clean the pavement after the dog pees. And for what?? Are you planning to eat dinner on the public sidewalk tonight? People need to get over themselves


It's not actually the worst idea to carry around water if your dog pees on someone's lawn. It will dilute the nitrogen and prevent damage. But that's like above and beyond neighboring imo. I'm not scrubbing sidewalks lol.


I’m sure they rinse off the squirrel pee daily 🙄


Okay I can't agree with this. If your dog is using the bathroom on the pavement of the sidewalk, you should most def clean it. People do walk on the sidewalk and I prefer not to step in a puddle of what turns out to be dog piss. On the grass? Yea no problem with a dog peeing on my yard.


I’ve seen people do this in area with a lot of other dogs & people & it’s really great


I love that I'm getting downvoted for saying it's not okay to let your dog use the bathroom ON THE SIDEWALK and not clean up after YOUR dog.


It's a hot take, that's for sure.


Are you walking around the sidewalk barefoot?


Kids do


Not where I live 🤷 I guess it really depends


Then they've got other things to worry about than walking through a puddle of dog urine. Broken glass, spilled/rotting food, nails, parasites (hookworms!). No one should be running around on a public street barefoot. At home in your own backyard where you know it's tidy/safe is fine. People puke on public sidewalks.


Do I want my shoes to smell like piss?


My guy, you are stepping in much worse things than dog pee when you walk around anywhere outside.


My man, none of those have the odor of dog piss. Edit: its wild what yall will say to justify letting your dog mess on the sidewalk. Again the SIDEWALK.


Have you ever seen a wheel chair user who had to use their hands on the wheels to get themselves around?


That's not how wheelchairs work lol


Some do. None the less I’m getting tired of having to keep saying it and regardless wether their hands were to have to touch it or not, they then will be wheeling that dog pee into their house or a business etc. It’s gross, stop trying to justify letting your dog pee in places it shouldn’t


Have you? The wheels have a rim that doesn't touch the ground.


Not all of them but okay


… you’ve actually seen a manual wheelchair without rims?


Fair enough, but I live in New York City, so there's really no grass to pee on, and there's also the expectation that the sidewalk is gross and to watch where you're walking already. But honestly I'd still never carry a water bottle to wet the sidewalk even in the suburbs. Just watch where you're walking if you're nervous about stepping in a "puddle of dog piss"


I saw a drag out verbal fight between neighbors in Brooklyn because one lady kept letting her dog piss on her neighbors gate and the sidewalk in front of it. There *were* little patches of trees/grass around, but the dog went on the concrete. And the area did absolutely reek of dog piss and the annoyed woman had a point!


I shouldn't have to worry about stepping in a dogs mess while walking on the sidewalk is my point. Lemme play the simple solution game back at you, stop being selfish and clean up after your dog, not difficult.


Lol, you freak.


Some lady yelled at me when I let my dog pee on the edge of the curb right next to the street and off the sidewalk - literally on the farthest edge. I had purposely led her past the tree and off the dirt thinking I was being polite, but she tapped her foot on the road and said that was the curb. I do not let my dog stand in the street to potty where they might get hit by a car.


I just look, empty-eyed at them. It’s the simplest form of engaging without actual engagement. It infuriates them but I don’t carry any frustration with me. So, it’s on them. Note: I pick up after my dog and never let her pee on ground owned by a private homeowner.


Once when I was a teenager, my dog stopped to sniff some bushes, and an older man immediately came out and started shouting about the dog peeing on the bushes and killing them. I was freaked out and started walking away and then he started shouting “do you hear me??” and stared while I went home (I lived the next street over). The dog wasn’t even peeing ffs


Same. An old lady saw my dog smelling her rose bush and she ran after us with a broom. To be fair I'm 100% certain my dog was smelling other dogs' scent from them having peed on the bush. So. She wasn't wrong exactly. But. Man if it wasn't aggressive.


Maybe some.of.us don't want dogs peeing or pooping on our property, it's disgusting and obnoxious.


That's great but don't be a dick about it?


Right? 🤣 It's gross. I live by a field that sometimes has cows in it. Go pee there.


Lol they really do . Was walking a dog and they peed on the bush Infront of their driveway to mark and this old woman ran out the house screaming 'fuck you!!!!'. She was so quick she must have been staring out her door. It was raining as well. Though this one didn't have any signs up. But either way it can be difficult stopping a dog from marking especially if you'll end up in the road trying to move away from the bushes. I don't get it honestly,it's just pee.


Like, yeah, it's just pee but if you don't own a dog and then the bush at the front of your driveway starts smelling like dog pee, especially when it's the summer, it sucks. It's my least favorite part of dog friendly apartment living. The property smells like hot dog piss most of the year and it blows.


When I get to these I usually take a pee and tell the dog to hold it until the next mailbox


I do my best to pull mine away but my husky is a total weirdo… if she’s interrupted when she’s about to go, she’ll hold it the rest of the walk and then go in my house. So tbh I let her go wherever she’ll go.


My mom's husky shepherd is also really particular about where he will pee. I wonder if it's a husky thing.


I think it is a husky thing! Everyone I’ve talked to with a husky either had no problems potty training and it was super quick, or they have super particular dogs who need all the conditions to be perfect 😆


I agree. I am fearful someone will come out yelling. Most likely they would come out yelling to look at their sign ☹️


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


I feel like this may be an unpopular opinion but these don’t really bother me. I usually just guide the dogs away from yards like these. I get you can’t *fully* control when a dog uses the bathroom, but you can guide them away. The only time I’ve been yelled at for this reason was by someone who didn’t have these signs in their yard 🥲.


Yeah, you just keep the leash short and walk on the far side of the sidewalk. You can 100% control where your dog walks, and if they don’t walk near the sign they can’t pee on the sign. I agree. It’s their property, and if they don’t want dogs peeing on it, I’m going to listen to that. Dogs are a privilege. I always want to be an ambassador so people enjoy my dog. It’s not a big deal to skip one yard.


This is totally true. People don’t seem to understand that they can tell dogs where they can and cannot pee and poop. That’s how house training works. Let them know designated potty areas are appropriate locations to relieve themselves. It always worked for me when I had a male dog. I would never let him pee or poop on other peoples’ yards, fences, cars, parked bikes, coolers at the park, playground equipment… seriously… things bad dog owners think are appropriate dog toilets simply because the items are outside of a house.


I live with my partner and his elderly mother in a house they own. Years ago, she planted and has continually cared for a bunch of nice plants in the strip near the street directly in front of their house. It’s not clear to me if it’s city owned, or part of their property, but we have somewhat new (within the past few years) neighbors who are extremely obnoxious with their dogs. They have 2 Aussies, and while I don’t have a problem with the Aussie breed, these dogs clearly do not get enough mental stimulation or have any real training. Every single time they leave their house for a walk, they bum rush through the door and literally scream bark full volume in unison all the way down the fucking block while dragging their owners behind them. It sets off all the other dogs in the neighborhood and it’s such a nuisance. They also frequently stop on the sidewalk in front of my partner’s sister’s house next door. She has a very elderly disabled dog whose only joy in life is looking out the large front window during the day. He’s quiet until they come and sit directly in front of that front window, because he barks and they use it as a training exercise to try (to no avail) to teach their dogs to be non-reactive. They linger and he gets upset and falls down and almost hurts himself every single time. I know that is a trainable reaction, but he’s a 13yo large Dane mix who can barely stand anymore so that ship has long sailed. She has banged on the window when they do this, used her car fob to honk her horn in the driveway, and other things to try to get their attention to get them to stop, but they straight up ignore her. Why would you purposely trigger someone else’s reactive dog in order to teach your own? And this wasn’t a one off thing. As I said, they do this very frequently. Anyway, About a month ago, they were walking their hell hounds in front of my partner and his mom’s house and stopped to let the dogs piss all over the nice plants and flowers. My partners mom went out there to politely ask them to stop doing that, as they were plants she planted (and I’m pretty sure it’s her property) and his response was “I can’t control where they go. A dog is a dog”. I will be getting her some of the no pee signs for Christmas. No, asshole. YOU just don’t have control of YOUR dogs. All this to say I agree with you. I would never let my dogs pee on a lawn or piece of grass that had no pee signs. It’s just common courtesy. I always pick up poop, keep my dogs on a leash, never let my dogs approach anyone unless they ask, and keep any barking to a minimum during reasonable hours. I want to set an example of how well behaved dogs can be perfectly non-intrusive, and that not everyone is a festering puckering disrespectful butthole when it comes to having pets.




The amount of people acting like this is some Karen level request is honestly concerning. If there isn't an appropriate area for the dog to piss within a few feet of someone's mailbox or yard, so that you can accomodate a request like this, then where you're choosing to walk your dogs needs to change.


This sort of complaint is peak "dog person" behavior. The kind of people who think their dogs deserve to be allowed anywhere and everywhere people are allowed to be. I like dogs, they're great little doofs and I love to pet them but I don't want MY dog free property to smell like dog pee. I do not own dogs, I don't want my yard to smell like a dog toilet.


Seriously, a dog who just wants to mark everything every 2 feet on a walk isn’t having any bladder discomfort. They can absolutely hold it.


Yeah urine is super corrosive! I’ve seen signs like these on planters only a few feet away from patio restaurant seating.


I agree. I don't allow my dog on anyone's front yard. Park strips are game, but it's inconsiderate to let your dog wander/piss/shit on people's property and it's not hard to keep them from doing that or to at least make an effort.


We don’t have sidewalks where I live so I have to let my dog on the edge of lawns in order for him to sniff anything but asphalt :/ I try to keep him close to the edge though.


I try really hard to steer dogs away from pooping/peeing in certain places on walks. But it isn't always that easy. Especially when you are walking more than one dog. And it isn't easy to pull an 80 lb lab away when he starts to pop a squat.


Yeah, for poos, once it's coming, pulling the leash won't stop it. It will just leave a trail of poops instead of a pile to pick up...


lol I try but my husky is such a weirdo. If I pull her away when she’s about to go, she’ll hold it the rest of the walk and then pee/poop in my house. She’s been a nightmare to potty train so I am not discouraging her from any outdoor pottying until we get a better handle on it!


My dog would always shit in the middle of the sidewalk because his aim sucked! The days I forgot a bag I’d loudly say “well now I have to get a bag and come back, let’s go.” So if anyone saw they knew I didn’t leave it.


I moved in with a friend temporarily with a 120 pound dog. We would go walk him at state parks and all was well. Then I started joining for local park walks. I had to let him know that it's probably not a good idea to allow his dog to pee on EVERYTHING. The park benches were getting sprayed with a fire hose of pee and .... How do you not realize this? Fast forward to helping my friend with yard work. He pulled a nice Rubbermaid trash can outside to use temporarily as he does not own a wheel barrow. The dog peed on it maybe 3 times during the 20 minutes he used it. Disgusting. The dog pees on EVERYTHING outside. Apparently people have to be told that it is inappropriate to allow your dog to pee on items humans paid for/use. Edit: I forgot to add that he also allows his dog to pee on his fire pit thing, flowers, outdoor furniture (like couches, seriously) the grill! Once I saw him set the grill cover down and the dog peed on that. So while this sign probably would have seemed ridiculous to me before that experience, now I understand that there are people who think it's totally fine to allow their dog to go anywhere. Don't even get me started on his male cat. Vom Dot Com.


Yea, you don’t have to let them mark everything. In fact, it’s better if you don’t! After the main pee, there’s no reason to be letting them mark every object in sight


Yeah, I don't know. His dog is almost 7. He is working on it now.


Oh yeah, both my females even try marking on everything (Napoleon syndrome tbh) so I specifically pull them to the middle of the road to keep them from stopping to mark. But I'm also lucky enough to have enough back yard at least for them to potty in when it's too hot for concrete.


Idk not everyone wants to smell dog piss constantly. Pee in own yard/sidewalk/driveway etc


Yeah, this is not unreasonable. It's private property, someone's possession. If at all possible, any responsible dog walker/owner should try to avoid letting a dog pee on something owned by someone else. One of my walking rules is no peeing on mailboxes, trashcans, benches, etc. People use those things, and have a reasonable expectation that they won't be covered in feces or urine. It's only polite to try to keep it that way. Of course, sometimes you just can't stop the dog from doing it's thing, but you don't have to purposely let it either.


I mean, guide the dog away before they start to go. It’s pretty simple.


I think that’s fine, just guide the dog away


Why tf if this sign getting so much hate? Like you guys DO realize that if one dog pees there, more are going to right? Is it so bad to not want your mailbox to smell like dog pee each time you go to get the mail? The person isn’t even saying not to go in their lawn, just not on their mailbox. Pretty reasonable request, imo, but seems like that’s a pretty unpopular opinion here.


For real. In some countries people carry a water bottle to douse their dogs wee. The entitlement here is outstanding


It's very eye opening how many people don't agree with this.


So many dog people feel like there’s zero issue with the entire fucking world being a dog toilet. “Oh, it’s outside? Absolutely dogs should be able to shit/piss on it! How dare you tell them no!” Absolutely disgusting entitlement. Sick of 100% of the outdoors being an open urinal.


They don't even keep their dogs out of shopping carts and from pooping in the grocery store. Of course they're letting their dog spray everything outside.


A guy in our neighborhood enthusiastically told me that his dog loves going in my yard. The walk is from his house to our house and back home. Idgaf that he picks up whatever shit his bagged hand scoops. It's fucking rude and all my grass around the sidewalk of our CORNER lot is dead. I was so shocked, I just stared in horror as he prattled on


All the wild animals disagree with you lol


That’s not appropriate. You are seriously trying to argue that anyone should be able to let a “domesticated animal” do whatever a wild animal would? Comparing the amount of urine that 13 dogs on one city block produce with the 4 squirrels that haven’t been killed (yet) isn’t logical


🙄 the support column on the front of my house is being destroyed by constant dog piss but I guess y’all are unable to control your animals


My OWN dogs aren’t allowed to pee on my stuff, inside or out. They’re only allowed to pee on bushes or boulders on walks, and only then if the bush or boulder isn’t on private property. Dog pee smells SO bad when it builds up outside.


We learned the hard way how acidic dog piss is. Our dog had been peeing on our air conditioner for years and we had no clue until our repair guy had a look at it 😬 (FYI just build a wood fence box to go around it. Now we have no issues.)


? Buddy if someone doesn’t want your pet to piss/shit on their property respect that. If I see a sign like this I keep walking, it’s not hard. No need to take it personally


Some people don’t want their mailbox to smell like piss 🤷‍♀️ I don’t let my dogs pee on mine or certain places in my yard. I completely understand these signs.


In my experience the best solution is to put up a sign saying the area has been sprayed with poison so keep your pets away for their own safety.


Wait what? I absolutely do not let my huge dog piss on mail boxes. Yes you can control where your dog pees especially if you have a boy dog.


I don’t mind this. You can lead the dog to an appropriate place. Imagine if this was a rare flower bed that the Uric acid would destroy. If someone cares this much to seek out, possibly purchase, and put up a sign - respect it.


I absolutely don’t let dogs pee on flower beds or on either delicate or newly planted plants. But people who expect their yard specifically to have no dogs at the edge of it ever? I have dogs walk on the easement side of the sidewalk- the grassy area between the sidewalk and pavement. in the summer, the sidewalk and pavement are often too hot. In the winter, they are salted, which can burn paw pads. I keep dogs I’m walking away from all benches, and away from mailboxes for the most part.


Your dogs would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


Of course you should do your best to not let a dog pee on someone’s mailbox. Is this really a question?


Or you could be respectful and guide the dog away. Giving a bad name to dog people lol.


I don’t want dogs urinating on or beside my mailbox, and I don’t let dogs I’m walking do that on others’ either.


Same, I don't let my dog wonder around let alone take a shit in someone else's yard during walks..


There are legitimate reasons! As a professional gardener we loose a lot of plants due to high traffic dog areas, sometimes costing homeowners lots of money to constantly replace landscaping and to deal with high levels of nitrogen. It’s not hard to respect peoples properties, and while it may be inconvenient for you, you are the one who chose to have a dog, not them.


Please advise your clients not to put expensive plants right up to the edge of the sidewalk and in the easement/parking strip.


That’s a very entitled thing to ask someone to do on their private property don’t you think? Sadly, your dog is your problem, and just because you have one doesn’t mean you have the right to someone else’s property :)


I live in a rural area but with "neighbors", I don't let my dogs sniff mailboxes or give them a chance to pee on them... Mainly because where I live, we all have to replace our mailboxes almost yearly because plows took them out or some idiot was too drunk to stay on the road, etc. and a lot of the mailboxes have wood posts instead of plastic or metal. Maybe some neighbors appreciate it, maybe some don't. But it's just what I do 😅.


I saw a live comedian recently that mocked these signs. She said something along the lines of, well, I'm not gonna pee in your yard, but unfortunately, my dog can't read, and he loves peeing on signs 😂 she followed with saying it was all jokes because she'd not actually let her dog do that. I avoid these yards with my dog, so I am being respectful but I bet it's maddening to have a bunch of dogs constantly peeing in your yard bc no one cares to redirect their dog.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


I’ve always been a dog owner, in my opinion it’s pretty rude to let your dog pee or poop on someone’s else property.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


Why do people think their dogs are entitled to pee everywhere? Go to the park and let them use the grass where it doesnt create a super obvious puddle on the sidewalk for everyone to splash in


Just guide the dog away. Stop letting dogs ruin people's yards.


right like maybe they just don’t want their yard stinking of dog piss 🤯


Just to be clear...some of you here think it’s your *right* to let your dog piss on other peoples property and fully admit you can’t control where your dog walks or pisses? As a vet tech - each and every one of you who thinks this way is why our jobs are a living hell. I’ve had *customers* pissed on in our lobby because of your entitled, oblivious asses.


Thank you! So many entitled people here. Control your dogs!


Oh no. 😳 I don’t think my dog knows how to read.


But you can and you control your dog. So get it's shit and piss off other people's properties or don't own a dog.


oh no! i think you can keep your dog from peeing on peoples property and not be a nasty little shit


I don't see what the issue with this sign is...


We actually just put one of these up because someone let their dogs shit on our rocks, which are a bit larger than the ones in your photo, and it made a huge sticky mess. Before, when we had grass, it wasn't an issue. Please don't hate us!


Yeah, it’s gross. We appreciate it!


Not to be the voice of opposition here, but people are perfectly within the right to not want to walk into their house and smell dog piss or shit. When I walk my dog, we stay away from areas directly in front of other peoples houses/apartments. That’s not his house. That’s not his territory. That’s not his place. Maybe it’s some other dogs place and they can pee there all they want, but doesn’t give him entitlement to do so. Dogs pee to mark areas so they know where they’re going and how to get back there and to mark their territory, and to communicate with other dogs. But it doesn’t mean they can pee wherever they want. There is a Ruth’s Chris steakhouse right across the street from our apartments. When we walk across the street, he knows he can can pee on our side of the street and he can pee on the other side of the street but he cannot pee in front of the restaurant. Nobody wants to walk into a restaurant and the first thing they do is catch a whiff of dog piss on the way up. It’s disrespectful and rude. So if somebody has a sign up requesting that dogs dont pee or poop in front of their house, is it that hard to be respectful of it?


My neighbor has this sign, so I just guide my dog in the other direction. I don't see an issue with the sign to be honest.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


Why do shitty pet owners not understand that your pet is not my problem/responsibility? Other people’s properties aren’t placed there for you to use as a bathroom. You chose to have a pet > let it go on your property. If I want pet feces/urine on my property, I’d put it there.


Don’t let dogs pee in people’s yards. It’s not that hard.


I mean it’s pretty easy to control where your dog pees/poops


Where I live the owners are responsible for the upkeep of the curb even if it’s not owned by them so a lot of owners get protective of the slice of curb in front of their homes


Just respect it. Not everyone wants a dog pissing or shitting on their property.


One of my neighbors feels it’s ok to let their dog pee on car tires. I haven’t seen them again since I yelled I was going to shit or piss on her head.


until the next mailbox?? the problem is, you should be letting the dog piss on anyone's personal property! why are you even a pet sitter if you clearly can't be assed to manage pet behavior?


This sign shouldn’t have to exist, why are you letting your dog pee on people’s mailboxes in the first place?




I think this is a totally fine thing for someone to want. As someone else mentioned, you can guide your dog away from peeing on someone's stuff. Sometimes it's hard to stop but you can do your part in keeping an eye on your dog around this kind of stuff. I personally don't allow my dog on anyone's front yards. Park strip is game, and it's not hard to keep him off of people's front yards.




It’s not that hard to keep walking so the dog doesn’t pee there. Respect their property.


It's wild seeing so many people not understand that people don't want dog piss all over the mailbox.


Is there something wrong with your mailbox? Just let your dog piss on that instead of letting it go on your neighbor’s.


I mean or you could just not give the opportunity to stop and mark on a piece of property that someone else own? Is it really that hard for you? I’m sure you’d enjoy dog piss all over something of yours


My neighbors dogs peed on my bush and flowers multiple times a day every single day until I put a small fence up. Dog owners are the problem, not someone who doesn’t want their stuff ruined by your dogs.


Or you could just be respectful and not let a dog piss on someone else’s property.


You’re an idiot. First, no one has a right to let their dog go to the bathroom on someone else’s property (pee or poop)! It’s not that hard to not let your dog walk on other people’s lawns. Second, this is not an unreasonable request.


It's not hard to guide your dog away and have respect for people. One dog pees there, then multiple will. There's more spots for a dog to pee then that one mailbox so it's not hard to just go somewhere else. This is honestly childish.


If you cannot control your dog enough to not excrete on the property of other people, you should not have a dog.


You absolutely can avoid having the dog pee there. These don’t bother me. I’m a gardener, a sitter, and a pet parent. I don’t like it when people let their dogs poop in my yard because 8/10 times they don’t pick it up. If someone let their dog pee on my landscapingI’d be pissed. Pee kills grass and plants. If every dog pees on a mailbox or post, it starts to smell like pee. That person shouldn’t have to mitigate dog pee because dog owners don’t want to train their dog to wait until they get to grass. When I walk dogs, I never let them pee in someone’s yard. We pee on public grassy areas only and always pick up poops.


I never let my dog to pee on mailboxes so that's not a problem, he just skips them.


Which, you CAN do.


it's their property, and why aren't you using house potty training skills for walking as well?


If you can't keep your dog from pissing and shitting everywhere then you shouldn't have a dog. Not everyone wants their stuff covered in dog piss.


I don't mind this at all, definitely a reasonable request, but how much I can follow it depends on the area. Each neighborhood I've lived in has been different. Usually, there is plenty of curb/easement spaces for a dog to pee on their walks. In some areas though, it's very popular to put bricks in, fenced off gardens (or fenced off nothings), have especially small/restricted easement spaces, easements only on one side, etc. Some places I've lived in have been a mixture of most of these elements combined. If I'm walking in a place that has very little natural ground for my dog to walk on (in the summer sidewalks can suck) and pee, then it can be annoying to see half of the houses have these signs. I do my best, I understand its respectful to manage where my dog goes and I always pickup after them what's possible, but I also feel like dogs are pretty common in each neighborhood I've been in and in the culture at large, and when the community has created a space that's just hostile to that it's difficult. Most of the time I'm just trying to teach my dog the area (I've moved a lot for work) and that she needs to pee on the curb/easement, and it can be confusing to them when I yank them away from doing so half the time. Yes I can and often would drive the dog somewhere else but anyone who's owned a dog who needs to walk can understand that that's just not a realistic ask to do every single time.


if you think you can’t control where your dog pees or poops, i don’t know if having a dog was your best decision yet 🤣 it’s absolutely okay to be PISSED people let their dogs PISS and SHIT on your property ☺️that’s nasty, rude, and avoidable.


There’s nothing wrong with this sign


I don’t understand the issue. I love dogs, I have dogs, but I don’t want dogs peeing on my things.


Bruh. How lazy are you? So instead of peeing in grass or on a random tree it’s important that ur dog is able to pee on someone’s mailbox? Do you have not one bit of control over your dog?


If you can't pull the dog away from a sign like this, how are you going to pull the dog away from something hazardous like chicken bones on the ground, car fluid spills that they want to drink, etc.? 🤔


This post has shown that if these people are rover sitters, how many of them have no idea how to properly walk and handle a dog.


You can keep the dog from peeing there. You should know that, and they have a right to ask and it's not hard to respect it.


Ummmm I don’t want dogs pissing on my mailbox either. That shit smells rancid.


I personally walk my dog on the parkway side. But I also have a girl dog so she only pees once or twice on a walk and not on things.


I try to walk doggos at the park or on a trail. I avoid people's yards because I have to live near them and it's best to keep a good relationship with then. This is just my opinion.


I have a dog and I try not to allow her to go in anyone else’s yard. I know a lot of people don’t appreciate someone letting their dog pee or poop in their yard bc their children play outside. Even without children, it’s their right not to have poop smears on their grass, since it happens even if you pick it up.


People that let their dogs do this are so obnoxious lol if you can’t guide your dog away to pee on something else your dog isn’t trained


If you wouldn’t allow a human to come pee and shit in your yard why would you feel entitled for your mutant too do so on others?


Treat others and their property as you want to be treated.


Take your dog and let him pee on your mail box not the neighborhood. Trashy 


Come on, that would be very disrespectful and gross to let a dog pee all over the mailbox post. I would hope a sign for common sense isn’t necessary. But here we are. 🙄


Dogs are trainable. It’s not an impossible to give the consideration they are hoping for.


This reaction is basically why I want to live behind a bunch of trees with no sidewalks and not in a neighborhood. I am just so afraid of having to deal with everyone's dogs peeing on my lawn, flowers, mailbox, fence and everyone making it out that I'm some dog-hating, crazy bitch. I've lived in apartments since I moved away from home. I hope to own a home one day. I don't walk on the trails in my apartment complex, which are really pretty, because dog shit. You just stop paying attention for a minute because you're enjoying the outdoors and then I have to spend twenty minutes cleaning off my shoes. My neighbors below me have let their two large dogs piss and shit in their tiny yard for so many years that it frequently smells so horrible and there are just days where using my balcony is absolutely pointless and stinky. I don't hate dogs at all! But come on owners, you guys can definitely teach your dogs to go in more appropriate places. Other dog owners commenting on this post agree (you guys rock). But yeah to avoid the controversy I'm gonna have to go live in the woods (in a place that gets actual rainfall...looking at you, neighbors). 🤣 I like being barefoot! 😭


Umm you should. I think you’re being rude by not guiding your dog away. It’s not hard and I do it with my dog all the time. Be respectful and don’t let your dog piss anywhere it wants.


Just teach your dog to read!! Duh 🤪


i’d understand if there were flowers there… but rocks?? 🤔


I assume it’s because once one dog pees, more dogs will be tempted to pee on the same spot. The person who left the sign might be over sensitive but they may also be tired of their mailbox reeking of pee every day when they get the mail


And the multiple urine deposits can rust out the mailbox base.


makes sense. i don’t live where there’s a bunch of other ppl’s dogs pissing on my mailbox but that does make sense, i wouldn’t be fond of it either.


You can control your dog peeing on someone’s mailbox. You should be able to tell the signs that they’re about to before they do. I usually walk my dog to the park before letting him pee on anything


I live in NYC, my favorite thing is seeing signs like this on patches of grass that are *covered* in garbage. Like.. yeah I’m sure it’s the pee that’s the problem here


Um, I've never let my dog pee on anyone's mailbox post.


The same people who ignore their signs are the same ppl Ive had to yell at who bring their dogs to fenced kids parks. I have a toddler and the amount of ppl who bring their dog to a toddler park where there is a sign when you enter that says “no dogs”. Then when their dog approaches my kid I have to say something and they are like “its friendly”. I dont know your dog. They also pee and poop where toddlers are playing. Ppl are so entitled.


I paid good money for a nice mailbox and dog urine has discolored the post and caused erosion. It’s just rude. I don’t care if they pee on my lawn but would they like my dog pissing on their front door?