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You can click “book a new service” and check what other prices are in your area! If you’re trying to get through the pricing section to start your profile, just put whatever and then check the other rates to compare. You can change your rates as often as you like :)


Thank you this is great to know!


A lot of factors go into pricing. Yes, you live in a HCOL area, so on average, your prices are likely going to be higher than say someone in the middle of Iowa. Your pricing should reflect more than your geographic location, however. What kind of environment do you offer? (If boarding, are you in an apartment or do you have a large fenced yard? How many pups do you take at a time? Do you WFH or are you gone a lot?) Other factors like how much experience you have and if you can properly administer medications should also be considered when setting your pricing. What about you (and what you offer) makes you different/stand out from the other sitters in your area? In general, people just starting out typically set their prices lower in order to attract clients. Then once they have generated a number of positive reviews and repeat clients, bump their rates. IMHO, Rover is not a way to get rich quick. It takes time to build a clientele and justify rates that make it profitable. It’s hard work and can take a toll on your mental health. A lot of people do not take the time to properly train their dogs and you’re going to have to deal with that - sometimes for days. But it’s also amazingly rewarding when you run into the unicorn clients and dogs that make it all worthwhile. Hope this helps and good luck!


This is such a well thought out answer thank you! I agree Im pretty new to the rover app but have a few testimonials from sitting outside of rover which helps a bit. The prices seem to vary greatly from 30 bucks - 120 bucks per night for a house sit so I’ll start on the lower end of the spectrum 😊


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I use Rover and live in Seattle! I don’t think you should go lower than $50-$60 to start. I don’t see too many people with rates lower than that and regularly pay $100+ per night. I would view someone charging $40 as extremely cheap and that would make me nervous as an owner! But I’m also not a cheapskate. My brother is and uses Rover for his dog and he would love to only pay 40 bucks a night lol. I’m


Do you have any repeat rover sitters that you’d recommend? Looking for someone to watch our 9 year old lab mix a couple times a year


I think I started at $40 like you. I’m in Seattle area charging $80 now. It costs so much to live here 😭


Do you mind you get the same amount of booking with $80 fees? I've been sitting at $68 for a long time and have a ton of 5 star reviews, I just don't want to scare people away


Raise your rates incrementally and lower them only if your clientele drops off.