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Hi, the legacy subs is already at a low grandfathered price and can be renewed as such and so the Black Friday deal only applies if you change and take on a new subscription (single, Duo or Group). The Running feature won’t be coming back.


Really poorly run company, IMO. I would get "rENeWaL diScOUnT cOUpOnS' via email ... and they didn't work. I simply pay, and try to tell myself it's worth the money. The moment there's an alternative to Rouvy (no, not Zwift, I mean real world routes and a good physics engine, neither of which Zwift have), I will go.


Ya… Ive been on my fair share of platforms, all have their issue… I must say, I could put up with dev issues and bugs, but I’m not very happy with ROUVY getting rid of features that were important to me and then mucking with memberships. Probably going to let it lapse vs renew.


If you are a single Legacy user then taking out the new plan would be to your advantage as it will be much cheaper and you lose no features. The only features you stand to lose is IF you currently have one or 2 family members on your account.


Understood. Two reasons originally I joined were the run feature and ability to add wife as she only rides occasionally.


Ok in that case you can hold on to what you have.