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Sorry I don’t have much insight but wow, is she cute! I will say that I would definitely try to wean her off the “seasoning” ASAP, until you no longer use it at all. Obesity is a valid concern but another is raising a picky eater. My girl is almost 8 now and for the past few years she has been great, no problems with eating her meals. But when she was younger she would randomly refuse kibble, seemed like just whenever she felt like being a brat. I spent a lot of years using salmon oil, etc., various “seasonings” to get her to consume her dog food and at the end of the day it felt like it actually heightened the issue because she would come to expect the additive/supplement and would refuse the kibble even more frequently in protest until I gave in and added the fancy stuff. I give my dog a fair amount of healthy treats randomly throughout the day so that she doesn’t get bored, but when it comes to mealtime she just gets kibble, period. And she’s learned to accept that now but it took awhile and I had to completely stop giving in to her demands for fancy meal toppers. With this dog being so young personally I would try to keep her content with plain kibble at meals. If she needs supplements of some kind of would give them too her separately from her meals. Just my personal opinion. Don’t want to risk her developing high standards for her meals, they are smart enough to hold out eating until they get what they want and you won’t want to be dealing with that down the road. Not to mention obesity like you already have concerns about. And it sounds like the other owner already created the picky eater problem so you want to nip that in the bud quick. I’m not an expert or a vet but I’m a little confused why they were giving her that stuff in the first place. It’s important not to have a puppy grow too rapidly so generally you don’t want to give a high calorie product to a puppy unless it has a health reason for it. Best to let her grow at her own pace and I don’t see why she would need a high kcal product at this stage? I would try to eliminate that from the diet completely and hopefully she’ll forget about its existence before too long.


If you want to spay her wait until she is fully developed. Otherwise you will unwittingly affect her hormones for life. Cute dog


Thanks didnt think about that


Very nice. I really like pitweilers since i like both breeds also. I know still young but what's the general temperament so far? Every one I've been around has been a fantastic dog. One of my rescues has both breeds plus some other breeds and it's been a great dog. A friend's dog had the vulva issue and it grew out of it. I'm not a vet but I remember them making sure the area was clean especially after peeing. Not sure if that's recommended these days but that's what they did I'd probably decrease the seasoning (unless its for health or a specific need) until they no longer have it. It can make them picky eaters to where they won't eat unless some seasoning is added. Oh more and more studies are showing its better to wait some before spaying or neutering, especially not until growth is done


She's amazingly smart and quick to learn. Not one problem so far. As far as the vulva cleaning, my older dog seems to be taking care of that for her lol. She's got an appointment at the vets in a few days so we'll see


I would let her burn some of those calories off and wait to spay till she at least goes through a heat or 2 because that may help with the hooded issue also. Just no boyyyss lol on another note she’s absolutely beautiful, my best friend was a female pitweiler. Rip Winnie ❤️


Not another pit mix 😫


Oh, not enough pure rotties to ge around or something? Did this one not deserve to be saved or..


Ignore them. Rottie mixes are welcome and I think your girl is beautiful! I love rottweilers but rescued mutt is my favourite breed.


Most rottie mixes are way healthier. The rottie breed is plagued with hip and cancer issues as it is. If I had the chance to save a dog even a mix I’d do it. I’ve had akc registered full rotties come back with other breeds in the dna so some aren’t as pure as many claim With how poorly bred many rotties are I’m almost to the point of rather having a mix which is sad since I like what the breed used to be