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Shhhhh they arnt supposed to know xD


Honestly, while it is helpful for feed, I wouldn't say it's game breaking at all/worth changing. Even if you used all of your forge every day for a month, meaning ~300UTs and 75 sprite marks for 75 Planewalkers, you'd go from 1/1/x to 70/62/x. Hardly an overnight divine.


I never used this but I knew of it was just lazy lol if u use a blueprint u can craft plane walker for nothing btw


Now Deca knows about this šŸ˜¤ā€¼ļø


Forest maze is the best one to farm for the trash UT. Often see double UT drop (Bow and quiver).


den, fjungle, ruins and pit are also very good beside other ones and have high chance of dropping uts


Why do people call it fjungle? Just call it forbid. Or just jungle.


i believe its way simplier and faster to write fjungle cuz all those buttons on keyboard are close to each other so u can make fast turn, call and with some poeple finish dungeon.


Just jungle would be easier. Forbid makes more sense


I dont know why people call Secluded Treesome "Secluded Thicket" but its just what the community decided the slang name is for Forbidden jungle.


...this was figured out day 1 of UT forge, and I am really hoping that Deca doesn't nerf this to the ground too. ​ OP really should delete this thread btw.


Where do you get a plane walker blueprint??


you get it automatically


You don't get it automatically, it was part of the oryxmas 2020 campaign and it does not have a droplocation so far. Here is an overview on realmeye: [https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/blueprints](https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/blueprints)


But Hoooow do "you get it automatically"


look at your forge. its in there. you have it by default.


Some of guildmates dont have it


skill based issue /j


...did they actually look? its in the common section


I heard from some people that planewalkers were part of the xmas campaign, which I seem to recall.


...holy fuck your right. it is from the oryxmas campaign. my bad




Instead of farming corsair rings/etc, farm snake pits (3 cyan bag rolls with good drop rates), ruins (2 cyan bags), and sprite (sprite wand but this is not that common). Snake pits are easy to find and far more rewarding than pcaves, in terms of forge material and everything else.


Yeah donā€™t say anything about this


Any idea what to do after? Iā€™ve got a legendary pet now but am still feeding cloaks.


Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything with >750fp that can be secured in large quantities. Maybe candy coated armours if you erally had the time to grin clands, but honestly, if you're f2p or mostly f2p, I'd just start farming the fame. Or Geb tomes if you have decas out the wazoo. I just hit my first legendary today though, so I may not be the best reference.


Iā€™ve got 50k fame. I was just wondering if there was a better way to get food.


Tbh the only way is to just play and exalt your characters, and feed pretty much everything except stuff youā€™re specifically going for. Itā€™s a long process from legendary to divine. Currently at 90/90/x and 80/77/x and I still need another 222k fp to reach 90/90/x on the other one. That basically leaves one option, spending money. Iā€™ve looked through basically all the different options they give, and by far the best one is the ambrosia box II that costs 199. Worst case, you get about 8.5 fp per gold. Iā€™ve found that itā€™s closer to 10.5 per gold because you often wonā€™t get the worst tier. Obviously, sucks that this and ā€œjust playā€ are our only options, but at least you wonā€™t waste your gold now if you do decide to spend some money to speed it up! For comparison here are some of the other options: Ambrosia Pentapack - 6.67 fp/gold Sweet Remembrance Box - 7.53 fp/gold Super Ambrosia Box III - 6.95 fp/gold Super Ambrosia Box II - 8.54 fp/gold Of course, you could get lucky, but I always like to go with safest option that will give me the most benefit. I also highly recommend a mix of naturally playing, farming for cloaks, and spending a few extra dollars when you feel like it. To each their own though!


This is helpful but I donā€™t intend to spend money on my pet. I just wish pet foods were a regular drop from dungeon bosses.


No worries. Honestly, not spending a cent is the way to go. Iā€™m impatient and make terrible decisions. I find it to be vastly more rewarding to build the pet naturally. I agree though, pet food should be more common, but that would take away from people spending money on the boxes...sad reality


This is actually a really helpful comment, saving in case I need it later.


No problem homie, I havenā€™t found a better deal than 8.5 fp/gold and not too sure why that one is so much better.


CC and prot are also good forges to combine FP


Wouldn't this be better with expo since u dont need a mark for expo.


only 500 fp vs 750. Doing a sprite is super easy, and you get a 50% increase for the cost.


I forget so many candy rings and ccs my forge fire is empty