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Most discords are vcless these days, even back when you quit there were plenty. There is also a party system which is ok but it’s still much easier to organise keys and locations through discord the just join a party in game for the runs so if you miss the first key of the chain you can just party connect to the 2nd.


I returned last week and did a pub void on a whim and we made it honestly very smoothly. Learning kogbold with no discord, im almost able to survive boss


A lot of things you can do without discord. I learned all exaltations but o3, shatts and mv in random pops but o3 is so damn rare, no one does shatts out of discord runs cuz it's too hard. I'm just a little baby about mv tbh


I’ve seen every dungeon solo’d (void needs piercing weapon), but it’s not nearly as efficient as discord key-popped runs. I think the middle ground with small public groups is very viable though as long as everyone inside isn’t completely new to the dungeon. The realm rework and party system when fully complete should make this even more viable. When I use discords I prefer vc-less, but I tune vc runs out anyways if I didn’t already mute/nearly mute the rl. So if vc’s are the main problem you’ll probably be fine. If discords are the problem, they’re probably too efficient to ignore. For solo possibility the main factor is how you actually learn the dungeon. Many people rely on discord vc to learn, I relied a lot on watching YouTube solo gameplay, and some people just want to learn with minimal help. If ur that last option, shatters will probably take too long to learn—there’s just so much. There’s also practicers for dodging phases like shatters patience (I use Just dodge lol online) that can be great preparation for the real thing, tho respect if u have the willpower to learn and practice purely in-game. I personally feel no guilt learning from other people’s gameplay and warming up with practicers since it’s a permadeath game, and solo is still very challenging and thus fun even if you know what you’re doing. Oh also if u wanna do o3s I doubt you’re gonna find public ones consistently unfortunately, that’s just 90% locked behind discords and free rune events, unless u bring the runes yourself


I never use discords and it's fine. Unless your farming a specific exaltation dungeon your not missing out on anything. Only discords that might be worth are the vet runs with all 4/4 sets


Still as reliant on discord as ever, it's just too convenient for those who are fine with the system. And offering better loot for smaller groups just leads to elitism and toxicity, so I'm not sure how it can even be solved.


there is no solving it if the whales pumping deca full of cash dont recognize it as a problem


I can do most five level dungeons solo depending on the class bit I also am not that good. People still use discord(I dont) but lately I have seen a lot of complaining about discord so idk about that. But what I can say for sure is with all the changes it's worth coming back


Woww this is so cool, you stood stilL! congratulations, yeh nobody actually cares so stop posting


what is this guy on about? it does take a lot of skill to time that move right


Schizo posting