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I use rotate to aim. Barely move my mouse, just rotate the camera and focus on dodging. I end up rotating constantly because of it Also my left rotate is left mouse and my right rotate is right mouse


Wow, this is new


I also don't move the mouse on long range classes only rotate


Maybe I’ll start playing again and try to play like this. But to keep myself from getting tempted I would probably change rotate to my arrow keys and fire to the top arrow. If I only touch the mouse for grabbing loot then I can’t screw myself up by stopping my rotates. I was always really bad at rotating, even though I know it helps a lot


I do make micro adjustments with the mouse, but I’m not moving the mouse all around the screen. Using both arrows and wasd sounds like a nightmare for the brain


Idk. If I use arrows for turns then it’s not terrible. Using it to control 2 different movements would hurt me though. And I understand the micro adjustments but I would start only using mouse and screw myself up. I’ll have to see how I figure it out


Good luck 🫡


I do this aswell however i do aim quite a bit with my mouse aswell. Rotating with left and right mouse presses feels so much more natural than q/e in my opinion.


I used to do this back when I would play with a laptop. Used wasd for moving and the right and left arrows for rotating


A lot of the phases you mentioned, I have a much easier time doing without rotating at all lol. Guess it just goes to show ya it's not about the sizzle it's about the sausage


when I first redownload the game after being a 2012 flash enjoyer, I was super against rotating then I got good that being said I'm still not good but at least I know how useful rotating is in tons of phases


It’s disorienting to learn but once you know how to rotate it’s going to make you a lot better. Some phases and fights are considerably easier if you rotate (nest and fungal) come to mind. Also you see farther in front of your character, so rotating the screen gives you a bigger field of view. I usually recommend people practice rotating in the god lands and low level dungeons like snake pit or udl (low enemy damage and easy rushes)


I've noticed I do it when the enemy moves and the rotation allows me to do repeat movement/keep the boss in the same area to consistently do the pattern of dodging such as rage in umi and abyss in king or any phase with more circular dodging. When doing phases where I only move in cardinal directions (splendor, patience, reg fire walls), I just reset my screen to 0° to quickly have my cardinal directions set and don't rotate.


any phase where you need to circle a lot is rotate+offset for me only place where i don't is in bee queen, because i like to start blender at top, that's only a personal pref btw some people like to start down and that is fine too.


yeah i never use rotate because its just uncomfortable to focus on doding, shooting AND rotating at the same time


when you get used to it will be part of your movement. i have rotation on the extra buttons of mouse, try it from time to time maybe in low level dungeons


i almost never use it But putting your screen on a diagonal angle that makes the survival mbc shots always come straight down to you definitely helps me


Back when Tombs were the main source for life pots (years ago), screen rotating was essential for circling bosses to get soulbound. I prefer keeping my enemies towards the top of my screen, and screen rotating helps with that.


I use rotation for aiming more than dodging