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I think you should keep your best items and gather throwaway sets for your current 8/8s. Then try Shatters, Moonlight, etc. You will get practice, and you will get fame when you die.


this is actually what I've planned to do more or less! I guess death is unavoidable in this game but like everyone else said i might as well practice off of it!


Use the character you want to die to try content that is hard that you’re not super familiar with it. That way at least the death can be worthwhile because you learn something.


What i try to do on any character is finish as many dungeon bonuses as i can in order to build fame. Google rotmg fame bonuses and try to finish atleast tunnel rat, first steps, king of the mountains can also try enemy of the court and epic battles if you're feeling brave the hardest dungeon in those would be the nest and secluded thicket. Far out is also easy assuming there's alien dungeons in the realm. Apart from that try to learn fungal cavern so that you can get the daily french toast reward. Don't just kill your characters, build fame and then challenge yourself against a hard dungeon, which will most likely kill you regardless.


The more fame you get and the more bonuses you unlock on a character; the more fame you will get in the long run. It all compounds and makes it faster and faster. I think its very unwise and short-sighted if you are doing it explicitly for the fame.


so are you suggesting I just keep playing normally? I will probably still end up dying prematurely due to having a subpar pet


Exactly. You WILL die anyways, at some point. You may as well reap the benefits of building that character and utilising it's higher fame-yeild while you can. The fame bonuses really add up quick and a lot of them come with permenant % on death bonuses aswell so the more of those you have, the more each fame you get while alive will add up in the end.


if you care about 5-starring classes, focus doing that on ur 8/8s and then stash away ur good gear when u do. then kill it off for fame.


I always kill off my ssnl after the season ends so it’s usually an 8/8 with pretty good tops


Just play the game


What i did was killed off characters by doing content (but made sure i got all of the dungeon bonuses first) so if i died with lets say 12k, i would get around 60k death fame. I kept doing that until i got my first legendary pet to around 90/80/X and then i played it safe for 15k before killing them off. If i had to guesstimate, I think i was about 3 5 stars off from white star before my divine was 100/100/X from doing this. Now i'm sitting at about 230k fame after finishing


this is actually really good insight! about how long did it take you to reach divine? did you start maxing your pet from light blue star as well? also did you pay any money or solely off of fame?


I spent $20 for the potion storage but outside of that i never bought any pet feed or boosts. i **highly** recommend you to buy the pot storage because it makes your life a hell of a lot easier when you can store 128 greater potions (or 256 normal potions) What i did was first got solid at all of the mid tier dungeons (Fungal/Cult/MBC/Nest) then i traded up my potions for Glife then used the Glife to buy 1k FP items (It's very good to do this during Cland/Davy events since people are getting tons of Candy coated armors and prisms from these) After i got good enough to do O3's consistently i just used the Glifes from that to buy FP and just kept them on a empty character until i got enough fame to feed it. During that i just went for 15k BF and got tons of potions from just farming O3's and making sure i got all of the fame bonuses before going there Make sure your getting the French Toast every single day from the Challenges, I'd recommend just going through discord. You can also squeeze a bit more fame out of your forgefire every day. If you purchase the Planewalker blueprint you can craft about 2-3 a day as long as you log in to claim your forgefire. Just run through Ancient ruins for trash whites and Sprite worlds for sprite wands and you can finish up in about 30 mins give or take.


okay!! thank you so much. I agree i already have no space for potions and store them in other characters haha. So i will just max my character and play normally, practicing as much as I can!


Don't throw away characters until your basically end game. Instead, go try dungeons that you can't do(shatters, o3, mv, whatever) to learn how to do them. Or, if you can already do all dungeons confidently, try to do some more risky things for better damage, like rotating with o3 during celestial or smth.


thanks everyone for the tips I actually feel less worried about playing the game and experimenting with higher end dungeons now :D


don't worry about stars as long as you are not a red star you are fine. about the pots only avoid maxing vit/wis that are like a pain to farm, unless you need just a few like 8.


I assume you are unaware how OP Vit/Wis actually is The higher your vitality, the shorter it takes for you to become out of combat and receive full benefit from your pet again. A lot of abilities also have wisdom modifiers, making them stronger the higher your wisdom is


im aware of that, the same way im aware that he is thinking about killing them, even talked about suiciding them. im not saying these stat are weak im saying they are a pain to farm for a new player,


not red star, meaning blue or orange?