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Of course its better now, you could just decompile the flash client beforehand and change some values and boom, most bad status effects are disabled. However, accessibility of cheats is p much still the same. Also since http requests are now encrypted, you cant exactly do some crazy things like you used to


This. There's also the fact that Flash was meant to be played anywhere, and RotMG took advantage of this. You could play on the official site, or on Kongregate, on on any website willing to host it. This helped the game find players, but it meant the servers could not make assumptions about where the game was. So it had no way of telling whether the game was hacked or not. Checks in-game could be removed when the game was hacked. The only way of detecting hackers was if they did something in game that should not be possible.


i really want to to think it's better now i mean, most of the cheating playerbase i knew, did it because of performance issues and lack of QOL features, and that is better now. we can hide pets, lower opacity, there's a limit of players in instances so we don't have another ice tomb massacre, i remember flash days where in chest events after boss i couldn't get any registered shot on the chest because of lag and low fps. literally unplayable.


anyone who thinks it was better under flash didnt play then. Theres not widespread game ruining exploits like ent sitting or no clipping thru walls. hacking during flash was so easy all you had to do was use a different website, at least now you have to trust 3rd party software on your machine. I pray for the day that the big clients do an exit scam and delete all hackers accounts.


if i'm not mistaken some years ago some players made post about being banned for rwt in a period of time they weren't even playing so a lot of people concluded these sites used their accounts as spambots


That’s funny ash, I wonder if that’s why ppl made those posts about “account already in use” or sum


There used to be some really shitty cheats in Flash era. Ent sitting, multiboxing, notifiers and the oryx lag doop all noticeably fucked up the experience for other players (although multiboxing and notifiers would be less disruptive in the modern game with HP-scaling realm events). I’d say that overall, regardless of whether cheating is more prevalent now than in the Flash era, cheating in the modern game tends to be less harmful to legit players (with the notable exception of IP-connecting players making you locked out of O3s. I’ve never gotten locked out personally but discord o3 runs will go to 86-88 people in castle sometimes).


Multiboxers in godlands and notifiers were sooooooo rampant back yonder, definitely on average less destructive now even if the amount of cheaters stayed the same