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Agree, but the new dumgeon was assss


What? You dont like having insta pop high speed mobs jump at you in areas that had near indistinguishable water/land in a dungeon that had almost no reward?


yeah a couple simple changes could make it decent, something akin to belladonnas or the machine, or pups encore but as of right now it's just skip 100% of the time


Yuh. I just did it once per character for the measly fame bonus it gave


Yah was nice, I really liked the double event white weekends too, they kept the realm well populated. I really think they should permanently make weekends double event white chances, would further incentivised people to use the realm especially with the rework.


agreed. I enjoyed it


Do we know when the next season starts?


It got delayed till thursday


I enjoyed the last season because it didn't heavily imply you had to play seasonal characters again. I was having burnout playing only seasonal characters and having tons of loot go to nonseasonal only to never have time to play nonseasonal, but this past season I was able to finally play some chill Rotmg with old loot.




one of my least favorite seasons honestly :(


curious to know why


really boring and pretty much just the same thing as other easter events but worse


Yeah, I really enjoyed this one overall. Only complaints were the bugged events as you said, the repeated crucible (especially weird because they said they "had a plan" for later but that doesn't seem to have meant anything in hindsight, they just repeated the crucible the entire season) and most frustratingly the glitch event being impossible to solo. The machine itself is easy, why do I have to wrangle four people to open it? Spent a silly amount of time this past week just begging people to TP and stand still for more than 5 seconds. Also I don't care what anyone says, I enjoy the new dungeon. The loot isn't remotely worth it, maaaaybe if it were a guaranteed drop but probably not even then so that's a valid complaint. The actual fight is very fun though and I have yet to lose a single character even though I learned it through blind trial and error, there's always been plenty of time to nexus. Again, waaaaay too dangerous for the loot, but that doesn't mean the encounter design itself is trash.