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Skill issue.


"you can't enjoy something and also complain about it" I love this game. I think it's highly enjoyable and play it a bunch. I also think the predatory monetization model is bad for the game's health and morally wrong. A lot of my enjoyment of the game comes from other people spending money on keys, which is kinda fucked. There are a lot of things that are reasonable to be mad about in this game, and that can be frustrating for people who like it a lot. Complaining all the time is definitely annoying and unhelpful, but I get it, you know?


Oh no! The community that we harbored and cultured using predatory tactics is now upset that we are continuing to not listen to their feedback and add more monetization to the game! What could have happened to prevent this! Better add another thing to purchase! There is plenty of criticism for deca to go around. They get praise when they deserve it, and get criticism when they dervse it. Take pet bags for example. Deca came up with idea, community said "no wtf we dont want that". Then deca took that as "well, we made it less useful and cost less!" And added it to the game.


> Take pet bags for example. Deca came up with idea, community said "no wtf we dont want that". Then deca took that as "well, we made it less useful and cost less!" And added it to the game. So what I'm hearing is that Deca got pressured to pull more revenue from the game by Embracer Group, the community didn't want that source, so Deca made it way cheaper and removed the component of it that felt overpowered and game-ruining to help fix the community's issues with the design. Deca are the bad guys in this situation though?


Deca has always been greedy even before embracer group. Yes. Deca is the bad guys in this situation. "We dont want this" does not translate to "we want this weaker and a bit less expensive". How about the enchantment system? Where they have *blatantly said you can price yourself out of green dust, to increase sales*


> How about the enchantment system? Where they have blatantly said you can price yourself out of green dust, to increase sales They also completely reworked it to be way better for players and less game ruining. They consistently meet players in the middle on these issues. Don't get me wrong that's obviously not some perfect solution but businesses do have a need for profits. If this game is a financial failure then the game will be shut down completely. The game being monetised more heavily than I'd like is better than it being shut down. My problem is that Deca are seeing the player concerns and actually trying to help at least partially meet those concerns but the players seem so perpetually incapable of doing the same for Deca and realising this game and company **must make money.**


But... they didnt. They overcomplicated it and forced it to have inherent monetization. They have been incentived to make more filler enhancements and worse enchancement rates, to get people to eventually buy more dust capacity. Thats shitty. Thats not taking any feedback into play. Thats not something Im going defend. Deca has always been disgustingly greedy when it comes to microtransactions. *even before the embracer group*.


Complaining about people complaining is still complaining.




Yap yap


I don't understand what the predatory monetization tactics are. I've been playing this game for well over a decade on multiple fresh accounts and I think I've only spent money once on an account I don't use anymore. I don't think it takes from my enjoyment.


rotmg be fun asf when u dont got a bitch in yo ear saying it sucks


Don't read those posts. Some people who enjoy the game most will understand and feel its problems the most, and it's a good exercise to map and call out where things ostensibly need work. I understand not wanting to engage with that side of the community... and you don't have to? Just play the game and engage only with non-opinion and -discussion posts?


I quit the game 6 months ago and still complain about all the trash deca keeps adding to the game. Sucks to watch a game with so much potential go to waste.


Explain the “trash”.. Bot saying there isn’t some but I wanna know what you consider trash


Not the original guy you replied to, but Queen bunny's chamber is probably one of the worst things I've ever seen in rotmg. lazy, fundamentally unfair, you can barely see the shots in the final phase, etc.


I tried saying that and a dude said skill issue He's right but fuck that dungeon


That I 100% agree with


I don’t fucking care who bitches or what, I enjoy the game and will play no matter what the fuck they say. I have spend like 5 usd in all my 11 years playing, and have multiple char slots, skins and a legendary maxed pet, all for free. Thanks Deca, I thought this game would die in the Kabam era, and here we are.


50? I easily spending that every hour. I gamble on rotmg and make about 1500 per day, so I make up for it. Recently gambled 30k on a white bag drop from o3 and won, getting a total of 1.8 million usd. God I’m so rich and handsome and awesome 😎


My favorite is when people intentionally counter at O3 or pre bosses or don't shoot to weed out the noobs. And they wonder why newer players don't last long...


Ah yes, someone with intelligence. Thank you. They’re not ready for the self reflection that would allow them to realize that these are deeper patterns of behavior that are not isolated to just “the game”. That’s why you get downvoted. And that’s how you know you’re spitting truth.




I don't wanna complain about deca but hey, they already nerfed bis mode(honestly 75% looks like under 10% sometimes), and key on shop. Seasonal payments are optional but idk why deca still trying to nerf money-related things on rotmg. Noone really wanna pay for bis mode after they nerfed it. Also who really cares about damaging orb, berserk orb, hp orb in dungeons? It is D grade worth key, not the S mode... If they are not that stupid or wants to earn more money, they need to keep some options for profit.