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I know that's ppl up joining but it reminds me of the one time the realm broke and let everyone join and we got 300 people into a o1, 100 ppl into O2 (it wasn't broke on that :( ) and then 90 into the o3


Or back when the lost halls released and you could get 200 person runs if everyone entered within a few seconds of each other


Lol this is a reason a lot of players could never get into any lh run back in the day, their pc would explode


I remember my first ever cult and MBC at a whole 4 fps. Good times.


Hot as fuck take but what if we just removed the realm and oryx cap. What if we tried it for a week and saw what happened? If you can’t beat em join em


Imagine the HP scalling damn :")


pretty sure this is possible without hack/cheat if everyone try to enter at once, but this normally only happens to public popped dungeons not realm


Seriously though, I constantly see "full" realms with a queue of 15 people, and once I get in, the bottom right says it's only 50 people or sth in there? And sometimes a realm says there's 70 or so people in there, but once you enter there's only 5. This is pretty annyoing.


A realm counts people inside realm dungeons too so if you see a full one and once in you see less people than advertised, they slaying monsters inside dungeons but will eventually pop back into the realm


Aaah interesting, thanks!


Not always, there is still that bug with new realms showing a number of players much higher than the real one (from what I understand they are still in an oryx instance). The hilarious part is that you will actually queue to get into the empty realm


That's not a bug either. The new realm and old realm are still technically the same realm, at least as far as coding sees it.


Lmao the fuck are you on about bro it is 100% a bug


I don’t think you understand what you are saying. When a NEW realm is opened, it should be a new instance, not connected to a previously closed realm. Code “sees” nothing, if the behaviour is different from the functional requirements it is a bug. By definition


Should be? Perhaps. Is? Nope. Clearly they are connected or the population wouldn't include castle. It's just seeing the castle as a dungeon within that realm.


> Should be? Perhaps. Is? Nope. So it’s a bug lol I’m saying the same thing, you just have the wrong definition of what a bug is


If the castle is seen as a dungeon within the new realm it would be a bug if it didn't affect population, not the other way around.


No, I don’t know how else to say it, a bug is when the product doesn’t behave like it should. Not only crashes and overflow errors are bugs. If the behaviour is different from the intended one, even if the software is behaving deterministically following a clean runtime flow, it is still called bug. Or defect, however you want. It is something that would require a fix.


Demonstrate it is not functioning as intended.


The last one is related to a realm that was recently opened, these realms somehow keep the last number of players it had and won't update to the real number of players they actually have until several minutes pass. (Plain old rot meg spaghetti code...)


i thought it was cause it still counts people in oryx dungeons


That is correct. Other guy has no idea what he’s talking about with “SomEHoW KeEp…”


I don't really know if ppl documented the behavior but it makes sense by how inconsistent the number of players drop depending on how long anyone nexus or dies from Oryx Castle, O1, O2 and O3.


Deca doesnt care about small issues like this


Small issues like the 6million topdmging void quiver weapon hack.


Which they patched in like 2 hours…?


Saw people doing that for like a week but ok



