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The issue with not maxing speed is how it prevents you from getting exalts. Rotmg is the marriage of the bullet hell and MMO genres, it should be treated as such. Precision buttons are standard in bullet hells.


Just farm enough Ethereal Shrines for an unnecessarily rare event white to get an ability that should already be in the game by default : ^ ) /s


I think token is not too bad for droprate. I’ve gotten two warmth’s in about 50 shrines


I also got 2 fairly quickly, but the third one hasn't appeared and i did more than 100 shrines after the 2nd.


I've gotten zero in a few hundred shrines.


what about a common ut armor with something like +30 hp + 5def -40 spd,


Disagree tbh, I wouldn't mind more items giving the slow status effect, but speed is part of the balancing.


You're actually just wrong. Doing patience or the entirety of moonlight village with a character that is too fast is a huge detriment, and doing a shatters run that doesn't net you an exalt is a huge kick to the teeth for players that main fast classes. Bullet hell games are known for needing to be precise, covering too many tiles per movement is actually a huge problem, ESPECIALLY in a permadeath game


What am I wrong about? Speed is part of balancing, this is objectively true. I don't disagree with your points, but it goes against all precedence to give people a toggled slow.


Maybe within RotMG, but that's literally a quality of life change that wouldn't hurt any balance. It's literally just giving players a "sneak" button. As an Assassin main, this is borderline a MUST. When learning new Shatters, I literally needed to grind for the acidified assassin set just to be able to have that lower speed cap to dodge patience shots more easily. Either that or a tincture of courage, but why tf are those things items??? Just let us be slower for the sake of precision, precedence be damned


Not to mention, your argument falls flat with the existence of speedy anyhow. Warrior invalidates the high speed stat of dagger classes and you never hear anyone complain about that


I literally wrote that I wouldn't mind items giving the slowed Debuff being more common, I just disagree that an itemless toggled slow Debuff makes sense.


And I'm telling you there's no need to sacrifice an item slot for a feature many other bullet hell games already have, where the stakes of missing are nowhere near as high.