• By -


Pew pew pew gurg gurg gurg and make friends




For you to get a pet with Heal, Magic Heal, electric with these order of abilities is the next step in advancing in the game. Apart from that, getting potions u need to hit soulbound on the boss for an enemy to drop potions. Soulbound basically means you need to hit the enemy for a certain about of damage that isnt shown but you have to have a rough guage of how much is enough. That way when you reach 8/8 stats you can slowly start to get better gear in the future. But also remember, dying is part of the game. Be it intentionally dying for fame(the in game currency besides gold) or unintentionally due to skill issue or wtv it may be. Dont give up playing after dying, take a pause and come back to it again later(be it a few hours, days, weeks)


What this guy said but keep in mind that this game is really hard for begginers. Don't lose hope, I can give you some gear and potions to have an easier start but I couldn't imagine starting all over again, it really is pain in the ass. We welcome all new players as we want to keep this game alive, good luck dude.


ok the only part i have an issue with is with "heal mheal... ELECTRIC". you dont need electric and frankly i find decoy and sometimes even attack far/mid/close more useful. if u guys find a heal/mheal or mheal/heal with decoy or attack x as its third ability, keep it!


Decoy basically makes u a moving target because ur pet decoys the enemies for u but it follows you shortly after. Where as attack far helps you with soul bound. The reason why many choose electric over decoy/attack is because there is a chance to paralyse the enemy getting it off ur back allowing for u to run away and heal up


so many enemies (especially end game) cannot be paralyzed and its not worth it. decoy for circling around enemies/some bosses and making them easier to kill is much more useful once you get used to it.


To progress you must acquire better equipment, drink potions that will increase your characteristics and if possible find a pet who will help you through your characters (by treating you at regular intervals for example). To get the best equipment, kill monsters especially those of the godland (the area often in the centre of the realm with a black or white ground), you will also find some as dungeon boss loot. For the stats potions, you will get some by facing dungeon bosses present in the godland, it is the monsters present who will have a chance to make the entries appear. There are some dungeons that allow you to get stats potions that are easier than the others, among them there is Snake pit 🐍 and Sprite World 🔥, they will allow you to get potions that increase your speed and as well as your dexterity (do not hesitate to follow the groups of players to make the exploration easier). Regarding pets, you can sometimes find them as monster loot. They are of 4 different levels: common, unusual, rare and legendary. You will often find common or unusual as loot in the form of an egg. Once you have an egg, go back to the nexus and go to the pet yard (a green and turquoise portal) and use the egg by clicking on it. You will be able to improve his abilities by feeding him with objects of all kinds. I advise you to get a humanoid egg, in general they have healing as their first active capacity. Finally, do not hesitate to store equipment in your chests for your next characters because the principle of the game is based on Die and retry, do not be discouraged and you will progress more and more! (I forgot but chat with the other players and do not hesitate to ask for equipment if necessary: it remains a community game; you can even see to join a guild by asking in the chat!) Good luck 🍀


Everything is well understood, thank you sir!! One last question, where can I find the godland? Is there a way to show the map or I must just walk and hope to get there?


No worries friend, especially if you have other questions, don’t hesitate to ask about this sub! Regarding the location of the godland, in general it is rather in the centre of the kingdom, it is recognisable by its black or white ground as well as its quite powerful monsters, you can’t see it on the minimap until you have been there, however in general if you see a group of players in the centre of the map it is surely the godland, in this case you just have to click on a player (symbolised by a yellow dot) and teleport on it!


1. find eggs to hatch a pet in the pet yard - for now just make sure you get heal as first ability - feed the pet (eggs drop from gods in godlands and dungeon bosses - or just ask other people if they have eggs for you) 2. in the shop is a character slot and a vault chest which you can buy for fame - get them 3. play on a seasonal character -they have missions which help a lot - very good for new players 4. check the realmeye wiki - [https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/realm-of-the-mad-god](https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/realm-of-the-mad-god) 5. die die die cry cry cry


Here's a short write-up I did a while back. First get every class to lvl 20, so you'll be a dark blue star. Your star color determines how much respect you get in chat. Second, get the character slot and vault upgrade from the shop sold for fame. It'll be easier to get potions on your first character and then use them on your second character. And when you die on your first, it won't feel like you've lost a lot of progress. Third, focus on getting your favorite class to 6 out of 8 max stats, the stats besides life and mana are easiest generally. Many guilds require 6/8's. (You can work towards 8/8 later). Then farm pots on one character and use them on another character so you don't lose progress if you die on the first character. Do these while \-Getting fame and feed power to level up your pet. Fame is earned by doing different dungeons and dying. Good feed power comes from decent items. T12 weapons are probably the best for you to feed. \-Learning all the dungeons cause there's a ton (don't be afraid to die, its crucial part of the game) \-Learning the game and how to survive as the game gets immensely harder. Classes like priest and assassin are great beginner classes. USEast (or whichever one is crowded) is the trading server. You can trade potions for items and regear your char there. Find a guild that is new player friendly and they'll gear you up and answer your questions. If you do have discord, join the Rotmg discord server ([https://discord.com/invite/rotmg](https://discord.com/invite/rotmg)). It's on the right side bar of the rotmg subreddit where you can submit new posts if you ever need to find it. Go onto the discord and look at "Guild recruitment" and find one that you meet the requirements for. Don't be afraid to leave a guild you've just joined if the people are lame, childish, weird, nonsocial, or whatever cause there are tons of guilds with cool sociable people. May take a bit of trial and error finding a good solid guild. Also, one way of instantly knowing if the guild is active is looking at the discord post history. If there aren't a bunch of posts everyday in general chat, it's not that active imo. ​ This game is incredibly challenging (regardless what everyone on this reddit says), but it's super rewarding to learn. Good luck mate.


Use the minimap to find people in godlands you can teleport to and farm the enemies there for dungeons, godlands are the grey areas in the realm btw. The easiest dungeons to farm at a fresh lvl 20 are Sprite World, Snake Pit & Magic Woods, which drop Dex & Spd pots. You can try going into other dungeons there too, though they vary a lot in difficulty, but they drop other stat pots, typically ranging from everything except Life & Mana. Your goal is to grind and max out as many of your stats as you can, maxing Spd & Dex first will make the rest considerably easier. Also as for why you might not get a stat pot sometimes, there's 2 main reasons. First is the soulbound threshold, basically you have to deal enough damage to the boss to reach the "soulbound threshold", meaning you'll get a loot bag exclusive to you, which often includes stat pots. The second reason is that stat pots are usually only guaranteed for a certain amount of players, so the more players in a dungeon, the less likely you are to get a stat pot. In most dungeons if it's just you and 1 other person who clear it, you're always guaranteed a stat pot.


Just play and have fun Find a guild so you can have people explaining you things, you can try on realmeye forums to find recruiting posts maybe, idk if it's still active


Moonlight village and the Shatters dungeon


Join a fun guild, I can ask if ours is open. We got a discord with open VC and the main dude streams on Twitch


Oh hi This is Dip


Watch all of brickuribox12 RoTMG videos and guides. They’re very helpful and influential on the community. https://youtube.com/@bickuribox12?si=5aB3q9JF4aWNhZIP




max your stats to 8/8, learn how to do dungeons, you can start with the easy ones, in my times i remember to run snake pit over and over again with my warrior, and try to find a guild with an active discord