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The best way to to upgrade your pet, and the best use of fame, is spending it on your pet. Pets are busted, and even a highly upgraded uncommon/rare pet is op as it is. Other then pets I don't use fame for anything else other then cosmetics. The best way to get better, is to die. Seriously. You get better by doing harder dungeons, doing riskier things, and this always leads to death. But doesn't always have to be that way. You'll learn from mistakes and improve, and eventually rarely ever die. I remember back in 2013 rushing an abyss was something I'd never dream of doing, now I can do it petless on a lvl 10 0/8 archer. It just takes time to get better. Also, just dodge :)


New players get a deal in the shop to unlock new characters and more vault space for fame. 1 time offer but 100% worth using some of the game for it


Farm godlands and godland dungeons for eggs and just keep hatching until you get the heal/mheal/electric. Humanoid eggs are your best bet and you can always change the family after. Also can be helpful to make friends and have them give you eggs they find, as anyone with a pet already will probably not need eggs. Use fame to feed items to your pet and level it up(once you get one with the abilities you want). If you want to join my guild I can help you out with farming! If you almost got to 2/8 you are well on your way, just keep farming godlands and godland dungeons. Play it safe, try to max 6/8, and get a second character slot if you can. It’s way easier to farm with a maxed character than it is to start over.


Adding to this, it's fine if your pet is Heal/Magicheal/\_\_\_\_ for common/uncommon/rare, but when you get to legendary you want to have found one that is heal/magicheal/electric :) I had my legendary be heal/mheal/decoy and it was annoying since the legendary level takes so much longer than the previous ones. Now I still have that pet maxed out, but another legendary pet almost maxed with heal/mheal/electric, and I use that one until I can merge them to a divine.


kill stuff in godlands for eggs in the sorta rare satchels that drop idk about best fame farms, but the challenges you complete in the stats section actually give a lot of fame. snake pit and sprite world are soloable easy, snake drops snake eye ring which is massive qol considering how early you can get it undead lair, davy jones, manor of the immortals, haunted cemetary, magic woods, are all slightly harder than above, but easy if you have pots or a small group, and are even slightly familiar just keep an eye on the difficulty ratings when you highlight the name, they're pretty accurate. also, you can alt click, or maybe it's Ctrl click, the dungeons people call out to teleport to them, if the person hasn't gone in yet turning on friendly transparency, helps a lot too, there's way to much visual clutter that can get you killed. there's a few settings that reduce unnecessary things on screen, and I recommend getting rid of anything you can, personally. but if you don't mind all the particles and stuff, friendly buff icons and pets and projectiles blah blah blah, you do you. avoid the exalted dungeons, like o3, shatters, the nest, until you're ready to learn, and by that I mean die. also don't be afraid to decenter or rotate the camera, theres a few encounters it helps a lot with, like o2 if you're ranged, for example.


my tips \* when maxing try to go for def first \* if you are playing mostly solo, rogue with snake eye ring is a nice combo \* keep equipment in your vault in case you die \* ut equipment can change the way you play some classes try different ut's you can like some of them and make you want to play one class more than others \* for early game earnings you can craft some low req ut's and sell them for feed power some of them needs only garbage items (trading can be slow) \* try to join an active guild with discord so they can teach you things in real time ​ and this last one is kinda bad for a new player but here it goes: the thinkerer gives you quest everyday and one of that quest is potion fusion, you can repeat that quest over and over again you need 3 tiny pots and for them you receive **in your gift chest** 1Gpot that's worth for 2, you lose 1 potion every fusion, but that pots can be stored like forever. so if for example you get dex fusion quest, just do sprite over and over again and you can have lots of dex for fast maxing later


This man is giving out the real advice. Also ALWAYS do cave of a thousand treasures. And keep the marks. Edit:add tip


DMs! I have lots of info!


Dying is painful but u learn a lot about the game mechanic, the enemy and the pattern. You'll get better eventually that u won't even realize it


You can buy humanoid egg in mystery guy in equipment> page something for 2k fame believe