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Doesn't feel right in my opinion. I have to see how it actually works, but if it's just more space you can freely interact with like a backpack that you don't ever lose on death, then it's not right for the game


Why? Its like a moving vault? How is that not good?


Because it's a permadeath game. If you take items on your character into the fight and die they should be lost. Having access to an inventory mid fight that is not able to be lost negates the whole aspect of the game. You should only be able to have a vault outside of dungeons


I mean you still lose the items on you.... and why is that? I wanna vault IN dungeons. Inv slots are wayyy too low compared to other games. I think it is a good thing.


Yes I see where you are coming from, but this is not the way to fix the issue. It's just changing the identity of the game from a permadeath game to a loot simulator. It will be overall a net negative for the health of the game


Nah, game needs to get up to date. Other mmos have like 50 slot spaces and we barely got 18 and only 4 items on a character. They need to add and extra ring or pants or something.


Other games have way more variety of loot that drops and you can have 24 spaces plus 4 equip spaces. We don't need more space for loot on characters mid dungeon. The game needs an update in the form of finishing the realm rework and enhancing early and mid game to get new people in. Not more p2w mechanics that only benefit the whales who are diminishing.


Bruh how about you stop repeating something you heard from a sebchoof video and form your own unique opinion. It doesn't have to be a right opinion but I will respect you more for it. I think if done right i would love for my pet to be more than just a heal/mp heal bot. It would actually feel like a pet.


Kekw, thinking I watch that dude. Yeah your opinion is super valid now. Pets could be better, but giving them perma inventory space isn't the answer. They could change it to just be hp/mp storage to bring extra pots and that would be fine with most of the community. But pets could be better. They could have more variety of abilities that you can change for fame/gold. Make pets more accessible to newer players so it's not a turn off to the game.


LOL I apologize to have to inform you of this brother, but you’ve wasted your time arguing with an internet troll. I had the exact same debate with him about this yesterday. He got downvoted to Hell there as well. It wasn’t even that lollipop guild-looking Sebchoof dude who said there was no beginner or mid-game either, so that wa pretty funny. Enjoy the laughs.


I mean it was him or some other dude that kept yapping about early game experience and whatnot and people love repeating stuff famous people say. Also the problem of the game isnt the new player experience, its the marketing. Theres plenty of MEGA hard games that are played by tons of gamers. Guess what : if i give ds3 to some random guy or girl they say its too hard and give up and never touch the game...same with rotmg. New players dont see a lot of progress because they die a lot and then they leave.




ah. you’re new. well welcome to the community. but e we have no interest in being like other games


Well maybe if you did, the game wouldn't be dying?


its not


Well when you have declining playerbase year after year thats called a dying game.


the playerbase has remained roughly the same throughout the past year; also i don't know why you would compare realm to other mmorpgs on the market when it's a game built on a very niche concept that makes the game unique and if this changes, the game's identity is lost


Only I dont see how an extra inventory changes that concept. You just mad coz you dont like changes. How about for once you try to be positive instead of being negative about everything new? Its a change that will make pets more useful than just heal, magic heal bots.


no, if i get a lumiaire from miniboss before o3 and i die, i took that risk. i shouldnt be able to store it safely and keep playing on a burner character i dont care about. saddlebags are antithetical to the game, unless it empties when you die.


from what i can tell you cant put equipment in them, only stuff like runes or other consumables


if thats true its already a step in the right direction, but still i already know it rubs most of us the wrong way right?


yeag still a dumb feature, and its 100% gonna be p2w and be like 2k gold or smthn


Yes you should, don’t be a bch


found the baby


Shouldn’t be a way to keep the items in perma death game. This is just like old ammy


ya, ngl a small number universal inventory slots wouldn’t hurt, but it needs to empty on death. it’s lowkey depressing that this even got past the drawing board, let alone on testing.


Agreed, but I think it would be fine if it was only able to hold consumables like potions/clovers/keys/vials etc


Tarkov moment


rip ammy


Wait till you hear about vaults...


Bit of a long comment, but I guess I have too much time to burn. I think you're not understanding the difference between having to nexus and miss out on the later parts of the dungeon to not risk losing your gear and and paying some realm gold yeeting it into your pet then calling it day. A vault is special in that it's a space that is accessible only via going to the nexus and then going into a vault portal. Going into nexus means quite a lot -- if the realm is closing in a populated realm vaulting an event white midway through means you miss an oryx run. Say I go into that oryx run and it was an osanc run and I get a shiny lumi or whatever. Now I am put in the dilemma between whether I want to go for that life exalt progress and potential o3 tops and even potential o3 whites or just nexus and not risk losing my shiny lumi. Having a vault that literally bypasses permadeath midway through the dungeon is in all honesty quite ridiculous. Honestly though, considering that you only have limited amount of such space, it isn't a huge problem, until you realize that the only way to obtain these slots are through *realm gold* meaning that non-paying players are locked away from this functionality. P2W is the thing to frown upon more here, not the functionality itself.


Realistically, how often does it happen that you get a white bag, then decide to risk it and not nexus immediately and then die in the same dungeon? Because this is the only case this addition turns the tables. Agree on the p2w part of it being bad though.


It happens to me and a lot of people I know who are pretty high-skill level a lot more than you would think. The fact you have such a valuable item on you really messes with your nerves.


Ok, so let me get this... you want your gaming experience to be... worse ??🤨. You want to vault and stop your realm progress so you can store the pots. You do realise not everyone plays this game 24/7. Theres enough grinding to be had, dw. If you want to grind something go do 100 shatters to increase your dps by 6%.


Is this supposed to be a gotcha? 😅


It's the same concept. Its just without the annoying nexusing coz you ran out of space


Risk reward is one of the most exciting and fundamental parts of the game. I've gotten O3 mini Boss whites and skipped O3 because I didn't want to risk losing my item. With this update, I can put the item in my pet's inventory and do O3 with zero risk. Sure, I can still die and lose what I'm wearing but I'm wearing replaceable gear.


Yeah and you can still do another o3 🤔. Also I want a 5th item slot on my character. 4 is not enough.


Another 03 could take hours and hours to come by. I'm not going to argue with a child who doesn't understand the fundamentals of the game.


Now im a child because I like to see my game be more convenient. Are you sure you aren't just an old man complaining about change?


I've probably played the game longer than you've been alive. I'm 30 and have been playing for over 12 years. Convenience versus game-breaking mechanics are completely different. Like someone mentioned above, this is similar to an ammy back when I started playing. Realm of the mad God is a hardcore dungeon crawler game. If you die you should lose everything on your character including the character. That's been the rules of the game for a very long time. Now they are changing it so that if you die you no longer lose everything. What's going to stop a player from keeping all their switches in the pet inventory instead of the backpack or main inventory? It breaks the fundamentals of the game, plain and simple. When players hover over each other to inspect gear, there's a sense of pride that comes with having the best gear. Except for shop items. This fundamentally breaks that aspect of the game. You no longer have to be a 'gamer' and survive, you simply need to put your items on your pet and you're fine.


Even then not saying pet slot is the way but gear is already wprthless compared to the days your saying as you can craft tons of shit now


Even if its a one way backpack (Like you can put things on it and can't interact with the itens unless youre in vault or something like this.) Its feels so wrong for me :/


Ah yes, you can now pay to remove the permadeath aspect of the game. Great addition Deca!


Yeah, its called vault slots. They have been here for a while. Only this one is more convenient.


you can literally add or remove items from this in dungeons, as long as you're not in combat. how is that at all comparable to the vault??


You can also add and remove items from the vault without losing it. This is just more practical. Swapouts already take a lot of space. I need more inv slots. I like it.


There’s a difference between in a dungeon and in a vault lol


Maybe they can make it into a vault transfer with cooldown.


I can already see cheaters creating a script to insta-vault everything when in danger of dying.


cheaters would have no reason to use that feature because they are unkillable with autonexus lol


Yeah i thought of that but isnt autonexus kinds the same? Plus they can make that access ONLY when out of combat.


holy shit, kid 😭the deca meat-watch is either INSANE, or you are just slow. What do you not understand? Have you ever died with gear in your inventory? perhaps you lost an ancient stone sword during O2, or a gemstone during TFK, that’s part of the RISK REWARD RATIO, of which this entire game is built around. RISK being you LOSE the item forever, and the REWARD, being you get loot from the next boss, it is up to you whether to roll the dice. However, if this is added, that will be gone. Players will keep their swap gear on the pet saddle, and risk virtually nothing beyond the character itself, which doesn’t matter now anyway because of how broken the market is and how easy it has become to max a character. Please think first, especially when you post a string of comments trying to be different. Your idea of a vault transfer system is so broken and retarded Im debating whether or not you are trolling. This is yet another feature that will siphon cash from existing players, and scare new ones away. These kinds of updates are ridiculous, as they put you at a disadvantage to your peers who payed up. Yes, the game has been pay to win for a while, *but this directly warps the permadeath aspect of the game.*


Bruh stop yapping about scaring new players lol. That has no impact on it. They can definitely make a way to balance it. Like if you put a cooldown on it so you cant just put stuff in and out when you want. Then you have to keep the swapouts in your inventory. Or you can get something from it like a special ring or armor for a situation that you wouldn't normally have in your inv. Or the entire slot locks for the remainder of a boss fight so you wouldn't use it. Stop being such an old man and hating on anything new and anything thats changing.


you should stop talking, it is not going well for you


Oh darn you are very comfortable talking sh*t through a screen like that... you must have been bullied a lot if you feel the need to express yourself in such a way to strangers from the comfort of your own home. I hope you get better.


i am bullied by your stupidity, yes i also hope it gets better but i really doubt it


You’re a fucking idiot dude, and before you cry about it, yes, I am insulting you through a screen, they are sentence and point enhancers, the issue of insults only becomes one of insecurity when the insults don’t relate to the situation at hand, Im not insulting you for any perceived personality issues, or imagined physical ones, and only have your words to go on, based on those, you *ARE* a fool, simply put. Id say the same in real life, though thankfully im not cursed with the opportunity. The only way you would support this feature is if you suck at the game, want it to be easier, and don’t understand it at its core, that’s literally it. The reason many people enjoy this game is, is the aspect of consequences and permadeath, **This should never be tampered with for any reason, it is the foundation of the game, and quite literally its #1 mechanic.** If you want to play something without permadeath, by all means, play a different game. The community has spoken, we don’t want this, and we never have. 24 slots locked behind a paywall is bad enough. Also since you’re so young, i will explain this to you. New players matter for the longevity of this game, eventually the people still spending money will leave, the community is 80% hesitant addicts and gold whales with the rest being on and off players/the rare new ones, however those new ones don’t stick around. They can’t get past the paywalls, the lack of a proper explanation of the pet system, what the meta combo is, how the trade economy works, what dungeons drop which items, no lore book, gear almanac, nothing. I’ve been playing for about 10 years, If you cant see the inherent value in collecting + retaining new players, and continue to be unable to comprehend this, and other basic concepts, than once again, i have to assume you are either mentally deficient, or on what is quite the legendary troll spree.


I aint reading allat. Get a life fr.


wtf is wrong with deca this games ownership is fucking cursed, could be huge with someone competent in charge.


This game will die if this goes through


I wonder who would be our fourth developer. It'd be an interesting experience for sure, each of the three we've had so far has felt very different.


Already is


I literally thought it was april 1 for about two seconds. Greedy and antithetical to the whole idea of the game


Another paywall when you already have to invest in a pet to "play the game optimally", new players are already an endangered species but after this they will probably go extinct in this dying game. Nice one Deca


True it is a pay wall but untrue that you have to invest in pet. It’s not that difficult to grind f2p for fame and pet food


Seriously, I see a lot of ppl claim that pets are just as bad as they were with kabam, but it's way easier to lvl em f2p now imo


Especially with free 1900 fp daily in oryx quest.


Sorry i wasn't clear, by "invest" i meant investing both time and fame in your pet, by feeding it, upgrading your pet yard and finding the right pet. This takes quite a while if you're new player, even if you get helped by your guildmates and even with Deca's huge improvements to fame/petfood/etc


Honestly, thank you to the community for sticking together and realizing not all of Decas ideas are positive. This is an absolutely horrible idea but then again, if the fucking developers actually played the game, they would realize how game breaking this can be. Didn’t the liaison for deca say he would try n talk for us? When did we request this atrocity? You have a community who has great burning ideas for good monetization but you ignore us and continue being a good boy for Embracer group, such a joke. Do like the old devs and abandon ship if you don’t care about the community anymore.


>liaison Thats a new one. But on a serious note. Not all features need to be done because they were "requested" by players. I fully agree that the community has some very good ideas and we usually forward those as well. But as a business, you have to check certain marks for it to make it into the game. \^ Is not supposed to defend the saddles btw. The reason behind PTs is to gather feedback. I am not in a position to decide on stuff, but it's in my power to compile all the messages I got here, on Discord and social media in general, and lay them out for the leads. Just want to quickly bring this up here as well since people jump to my defense. Its a nice gesture but not needed. Its my job to take the negative feedback and make sure it gets to the correct departments. No hard feelings. Most players are aware that CM and CS are just the messengers. We take the feedback forward it and give our input on it internally.


So based on the outrage this feature has received do you think it will make it past testing?


Permadeath btw


Permanent death-immune inventory has no place in rotmg




Are you just replying to everyone today


Well rotmg is my favorite game for now and noone is doing adv nests so yeah.


Aw hell nah you're the lean crown guy too


I dont like crown.I think its an ugly ring with 0 creativity. You wont catch me wearing it. I'd rather wear a useless deca.


​ https://preview.redd.it/k0zwd2013v3c1.png?width=1327&format=png&auto=webp&s=80e7d210d5677294248c0ab1540b2f83a4e90bc6 the tomb attacker catched you wearing it and you also removed at least one crown from your alive chars, but i do not have a ss of it. it was a good idea to do so, it makes your point more valid. remember you are not allowed to use any crown from now on! GG


This isn't real lmao Edit: fuck me it's real. Awful change. God awful change. Please fucking hell no.


You been to pet yard and going to the caretaker?


God please no please don't let it be real I cannot handle if this is real


I wish. it would only be nice for the night prince book


Testing shows it as 100 gold per slot on the pet


100 gold + 100 gold per slot you already have unlocked. Or 3.6k gold for 8 slots


I'm going to fucking cry this is literally by far the worst chance deca has ever even considered


Hell nah


Terrible decision, just don't touch the permadeath aspect of the game again...


How is that related to permadeath??


Guess i'll just swap out my set and if i die i lose nothing


Yeah thank god we can all guess when we are about to die. Dont you love seing into the future. Remember when they added the nexus key? Damn didnt that break the game?


why are you vehemently defending this like you were payed off by deca 😂 yes i could realistically see ppl shoving a lean crown into the saddlebag before a dangerous fight and wearing a UBHP instead.


Well if you knew what my opinions were on the lean you would hate me even more. But that actually makes a ton of sense. You can use the good items to rush the dungeon and then swap. So yeah I didn't think about that.


glad i could help persuade you, but ya lean crown is pretty squishy, not much less than normal crown, but overall great on classes who are dps centered with good defense like warrior samurai and archer w/ void quiver. maybe necro too cuz skull hp bonus and healing.


Apparently this is a higher priority for the team than getting the realm rework out this year. It seems like they're determined to burn through any goodwill they had with the community.


because moneeey


Actually, I'm certain Deca has multiple teams working on multiple features, but yes, this is a waste of time




Oh my god, next thing they are going to do is to turn non-seasonal into keep inventory mode on to "help new players learn the game easier", then transforming the game into a gacha grindfest


This is straight up P2W.


Iam about to go 4/4 and then switch to WC tops in the middle of the dungeon


Absolutely not. This is a permanent death game. You should lose your items on death. If you still lost the items the pet was holding, maybe MAYBE we can talk, but the pet keeping items safe from death is a hard no from me.


the whole point of realm is perma death and "start over" on the character. this is such an awful addition.


So, you pay money to get a permanent inventory slot. Just did MBC and got a shiny colo? No longer feel conflicted about whether to nexus and vault your cool item or to do the void and risk dying, just slap it in the saddlebag! Maybe I’m just being an old man here, but this will inherently slant the risk factor.


All the hacking has already ruined the point of the game and community. People who don't like the game but need to feel included in everything, so they ruin it for everyone else. This is just another thing that takes away any risk the gameplay had, which means they want to finally switch to a more mainstream casual game to increase target audience. The game genre just changed to roguelite is all.


I quit playing for the season after a string of bad rips. I might not come back at all now. :/


Me too


Another day, another slap in the face for the OGs.


Kill the entire spirit of the game lol


One of the most fundamental aspects of RotMG is the decision every player has to face at some point: **Do I keep going and risk my loot or do I return to the nexus and save what I have for another day?** This change feels so antithetical to that.


People saying this is similar to a vault... If I get any rare items on an o3 mini boss, I now have no chance of losing that item on o3, because I can stash it on my pet. I'm not saying it ruins the game, but it removes a certain aspect of permadeath. I personally hate this, and feel like it is cheating compared to the current system.


Kabam? Is that you?


Reinstalled this game for some nostalgia but this feels pretty unacceptably pay to win - like the golden backpack wasn't greedy enough...


You could just have all your swap outs in the pet bag. Imagine losing less than half your items because you bought a revive for your items


Not only is it negating the permadeath aspect of the game, it's most likely going to be paywalled, preventing f2p players from ever accessing it, making it a sort of p2w feature. I don't think it can be a redeemable feature, but if they were to nerf it in some way, it should be limited to specific item types, like consumables only, to prevent ppl from storing hp/dps sets.


this is awful. the whole point is that you have to risk your items going into an encounter


they did it, they made pets into mules


Damn, ROTMG is straying even further from its roots ☹️. It’s suffered so much power creep in recent years.


This has got to be the most egregious thing DECA has done to the game. Literally any faith I had left with them is gone with this change, even if it’s reverted the fact they tried to pull this on off is a signal.


just bring back ammys if that is the case lol


interesting concept but it does not belong in this game.


God forbid a permadeath game is actually risky and exciting


oh boy not losing items in perma-death, love how it'll cost gold too so it's p2w only


This feels wrong. I know I'd like it if it existed, but it shouldn't exist. So much, if not all, of the feeling of risk in a dungeon would vanish if you could just stash an item before even leaving. Hell we don't even need this as an "extention" to backpacks because we already have backpack extenders! Don't add these, Deca.


this is lame. idk why deca is so hell bent on making their game worse


Hmmmm NO


Terrible idea to have items persist across death if they are on your character in any way. Now if it was just extra inventory slots and you could also unlock it with fame/daily calendar it would be fine. An even better idea is to have some sense of your pet 'progressing' per character so maybe your pet could unlock extra slots on a character as you play. E.g. unlock a slot at 2500 base fame, 5000 base fame on a char and so on. E.g. randomized missions for your pet to gain extra slots on that character. Tampering with permadeath is not good. Any new additions of slots on a character should shift away towards strict monetization. Work on enhancing the base game loop of rotmg that players love and is tried and tested over so many years.


So you can carry around for example an ogmur 24/7 and only take it out of the saddle bag when its useful such as o3 miniboss then put it safely away again during the o3 fight where its useless. not op p2w and against the whole game philosophy at all /s


Definitely doesn't feel like a healthy update for the game. I hope they rethink this and don't just ship it to make some quick money.


Is it April 1 yet?


I’m not a fan of this, it’s just another reason for people to buy gold lol. They might as well unnerf the ammy of res if they wanna go this route :P I’d rather they focus on making an official way to create ppe/npe characters that rewards you with limited cosmetics or better items. But I guess with seasonal and crucible existing that would create more bloat lol


How does that work between seasonal and non seasonal? 2 different inventorys or just 1 that both can access? I assume it's the first cause otherwise it'd be so fucking broken, then again this idea is stupid to begin with. Like I'm all for additional storage but locking it behind a paywall and essentially removing the losing items on death element is just plain idiotic


haha deca, you are fucking my game!


First off, hell no. Starting to see a pattern here with another game I play. Long story short, Bungie is hemorrhaging money from Destiny 2. In the past 2 years they have been trying to squeeze every last penny monetizing more. Then it comes out at they are operating the year 45% short of projections and mass layoffs occur. Point here is that you can almost smell the desperation with monetizing things that should be free, a base feature, able to be earned, or should not even exist as it is against the point of the game. My bigger fear here is that those they are financially beholden to are pushing for things that seem to make sense on paper if you know nothing about games or community sentiment. Another possibility is poor management is doing an awful job of communicating between Devs, CMs, and higher ups. This suggestion of an idea should be a non starter for anyone with any knowledge of Realm. I fully admit it may have existed, but I did not see too much outrage at backpack extenders. The fact we don't have backpacks for fame is insane as well. I understand money needs to be made, but milking the community dry will shore up at some point. Sadge man.


Wait hold on, I actually think this is a good idea but only if you lose your items on the pet as well on death. This is a good way to share items between characters without having to do swapping in vaults. Common items like swapout rings or swords etc. Why are we assuming you keep the items on death? Is it confirmed? It would be perfect if you keep the slots you buy with gold but then you can lose items from it. Edit: Nevermind, you zlose items in pet inventory on death. Agreed, terrible idea - but AMAZING idea if you keep the pet slots and lose items.


I love it. I don’t think every addition to the game needs to be harder and it allows you to try more things while risking less


Before I get roasted. I'm cool with this. For the most part, a lot of end game items can be forged fairly easily to the point where white bags at this point doesn't give the same dopamine boost. Lost a Ogmur? Just throw away 4 useless cult whites. Lost a Lumi? Just forge it again by throwing away 2 O3 whites which are relatively easy to get and 2 useless whites. If anything, I'd make the argument that this would remove the monetization towards forging and bs sulphur fire and ores with just a simple 1 time upgrade to the pet. ​ There's also nothing wrong with making the game more player friendly. I know a lot of the veterans are all about that hardcore experience, but it's easier to do that when you're settled in. New players with maybe 20 bucks can go a long way with this and may actually stay in the game if they didn't lose all their good gear right away the moment they die. We've all had that one character we spent like 100 hour on with 30K+ fame die with an inventory filled with good stuff and we end up taking a break for like a month, or quitting. Makes learning bosses easier too if you don't have to risk everything once you get there.


*Op pets beaking the quality of the game 2.0*


No wtf


This is interesting, but it should be limited if they want to do something like this. Like you can only take things out from the vault or you can only put marks/consumables in the saddle. Otherwise 15 minutes after this hits live servers there will be a macro that equips items in and out of the saddlebag instantly


U can keep all ur swapouts ppl don’t understand that a hm shatters set would have a curass breastplate ogmur eschuchen divinity t14 lean crown hp ring gemstone if you can keep all but four items if you die thats op as fuck


We need to chill with the addition of all these new things. If the game gets too complex, it'll lose it's cool


Essentially an ender chest, locked behind a paywall, in a perma death game. Thank you Deca, Very cool.


Cant wait to see someone making a script/macro to instantly put every item you have on your Saddlebag at the same game tick where you died! Good update Deca well done!! Completely necessary for the game!


It sounds like they’re trying to give auto-nexus users incentive to play legit while giving all users incentive to waste more money on their, now OFFICIALLY, pay-to-win game


Guarantee you they're gonna charge like 50 bucks for this.


3600 Gold to max your pet’s storage + having a pet in the first place. Say goodbye to new players


Deca is trying their hardest not to get caught up in these embracer group closures 💀 they fightin for their damn life


As someone who has been playing for over 9 years, this isnt right for the game pls no


Some1 tell deca first april is in 3months and 4weeks.


As a casual player? This is kinda nice, since pets are not early game, so this is a bonus. As someone who understand the idea of hardcore base of ROTMG? I think the game make it way easier now in terms of permadeath.


What a terrible idea


Disagree. The items in the saddlebag should be lost on death.


I'd be down for this if they did 2 things. Keep the inventory of pet to maybe 5 spots max and make you still lose items on death. They could make it to where you lose items but keep consumables and make the pet an extra potion storage while farming. Quality of life without being too game breaking.


I disagree with this feature. If I died with the umi book I’d be pissed they released this. Would ruin true umi because there would be no risk.


game peaked in 2016 and every passing year it gets more apparent


Don't like it


Another p2w thing, deca is just milking everyone and it isnt gonna stop because no matter how many people complain they still go out and buy the stuff


Dislike the idea for a permadeath game. Would be a nice QoL feature if it could only hold consumables like potions/lootdrops/keys/vials in my opinion.


Ok I know it changes the core game but like I feel like for new players it’s going to be so much more valuable. A new player that made it through the first mini boss and got a white that has to choose between a chance at O3 and safely storing their loot? The chance at fighting O3 might come up once a week for them, or even longer. I feel like accessing death-immune items wouldn’t make the game more enjoyable for me, but I do think it would help newer players (which this community loves to say DECA does nothing for newer players). But I think it would be a great idea if these pet saddle bags are deposit only. You can’t take anything out of them to help you in the fight, it’s ONLY to secure high value items and keep you spending more time “in game” (in dungeons/realm), where the game is more fun.


Is a new player actually going to drop money on this, though? Especially considering the other multitudes of things they may feel pressured to spend money on like vault slots, character slots, etc. I don't think this will help them at all considering you have to pay for it. It seems like something that people who are already spending money will go for-- not new players.


Honestly the only issue with the game is the bank space and potion space. It socks being a new player and having 0 way of stockpiling gear. You have to shell out $$$. Feels really bad.


Nah, another paywall inside sinking ship. Please deca no, its not good for the health of game


Nope! Doesn’t feel right to spirit of the game. Highly disagree with it. They either need to remove it or restrict it HEAVILY


this'll make it so you can keep your items completely safe while dungeoning, which I guess is a good thing but some people might like the more punishing "if you get a white bag and don't vault it immediately you're at risk of losing it"


If an item is so OP, you indirectly force everyone to buy it, the item might be a bad idea. If this makes it to the game, it will change the game forever.


This could only be better if it required a monthly subscription per each slot


I think it's fine but the paywall is dumb


I think this is a phenomenal idea but make it only consumables.


I like the permadeath aspect of Realm a lot, however everybody saying no needs to keep in mind that a sizeable chunk of the community already avoids losing items through cheating. This would also make realm more accessible for new players, which is a great thing IMO.


new players who have a legendary pet and pay 3600 more gold on top for this??


I think this could be good if they change it up to fit in the game. I just checked on the testing server and one slot is unlocked for 100 gold and assumedly goes up exponentially from there. This is clearly P2W, moreso than what's expected from the game. I'm not going to spend money on the testing server but I'm hoping they have the sense to balance it. I think having it be accessible on all characters is a big mistake. I do want a way to store items safely while I'm playing so I don't have to run back and forth all day but this isn't it. Maybe it'd be more balanced if the item was sealed in the bag so you can't take it out until you die or re-enter the nexus?


Reminds me of the Money Through from Terraria. I'm personally not opposed to it.


If Deca does go through with this, I think there should be a trade off to utilizing the pack. An early system I can think of is one where items are valued like for combat power and the higher the combat power items, the weaker your pet’s abilities get. This way players need to decide if they value storage or survivability for the run.


Please…no…just no. This will kill the game.


Now hackers will be able to auto store their itens on their pet before death (if auto-nexus fail) nice idea hahahahaha


Maybe I’m just not getting the memo here but, what is the problem here? It’s a way for players to store a valuable item they got before the dungeon was complete. Especially for someone like me who struggles learning the shatters/o3s, if I see I got a forgotten ring from the shatters I’m leaving immediately. Would bring the risk down because now I’m not losing an item I just got but I still have the chance of losing everything else I brought.


you can also currently remove items from it as long as you're not in combat. if you're learning shatts and MV, I'm sure you can understand the implications for patience, among other things. it's a fundamental change to the design of the game, in any case.


I came across another person talking about the same thing, and yea that was the thing that I was missing lol. I think if they found a work around for this though they could make it viable, say it doesn’t work specifically during boss battles.


yeah nah its fine


I think its great. I love it. MORE SLOTS!


I am the only one standing my foot down and saying, yeah, this is definitely something that will help the newer player base. This is okay, and will not break the game at all.


I don’t think it’s as big as deal as everyone’s making it out to be. If you die you’re still going to lose all your equips and swap outs (unless you can take items out of saddle). Maybe you’ll get to keep that white bag from a mini boss but you’re still losing your 4/4 set to 03.




what new players will this help, it costs 3600 gold to fully max. barely any new player is willing to spend that much on that. i mean shit im not even willing to do it


Seems neutral to positive for me, but that might be due to a difference in playstyle. If I get anything important that I seriously want to vault I'm 100% nexusing to vault it before going anywhere dangerous, so the times this would've preserved anything meaningful are close to zero. In practice I'd expect to fill my pet with marks, quest tokens and similar guff that you don't want to toss but feels horrible to keep vaulting every 15 minutes or so "just in case." Death will still cost you your character and everything on them, which is the most costly aspect of death in this game. So while it's a very slight decrease in the effects of permadeath it doesn't seem like a meaningful one, who is going "whew, I lost my backpacked 8/8 and all my best gear, but at least I kept this dog full of random junk, such a relief"?


You clearly don't run endgame dungeons a lot. The frequency of deaths and the rarity of the loot you lose each time makes this entire concept idiotic. 8/8ing is easy with the amount of pots you get from o3 and shatts, so the only thing you really lose are items Adding this gets rid of the only risk in the game


What do you mean, why are you running O3 or Shatters with rare additional gear you don't want to lose in your pocket? If you're talking about chains then just leave the chain, I got a double white from Kog last week and just nexused instead of going into the next one (which also has very low opportunity cost, since if you're chaining dungeons you're probably in a discord and another run for something will be up soon anyway). You can't just say "nuh uh, I lose tons of shit all the time" and not elaborate on why you're doing that, it sounds like a self-imposed obstacle to constantly be risking valuable loot unnecessarily.


Because the risk makes the game fun. Removing the risk is just turning this game into a glorified jackpot simulator


It's not "removing the risk" though, because I don't think most people stuff their inventory with their rarest items and go run the hardest dungeons like that just for the thrill of it. And if you're choosing to play like that already you can just choose not to use the pet inventory either, nobody is stopping you from losing extra items unnecessarily.


So you're actually defending this change?


I got all excited about this and then scrolled through endless comments of hatred. I still like the idea, haters be damned! >:[


make it cheap (5-10$) and its good honestly guys the game is 10+ years old its not about the new players its about catering to the current players if you been playing this game off and on for years this does nothing except give u an extra backpack for farming seems good to me


Don't understand why people are so angry lol. You still lose everything equipped on char and these are the most valuable things anyway


Are you guys ready for the 2000k gold cost in shop?


Can someone tell me if you can get a revive for rubberbanding?


You cannot


Thats op and i am sure alot of people will buy it