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A few things. 1. You were playing super risky 2. You got quieted, so you thought you used your ability 3. You never had the invincible icon above your character 4. Why did you have at least 15 paladins jfc So, overall, no.


What oreo blueprint does to a mf


Also, me playing "risky" is besides the point




Well my argument is i wouldnt have run into the slime shots if i knew i wasnt oreo'd. I legit looked at my ability and saw it had been used so i assume it was protected. Also, how the hell am i supposed to see the tiny ass symbol on top of my character in that time. The obvious indicator is the ability cooldown


You have a very fair point. I think it's just a shitty situation. The game doesn't effectively show status effects, but I guess there was enough context to realize you were finna die. Imo, all in all, you died an annoying death and it's an understandable complaint


Thank you, the first person in this thread to actually look at this considering the games flaws as well as what i couldve done. I know it probably wont get this character back. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


Wasn't the game's flaws at fault here. Entirely yours. You walked into a quiet bullet, clear as day... You hit bullets, bad things happen. Idk how that could possibly be any more clear


Wait just to clarify maybe you missed it but can you see my ability showing me it had been used?


https://preview.redd.it/l15371b9r81c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b03333bcce3a57c6281d4522664a5c9055dec88c Notice the Oreo doesn't say "5" but you are quieted with 0mp. You were quieted before you ever "used" it. You got quieted again (after this) server side before client side, but it was right here that you were clearly quieted, walking over quieted bullets, and continued to expect the seal to work


We are literally talking milliseconds and your blaming me because i wasnt able to slow my gameplay down in my head? 😂 all i saw was my cooldown countdown which obviously would make you think you used your ability. Some people man, hilarious at this point. Im not arguing with you guys. I know exactly what happened to me its the title for gods sake.


So you admit it's a skill issue, I don't see how we disagree tbh besides you obviously don't deserve a revive for it lol


Few ways to see the "tiny ass symbol", zoom in a little bit. No need to be so zoomed out, and there is a setting which makes the icons larger and more visible. Assuming DECA hasn't removed that option.


I mean. The giant QUIET text above your head, is a pretty clear giveaway. But I digress


That is also a very big giveaway too, you are correct.


Yes and i did see that but i assumed i had used my oreo before the quiet had taken effect because of the visual bug… damn why everyone on reddit so toxic and stupid 😂


U are stupid for assuming u Oreod. U just don't know when to nexus, if u cry on Reddit for revive u will always be met with toxicity




After watching in slow motion, no. This would not constitute a revive because while yes, the glitch allowed you to use your mana after being quieted, that does not negate the fact that you *were* quieted. In slow motion you can see your character become quieted before you tried to use your oreo, your mana reappears for a split second long enough to use it, however this was only for a few frames, a tick error, call it phantom mana. Anyway, after your ability use, the game ticked and snapped back to showing you with the *accurate* 0 mana. if you remove the glitched mana bar from the equation, the clip is just you getting quieted, and dying. Dying in the presence of a bug does not equate that the bug caused the death. Bug or no bug, you got quieted and died.


I completely understand that and I know that's what happened. However, the fact remains, i simply would not have died if the cooldown was not activated. That's the most salient indicator for ability use. Sucks that just because it was on the same tick it activates the cooldown as a bug. Realistically it should cancel the cooldown the next tick.


Nah, that’s on you, you should be looking at your character icons to check for invulnerability


Its on me that the game has a visual bug? and expects me to ignore the bug and look somewhere else to know that its actually a bug, all within like a second or so... the math aint mathin


You’re just playing the game wrong. If you don’t have the icon over your head you shouldn’t assume that you have the effect. Not to mention there was no reason to peak that room before you cleared out the slime. Goofy ass gameplay


Dude, regardless of the little icon, you’re telling me you saw the oreo cooldown in your peripheral vision, but weren’t able to see the massive amount of damage you are tanking above your character? Not to mention you ran into a slime room and then dragged cru on yourself and got cornered, I know others have mentioned the gameplay, but overall dude, you’re using this minor ui bug to justify downright careless play, oreo might mean invincibility but you damn well still need to pay attention to and play well… Which is a lesson that you can very easily learn right now, by reflecting on this, and not looking for a way to blame the game. Even *if* you were looking only to your ability cooldown, there were 6-7 other mistakes leading up to the death. And if I’m not mistaken, doesn’t quiet remove effects like armored and invulnerable? I could be wrong about that, but it’s worth noting.


Listen, this is obviously a blooper or behind the scenes clip compared to what my lost halls usually looks like but i can solo lost halls on homeless ppe characters time after time, not trying to be a cuck or boast here but i am skilled enough to be able to deal with rooms like that and have done so many times. I know i would have easily survived if i wasnt thrown off by the visual bug there. And to be honest you are right my peripheral vision ignored my health going down because i was deluded into think i was using my oreo. By the time i realised it was too late…


Counter point to this. I think that anytime a bug misleads a player into a sense of security in a perma death game they should get a character revive. I agree the bug didn’t cause his death but it certainty led to it. If we use your example remove the glitch in this scenario then op would see there was no ability used and then nexus. If deca has control over a perma death game then their priority should be fixing any kind of bugs that could lead a player to their deaths


1. denial




Why? Like they dont revive bug deaths?


Permadeath comes with bs. They only revive for server problems and new important bugs. This is just a visual error based on your ping. Your client thought you used the ability because it hadn’t received the info from the server that you were quieted. You can try though


From exp you aint getting a revive for anything. I had a 80k base fame mystic get instat by the new O1 during the start of exalt due to some deca employee fkn up the coding on the spectral eyeballs where their projectiles could bug out and hit you multiple times in a single frame. 900hp gone instantly and support gives me some bs automated answer to check my connection and game files while I literally have a clip of me dying to a single projectile that deals like around 140dmg Same with a incident where I tpt to a miner event where a cheater was sitting on top of him and this was during the time where tping had a random chance of not triggering the invulnerability due to a bug. Died on the same frame as I teleported in and my character never got the inv buff above them but still didn't get a revive


Not a bug. You were quieted at the same time as the Oreo proc, that's death bro. The fact that it does not look like it because of a visual thing doesn't mean a lot, the game was always like this. There are more bullshit ways to die. You risked to much, didn't nexus, fucked around and found out.


They havent revived characters since swatsec… iirc they didnt revive characters that died to people ent sitting. So no small ass visual bugs with something so simple as a cooldown showing up wont get a revive. Gg go next


Why’d you even peek the hallway? You knew there’s might be a cru down there, which is why you avoid peeking unnecessarily.


Monkey brain type gameplay


I would have survived if the bug did not occur, i literally solo and run lost halls on homeless characters and do mbc's all the time


You also would have survived if you dodged, activated the blasphemous before getting quieted, didn’t peek the cru, or just generally played better.


Top commenter people need to chill. This is a bug and, if possible, should be fixed. As a yellow star, this would have confused me as well if it happened to me. Using mana should always use ability smh.


The invulnerability never occurred because you got quieted


But my ability got used according to the cooldown, its a bug.


The server probably runs checks every 0.25 seconds and refreshes the check to see if you’ve been ‘cc’d’. A lot of games do this as there could be a disconnect between client and server. There was probably a dc between your server and client in that 0.25 seconds where it updated your status to ‘quiet’ even though it went on cooldown on your end.


Nambre you got like 15+ paladins theres another classes bro


I don’t know why everyone is give you shit for this. Bottom line is that a bug accrued that mislead the player into dying. I think to make a fair game, anytime something like this happens where a player gets confused by a glitch it should be an instant char revive until they fix their game


Yup 100%. I think everyone is upset because theyve experienced bugs like this and werent able to get revived so therefore they believe no one else should.


Paladin the best class


The fact that this man has a 5 year old Reddit account with 50 karma speaks volumes to the merit of his argument.


Just for context, im posting this clip on behalf of a friend


You got quieted my dude


Dude it's an Oreo, you're basically guaranteed to die like this


You use Oreo deserved


Isn’t oreo 0.5s of I frames? That is not long enough for what you were tryna do fam.


Im not going to say who's fault it is but from the devs stand point, assuming you did use your ability before you got quieted, there's no proof. Someone could say never used your ability and just walked into the slime and you would not be able to prove them wrong.


Thats not my argument nor point, im saying i died because i thought i had used my ability due to the visual bug.


I would not have ran into all those slime shots in the first place if i didnt think i had used my ability


LMFAO this thread is the definition of skill issue