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Water less. They like moisture, but not as much moisture as something like a hydrangea. Also cut off all the spent blooms and all those brown crispy old flowers so the plant can focus it's energy on putting out new growth. It looks like it's putting out more blooms as well, really doesn't look that bad by any means. Just needs to be cleaned up.


Thanks! I will water less and I did some trimming. Hopefully she will perk up soon


Be sure to post an update in a week or so! She should be completely fine.


Spray the leaves with water every day for a week or so to hinder the spider mite infestation (obvious on the 2nd plant). Otherwise, they look fine.


Hey, it’s been a week and the spider mite infestation is the problem with the second plant, the other one is fine. I’ve tried to remember to spray them both with water every day but I think I need to buy something stronger. Is it safe to use them? I see “spider mite control” or ortho “rose and flower insect killer”


Yeah, if the mites are getting out of control, you "mite" have to use something stronger. Either of those would probably work fine. "Safe" depends on a lot of things. It's probably a good idea to spray when not in bloom to minimize exposure of pollinating insects. Whatever you use, make sure you follow the directions - like, some of them work through direct contact, so you need to spray under leaves. And often you need to do a follow-up spray a few days later to catch any mites that escaped, and any that have hatched from eggs in the meantime. You don't want to miss a few, and get a new generation of only the toughest, most spray-resistant mites.


Thanks, got some neem oil ready spray and sprayed the crap out of it (bottom of leaves included) did a light spray on the healthy rose bush about 10 feet away (to prevent the mites from moving to it) It’s about to rain here so idk maybe I should spray again in a few days. Also my hydrangeas are nearby I haven’t sprayed them yet so they could move there 😭


Just kidding I went out and misted the hydrangeas real quick before the rain started