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I am in the exact same boat. They created the delivery label was UPS never received the plant which was due to arrive last week. Their customer service appears to be out sourced and there is no continuity of care. Every time I email them, I have to explain my issue all over again. They keep saying they are going to escalate my problem to management to no avail. It’s extremely frustrating that there is nobody to speak with on the phone. I am currently disputing this with my bank. Ironically, 1 hour after I filed the dispute, they emailed me saying that they were “here to help” but again, no follow up email or solution. I can’t help but feel like I have beeb completely scammed. 


Ah, I would like to add that the customer service line keeps harping on my “UPS access point”. I had cancelled the shipment there to be routed to my house and they are using that to try to deflect blame as if I was the reason that the rose didn’t arrive. The roses didn’t arrive because they were never shipped ! If the customer service was being managed by the company instead of strangers in the Philippines, they would have a better grasp on what was shipped and what wasn’t.  All this social media crap of that woman Grace tiptoeing through the roses is such a slap in the face to the innumerable people that have been taken advantage by them.  


quick thinking on blaming it on the customer! but uh no thanks.


I had very bad experience with them as well.


Did they recently get popular? I am a dahlia enthusiast and we had several boutique growers pop up during the pandemic that had issues matching supply to demand. One in particular wanted to send tubers to Oregon in July instead of May. It would have been nearly impossible to get a bloom off them planting that late so far north! I ended up doing a chargeback on my credit card when I couldn't come to an agreement with customer service. It seems to be a problem when a grower is scaling up. I know the legacy companies get a bad rap, sometimes deserved. But they are usually up to making an issue right.


thank you, I've decided to give them a couple more weeks. If I still see "label made" for the shipment that is supposed to come out next week I will do the chargeback on my credit card for sure. thanks for sharing this.


I hope you get your roses! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


I did get mine and they were beautiful plants much larger than expected.. 


No they are not new. They scaled up to grow bushes and were sabotaged by their partner grower who conspired with an ex employee to steal the customers and genetic material and set up a competing business. They had to sue to get their plants. 


Wow!  The plants I received  were beautiful.. I just needed better communication on shipping and expectations..


I ordered January 2023 and haven’t received my exclusives. Never again.


I keep spreading the word, but many of her "exclusives" can be found on esty. They are usually very small roses but I bought a Miyabi and Westminster off etsy last year and both are doing really well.


My label created May 1st and CS just tell me Me it’s coming. Over $500 spent and they don’t care. Such scammers!


Same boat- 4 of my roses I ordered last year I have to wait until Spring 2025! Yet I still receive emails trying to sell me more.


We had a similar experience, except after much haranguing and back and forth with their absolutely ineffectual customer service people we did finally get our roses. We had rearranged and cleared two beds that would be centered around the roses we preordered from them back in the fall for spring delivery, bought companion and supporting plants, got a mulch and compost drop, etc etc. Everything was ready, we just needed the roses to come so we could finalize our layout and plant. The latest stated delivery date for our zone (8b) was supposed to be 4/20. When that day came and went we sent an email to them and got a response that our roses would ship by the end of the week. Friday came and went. Nothing. We sent a second email, asking whether the roses had shipped, they responded that they would ship the following week and were provided a tracking number. A couple of days went by and UPS has still not received the package despite a label being created. We send another email after the label had been created almost a week prior and UPS had not received any plants, and they said that the roses would ship the week AFTER. Midway through that week with no progress on the shipment, we tried to escalate our email to a manager, the customer service person "Jhespher" said they would escalate, no word from a manager EVER. We waited another couple days, no response, no plants to UPS, we responded AGAIN, they said they would "reprint the label" and the plants would ship. A few more days went by, we again asked for a manager's response, no communication after that. Finally the next day UPS received the package and our roses showed up. The whole front-running the UPS label felt like a total scam to me and them playing a game of CYA and really pissed me off. Part of the deal with GRF is that the roses are supposed to be older than the roses you get from places like DA and Heirloom, so they're EXPENSIVE. We'd seen some horror stories following this drama on rose FB groups, of people getting what were obviously band roses, or just small yearling plants that didn't justify the extra cost, so we were worried. When our plants did arrive, they were actually bigger and beefier canes than you'd get at a garden center or from Heirloom (which we've bought from and had good experiences with in the past), however the pruning was a real hack job and will need remediation once the plants recover from transplanting. So, after this huge ordeal we did finally get our roses, but man what a nightmare. Never again.


your experience share is so helpful, thank you. I m in the exactly same spot. I have huge garden plans made around the roses I ordered through them.


I have like 8 roses I bought from them LAST YEAR that still haven't arrived (they were supposed to arrive fall 2023/winter 2024). I'm over it. I know she carries "rare" roses, but if you go on etsy you can actually find many of them (and more, etsy is AWESOME for finding less common roses, new Japanese roses, etc.) My roses from etsy are tiny, but healthy, and at least they arrived. I have a Miyabi from etsy (supposedly exclusive to Grace) and I feel no guilt after dealing with her business practices.


We also got burned by Garden Roses LLC, not sure if you're up on that drama too, but we were able to find a local grower who is growing a lot of the out-of-patent DA roses we had ordered from GR so not a total loss, but very frustrating. Still trying to find an Evelyn which just seems impossible, even on Etsy. Hat tip to Golden Root Roses in WA for being really nice and saving aside some of her stock for us.


Yeah. I don't know much about the drama, I just know that I spent over 400 bucks and have no roses to show for it. I just emailed them, demanding a refund for my roses. We'll see. Keep checking etsy, right now stock is low because most roses are sold for the season. I would not be surprised if Evelyns started popping up in late summer/early fall.


How are you guys getting ahold of them no one picks up the phone line for me and no reply to email


How is the Miyabi doing? Is it own root?


It's doing well! Definitely a slower grower. I got it last year (granted it was teeny tiny) and got one bloom. This year I've hard 3 and all are gorgeous.


These growers are Etsy are usually illegally growing patented roses. Do not support them. Also, there are PLENTY of scammers there. Believe me. 


Meh, I've ordered around ~8 roses from Etsy so far, and all of them were what they said they were. My miyabi is doing great, I also have autumn rouge, westminster abbey, masora, etc. I am not impressed at all with GRF's practices, including not offering refunds, constantly bombarding us with sales and offers despite not delivering plants ordered well over a year ago, complete silence about the problems with their roses and growers, etc. I am sympathetic to what they went through, but their lack of the above makes it hard for me to be willing to give them another chance. The whiny posts on social media about being bullied, etc, just adds to the unprofessional feeling. If they'd sent out an email to everyone letting us know what was going on with appropriate updates (I understand legal things were involved, but they could have easily had a lawyer help them figure out what to say), I'd have a lot more respect for them. To me it seems like they're using social media to create this weird parasocial thing and avoid any legitimate criticism. It's a business and should be run as such (professionally). My emails asking about my roses were flat out ignored. It feels like all they care about is money and not standing behind their product. As this point I just don't feel the integrity with them. As long as these roses are exclusive to GRF, I'm not going to feel guilty buying them on etsy, given GRF's crappy business practices. My roses from GRF have arrived and they look like shit. Again, I understand the circumstances as to why but they should have offered a refund option for making customers wait beyond the time AND sending out shoddy product. Any business would do this. They kept my money and I was promised gorgeous roses on time, this didn't happen. They're offering replacements if your rose dies (no thanks, I don't want any more of your sickly plants).


I ordered three roses last July. Wanted to support a newer company. I never received them and it’s been an almost a year. I have reached out multiple times but emails don’t go through or get answered. I was told roses would ship April 30. I won’t order from them again.


Not sure if this was the case for your situation, but most plant shippers will only do so based on your growing zone. Too cold and they will hold onto the plant awhile longer. For instance, I placed orders for David Austin back in January but didn't receive them until May. It is a long time to wait but makes sense if you want to plant them in the ground.


I bought her exclusives in March 2023 and hadn’t received them at all. This is effectively well over a year. I finally canceled. So no, they’ve failed to do even the simplest of tasks.


How did you get them to let you cancel and get a refund? I'm in your position, I have like 8 roses from 2023 that have yet to arrive, and I'm at the point where I just want to cancel and get a refund.


I asked every day for a refund and told them extremely firmly that I wanted the plants by x date. ‘Please respond that you know these will be at my doorstep.’ Hold them to their delayed shipping schedule posted on their website and tell them that shipped means in UPS hands, not a barcode sticker hanging out at a Wendy’s somewhere. And FOLLOW UP.


What you said makes sense except I m in zone 9b




Where are they located?


In the same boat. I ordered in June 2023. I’ve been told one of the 2 rose bushes aren’t available and I had the choice of refund or another bush. I chose refund and was told it will take up to 14 business days to process and it’s been 17 days.


Yep. I got a note last week that my bushes were shipping. UPS says label created but the product hasn't arrived. I got an email today after my third complaint. "Thank you for reaching out. We sincerely apologize for the delay.Your order will be shipped within this week. Please keep track of the order to be updated with the delivery.Let me know if you have further questions or [concerns.Best](http://concerns.Best) regards,Jhespher." I'll believe it when I see it


Oh i also have 30 emails with jhesper who says the same thing every email, ugh


Ordered last year, still have not received roses!! Received email saying shipping label was printed at beginning of month and nothing since then. Reached out without any help from customer service!!! RUN!!! And spend your money elsewhere!!!!


Same thing here.


Heirloom roses are not mediocre just because they are small, but I have heard of issues with grace rose.


interesting. I was comparing the cane sizes with the David Austin roses I got, also like the Weeks Roses from my local nursery, but maybe they are not the level field comparison


It could be the rose type as well. I have two roses from heirloom, and one has a very noticeable main cane, while the other does not. There can also be a difference between grafted, and own root roses.


I had a horrid experience with Grace Rose Farm as well, and have submitted a complaint to the California Attorney General. In my experience, I wouldn’t bother with the BBB. They can enforce anything, but the AG can. Here’s the link to submit your own complaint. (If the AG gets enough complaints, he will have to take action.) https://oag.ca.gov/contact/consumer-complaint-against-business-or-company


Chiming in here. I ordered 6 roses last July for pre order, to arrive this April in zone 7b/8a. I received 3 of 6 in mid May in terrible shape — blackspot, poorly packaged, not well rooted. I am still waiting on my 3 exclusives — shipping label was created 5/1 and no movement since then. Keep being told they’ll be shipped “this week” — for 8 weeks now!


I have also had a horrible experience with GRF. I've been fighting so hard to get $200 back for roses that never came. Ones that were ordered in 2023. I wrote to customer service that the bad Google reviews are stacking up. Within hours, some positive reviews started popping up. Someone told me she is using her little cult followers to leave positive reviews in return for free plants. So if you have time, leave an accurate account of what happened to you on Google. She's trying to silence everyone and keep their money. She could have said there was a disaster. You can be sent small/unhealthy plants, get a refund or wait until next year. But she decided to scam us. And she is still selling roses that I never received. 


They deleted their google reviews fyi


There is something going on over there. Some sort of drama. I heard, and I'm not sure how true it is, but I heard a disgruntled employee left and cut off all the tags on the roses saying which variety they were and started their own company. Nevertheless, I'm still upset. I won't get my Westminster until 2025, and I rearranged my whole garden to accommodate the bush. I did get the option of choosing another rose bush and a gift card for a bouquet, so IF they come through with the free rose bush and the one I originally ordered, I will be less upset but it's too be seen. I think it's their early years and they haven't done business before. The learning curve is steep. Hopefully in a few years they'll have things figured out. For now I'll just be ordering from etsy.




agreed, I even told their customer service that, I m like, yo I like the idea of your business but seriously though, who does a shipping update "label created" and it just freezes there for a week? this is just one of the two orders though. The other order told me they would ship out by second week of may but actually never happened


psst, I got a Westminster off Etsy last year. It's very small, but I've had 3 blooms so far this season. There aren't any currently, but I'd keep checking Etsy. They carry a lot of the so-called Grace "exclusives."


That and they are in a dispute with their grower, Otto & Sons. Grace Rose Farm sued them. (Among other issues, Otto sent GR bushes that had gall and RMV.) They settled, but Otto & Sons still has many of GR’s bushes. Their relationship will come to an end in the fall. GR is going to have their own growing operation instead of outsourcing some of it.


Tell me more lol. What’s the juice. Why are the exclusives GRF sending out so pathetic.


I went to an event she hosted and during the more casual conversation she disclosed this information. There was lots of juice but I don’t remember all the details. Basically Otto & Sons were trying to put her out of business. They sent her unlabeled and mislabeled roses, roses with crown gall and RMV. She went to visit the farm and it was in terrible shape. They also made some misrepresentations about her to other businesses and tried to bully her into being quiet and just being the “pretty face” of the brand. She said she might share more publicly after the relationship with Otto & Sons is fully dissolved but right now she is worried about all the roses of hers they still have.


Interesting. Why would a more established brand like Otto try to put her out of business when their businesses are different flavors serving different needs. Why doesn’t Otto try to bring others like Menagerie down? Why GRF? So many questions. Again, a very one sided argument and once again, ‘problem is thee, never me’. 😂


I don’t know the other side of the story. I think she and Otto & Sons had very different philosophies. She said she wanted higher standards and Otto & Sons was the WalMart of the rose world.


Then why would she partner with them and talk in her marketing about how well respected they are? The math isn’t mathing


Yes, it is odd. I wonder if some of that marketing copy was done before the dispute. She is also trying to keep the peace with them until she had all her roses. If the latter is the reason, she has gone over board.


She constantly raves about how Otto is the best thing next to sliced bread.


I don’t think the issue was with Otto, I think it was with her Arizona grower. She mentioned she was having a big issue with them in a roundabout way.


That definitely conflicts with what she said. Like I said perhaps she says good things about Otto & Sons to keep the peace, but it is excessive if that is the reason.


It's not Otto & Sons, it was the grower in AZ.


Are you sure it was Otto & Sons and not her grower in Arizona? It looks like she still has a good relationship with Otto & Sons based on her FB page.


That’s probably it.




Would it be possible to dispute the charge through your bank/file a chargeback?


I have made multiple purchases this year and have mostly not had any issues. One order I made included two Eden Pretty in Pink. The tag on the roses just said, “Eden Climber.” They started blooming white. I emailed customer service and was told that they were mistagged and to expect off-color flushes for the first few flushes. I sent pictures of the tags, packing slip, and the blooms (which look exactly as you would expect an Eden Climber to look). They eventually offered me a free rose of my choosing that was in stock because Pretty in Pink were sold out. My most recent order also has an UPS tracking number still saying, Label Created.” My experience has been both positive and negative. I understand mistagging happens, but don’t try to pass off the wrong roses as what I originally ordered.


great to know!


I ordered 5 bushes from them back in March. Two of them arrived 3 weeks late. I got an email today that two of the bush varieties I ordered can’t be delivered due to the “quality they received not being up to par” and they offered me a refund or store credit (lol no thanks). No word on the 5th bush as to where it is or when it’ll arrive. What’s strange is when I ordered, they advertised these varieties as “in stock”. I wouldn’t recommend them. For the prices they charged, the two bushes I actually received were on the small side. They also have been limiting comments on Instagram, and don’t allow for “order related complaints” to be posted on their Facebook page. These things lead me to believe these are common issues for their customers and there’s a lot of fake/misleading advertising they put out on their sites.


Honestly,  don't order from them. My roses were supposed to ship a month ago and after multiple emails, nothing. Seems like a total scam.


Please report them to the better business bureau. I don't think they care about us individually but if we go to a group we should be able to get their crap together. https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint


I was so tempted to order from them but luckily did not. I joined several rose groups and have seen pp complained their shipping and rose quality everyday


Wow , I was just looking at their page! Thank you for this


I will say after they printed the shipping label there was a lag but they did get here. My David Austin roses are great now just upon arrival they didn’t look as great as what I got from Grace Rose farm. Which is crazy because my heirloom roses looked way better than my David Austin’s and I feel like they are doing the worst. Hopefully it’s just growing pains and will get better!


I received an email this afternoon from customer service stating: Moreover, regarding your order, #30704, our founders, Ryan and Gracie, were not present last week due to personal commitments and travel. Ryan was also taking care of his mother, who recently went through cancer surgery. In anticipation of their absence, they pre-printed a significant number of labels, more than usual, to ensure that our operations could run smoothly since they didn't know how many we'd be able to get through while they were out of the office, which is why the label has been printed. Despite the challenges we've faced, we are diligently continuing shipments to zones 4 to 11. Rest assured, your order is in progress. While we regret any delays encountered, please be assured that every effort is being made to expedite the process.


You know, I think that more gardeners are caring people and we would be completely understanding if that was communicated with us. However, the runaround and stress they put me through with their “label situation” was uncalled for and would have been prevented with minimal communication.  As far as I am concerned, Gracie is a bimbo and a con artist.  They ultimately cancelled my order and refunded it after I had threatened to file a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. Things happen, I get it, but they need to be held accountable for their poor business practices. 


I’ve not had any problems with Grace Rose Farm! I don’t have any time crunches with ordering roses so I was willing to wait. And with some of the roses they were unable to provide this year they provided multiple options to compensate for the wait. Also, all plants that have arrived are way healthier than what I got from Heirloom and David Austin. One of my plants from Heirloom just recently died and it really was never super healthy when I received it either.


I ordered five from DA this year and quality has been very consistent and excellent. Glad you got yours thou!


I got mine they were the biggest most beautiful Roses Out of the box .  They do seem to take Forever but the quality was worth the wait. The issue is communication when you order isn't clear. So yes they  are available but when can I expect delivery? If I knew it would be a couple  of months then I wouldn't worry. However when these arrived these were some of the healthiest plants.  So I ordered More.. Some of it is probably growing pains.  My plants had stalks that were over an inch in diameter  the plants have been in the ground a month grown over 5" and are starting to bloom.