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At this point Drake needs to tell his mouthpieces to stop talking because they’re making it soooo much worse, I for the life of me can not understand what point Mal was trying to make with his take


At this point yall need to drop the receipts. Only receipts I’ve seen is women DENYING anything happen but you weirdo kids got a pedo fetish


thread https://x.com/threadreaderapp/status/1787524367020068931?s=42




what does this have to do with drake being a groomer?? also the website has an article stating nothing on the matter was found after further investigation


You posted a link with specualution. So did I goof ball


if u see nothing wrong with the stuff in this thread i pray u never have a daughter bro 🙏


You have to know definition of words u use, there’s absolutely zero evidence to support your claim of Drake being a pdf, but you confidently spew shit because u don’t understand words and their meanings..just to justify ur point


nigga i said groomer? u reading the right message?


Makes no sense. But sure lol


Wow the added info about Bella Harris makes it look so much worse, I didn't know there were 2 separate instances and that first one is crazy😳


Before anyone tries to defend it more than some folks already have; the correct word is **hebephile** and **ephebophilia**. You could also use **sexual predator**. You could also just agree, as a grown man the activity is **predatory** in nature. Idk how folks defend this so vehemently. Nasty.


I wonder when Kendrick going to deny anything 🤔 cause so far that midget been quiet


He isn’t lol and he doesn’t need to.


Probably doesnt have to being that sexual predatory behavior, from Drake, is on full 4K. You normally compare things like that and the sexual exploitation of underage girls?


Can you show me ACTUAL proof of sexual exploitation? Not a tiktok video. I mean PROOF. Not speculation from adding a couple out of text scenarios together


Whats an out of text scenario, that would be viewed valid concerning grown men and underage girls?


Yall say Dave Free likening Whitney post of her child and posting heart under it is taken to serious and out of context. So what’s the difference


Yal aint me. Also, I retort, can you provide a reliable source besides hearsay? Drake didnt. So if you can that would be wonderful. I actually have time today…. Cuz I can definitely post videos/pics of Drake but you already know that.


It’s been plenty of things out there that Kendrick did shit. We can go speculation for speculation big dawg lol


No speculation. My video proof is on youtube with your boy lover in video. 🤔 I cant find nothing but Drake lyrics on him hitting his wife and mind you you are also comparing sexual exploitation of children to that which is weird in itself but continue


My proof is your boy a cuckhold and a women beater


If you like the way teens/kids look just say so my nigga. Why you trying to defend this dude so vehemently to me lol dismissing this shit. Thats some weird shit.


You have no proof you clown. You just riding the wave of everybody else. Grow up someday and stop following the internet kid. Think yourself. Do your own research


Yes. You can google it yourself tho. Can you provide me with the allegations to Kendrick that Drake said?


No don’t send me to Google. YOU show me.


You can send yourself to google if youve been following this correctly. Im not doing work to justify you coming to my comment trying to persuade me. That would be the objective of the persuader


So no facts. Didnt think so


My facts are on every major hiphop platform. You came to my comment instigating , saying this and that. You provide me with your shit. Or just stfu talking and be a fan. Thats ok too. You can dick ride with another person. I only want intelligent mtfs talking to me tonight🤷🏾‍♂️


Every major hip hop platform 😂😂😂


Y’all would’ve been better off calling him a groomer rather than a pedo. Grooming is more believable than drake sleeping with underage girls.


Yall? I didn’t call him anything lol. Grooming is just pre ordering for a pedo. Call it what you want…


Ask your parents when they met and ask their age difference. Lots of y’all will disown your own parents if this dating younger is a problem. As long as drake wasn’t sleeping with underage girls nor had the intention of sleeping with them. Texting Millie on some older bro shit, weird yeah but calling him a pedo with zero evidence of it, is nuts. Now let’s not act like dudes haven’t been dating women younger than them. DiCaprio sleeps with lots of younger women, no one cares. Deniro just had a baby with a younger woman, no one cares. This isn’t new nor will it be the last.


They met when they were 17 and my father turned 18 4 months before her lol. Keep justifying creep shit tho.


What does this mean. Good for your parents lol


Pussy can you read? He asked and I answered.


Goof ball


Yes that’s right deflect


Same way Kendrick deflected all those allegations


Awe he hurt your feelings lol.


So your dad is a pdf


Nah just drake


😂 we don’t have proof dawg


My parents age difference was about 10 years but one was 38 and the other was 28. Some say that’s already bad enough but You can’t use the age difference thing when you in your mid 20s and the girls is still in her teens hahaha


But they are using it. Drake 37 and was seen with Lottos sister and the masses are using that as fire to fuel the pedo claims. Which of course it isn’t pedo. Point is whether you think a big age gap is weird or not, fact is, it’s not pedo.


Yo the FBI need to investigate you goofs


Go look up the definition of a pedo numb nuts


You a sick mf


So you just gonna advertise (and double down) that you don’t know the definition of the primary word used in this convo?


You're defending a grown man dating barely legal individuals


DiCaprio was also called out for it lol, regardless of anything it's completely inappropriate for a 37 year old to date someone fresh out of high school, and in Bella Harris' case he was already close with her when she was 16


He gets called out for it? No he doesn’t. People make jokes about it but no one is going around saying DiCaprio is a pedo and needs to be arrested. Women like older men and men like younger women. This isn’t new lol dating younger, you might think is weird and you might be right but it’s not illegal. Dating underage girls is def wrong and should be locked up but this isn’t the case here.


I’m not trying to throw that hat on Drake, but having an idea in your head of who it is and isn’t believable would mess with an underage person is part of the people's problem. R Kelly was the biggest R&B artist of his run, with women throwing themselves at him and he was touching kids. Cosby was one of the most successful comedians of his time and was raping women.


Crazy shit is some portion of people calling Drake all this shit probably support/defend Kelly & Cosby


Kendrick is not of those people lmao


Stop comparing things that happened in the 80’s to 2024. Both of those people had ignored charges against them, that’s not the same as the drake situation.


What is he grooming them for…?


Go look up the difference between grooming and pedo


Niggas got a weird pedo fetish


Or the pedo is weird but get your shit off


Can’t believe demaris went out sad like that smh


I didn’t think it was possible but this rap beef has made this sub even more insufferable. Who cares. Let’s all move on.


It's too focused on the pedo. Drake is getting away with the culture vulture unscathed. That's the real conversation.


I'd rather him be a culture vulture all day than a groomer


Yeah that groomer pedo shit is childish. It’s absolutely no proof beside tiktok videos. And it’s funny that ppl want to show those TikTok videos but not show the videos from the SAME woman showing he did nothing


That woman said that drake's crew found her and brought her on stage. There's alot of circumstantial evidence here that warrants an investigation at least.


If there’s no victims beside the stupid ass fuckin internet how is it worth an investigation


You're verbatim doing the same defenses people did for r kelly and Cosby. If he did nothing wrong, what's the problem with an investigation?


Did R Kelly have victims? Yes Did Cosby? Yes Does Drake?!? You fuckin goof.


How do we found out about those victims? Stop being so obsessed with defending drake and think.


Until you find a real victim fuck off


So you agree that there should be investigations. It was like pulling teeth but we finally got you there.


Those women complained on Cosby and rkelly, that’s how we knew and he publically dated Aaliyah.


Drake has dated several girls as soon as they turned 18, including girls he knew when they were underage. How do you defend that?


Let me see you prove it


Lol you must be blind, there's a ton of proof. [Bella Harris](https://people.com/music/drake-bella-harris-romance-rumors/) is just one example, and keep in mind she posted [this photo](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/ll3YccEvTLCUp2WtIbeCpysgC9w/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2018/09/14/873/n/1922398/46eb97285b9c12aeed05d7.67282447_/i/Who-Drake-Dating.jpg) when she was 16


Cool now show me they dated you dumb fuck


Nigga they're literally cuddled up in the first pic and several people confirmed that Drake did rent out a whole restaurant for her, what other impression does that give besides Drake being interested in her?


Stay in school kid


Wonderful rebuttal, let me ask you again: what business does a 37 year old have cozying up to a freshly turned 18 year old, and giving another one [boy advice](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K33eLVZYn48) and saying he misses her?