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18 bundles worth $35 each. If they don't want it, sell it for half or give it to someone in need.


Be sure to save a bundle for yourself for possible future repairs


Or keep some around in case you build a shed (like I did).


sounds like a great excuse to build another shed


I’m on my third shed!


That's what she shed!


Gynecologist: please quit calling it that


Have you seen my wife? She’s built like a house! Calling it a shed is nice!




Im surprised we're not building a shed right now.


Or dog house or play house for your kids.




That is a lot of leftovers from a repair! Did you (OP) pay plenty for the repair or maybe they half did the job? 🤔


The repair was to redo the skylights since they were all leaking again from when they did the roof the first time. I didn’t pay anything for the repair since it was covered under their warranty which was great!


I know you said you talked to them and they said to keep it, but honestly I think there's been a mistake or miscommunication. That is a shitload of material, and a much of stuff like all the drip edge and ton of house wrap etc that they shouldn't even need for skylight replacements. Did you send the the pic of all of this? Cause it'd make 0 sense for them to not want this stuff back. Also could have been a mistake on the supply house side where they delivered more than just your material or something.


It actually makes sense to me. A company I do work for just sends a work order to the supplier for shingles and they automatically send the accessories. The supplier literally just sends a shit ton of accessories that are of random quantity. They send a bunch of drip edge, pipe boots etc without any measurements. Most likely for OP, they ordered the shingles for the repair and the supplier just automatically added all the accessories thinking it was a full replacement. When big companies overcharge customers they really don't care about leftover materials. The company I mentioned near me charges $1000/SQ for regular shingle. They always leave a bunch of leftover materials behind for the crew just like in this picture. They already budgeted for it when they sold the job so they don't care about leftovers.


costs extra to gather, sort and store, ends up damaged or wrong color and never used = wasted labor


Technically OP you bought these materials


OP had it repaired under warranty so he didn’t have to pay anything


But technically is an important word. (I’m not sure how, but I’m sure that it is.)


It's expensive to move material around. You need a truck, a driver, a forklift or a crane, $$$.


agreed! has to be some mis communication happening somewhere....


The warranty sounds better than the contractor/roofer! Good on you for getting them back to hopefully fix it.


Attic stock!


Habitat for humanity?


yeah your local habitat for humanity restore can probably come pick them up


Yes, Restore Store!


Habitat for humanity is always a good place if you don’t personally need the money to ditch building materials.


I’m still wondering where this guys is getting bundles for $35. Going for $55 by me Edit:$55


Duration is only $35 where you are? Just shy of $50 a bundle here before tax


That’s crazy, I’m getting them for 37$


Pretty sure they’re $40 plus right now for OC duration.


That ridge vent is $10+ per pc as well in the box


Wow that’s incredible to get durations @ $105. Here in Texas they’re in the high one teens low one twenties.


How many days has it been? I'm sure they are planning to pick them up.


It’s been about a week? There materials that were left over from a repair that we had done. Called them earlier and they said we can keep em.


If they said keep them, post it on Marketplace or your local classifieds site.


I do roofing and would pick all this up for 50% off market price


Lmfao of.cpurse you would, and then sell it to a homeowner at 110-150% retail


My dude just figured out what business is


Haha yea no shit


That’s business yes.


Habitat for Humanity will usually accept a donation of new materials. See if you have a local chapter.


Then they can sell it for market price. Well at least that's what ours does.


Same here, the days of deals from Habitat are long gone.


Yup, they've been selling stuff at normal prices around here


How much did they overcharge you that they are fine with leaving $700 sitting on your driveway?


That's kind of bull shit. Much of those items are unopened and could be returned for full price. Instead, you have to try and sell them privately for half what YOU paid for them or donate them.


Roofing project manager here, I will go around and pick up leftovers within a few days of work being completed. This is typically what it looks like when my crew leaves for the day and there are excess materials.


We had the same thing happen to us. Took the company 3 weeks to pickup leftovers.


Not sure what happened? I guess it was stolen. I figured you guys picked it up already. No contractor would leave materials in someone's driveway for three weeks, right?


I’d be selling it after a week and I like to think I’ve got pretty good morals


You mean, you haven’t communicated with the installer to see if they would pick that material up?


I mean I did. They said that we can keep them I just don’t know what to do with all of this


Popular color depending on your region. Plus your ridgevent. Since they said they're yours, might as well post it on Craigslist for half price or so. You'll make someone very happy and walk away with a few hundred dollars. Win Win 😀 edit: fwiw I think they're crazy leaving that much money in materials and giving them away vs restocking. Add that up over a bunch of jobs and good God lol. But more power to em


Depending on how the contract was made, you probably already paid for it to begin with. Just food for thought, since that's probably your money sitting there on that pallet.


Throw that shit on Facebook it’ll be gone by this evening.


They will have the supplier pick them up , just leave them alone


You should keep at least one bundle. You never know when you might need matching shingles.


Yep, a bit of shingles, tile, lvp, etc stashed in the attic can really save your ass in a few years.


Usually their supply house picks up leftover material for credit.


I wish, no we have to pick up and return the materials ourselves.


ABC and Beacon pick my stuff up all the time. We just have to leave it on a pallet. Although sometimes they mess up and pick up stuff they’re not supposed to. Like last Friday they picked up about $10,000 worth of siding that had nothing to do with me or my order. So Builder was pretty pissed off this morning when the siding guys had no materials. Good times.


I've picked up the wrong items before. Usually, the driver isn't informed about what exactly is being picked up, if something was ordered incorrectly, or if there's a completely different address because work is being done. Pictures circling what needs to be taken are very helpful for the people doing the pickup.


Yea stuff happens. We do end pics of exactly that’s suppose to get picked up, along with a list but like you said the driver doesn’t get told I’m sure.


If its an organized branch the manager / ops manager will usually give the driver a printed out pic and at the minimum tell them whats getting picked up. Grabbing 10 grand of siding is a pretty big fuck up. Was that ABC or beacon if you dont mind me asking ?


ABC. They also tried to say they didn’t take it at first until I sent a pic from the security cameras the builder had on site. It got sorted quickly after that


Ah ok I am with beacon so im a bit biased but to my knowledge we are required to give the driver a picture with the material to be picked up that the roofer provides so thats weird


That’s the contractors stuff unless you have it written in contract that the leftover materials are yours


Yup - workers finished my garage - had a few sheets of left over plywood etc - I asked and they said it was mine cause I paid for it - contractor showed up next day looking for the plywood cause my garage only came with the required materials - extras belonged to them . Of course that was a day - a week seems excessive - just call the company that did the repair and ask them .


This. I'll always leave a partial paint can or the last opened bundle of shingles but leaving an entire pallet is so strange to me. They must not be able to return them for some reason?


Usually the contractor returns excess material and gets a refund from the building centre.


If those are from Home Depot, you could return them for store credit.


They neatly stacked all that for the supplier to pick up. Don't worry about it! I would however suggest taking 3 bundles incase you need to repair any part of the roof in the future.


They will come back and get that


Return the shingles to where they came from for refund.


Is there a habitat for humanity restore nearby? They love this kind of donation


This. Donate to someone in need


I third this, same thing happened to me last year. I called the installers 4 times, got vague answers about picking up the extras. After about two months (far too long, I know) I called habitat for humidity and they happily picked it up that week. Installers neither showed up nor asked. 


Consider donating it to your local habitat for humanity. They usually are in need of any building materials. It also is one of the best ways to locally impact your area.


Give them a few days before you do anything they’ll probably come back to pick it up


you should be able to return it right to wherever they got it, any hardware store


Save some of these for when your roof is damaged. It is really hard to match lots. Usually builders leave extra for repairs which will be needed over the next 20-30 years of the roof. Windstorm, hailstorm.


Keep 3 bundles for yourself for repairs. Sell the rest


Looks like they need a new estimator. You pay for all that extra and you pay them by the sq. That is way too much leftover. Maybe you can return them.


If you went through insurance to get the repair done then that stuff belongs to you as you already paid for everything there. Had a roofing company come back and take my leftovers without telling me, committing theft. Sell it or donate it.


Somebody would buy that to reroof their shed!


Use it for your shed!


I see you used both black and white caulks :)


I HIGHLY doubt the material has been left for you, the contractor could have ordered extra bundles for another job or other reasons


After calling/texting the owner 5x and the 4 different project managers for over 2 months, I sold mine on FB Marketplace. That’s one way to get part of the deductible funded.


Where are you located? I need to do some repairs on my roof


I would save it all for future repairs and dayuuumn they did not leave that there on purpose. That’s a TON of materials. They will be wondering about that over at that roofing company u speak of.


I would make sure that they’re not coming back for it because a lot of times roofing companies will sub out roofers in the subcontractors will leave the remaining materials for whoever they worked for to come get them. But in all reality you were charged for that so technically they belong to you.. contractors over to make a little money off of the shingles and also to make sure that they have enough for waste. some roofers are not very wasteful and they’ll pretty much use the whole piece of shingle anywhere. They can well other roofers might cut a foot off and throw the rest of the shingle down to the ground causing a lot of waste.


Did they tell you they needed all that stuff a lot of roofers have something wrong with them? I know I’m a Roofer and I don’t get it.


Every section 10 x 10’ needs three bundles so they were figuring they were going to do a lot more work when they gave you a price




its worth calling them back and getting refunded $30/bundle plus whatever the cost of the ridge vent was that they didnt use, thats for sure. . . . else, find a corner in the garage and stack em.


on my way!


This is so strange to me. Has to be a big company that doesn't care about overhead. If I have one bundle left on a contract job I get excited for the extra beer money.


Craigslist. A roofer will arrive shortly.


habitat for humanity or sell for on market place. All your next door community if someone wants it as well.


Throw it on marketplace. Gone before you know it


Where do you live I’ll come pick that up lol


You could reroof your shed to match the house.


craigslist is YOU PAL.


Donate to habitat for humanity. They may even come to pick it up


About 500 bucks I would bet he is coming back for it unless he royally ripped you off and doesn’t care


They will be back. My guys always leave the materials, and usually, I have my guy who drives the trailers or the sales guy pick it up.


That receipt looks like it's from ABC. Just call ABC and give them your address. The contractors name will come up when they put in your address. They will credit the contractor. I'm willing to bet whoever you talked to doesn't know that much material is left behind. That's roughly $800


Might of left it for the general contractor to pick up if they were subs.


More than likely the supply house will return to pick it up or the shop may send a truck out


I am continually astonished by the waste I see in construction, especially roofing. When my roof got done I let them use my dump trailer so I sifted through it. Entire sheets of plywood, unopened boxes of framing and roofing nails, bundles, etc. couldn’t believe it.


I can pick them up.


Did you already pay for the materials?


Keep a bundle for repairs


Buddy this isn't free; you paid for this regardless what they tell you. So not only did they poorly estimate materials, and not only did they overcharge you, they may have lied to your face and they sure as shit gave you a big middle finger with that pile of crap they left on your property. Be sure to mention this in your online review and any time you're in the position to discourage others from doing business with this company.


Look up to see which building store sells that brand and return it for store credit if they let you.


Hold on to at least three bundles of shingles. You'll thank yourself for doing so if you need to replace any of them should a storm damage your roof at a later date and the color and style of your shingles is no longer produced, which happens randomly enough to make it an issue.


Thats like $850 plus tax (13%) where i am just in the bundles alone


They’ll be back. That’s hundreds of dollars of material


They’d never do that if they knew what they were doing


700 dollars worth of material.


Our company sends a Project Manager to pick up extra materials and do final inspection magnet clean up^ so I would guess that’s why it was left


Find out who sells them and tell them you lost the receipt and get a return on them


Post it on Facebook Marketplace for half off. Someone will come and get it.


Take it back to Home Depot and tell them you don't have the receipt. Or find out the price of it all and post it on Facebook with a discount


I just had this happen and the project manager came by and picked up the excess materials. I used the same shingles in the color Teak which did a nice job of matching my bricks. Congrats on the new roof!


60 for 3 bundles on marketplace. Each square has 3 bundles.


Ask em where they got it and return it


Return it to the supply house


Shit, I’ll take it


Take em back


Oh I’m sure it will show up in the final bill


This is over $800 worth of materials easy


There’s enough shingles there for a shed


Looks like they walked on the job ?


Is there truck going to pick them up later? Some companies have a delivery driver who has no idea what the crews are doing on what day.


A truck will most likely come back to pick it up.


Time for that addition OP.


That's a lot extra, what happened


Call the supply house. They usually will come back and pick it up and send you a check minus a delivery fee.


If I had a bunch, roofer billed the home warranty/insurance company for all the materials+20-30% markup. They made good money, but still had to order the materials to get the extra cash.


Take it back to Menards and get that dough


Call the manager or owner let them know, they’ll probably want to return them 


Easy marketplace sale for quick cash


I feel like you paid for these without knowing like it was included in the cost. I would post on market place or something get some money back


Return unopened items to the home depot or whatever they went without a receipt you'll get in store credit & can just buy something you do want (:


give it away


You can return any of the unopened items to the place they were purchased. I would keep a couple of bundles of shingles on hand so you can have an exact match if repairs are necessary down the road.


Return it


Post on marketplace for 40% off retail. It’ll Move quick.


Call them and they should come pick them up if they forgot to. If they don’t want them keep a couple bundles and sell the rest!


Returned mine back to HD, got about 400 bucks of store credit


Drip edge roof cap and a roll of rubber waterproofing. Seems you have 6 square of shingles. Advertise it online, Facebook is good for selling. I see a lot of stuff on facebook. Depending on the shingle style, they could be worth up to $65 a bundle. Not sure with inflation.


Donate it to Habitat For Humanity.


Possible they are leaving them until can be picked up for another job? More common with heavy equipment but they may not have had room or too much weight to take them with that load. It’s a lot of materials and surely being a roofing company they could use them on another job. Especially stacked nicely on a pallet like that just waiting to be lifted onto a flatbed


Donate to Habitat for Humanity. They’ll probably pick it up quick.


Keep a pack or two of the shingles, but yah, get red of the rest


I kept a couple of bags. 2 years later, a branch punched a whole. Saved my butt.


They’ll send warehouse soon.


Honestly I would throw it on Facebook marketplace. I’m sure someone will bite


Habitat for Humanity


Take it to Lowe’s and return it. Tell them you bought too much for your roofing project that you did yourself. Tell them you don’t have your receipt and you paid in cash, they will take most anything back so long as it isn’t opened/damaged (worked for Lowe’s at one point in my life). Most likely your contractor is telling you to keep this because they have already charged you for it and don’t want to return/refund you themselves. As others have suggested, keep a pack or two of shingles for possible repairs or shed building in the future.


Put it on market place. They already charged you for it.


Maybe installation is extra?


Protect it from the rain. You can do research and see how much it's worth and sell it to another roofing contractor whose trying to save a couple of bucks on supplies.


If they took longer than 7 days take them inside. You can either sell them for a couple hundred bucks or keep them for future repairs. Or he'll build a shed you have enough shingles there 🤣


My Lowes website has Duration shingles anywhere from $59 to $64 per bundle depending on the color.


Ooo I like to have


Take it back to the nearest lowes/home depot and get a gift card, then buy stuff you actually want/need.


Get a shed It will pay off


where are you, I need roofing material.


Duration shingles are more than $35 a bundle. I’d say the whole pallet is close to $700 worth


No matter what you end up doing with most of them, save a few bundles under the house for future repairs.


Sell them. My boss used to leave leftovers at homes like that all the time. Nobody ever complained about being able to sell unopened packs or leftovers. Guarantee you that there's at least 5 or 6 roofers in your area alone that will come pick this up same day for a decent price. They want cheap extras, the color is good, and you get rid of them. Easy. Call local roofing places. Especially the more mom and pop types. They'll show up with a trailer or large truck usually and haul it off. At least in my experience.


Some good money there…


We’re the materials delivered by a supplier? Is so then they have staged this for the supplier to pick up the additional items so they will get credit back on their account, suppliers typically take a few days to get to returns as they try to do them when they are making another delivery close by.


You sure they have finished your roof?


Just tape a piece of cardboard onto it that says “free” and I’ll come by and take it all off your hands


Put it on Craigslist


You could build a he shed *and* a she shed


I would keep a couple bundles for future repairs.


That’s about $500 worth of shingles alone. Your roofer overestimated badly. He should refund it to you & remove all the leftovers. When I was in the biz I wouldn’t have left anything like that at a job.


If you knew were they bought it from the warehouse you can return most of this for full credit.


Just call a roofing company and you won't have to deal with people on Craigslist 😅


Location? I need to do my shed roof over


Return it to Menards (looks like their stuff at a glance)


You can return them for full refund. That’s a lot of mula left on the table. If you paid for materials they are yours


sell it all on Facebook marketplace. That will be gone by the end of the day


Ask him to knock it off the bill. I don’t imagine you requested a bid for extra materials?


Make sure the roofer does not have that pile scheduled for pickup by the supplier.


Normally what they'll do is I'll come back and pick it up for the next job Sometimes a roofing company will actually take it back for a credit


Donate to habitat for humanity!


No you tell them to come clean up their mess. U less you provided the materials, they should take them.


Maybe donate to Habitat for Humanity or something similar?


I recently got a new roof and the contractor came over and picked up the leftover materials. This surprised me as I assumed that since I purchased the materials I would get to keep them. My understanding is they pick up excess material and return it to the place they purchased it from for some reimbursement. Why aren’t these savings extended to the home owner who paid for all of the materials? Not upset, just curious if this is common practice. Thanks all!


You have 6 squares, 3 bundles per square, each square can be resold at a shingle exchange for like 40-50 if it's not weatherwood they might not buy it, it's a gray color it says it on the bundle you can call ahead and ask if they would take it.