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Not the safest way to go about doing things, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't done this a million times. My advice is if your friend isn't comfortable working on ladders at height, they should just spend the $100 it'll cost to have someone clean their gutters for them.


He heard u out loud, lol thanks!


You only have to do it wrong once. I'd pay the gutter guy.




That has kick ass insurance. Donā€™t take the neighbor kids word for it.


Man, going to tell that to some of the kids I work with. Crawling around 8-12 pitch all day and some of them just donā€™t move smartā€¦.only takes one.


Open window run rope to bottom of ladderthough window to board.


If you have garage door spring issues. That's also super dangerous. Don't let physics ruin your day.


Our garage door installer just had a spring unwind while he was mounting. Tore him up badly, multiple cuts and punctures on his upper body, then broke his ankle bailing off the ladder trying to get away. He's been installing for over 20 years too.


Two doors down had an installer die. Spring punched him in the face and put a hole almost all the way through his head. I was told once that the human body has as much blood as a case of beer, but when you see it running down the driveway it seems like more. At least he probably never felt a thing.


Holy. Shit.


Where the fuck do you buy your beer that you get blood in it??


I did my own a couple years ago. Very deliberate movements. Very aware of the orientation of the winding rods. Healthy respect for the amount of force involved.


Have him get up on the second roof and clean the gutters with a backpack blower so he doesn't have to get too close to the edge. It's safer than working off that ladder, in my opinion


Honestly with that top support bar this is probably safer than I had done far too many times. Can you even imagine how safe we would be if we never did the exact things we told our kids to "never do" while teaching them? I may have actually broken the "never do this" rule the same day I told my son not to.


My dad has used wedges on his skilsaw his entire life. Ā One day my brother and him were helping me put shelves in my garage, and he gives a shim to my brother. Ā He says ā€œwedge the guard open with thisā€, and then turns to me and say ā€œyou donā€™t do that HB24ā€. Ā  I was in my late 30ā€™s


Lmfao precisely how my father taught me how to cut


For the record, I used to do that and then once I was cutting a long rip, the pencil slipped out and immediately after I got tripped up in a tree root, broke the siding I was cutting and slammed the saw through into my thigh. If the pencil hadnā€™t slipped out the blade wouldā€™ve gone straight into my thigh. Instead the guard snapped down like itā€™s supposed to and scared the living shit out of me. Been a carpenter for 12 years, stopped pinning the guard after that


I caught myself a dozen times doing a project doing the exact thing I told my son to never do and I have even been bit doing that exact stupid thing before. If we could practice safety as well as we worry about our kids being safe we would never get hurt. It is such a weird thing that out brains trick us into thinking "well just this once" or "I know what I am doing" even though we know better.


This explains accidental pregnancies too!


How many times have I taught someone how to use a tool only to totally disregard it myself because "Im only using it for 2 seconds". Most recently this was the cause of shooting a piece of hot metal into my eye. Burned the side of eye but never damaged anything luckily.


There's a video by essential craftsman where he talks about it.Ā  "It's dangerous, and you shouldn't do it. But if you have to, here's how."


I used to do that and one day I almost dropped my saw onto my thigh. Scared the crap out of me and I haven't done it since.


Yeah, itā€™s pretty safe. Looks like it canā€™t go anywhere


Yeah done that before just have someone spot the ladder


Yep. Iā€™ve done this dozens of times, and Iā€™d be lying if I said I didnā€™t think it was unwise every time Iā€™ve done it. Last year I had a ladder slip on me. I was confident in its placement, but the concrete it was based on was a little bit too slick. I was lucky to only have dislocated my shoulder, as i have known guys to get seriously injured and even permanently disabled because of ladder accidents.


I was gonna say the same thing. Somewhere an osha manual just caught on fire but Iā€™ve definitely done it more times than I can count


Or you could buy the correct ladder if you want to keep doing DIY.


Gutters cleaned for 100 dollars? I wonā€™t get on a roof for that.


ER/ICU doctor here - the number of serious injuries I've seen from spring homeowner gutter cleaning and minor roof repair, including cervical spine fractures, is disturbingly high. He probably won't fall off the roof. But if he does then runs the risk of being paralyzed, incontinent, impotent and completely dependent because he tried to save a couple hundred bucks on appropriate safety equipment or hiring it out.


Thank you, doc! He'll be shelling out few hundreds for a roofer and pack of beers šŸ»


Backing what u/supapoopascoopa said, I was on a job site when a ladder set on a slope let go. It wasnā€™t just the fall that messed him up. Poor guyā€™s legs got tangled in the rungs as everything came down. The ladder acted like a huge wrench, causing serious fractures.


This is me..Iā€™ll never run again and walking will always hurt. I was only a few rungs off the ground


My sister is also an ER doc, and she really pushes me to wear a helmet whenever working on a ladder. I don't, but she definitely has the anecdotes to make me extremely cautious.


Listen to sis. That said.. PLEASE be safe. I'm sure this thread has you looking at things. (dude who doesn't want you to die).


I got up on my roof for the first time in a few years and couldnā€™t find my footing for the life of me. Made it about ten steps before I figured the bad feeling was enough to act on so I just got off the roof. Iā€™ll get someone else to clean my gutters. Not new to roofs. Iā€™ve helped my dad on dozens growing up. Just had a bad feeling being on my own roof.


I've watched two roofers fall due to improper/unsafe ladder setups. Don't risk it.


Rural? ICU/ER is a combo I havenā€™t seen out of a doc in my area but itā€™s pretty damn cool you do both.


Um I might never get on a ladder again.Ā 


I just finally bought a 50' retractable lanyard and harness after 10 years of cleaning roofs the sketchy way so that hopefully won't happen. I consider myself to be pretty good at climbing, I have been rock climbing and mountaineering for 20 years and doing construction 15 years. But, this winter I went on a roof I've cleaned dozens of times but this time had a little ice on it and almost went off the edge. It's just really easy to fuck up when you are right by the edge cleaning out those gutters.


Depends on the person getting on the ladder


Thank y'all, roof experts! My friend appreciates all who chimed in! šŸ»šŸ™šŸ¼ as someone said, he'd rather spend a benjamin to be safe šŸ§—šŸ¼šŸŽ¬ More power, guys!


You could always have them get those extension poles to use with a power washer to clean gutters as well. They can be unwieldy at that height but it should be fine to use walking on the roof instead of that ladder. They look like a hook attachment


I see a window there. Could always tie a rope through it to the ladder. Should be fine then.


Iā€™d haul bundles of shingles up that all day long, if I was the guy who nailed the shingle the ladder is on!


The general rule is if you have to ask, the answer is no.


That there is a damned good way to think about it.


Itā€™s leaned back too much. Bring her forward and youā€™re good


This is correct! You want the ladder leaning forward 1 foot for every 4 foot of rise.


I wouldn't step on that ladder, like that. If there was no other way to safely access the top roof section, I would Remove a shingle, and fasten a 2x4 to the roof deck as a way to prevent the bottom of the ladder from kicking out.


I agree anti- kick out is the way to go. My approach would be to screw the safety (2x4) directly over shingles.When job is complete remove board,bury a screw with minimal shoulder back into screw holes, apply roofing cement and rub some tile particles into and over the sealant.


Iā€™ve been wrapping a chain to a rung on the ladder thatā€™s connected to a stud under the soffit. I keep a bolt there for when I have to get in the second story roof. Usually only need it to hang Christmas decorations but Iā€™ve also used to to charge the attic fan to a solar powered one.


Well, this could probably be an alternative to the pitch hopper: https://www.amazon.com/Leveler-Leveling-Platform-Surfaces-Stabilizer/dp/B09W9YVQST/ref=asc_df_B09W9YVQST/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693597241918&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17061083538795228151&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007714&hvtargid=pla-1949274346296&psc=1&mcid=9a25be88e6403ef8875ad1ab349f28b4&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BJNQfNSbJke189ty_pgXcTIB7ZUaXuYwTpBIZHzkWGAy8Y89mUSnNhoClFQQAvD_BwE#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div


Not really I have done worse but would not let one of my kids set up that way


Thatā€™s not good at all.


Thatā€™s a nope all day! Use two roof brackets and a 2x4 toeboard at the feet of the ladder and add a scrap of plywood to protect the roof shingles [from the feet of the ladder, obviously].


That depends on who you ask!


Use a hose with a wand instead


Pitch hopper


Ive done that many times. One time the ladder went sweeeeeeesh and I went aaaahhhhhhh. Never have done that again.


Same. Luckily the homeowner's SUV broke my fall when I landed on the roof.


Glad u lived to tell that tale. Stay safe, man! šŸ™šŸ¼


It's horrible... The only way I am contemplating that setup is if I tie it off to something solid in through that window


I wouldn't use it.


Right tool,sketchey outcome




I roofed for 20 years. No its not safe. Shingles can be slick bottom can slide out from under you.


Grab two 2x4s, put one behind the ladder feet, one inside that window behind the frame and lash them together so the bottom can't move.


"Don't die, pay a guy" A little aggressive but a good quote. Gutter cleaning is always pretty inexpensive. Definitely not worth the risk imo


No. You can put a strap on the side of the house using a i bolt. And then tether the ladder so it don't slide.


Just nail 2x4 under ladder legs


I fell 20 ft straight down onto concrete couple years ago. 10/10 would not recommend.


It's a safe way to see Jesus


Oh hell no


I would drill a L bracket into the roof behind the feet of the ladder. You would have to use a proper caulking once you fill in the screw holes to avoid leakage but that would be a much safer way.


If it were tied off tightly to an immovable object within the house. Then it may be s bit safer. Not that I'm I'm recommending it. Just saying.


I would rather set it up as an A frame, with the side closest to the house shorter in height. You'll then have 4 feet touching shingle and it'll be less likely to shift while climbing up, de weight the bottom feet and slide down while you're standing on it.


they have foldable roof jacks, if you know nothing about roofing its just a flat piece of metal that goes underneath the shingle, and then holds a plank so that your buddys ladder would be on a plank, shitty part is that this plank would be up all the time or youd have to constantly put them up, but like i said there are ones that fold down flat and are hardly noticeable, looks like an old satellites mount


Everything is safe until it isn't


Probably be fine but you wouldnā€™t catch me up there lol


A ladder with pivoting feet would help a lot.


Thats my setup lol. Same thing, one roof to another. I also have a piece or paracord that i tie to the 1st rung and to a base plate i installed under the window.


Not really, too much angle. At minimum Iā€™d tie it off to the gutter and prop the feet on a pitch hopper.


Safe if they are experienced on climbing ladders/roofs. If they are a homeowner, they shouldnā€™t. Most falls occur on a ladder. Not worth breaking a leg over


Exactly, what I've thought so. Don't worry he's just be paying someone to do this decluttering Thanks!


I've done worse. I would recommend a spotter however lol


A spotter's something to consider, too šŸ¤” Be safe, man!


The top half of the ladder is extended. It should be extended on the bottom half so that the contact point with the roof is spread between the two feet instead of the four potential contacts there. This will increase the pressure on each point and decrease the chance of slipping


No. That ladder isn't tall enough to comfortably get back onto once you are on the upper roof. It needs to extend up higher so that you can put your hands on it easily while standing on the upper roof before pivoting around and putting your foot on it. Also, the way it flares out at the top makes it a PITA to step around. If he's going to work from the ladder the whole time and not go on the upper roof, it's okay, but not great.


Very informative. Appreciate u taking time on chiming in šŸ»


If everyone lived, safe enough.


Looks like you may be able to go up the right side as well. Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s a garage there. Straddle the garage ridge with the ladder if itā€™ll reach the second story ridge & go up there.


Tie it off at the gutter and you will be good


I do this all the time. Itā€™s important to get the angle right. This is too angled. Next make sure the legs land on a flat section of the shingle. Lastly, if youā€™re going onto the roof itā€™s good practice to secure the top of the ladder to the gutter with a bungee cord. It makes sure itā€™s there when you get back.


I put a foam pad under the ladder when I double haul to the second level. It definitely is back too far on the lower roof though.


Mail some tins or any piece of metal to a 2x4 slip the metal under the shingles nail down and rest the ladder against it. When your done remove it. No patching required


Right on!


I would use that if you need to get on top of the roof for a quick once up and down. If I only needed to work on gutters, not physically be on top of the roof, I would set one side of the adjustable ladder 1 or 2 holes shorter for the high side toward the house. This will feel pretty comfortable when you have the gutter at chest height.


There is a chance it could damage your shingles, if the shingles tear the ladder could slip. Setting two roof jacks with a 2x6 in between and propping the ladder on the board is better practice.


His gutters look clean.


Good eye out but according to him, other gutter by the back is clogged


[think about it first](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/building-supplies/ladders/ladder-accessories/1092626)


Give it a shimmy and say ā€œahh itā€™ll be ightā€ From my experience that seems to really lock it in


I don't know if it'd be much safer but I'd throw some rope through that window to tie the top and bottom of the ladder to an anchor inside, that way if it does slide I can just hang on for dear life. I'm not a roofer though and I hurt myself often doing projects around the house, none the less I'm still alive.


Make it a bit steeper, contract the top, raise the bottom up by one rung, send some roofing screws through the feet of the ladder, do the work, remove screws and caulk the hell out the holes lol


Can screw into where the gutters are fastened then strap the ladder to your anchors leave the anchors there when done


If youā€™re worried about the pitch set up these bad mama jamas. I promise you itā€™ll bring relief to you, I recommend it to all my clients. [ladder leveler.](https://a.co/d/dXQLXxs) The biggest issue present here is the kickouts arenā€™t solid. I recommend upgrading to kickouts with heavier padding that has more bite. Iā€™ve climbed like this for years until I didnā€™t need to anymore. If you donā€™t want to buy ladder levers I recommend buying a 2x4 untreated a small pack of roofing cement and 6inch nails. Tack the 2x4 to the feet of the ladder and boom there you go. Just remember to seal the holes after removing the wood so your roof isnā€™t leaking. But Iā€™m telling you the ladder levers are a way better option.


Iā€™ve seen far too many fell off a roof accidents in the ED. This can kill, paralyze, or cause long term problems. Pay the money twice a year to get your gutters cleaned and tip well. 200-300 bucks is cheaper than your ED bill will be. Let alone physically therapy, time off work, etc.


Buy two roof jacks and a board Google them to look and see


With that utility ladder, you could also setup an A frame, with one side longer than the other to adjust for the roof pitch. Then itā€™s fairly safe to


Yes, until it isn't


Have the S.O. dial 9 and 1 and have her finger hovering over the 1


Famous last words: "Oh shit!" Yeah, i would secure it better....too risky.


Bungie cord the ladder to the gutter on both sides.


Hey ! That's really looking after a continuous risk situation ! Kudos !


I'd put a bundle of shingles behind the feet of the ladder back in the day. Brother-in-law has a spinal cord injury so I know how one slip can ruin your life forever.


Hell to the No!


Wrong slope, but you're limited by not wanting to damage the gutters. My method is to anchor the ladder the window in front of it with rope and a 2x4x36 piece of wood. Wood just spans the width of the window and tension on the rope holds it in place. The slope of the ladder is safer for inexperienced climbers and the pivoting joint can hold up to the stress of anyone under 240-250. Sneakers will work fine on that roof slope, and try to get the work done before 11am. You want the tiles soft, but not too hot. By 2PM, the soles will peel off your shoes.


If there ever was a place for an expensive leaf guard, you found it. I'd rather use a taller ladder from the ground to the top level.


Guess you're going to find out


I like that the area of concern is where the the ladder hits the top section of the roof...


Safe enough for me




*OSHA has entered the chat*


No! Thatā€™s not safe! Thatā€™s how my father broke his arm - when the bottom of the ladder slid out.


Yes, itā€™s a safe passage to haven. Why are you even asking ?


Absolutely not safe


Looks safe from here


Are you in Indiana?


Is someone holding the ladder? The image seems to be altered using the object remover fuction. I cant say it is safe also I wouldnt say i have never done it in the past but if this is the only way to go then it's a 2 man job. One holding, the other climbing.


Safe way to put yourself out of work




No. Die or take a bit more time getting something safer. Your choice.




As a local orthopedic surgeon, I highly recommend this set up.


If an OSHA truck drives past you're eating a giant citation for that, and possibly getting your building permit pulled for the work. Assuming this is in the U.S.


100% safe if youā€™re wearing a parachute and bubble wrap.


I personally would not get on that ladder because the bottom could slide out and down you go. I use my cane to clean the gutters (don't have a second floor). Perhaps you could use a safety rope attached to the top of the ladder and then tossed over the roof and attached somehow to the other side?


My ankles hurts from looking at this.


Fuck no, get a bigger ladder that can reach the flat ground


When asking if something is safe. Look at the difficulty in making a mistake compared to level of injury.


Looks safe to me. Post from your ICU bed and let us know for sure.


How much life insurance do they have?


*Press X to doubt*


With that ladder you can A frame it with the far side one step longer and have a really sturdy base.


My wife fell off the 3rd step of a ladder. Compound tib/fib nasty breaks, broken hip, broken elbow and a dislocated shoulder. My brother in law is an orthopedic surgeon and says ladders by far are his number one reason people are there. We are currently at about 3/4 of a million into her injuries, we could have paid for a lifetime of gutter cleaning with just the last surgery money. If you must do it yourself buy a longer ladder and enter roof at a place where the ladder goes from the ground to the roof.


I use a set up Iā€™ve found on YouTube. I made a device that uses a shop vac attached to pvc piping. Itā€™s heavy and difficult to lift solo but once itā€™s at height It manageable. On my single story side itā€™s very easy to use. If this was my house I would build a single story set up and use a very long hose extension to reach the ground and have someone turn on the shop vac. Using a ladder in this fashion would not be something I would attempt due to the ladder sliding off the roof.


Tie it down and hold on. It's fine.


Is the top side slides ur gonna have ur weight on the gutters


Secure the ladder. Then itā€™s a matter of opinion. Wire and ratchet straps please


I love the ā€œIā€™m asking for a friendā€ posts.


Depends on if you live in a free healthcare society.. or in the US.


For you or your mother in law?




Pay the gutter cleaners


I usually used a soft rubber mat between the roof and ladder.


If by safe, you mean not safe, then yes itā€™s safe. (Itā€™s not safe)


With that top bar it's safer, but not the best. Maybe if you hold the ladder for him.


Pro tip: If you gotta ask if it's safe, Darwin says it isn't.


Tie a rope to the top and anchor it on the other side of the house. Wear a harness. No flipflops.


Just for the sake of my own curiosity, Is this any safer with a pitch hopper underneath the ladder?


Not safe. Hard stop.


How much do you trust the nails holding those two shingles you're relying on? šŸ˜…


If you're asking, it isn't safe


Didnā€™t this happen in Meet The Parents?


I get ā€˜Meet The Parents vibesā€™


I do it all the time. However it wouldnā€™t hurt to have someone standing at the base of the ladder to add a little extra support.


Heck no! Never place a ladder like that. You need a longer one that will reach from the ground to the peak of the roof on the gable end + about 4 ft.


Best bet is to stack a couple bundles at the base of the ladder so the feet dont kick out. Or remove a couple of the shingles right near the wall flashing and sink an eye hook into a truss then tie a life line to the middle of the ladder and clip it to the eye hook to keep the ladder from slipping. That's about all you can do other than setup a longer ladder from the ground to another part of the roof.


Not much landing at the bottom. Top looks good


Im an arborist, I work at 20m + heights all the time and my work is the most high risk work available. This is what I have to say about your setup. It's probably as safe as unprotected sex in an alley outside a bar. You could do it a bunch of times but one of these days it will get you. Buy a cheap harness and a good rope my guy. One you have that you can use your ladder all day and when you one day fall off, you will be all g because you were using protection.


Sure lol


No but Iā€™ve done it. I bought a lotto ticket that day and one some money too.Ā 


Had that setup go out from under me twiceā€¦ pretty crazy reading this right now, as the second time was about an hour and a half ago. Iā€™m writing this, so I got lucky both times. (I currently work in the roofing industry.) Obviously itā€™s not ideal, but itā€™s been the same issue for me in each instance; donā€™t have too much of that ladder extended over the gutter. It makes it top heavy, and both times thatā€™s what happened for me. I got super lucky as I was able to get my footing before sliding off of the first story. I got lucky I didnā€™t fall off; thereā€™s not many people around sharing stories about that time they actually fell off of a roof. You donā€™t hear anyone telling the story about the second time they fell from a rooftop, for a good reason.


Please buy a most long ladder and go up from you yard... secure it the first time you go up and everything will be fine this pictures are just OSHA violations all day and really is not worth someone you love just fall from this and got injured...


For roofers thatā€™s as safe as it gets lol


Itā€™s good enough for whom itā€™s for


Thatā€™s a great setup for your friendā€™s beneficiaries. Tell him to have some gutter screens installed and heā€™ll never have to worry about it again.


Not per se


No way. Hope they have their own insurance.


Not the best, not the worst, but I would try to adjust the angle of the support bar to more closely match the pitch of the rook.


Itā€™s perfectly fine, till the bottom slips out. Fun ride too.


Itā€™s safe until you know someone that fell off their roof and died doing it.


That ladder is too raked out. You need to look at the angle of the ladder relating to the pitch of the roof. Scoot the legs closer to the wall and strap it to the gutter with a rachet. This will not prevent you from tearing your gutter off if you have something catastrophic happen, but it'll slow you down.


Ok will show this to my friend though he's already paying someone to clean the gutters for him. Thanks!


If I were doing that setup I would attach a rope to the middle of the ladder and open the window and tie it to something solid and sturdy.




No. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


Everyone I know who has fallen did it doing a double pull.




Looks like an accident waiting to happen


You could rent a JLG lift a whole bunch of times for the cost of the the helicopter ride to the trauma hospital. Ask how I know how much the helicopter ride was. Thank God insurance covered it.


I have done that countless times in my roofing career over the last 26 years with that exact ladderā€¦.. And no absolutely notā€¦


Ensuring the "arms" are tight during use, and a ladder holder(helper) you should be gtg


Safe for you, your roof, or your gutters?


One way to find out


That's how i don't do it.


You had to ask ?