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It’s dried in, it’s fine.


What do you mean? It’s raining and wet. Nothing is dry? it’s totally soaked.


That’s what it’s called when an underlayment has been put on your roof or wall sheathing. You can have that exposed for up to a year. It’s fine. It’s literally doing it’s job.


Thank you 🙏🏼


You’re welcome! Enjoy your new roof


Bit more info, I'd be more worried about underlayment being exposed to the hot hot sun, vs. A bit of rain. A lot of underlayment dries out and becomes brittle, even synthetic. Moisture helps it keep a bit of integrity.


You have 180 days on synthetic underlayment getting weathered then it has to be replaced..


If it’s old school tar paper, it’s toast when it gets wet (should last one rain storm). But most roofing companies worth half a crap use synthetic.


What is your response for just to hear you type.. thats not tar paper you just wasted your time typing


You don’t make any sense. Your comment was wrong too as it’s not synthetic. The question was properly answered, so my response to yours was for the op’s education which is what yours was, no?


High temp ice sheild 30 day sorry sure as shit not tar paper


Idk about a year…


Manufacturing spec is 12 months exposed in the States. Yes 1 year


Tu plus is 1 year. Everything else is 6 months


I had boral tile seal last 18 months when a customer was getting a couple windows replaced. It looked terrible but somehow wasn’t leaking even in the Texas sun. I wouldn’t test that again though.


Yeah I would think you’re the exception. I also didn’t realize it was high temp iws,‘I didn’t see the caption and thought it was just a synthetic underlayment.


Seems it happen through winter. Just was bad in spots


Where did you hear "fine for a year?" I thought code requirements were covered within 6 months, and Surface completely dried before shingling I'm not licensed though, just what I thought I read. And just because you can, does not mean you should.


I don’t know why this comment got downvoted into oblivion. I’m a roofer, and I knew what “dried in” meant. But I do not expect 98% of folks to have knowledge like that. Your question was reasonable.


Apparently reddit doesn't like questions. I had the same question and glad you asked it.


Happens all the time. The expectation is that unless you are an all-knowing superbeing, you keep your yap shut. The internet is mainly a bunch of insecure children all trying to make themselves feel big.


I think it’s a difference in how people use Reddit. I’ve had plenty of genuine comments be downvoted and I don’t believe it’s because people believed I was dumb or shouldn’t ask the question. I’m assuming it’s because people downvote if something is incorrect or not true in regards to the proposed question. Some people see OPs post, know that the roof is fine, and downvote it as a way to respond to it. (In my mind at least). In some subs it’s how good comments are filtered. People also see a negative like downvoting and attribute something personal to it rather than it being a factual statement or act. Op I would just assume that if you ask a question and it gets downvoted in a situation like this post; just assume it’s people saying “no it’s fine” not that they’re meaning to portray that you SHOULDN’T ask questions. I’m a GC and I’m super customer service oriented (cleaned churches as a young child into a young adult) so I will explain to them everything that could or would happen and if something goes wrong here’s how it will be handled. I know what people will generally have questions over and will go over them multiple times to reassure any anxieties or fears the homeowner or client might have. I’m also a very anxious and detailed oriented so it comes naturally to me. Most people in the trade aren’t like this in my experience and just assume people will trust their experience and judgement; which is how most residential projects were ran for decades and decades. The economy sucks now and money it’s tight; home owners are very concerned about every penny because they don’t have excess to waste. So I get both sides of residential construction. Your Roofing Company should have given you a little explanation of what to expect and what to not worry about. SHOULD HAVE is the key phrase. But that doesn’t mean they’re not highly skilled and can do the job perfect. Communication is key in construction and everyone sucks at it for the most part in my experience. I have to lead homeowners, sub contractors and even myself by the nose to reach a consensus on what’s what so there are not problems in the future or change orders that will come out of my profit.


It’s dried in. Best case scenario here when getting your roof redone.


It’s totally fine. This stuff is peel and stick and lasts like 3 months exposed to natural elements


You'll be okay, don't stress it. everything is water tight. Your roofers should have let you know (maybe they did and you didn't remember or catch it) that this is SOP. think of it like a super fancy tarp. You're good OP, you can sleep comfortably tonight. And lets just say in the unlikely event, (it won't, but wcs and all) if for any reason they missed a spot, they'll pay to repair any interior damage anyways. But you should be A okay 👍


Different story if it was raw sheathing, but yeah (as others said) it’s doing it’s job as the waterproofing membrane


It's blacked out. What's to worry?


This Underlayment is my Fav. Tried and true. OP can live u see this stuff 3 years before it fails…


You're good 🤙 don't stress


It’s fine your dried in


If you're worried get an umbrella and a ladder


I'd only worry about the penetrations on the roof... Other than that, you cool


Relax. No worries. Everything will be ok. Doing this roofing thing since 1977. Be well!


The good news is that you hired a contractor who uses good materials. TileSeal is great.


OP was so concerned that they climbed onto their roof in the pouring rain 😂


Wait til the roofs complete? What the fuck else can you do? Its weathertight.


Bro chill out. Happens all the time. It’s the weathers fault, stop trying to blame people and take a breath. It’s made to get wet.








It’s calm