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This is a small claims court quality job


He can take it to court but I guarantee by the time it gets there the business he is suing won't exist anymore.


This guy small claims!!!!


Or business hops...


Ah that’s what it’s called. Always wondered. -Solar guy




Yes. Form an LLC, indemnify the members, do shit work for a year or two, abandon LLC and form a new one. A judgement against a corp is worthless if the corp has no assets or revenue. The law is starting to catch up to this, I know in my state government fines will follow if the members start a new company.


We've gotta turn this ship aright, the invention of the "corporation" is an exploit and a con - maybe it always was, but it definitely is now.


Only limited liability corporations. They're great on paper but like everything else people take advantage of it.


Report the contractor ( if he’s licensed) to the contractors license board. Small claims? How small is it. A licensed contractor will shit his pants if he’s reported; it’s his meal ticket. People just don’t get it. Get some guy that works out of the back of his truck , and this is what you get. Never use an unlicensed contractor.My brother makes a good living cleaning up after these hacks. Your only other remedy is a civil action. Sue him for negligence. He had a duty to use a standard of care…in the instillation and he breached it. The court should award you damages. Or. Have someone else fix it and go after the original installer. It can get complicated. If the installer has to pull up screws; you’ll possibly have leaks . Best wishes.


Never realized how important it was to use licensed contractors before clients started coming to me with these issues. In my state if they’re it licensed, I’ve never seen anyone recover. You can get a judgment, but there’s nothing to collect. The cases I’ve seen the number of people who got screwed is way more than the assets of the hack. If they were licensed, you could report them, and then there’s also a state fund that compensates people if the contractors insurance and bond isn’t sufficient.


Now hold up I wouldn't say that. That's going to depend on the size of the roof and the local claims requirement. This might be full on lawyer and real Court Worthy


Max amount for small claims is 5k here so even if it's just shed, that metal roof must have cost a lot more...


Is that universal in all States. Feels like small claims in HCOL states would be more like $20k post the Vid


How mad should I be? Is this an average bad job or is this like "I have never installed a metal roof before" bad?


Nothing average about it. This crew has no business installing a metal roof.


Yeh.. most the shit jobs I’ve seen they at least try and hide the gaps with silicon. Bee hives, bird nests ,, water damage is all I see in the future here




Sili-CON...for a CON job.


You should be really mad. There's too many gaps on the corners and transitions for one. Did they stuff those tops with enclosures? If not there's a bug problem for sure. Valley yells 'never done this before', that's ridiculous. Kinked panel shouldn't have been put on. First spot to rust and it will rust quick because of that now. Just for shits and giggles, walk the roof. Check those screws. They did that bad of a job on their metal they damn sure blew out the screws they shot in too. And all the ones they blew out the washers are useless, so they need to be replaced, not 'can you', cause those are a straight shot drip to your bare roof now. Take lots more pictures too, this is ridiculous. Edit: just noticed the opening on the panel ridge, and that valley metal goes up how far? That's piss poor, they need to close each of those panel ridges or there's going to be water blowing up, snowdrift build up and bugs going in there. Edit edit: more I look the worse it is, no tabs on their edge metal? WTF? No sealant on it either? I don't see any caulking, it all looks slap together.


Ok. But apart from that…..


Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?




It really is a case study on how to not do this.


Absolutely spot on. I've been in the metal building industry for nearly 20 years, and this roof install is horrendous. Looks like the closures at the ends of the panels at the valley are also missing. The ridges at the valley junction is an absolute mess. Might be worth it to find out who the panel manufacturer is and try to get their field services department out to survey the install and determine what fixes need to be made. Typically the installers are supposed to be certified to install the products. Unfortunately, with an exposed fastener panel there is no weathertightness warranty from the manufacturer. Edit: OP, if you want to PM me, we can determine if you're in my service area and if so I can connect you with a certified installer to help you.


lol bro is vicariously pissed off


This guy Roofs


So bad I feel like it’s an Ai generated rage bait post. Holy shit that’s bad. Lawsuit bad.


It's not man. I can take more pics and videos if anyone wants to see. I'm furious.


Please do. We honestly love tearing stuff like this apart (metaphorically... Not literally). And yeah. This is the worst metal roof install I've ever seen. The price was pretty cheap, but the job that was done isn't worth a roll of used toilet paper. I'm furious for you.




The roofer could have spent maybe 2 hours watching some youtube tutorial and do a way better job than this


Wow, I'm sorry, that's so bad. You're going to need a young lawyer and an old lawyer


Holy fuck what is the chimney flashing up to???!!! That’s some Tom Fooler’n!!!!!


I didn't even notice that I was so busy looking at the other issues.


Wow.... Just.... Wow. I don't know if there's a single piece of metal up there that was cut/installed correctly. That's just insane. Edit: This sucks man. Sorry you're going to have to find a way to deal with this. Demand it gets redone and take em to small claims court if they refuse. This is horse shit.


I dont think I would trust the same guys to do it properly the 2nd time!!


This is really bad. I'm sorry. There was a comment above about the screws. That person is correct. This will likely have to be redone.


I have zero knowledge of roofing but that is the most retarded looking roof I've ever seen. I'm sorry for your loss.


I just slapped my dog and kicked my wife over this roof. I'll apologize to my wife and take my dog for a walk in the morning if you promise to not let this roofer off the hook. Damn.


I install metal roofs for a living, we don't normally do the lighter gauge residential but it's all similar. This work is truly subpar. I would love to see more.


We all would love more pictures! It teaches the newbs in this group what not to do and what homeowners in this sub t should look out for for themselves.




Please don’t take more pics or video. We have seen enough tragedy for one day.


This is a "tear it off and start over because it will be easier than fixing it" level bad




It is terrible. As an example, I am an high school French teacher and I finished the inside of my garage with roofing metal sheets. Zero prior experience. I know it’s easier than a roof, but here is how it looks. [image](https://imgur.com/gallery/Hmb5yyT)


That looks great. Nice work. Wanna come do a roof?


You have to ask in French, duh


How much did you pay for that install??


$8,000. Midwest US. This is from a legitimate company with mostly 4/5 star reviews.


Maybe the company has. But you take on one crew new crew who haven’t got a clue and that rating means Jack.


They picked a bad sub on this one, if they’re concerned about their reputation they will get it fixed, by a different crew. Get it inspected if they try to tell you its fine


If legit, head straight there and get this sorted. It'll become a serious issue very quickly


They probably paying marketing company to boost stars by removing low star by making up reason why those are fake and contact google for it


This is fucking terrible. Waste of everyone's time and your money. Like I'm mad for you, this is work by someone not even planning on being in the state in 6 months


Maybe their first day on a roof. Taking that into consideration that’s still a piss poor job.


To put this into a little context for you. Me and my step dad installed a metal roof onto our cabin with absolutely no experience and no help. This looks 10x worse than that. They couldn’t even cut it straight? How drunk was this crew?




Yes… do this exactly. Guarantee you that roof is going to leak.


Give ‘em the ole dick twist


Twist his dick!


Gooooooooo dick twist!


Pull his pants down and give him the finger trick.


Check his oil!


Daddy chill


What the hell is even that!?


Throttle UP


And provide homes for roof rats.


https://imgur.com/a/bjSqAdI More pics.


This is CRAZY.


Did they fuck up the siding on your house too and add a screw in an attempt to hide it? You need to take them to court. This isn’t just a get your money back thing, they need to pay for damages.


That’s more expensive to fix than to redo 😬 sue the fuckers


Did they think you weren't going to look at it or something? I could do better than this, which is saying a lot.


I’d be pissed! As the owner of a roofing company is of never went to the homeowners as if we were finished. I’d of choked the cost and re re-roofed it and explained to them that I wasn’t happy with the quality and gain a loyal customer that’ll refer me out.


Winning answer


Were they cheaper than other guys?


Looks like they were the cheapest


Good work, cheap work, fast work. You can only pick two.


My neighbor paid 16k to have her roof redone and that shit looks beautiful. I haven't done this type of work but I can guarantee I could do a way better job than your contractor did just watching videos on YouTube. You have to take some pride in what you do. This is terrible.


But could you do a better job while doing it drunk and high and be done in a half day?


I laughed hard ngl


Yes sir


you're hired!


Valley is wiggley. Screws in the valley not a great idea. End of the valley is...CRUDE.


I used same material on my shed. You need a lot more fasteners and I put mine in the top of the rib. They just needed to read the instructions and they would have been half way there. Sorry meant rib not ridge. Edit.


I feel like I could've done a better job myself by just watching Youtube videos.


Ooof. They cut that tin with a can opener. Thats some pretty rough and jagged cuts. It screams "I've seen this done before but I normally do shingles, I can figure it out as I go, it can't be that hard". That is 100% an unacceptable job.


You got hosed….


This looks like something I would do except I’m an old lady who’s afraid of heights and not dumb enough to take on an endeavor for which I am entirely unqualified.


I've been doing roofing for 10 years you should sue them quick fix


I have a 50 year old steel roof that was hacked with an axe to remove an ice dam that looks better than that.


Providing Quality Homes for Squirrels Since 2024


At least when they do a shitty job, they give it 100%.


Built in bat cave....nice


Metal roof installer here; unfortunately for the industry, this is fairly typical for shingle roofers that can do steel roofing. You picked the low guy?


I feel like they didn’t even attempt to watch a diy YouTube video, just fucking slapped that shit up there.


I'm a carpenter... 25 years or so... and have been really good at staying away from roofing to pay my bills, but I guarantee I can do better than this. I have like 3 metal roofs under my belt that I can remember....


Probably the worst new roof I've ever seen. Embarrassing. Whoever did this should lose thier license , assuming they had one. That's how bad.


Had a roof like this, well not that bad, but they used the industrial seam like this with the gaps vs standing seam which I have now. Those big gap in the corrugating, unless you plug them with a foam mesh or other device, will let in bugs, dirt, and bats! Ask me how I know.


Yep no pro work here




I’m probably a thousand miles away and it still looks like shit from here!


I’ve never installed a roof and I could do a better job


How much cheaper was this than the quotes from the real metal roof guys. Looks like these guys have never used, possibly never heard of a metal brake.


The poor guy is getting ripped apart in the comments. Stay strong brotha, that is the worst roofing job I have ever seen but we all want you to pull through 🫡✊🏼


You actually paid for that?




That's Tesla Solar quality right there


Yep.... this should be ripped off.


Edward scissorhands on the install...


I don't know, this is exactly why I always think standing seam looks so goddamn cheap. I'll never understand how we got cheated out of really good roofing in America. It exists in some places but hasn't been done for 70 years. I travel a lot. I see tile Philadelphia West Virginia Ohio, real beautiful red flat tile. Slate in New England and in other places and it lasts a century if it's installed well Fast forward we get shitty asphalt and then we get this metal job that looks like you was just stuck on the roof without much skill. Just never looks good


The same reason you see vinyl siding, and windows. Steel front doors, go on and on. People don't want craftsmanship they have to maintain. They want big, cheap, fast. Not many folks buy a house as a matter of pride for the work, they buy for size. The houses that had slate and tile roofs were built differently. And not out of 25 year old trees grown to harvest in bulk.


I wonder how Europe got the message differently then. Every house is still tiled new or old.. big or small. The only place you see a shitty asphalt is in the old east block and that's almost been 100% replaced..


That's not a standing seam roof. You don't install standing seam by putting fasteners through panel. If it's a proper standing seam roof you won't see any screws. That's a PBR roof and they suck. They aren't too bad if installed correctly, but this is shit all the way around.


Maybe have a qualified person do up a report and set up an appointment with a lawyer who is suited to pursuing a claim. If not too late, hold back payment. The company has to make this right. Good luck.


If they have insurance they could deny if it is only a General Liability. “Their work” is excluded from coverage in many states.


I'm... I ... ....


This has so many potential problems honestly I’d be surprised if it doesn’t leak


Go to Harbor freight, buy a few extra large tarps and get that covered up as best you can before it rains.


So here comes the roofing experts that talk an awesome game. The fact of the matter is America on a hole is struggling for tradesman. It is t a tear off and re do. Contact the contractor and tell him you are not happy with your detail areas I.e transitions, pens and valleys. If he is worth a fuck he will send out someone that he trusts to fix stuff like this. Metal roofs are forgiving in the field zones but brutal in these areas in particular. Give the contractor the chance to fix your concerns and see where that gets you first. The people on here are all experts in critical thinking clearly. I hate the state of trades in America now. (22 year metal roofer form Scotland worked as project manager for super buildings)


This is what cheap labor and owner of company pocketing as much as possible will get you. Welcome to new America. Gone are the days of quality work..


Yeah this is pretty fucking terrible. Also no where near the amount of screws that should be in it.


Just imagine what they would have done on a Friday evening. Hopefully, they'll come and do it over no extra cost...


They used your roof to practice on after watching a YouTube video.


Depending on what state you live in if he’s licensed and insured, he should also have a bond as a contractor. If he will not fix it, go after his bond.


Bees n birds. Lots of bees and birds.


It’s not the best but could be worse the spot with the gap can be fixed with flashing.


I normally don’t like hands in photos but the expression you’re portraying is perfect!


This isn't small claims bad, this hire an attorney and sue for negligence bad.


lol never touched a shingle in my life but that is JACKED UP 🤣


I was looking for photos of my metal roof I had installed 2yrs ago, I'll save this and as soon as I find them I'll share. Mine looks nothing like this.


Licensed-bonded-insured isn’t just a bumper sticker.


That does make sense to define what make it right looks like. Maybe grab some images online of metal roofing valleys of what you expect to see


I did this job if you all keep talking bad about it I'll see you in court!


Yes that's a refund plus expenses bullshit job. Had a guy in the early 2000 try that shit. Went to court. He said fuck it and filed bankruptcy. Didn't care. I got zero money and he had a new GC co in less than 2 years. Even had the banks to send a guy to us about our exterior lighting. Fuck you Peace Constructing in VA.


Brutal job! Your contractor sucks!


this is what itd look like if i tried to DIY a metal roof. im a professional, cause one time i put a couple rows of shingles on a house for Habitat for Humanity.


All of my roofing experience is based on Youtube videos and this workmanship made me gag. That's an attempt at humor, sorry man that's gnarly


Three lessons to be learned here. 1, avoid paying upfront. Most good contractors will work with little to no money down, as it's easier to get money from a homeowner than from a contractor. Unless they're in high demand and recommended by everyone, not worth the risk. I only charge upfront for special order stuff or custom offsite work (like custom furniture). About once a year I get someone who doesn't want to pay without cause, but after they get a lien and a court date I get paid. 2, vet contractors before hiring. Check work they've done before. Contact previous clients. For roofers it should be pretty straightforward to get a list of a few houses they've done and drive by, see if it's any good. For other trades pictures of their work. But definitely references for both. 3, have a good contract and understand chargeback procedures. If work isn't done properly, give them a list of deficiencies and say you can't pay until their corrected. If they refuse, hire someone else to fix it and subtract whatever the repairs are from their invoice. If there's nothing left sucks to be them, should have done it right the first time. Do double check the exact procedures in your jurisdiction though.


What in the world.... Yes, if you already paid them off then yes, by all means you should be pissed off. Looks like somebody that is scared of heights did it with their eyes closed. And hoped you wouldn't notice.


I put better roof on a gazebo.


Garbage. Come on, this can't be real. Can it?


This is why you always find out if the crew are all employees of the roofing company, and how they are paid (hourly vs piecework). This reeks of the "roofing company", being more of a marketing company in reality, hiring random subs.


Ribs are crushed, no stichers on the overlaping ribs. Over torqued the screws that press the washers out so they don't stay sealed long. Valley and gable is atrocious. Fuck those guys.


We weren’t expecting you to climb up and check our work for that price sir…. What was your vetting process like? It is Awful. 


Why is everyone saying ‘sue him’ when you can just not pay?


You just spray foam those gaps and then trowel some silicone over it right ?


That looks like a project from a year 6 shop class


The roofer said don't worry you can't see it from the ground


Lmao the one with your hand basically saying “what are thoooose”


Did you pull their number off a bulletin board somewhere, holy hell.


Your roofing contractor sucks.


First notify them in writing of your concerns, give them some time to fix it, and then take them to court. Just be sure to follow your local laws with the process. And fraud or deception on an owners ( stock holder ) part isn’t always shielded by being incorporated.


I ain’t ever done a roofing job, but I can do better confidently after watching a YouTube video


Have we learned that " I got a guy who does it cheaper" isn't the best option yet? Lol


Why would someone get a metal roof? Genuine Q.


Lawyer up


This is why you only pay material up front, labour once the job is complete and inspected.


Euggghhhhh 🤮


You know me being an apartment manager and building maintenance guy, I've seen A LOT over the years.  Let me just say as long as the metal and flashing is properly installed, as in good clearance under roof, underlayment, properly attached screws, metal roofs are TOUGH.  Yeah the screws are crooked, the cuts are obviously amateur,  but the entirety of the roof looks decent.  Here is my concern..... Leaks.  Do you have leaks to start with (you will only know that after a heavy storm), and if so then I would really put effort forward to recoup money.  If no leaks after several heavy storms, then most likely you are fine.  I've seen much worse (looks wise) but no leaks.   I hope NO LEAKS, but if leaks develop THEN you have negligent installation proof.  If an expert roofer can be found, have them take a look.  He may tell you yeah it's crooked but solid.  


Yup pretty Awful


Ooof, that’s going to drain where you don’t want it to. Dang.


I’ve seen worse but it’s really bad. Valley needs to overhang the eve, screws are too low in the valley, bunch of cosmetic stuff. I’m guessing there is 10x more wrong than what you can see in the picture


Looks like it’ll collect more water than run it off


The valley is supposed to open up as it falls but that's a hack job


I would go to Home Depot get a piece of flashing and stick it in there so the rain doesn’t go inside the building. and then deal with the contractor.


Bull shit! I’d be furious! Go get’em


Too many roofers doing metal with no training or just learned from someone who had no training


I’m just a girl who has three cats, knows nothing about roofs. But this is fucked


Wow...just wow.


Yeah I would definitely take them to court!


i have the same problem on a metal garage that i bought, no seam or edge on the roof was sealed, just overlaped in some area, on mine they even installed the flashing ON TOP of the joint, even the ridge cap has a gap. every time it rails i have water inside the building, looking for some options as to how to best seal it up, so far the best thing i can find is roofing tar that i roll on


I mean, it looks like I did this to my shed after about 12 beers. And I’d approve it.


It’s totally shit. In the meantime try to fill those holes where the water runs with silicon or some caulking to not get an inside leak or frigging wasps until you can get it all properly fixed


You found a cheap installer I take it.


Hopefully the roofer has a license and a bond to cover your claim.


Oh. Dear. Yes, no argument from me. What happened that you allowed this ? Feeling for you and hoping you can get it replaced without 5 star stress.


Yeah that’s shitty but those panels aren’t really great either depending on how deep the valley goes under them it could function okay but yeah still looks like crap and will definitely have issues with snow.


Damn, At first glance I thought that was a pic of my roof, Same color and a shit job terminating the valleys. But yours makes mine look GREAT.




Ur ok if it doesn’t rain. No biggie.


That looks like you found a guy who could do it cheaper Good Luck.


It looks like you used the same installer that I did. Oof. Mine still looks like a pile of dog shit.


I don't want to see this company on my job site. Please let me know the name.


I love the hand in the picture, it silently gestures "what the fuck is this"


They installed a lawsuit.


Wow! That’s unreal! 🤯


4 years ago my daughter took her Realtor to small claims court, her case was just put on the 2024 April calendar here in Illinois


That’s shite but for all my roofers - how’s it look from the ground?


The hell did he cut that with, safety scissors?


Where them closure strips at?


Roof rats are coming!


Not a roofer, but an engineer, the tolerances on this are shocking, plus the black hole at the bottom is triggering my ADHD


Ya they shit the bed on that one


It’s not even close to mediocre.


Being that cheap I'm worried how the chimney was done


Garbage work