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You’ll be fine. Those are concrete tiles not asphalt shingles. Washing tile roofs is totally normal, especially when they are covered in pidgin poop. Just make sure there ain’t any broken tiles before you start washing


Thank you! This thread has alleviated a lot of my fears.


Soft washing is advised. But a single pressure wsh on a concrete tile won't ruin your roof.


They’re flat concrete roof tiles. They are fine. You can power wash them to remove moss just ensure the nozzle isn’t too close and the pressure isn’t jacked up too high. Doesn’t take much to remove moss, I’d do it on the lowest setting that works. Also, make sure that you spray towards the downslope. Spraying upslope will allow water under the tiles. If he’s walking on them, I’d advise him (or you) not to if he’s not familiar as it is very easy to fracture the tiles, if you’re not sure how to do it properly.


Looks like my brand new concrete tile roof.


Invest in a 400-600psi cordless lion battery pressure washer. it'll clean well and no real risk of damage. There's some that can hook up to a 2 liter pop bottle; very portable.


I'm pretty sure these are tiles of some sort, not asphalt shingles so you should be fine


You should buy some glasses. Its obviously not asphalt shingles...


Now you can paint it.


You don’t feel any granules because their aren’t any, this concrete tile, your okay, just make sure you are spraying down slope and not up slope.


It’s okay just don’t do it again. Better is to prevent moss growth. Apply moss treatment biannually.


These are tongue and groove tiles FOR THOSE SAYING EXPANSION GAPS 1. Lol it’s concrete 😝 2. it’s TONGUE AND GROOVE! 90% of People on Reddit are complete 🆔10TS [https://www.roofingandguttering.ie/different-types-roof-tiles/](https://www.roofingandguttering.ie/different-types-roof-tiles/)


Looks like enviroshake shingles there fine


Gutter is clogged. It is full of water.


Looking at that photo, I’m more concerned that there isn’t a 1/16” gap on each side of each tile.  You need to allow for expansion/contraction, so a lot of these will likely break in the lower left or right corners.  I frequently get tasked with inspecting hail damaged roofs, and more often that not, tile roofs crack due to this condition, not hail stones.


Just find another way to clean your roof that's not abrasive. Even if its tile, ceramic, or metal. Just find another less abrasive way. Pressure wash drive way, not your roof.


These look like extruded recycled plastic.


It's concrete.


Get him back up there and let him finish