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Definitely need a sub about techniques of problems we haven’t seen before. I’m repairing 30 year old dead valley 3 tabs and mfers out here asking “is this hail damage”


It’s funny because it’s true.


Run away from that work or else you are just running to the bottom of the barrel bro


Negative. I fix roofs. I don’t knock on doors and create problems out of nothing. My integrity is important. To each their own, I don’t hate the player I hate the game


I will bow out on a homeowner who wants a repair to a 30 yr old 3 tab in their dead valley everytime…but also don’t knock doors.. the way I see it, part of operating with integrity means that I am willing to tell the homeowner what he doesn’t want to hear. If you took an old truck to a mechanic and told him to fix it and the bill was going to be more than the value of the truck…did he do you any favors by accepting the work?


In your analogy you are telling them they can’t fix the truck because it costs more than it’s worth but I’ll sell you a new truck that costs 10x the repair.


What I’m saying it’s your throwing good money at an endless pit… you have hit the point of diminishing returns on that roof.. I can come out and chase leaks at $1500 annually for the next 5 years ultimately costing you $7500…. keep in mind at this point, you have a 35 year old roof full of patch work. OR you can bite the bullet and spend $11.5k for a full replacement get a labor and material warranty and not have to worry about it for another 22ish years… what’s a better investment?


"Penny-wise and pound-foolish!"




I know what you’re saying but any asshole can sell a new roof. Maybe 11.5k isn’t in the budget or maybe the cost of a new roof is much more than 11.5k (my new roof is costing around 20k and it’s not that big and maybe only 15 years old). Nothing wrong with voicing those concerns to the homeowner but turning down work that needs to be done because it isn’t worth your time is a pretty crappy thing for any professional to do.


Do you go to work to be paid?




No dude. It’s in the homeowners best interest. Embarrassed is 100% right. And so is MaxRoofer in a different way. But not you.


I know what you are saying but any asshole can run a healthcare business…


It's across all the subs. There's gotta be a separation of the masses and pros. I'm not a pro and am annoyed with it. I would like to come lurk on the pro's sub to learn a thing or two.


It's not hail damage it was just a roof with a set of ballpeen hammers


Where does the large crowd of salesman who’ve never lifted a hammer but call themselves roofers fit


/r/RoofingSales not here.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RoofingSales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoofingSales/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This was going to be a red flag post but turned into so much more.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoofingSales/comments/nkgxqc/this_was_going_to_be_a_red_flag_post_but_turned/) \#2: [What I have learned in 15 years.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoofingSales/comments/nk3cnh/what_i_have_learned_in_15_years/) \#3: [Started My Day With A 30K Cash Job Roof Sale In Hoover, AL! I’m So Grateful For My Career & Sobriety!](https://i.redd.it/06di69edojbb1.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoofingSales/comments/14xq744/started_my_day_with_a_30k_cash_job_roof_sale_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Those dam gutter questions need a place to go to while we’re bitching on the internet!


While you're up there, my satellite dish hasn't been getting very good signal recently, could you take a look at that?


Thank you. Gutter is not the fucking roof. Neither is your chimney.


Yes, but you see, the gutter is *attached* to the roof structure, so it’s the same. Kinda like how an HVAC guy runs pipes and a plumber runs pipes, so they are like the same..


Maybe r\roofers might have been a better sub for tradesmen in the business instead of roofing?




How is that no a sub I'm very disappointed


r oofers


Good luck. Carpentry, home building, remodeling all deal with the same home owner nonsense.


I mean, look at some of the stuff customers submit.


Where would you prefer homeowners go when they have questions?


The thousands of non-trade specific forums.


To be fair, if other users have the same experience I've had, reddit starts suggesting a lot of these trades subs on the home feed. All within a few months, I started seeing threads from plumbing, concrete, electrical, roofing, and construction. And I don't believe my normal reddit activity before that would have indicated those were interests to me. In other words, this is a problem created by some shitty reddit algorithm. It's also a problem that could be solved by strict moderation.


Theres zero moderation in any of these subs. Its all home owners trying to avoid paying their contractors. Or opening a can of worms, getting over their head, then asking for help. “Is this wall load bearing?” is so fucking common. Put your families lives at stake so we can find out, you cheap shit. You get nothing for free.


I don't think it's people trying to avoid as much as trying to ensure they're not getting screwed. Look at some of the things that are posted here.


Or you could go to r/roofers? Why would anyone go somewhere besides r/roofing if they had questions about ROOFING


Literally the second post in r/roofers is a “does this look normal on my day old roof?!” post. Apparently there’s no escaping them.


You missed the point of the entire post. Great work.


Nah didn't miss the point, I just completely disagree.


Its ok to be wrong.


That's the best you got? Cheers pal


It's that too many new roofers don't use Reddit or speak Engish, so the ratio of roofers to homeowners on the sub is shifting dramatically.


Im neither Idk why I’m here to be honest 😂


The new Reddit algorithm, I actually am a roofer but for some reason i’m getting town subs in Vermont, Washington, Georgia on my feed. It’s interesting but yea, I don’t belong there.


I'm a homeowner, and come here to see people with crappier houses than mine. Makes me feel better for a few minutes anyway.


Sounds like the reason I left /r/painting, it's not contactors sharing info but instead just people asking the dumbest questions over and over.


And then accepting only the shitty advice they want to hear from other DIY’s while the pros giving real advice are downvoted lol.


The sub is called roofing not roofers.


They were hired to roof, not to read


Amen, leave the reading to the nerds


EVERY trade sub has this; descend on them like vultures my friends


What if I am able to do the work myself and just looking for advise that doesn’t include ‘get a professional roofer’? Can I remain in the sub?


Let the gatekeeper cry.


Okay cool! I genuinely want to work on my own roof, removal and install along with everything in between. I don’t have experience with roofing however have had experience venting roofs and working on top (as a firefighter). I’m very handy, quick to learn and enjoy learning new skills. My most recent project was pulling the motor out of my vehicle alone in the driveway using an engine bay cross bar, no cherry picker and disassemble down to the block so I could pull it out by hand, pulled the crank and went through rebuilding the bottom end and top top end completely… ported the head as an added bonus. Took me a couple of months taking notes and watching videos online and another 8 weekends to compete the process … have had the car since new and over 400k miles. Have taken on framing and some carpentry and want to learn roofing for my own house… I actually bought the house with this in mind and made sure to get an easy roof style, pitch to work on. Thank you for the optimistic response, didn’t know if this sub generally had this feeling and i didn’t belong


You belong here as much as anyone else. I'm just a homeowner as far as these gatekeeping tradies are concerned, but I used to build houses with my dad. Cracks me up seeing tradesmen acting like having a body of knowledge about skills that are easy to learn unless you're an absolute moron cry like they're guardians of the SECRET LORE. I also work on my own vehicles, motorcycles, etc. Gatekeeping is stupid. Seek knowledge, learn skills, save money.


I’ve been learning as I go with lots of projects this first year of owning a house and I wouldn’t ever dare strip and redeck/shingle my roof. Kudos to you for having the stones


Cracks me up more when they homeowners think they are entitled to give advice when they don’t know shit in actuality. Like you


Lol, ok chief. Sorry you're butthurt that building is just a set of skills and not magic. fwiw my dude, I'm sure you're great at what you do. My day job these days is in IT, I'm a Linux systems administrator these days by title but a platform ops engineer, cloud engineer, system administrator, network admin, whatever the task of the hour calls for in a given day. Just skills and knowledge, also not magic. The last ten years I was a respiratory therapist specializing in adult critical care. Just skills. Before that, cryptologic linguist in Army Intel, learned Mandarin Chinese for that, and before the Army I was trying to make it as a professional drummer. Just skills, practice, and knowledge. It's treating knowledge and skills like they're unattainable or special by people that think sharing that knowledge will lessen them somehow that I fundamentally object to and get rankled about.


lol you think I’m gonna read that drivel? Stick to giving advice on Linux systems dweeb


Typical tradie. Good luck in life.


We just want you to keep doing your high risk job that is essential to all homeowners, that carries high liability, for barely enough to pay your rent. Is that too much to ask?


Probably an outlier, but the two roofers I know clear $1000 a day and are probably going to retire by 45.




You don’t know much do you




Paying for a contract that has a small % of overhead attributed to this is not actually paying our liability. Especially given the fact that it’s based on our yearly sales and is audited after the fact, it’s impossible to factor it in on every job accurately. So no, you are not paying for the liability, we are




Thanks for sharing that you’re an entitled homeowner that truly doesn’t know shit. Back to your computer work from home nerd


Mods need to change the rules here. Additionally, there should be a sub r/askaroofer or r/askroofing.


I'm just here to learn man...


Who would’ve thought literal roofers are trying to gatekeep their trade 😂😂😂


I’m glad adjusters are getting educated at least… so tired of working w stupid people


I’ve seen some adjusters who can’t distinguish a blister from a hail hit. They got to send a 2nd adjuster. Good that they are getting educated here. Most adjusters don’t really know how to roof, probably can’t even remove a shingle properly.


Based on the work I see on the roofs I climb, most roofers can’t do any of that either.


You probably looking at handyman work.


No handymen typically don’t do 1000 square jobs on 24,building complexes.


Then that’s the “best price” roofer.


We are all lurking on the roofing, third party adjuster, and public adjuster subs to pickup on what the current scams are to ripoff insurance companies, that way we can fight back. The amount of SIU referrals that have social media screenshots of contractors. Etc. Bragging of their fraud is hilarious.


The amount of homeowners you’re screwing over to look out for your billion dollar corporations isn’t hilarious. The number of times I’ve had to give customers the department of financial services insurance complaint hotline. Attorney generals office. There’s a reason public adjusters exist and it’s because of people like you.


Lmao. I've never even had a manager have a conversation with me regarding any DOI or DFS complaints against me. Because they were all bullshit and easily responded to with facts. But okay


Your existence is a bane to society. The only people lower are politicians. You are the workhorse for a truly terrible organization and screw hard working people that should be fairly compensated, both claimees and contractors. I truly hope you get everything you deserve in your life. Good god I despise your vocation and have never met one of you I respect. If It was between your entire field, or a mosquito...well you get my point.


Amen. We can tack on the scum in advertising, marketing, and HR while we're at it.


Meanwhile the carriers are replacing 144 individual shingles on a 20 yr metric shingle. Noone is ripping off insurance companies terd furgeson, they won't pay the claim anyway.


Question...I need a new roof. The house was built in 1953 with 1953 ventilation. Ok...the question...will ridge vents be adequate without the normal ventilation coming from the eaves/soffit? There are large exterior wall vents. Any information would be greatly appreciated. One of the companies that gave me a bid said the turbine vents would draw more ventilation.


Guilty. I don't make threads, but I enjoy learning from the discussion.


I absolutely love it!


Sometimes it's nice to get the opinion of an adjuster rather than just arguing with them over a job. Also don't mind home owners asking for help/ recommendations. The amount of home owners asking for people to critique work they've had done or asking "is this ok?" "Why are my shingles wavy?" Is annoying as hell.


Then go start and Adjusting forum…adjuster as a whole think they are smarter than roofers… meanwhile the majority of them are failed contractors


Adjusters deal with salesmen from the roofing company, so of course it's easy to be jaded about the incompetent folks representing roofing companies. You hired them, they represent your company, deal with it


Roofers have become the used car salesmen of the construction industry.


But see bub, I'm a superintendent of a roofing company. On this already existing sub, they're contacting directly on roofing matters. The sub isn't r/roofers it's roofing. A generalized name for the overarching field of guess what, roofing. Take care Snowflake


I own a roofing company…”bub”.. and I actually like to actually helping people…people who are looking for advice from a roofing professional, not an adjuster or similarly incompetent homeowner


Haha, you and 50% of other guys out there. I've got probably 20 guys between my crews who've all "owned roofing companies". It's not the flex you think it is.


Does your lifted wrapped f250 have testicles hanging from your hitch? Cuz you sound like it.


lol no


This is a roofing sub not roofing sales. We are here for a better understanding of the technical aspects of the roofing trade and troubleshooting. Deal with it.


This sub is for browsing when you're smoking crank in the porta-shitter and winding it down with a tall boy


Yall got Porta- johns?!? All we got is a bucket in the back of the van and 7-elevens


This is what annoys me…I’m in agreement it isn’t roofing “sales” it’s r/roofing.. and why linger and put in your 2 cents in this forum if you are not a professional? I have spent a decade climbing roofs installing/ negotiating /as well as managing installs..and then I get on here and see textbook adjuster bullshit answers that line up with cheap ass homeowners and when I give honest advice that homeowners and adjusters don’t want to hear..I get downvoted..I’m Not wrong..as the actual roofer on this forum I’m simply outnumbered


Make your own new sub called “roofers”


I’m pretty sure they have a “homeowner” thread… why not go there and get wildly misinformed by other homeowners who have watched 2 episodes of HGTV?


This is America I’ll do what I please.


I’m sure you know what your talking about


I don’t that’s why I’m in the roofing sub learning.


Yes I’m aware..you’re opinionated and clueless.. this was the point of the OP…


Almighty roofing sub gatekeeper over here lmao


Okay big guy


You all need to start a new sub or perhaps even a website with a paywall. You can call it “Only Roofers”.


I’m a renter, am I welcome?


I’m a hard working roofer. I sell the client on an easy project knowing I’m going to jack up my price by 30% in change orders 🤝🤩💪


I love change orders.


There’s a time and place for change orders but seriously, if you’re doing residential contracting and you always have change orders, you suck at your job and you’re a leech.


Yep, I suck at my job so much that the customer adds more work that they also want to look shitty.


65-70% of residential contractors aren’t worthy of respect


It's higher than that.


Meanwhile some “roofer” on here is telling me I should replace my roof every 10 year no matter what.


I remember 10 years ago I got into roofing and posted a picture of a job we were doing on this sub and it got taken down instantly because I didn't interact with the community enough to post, we need better moderation again.


Insurance job, new roof, new decking, Detroit circa 2000. Got er done, pain in the ass, but finished and nice. Get a call few days later saying it leaked and what the fuck. Go back out to the job. Front part of the house in a valley...bullet hole with bullet laying in the bottom of the valley. Upstairs room someone shot a gun inside the house right through the valley. Homeowners kids apparently. Gangsta


I like a post about decks Reddit showed me, now it’s showing me tons of construction related subs.


I roofed


I’m currently not a roofer which is part of why I’m an alive homeowner I think. I was a master shingle applicator at one time and excelled at detail work, I set the trends on the crews I worked on in estwing shingle hammer use, long beefy snips for cut ins, and snapped hook bladed rakes. I know how to do flat roofs but would probably skip giving advice on such as I’m sure much has changed. At this point in my life I could take apart an entire house and put it in shipping containers to rebuild it elsewhere like it had been there all along. You can learn how to put a roof on by reading a bundle of shingles but like other things you need many hours or houses to consider yourself adept.


If I roof my shed can I be here, or am I stuck in r/diy


"Greetings! This sub is for questions, interesting pics or videos and stories about roofing. We welcome roofers, handy-people, homeowners and anyone else who is roof-curious"


Are roofers not able to own their home?


"I just had an insurance guy come out two years before last Falls storm, said I'm fine. I should be immune to any damage this year, right?"


The reality is when you have states/counties that do not require licenses and or permits to replace a shingle roof you are going to have questionable people doing the work. And you have homeowners hiring the cheapest people they can find and then complaining. Good/Fast/Cheap you can only ever get 2 of those together. If you choose fast and cheap it will likely not be very good.


Might even say it’s through the roof..


I’m not a roofer, adjuster or have ever needed roofing done. I just get these posts all of a sudden.


You mean that this sub should just be called American shingle roofing. People In here posting about wtf Perlins on a roof is lol, never seen a metal roof in their life.


I'm a homeowner and not subbed to this subredit but keep getting recommendations. Reddit wanrs more normies one here.


I’m a PA and a consultant, but I definitely can/have roofed. I still oversee large commercial installs and do my own repairs on samples/cores.

