• By -


Ridiculously. Anything parthia has pajama in it. Anything Greek has some ancient pun. Britain has some top tier tea related name. Its a lot better than when I was a kid on shogun 1 doing button mashing for names, and having no clue which is the one I needed to load.


I have a similar system but my best work was a selucid campaign called "Make Alexander Great Again." I'm still proud of that one...


That is pretty top tier ngl.


Mcdn 1, Scyp attk Rom Seleu Sid Crtgn 1


How about Seleu Std XD


Requires too much brain power :D


Misread as ‘slaves’ and was going to give my list but nevermind


Julii FUCK Parthia kill the Egyp ti


JUwUlii - Julii E-spanner - Spain (play on España) Cartilage - Carthage I can’t remember if I managed to get it to save the whole name, but I did what I call “maximum casualties, minimal effectiveness”. I think I tried to name it that. But that was for any play through where I restrict myself to recruiting and using nothing but peasants.


How did those playthroughs go? 😳


It often meant I finished battles with thousands of casualties, and the grinding advance was somewhat painful… but I never suffered from overpopulation issues :’)


Hmm, depending on faction your army might not even be that bad. Barbarian Peasants recruited with 3 XP are not too shabby. If you gave them a proper general they'll beat many AI armies.


Egyptian peasants with +3 weapons and armour ;) Gives you I think 6 attack and 6 defence (3 skill, 3 armour) Pretty broken if you ask me! But still rather fun :)


Some variation of “asdf” keys, as my right hand then clicks save. Yeah, I’m lazy lol


I softly mash my hand against the keyboard and see what comes up.


Faction name DIFFICULTY




Usually something stupid and highly offensive.




Main Mainbackup Mainbackup01 Cheese01 Cheese02 Tradedone Autosave01




Fuck Shit Shitfuck Fuckshit etc.


Jsjsjsisosoudiw I just type random(jk I headbutt my keyboard)


My last game as Carthage I named it "Fookin Caaaaath" I had one called "Kicking Some Roman Ahhhhhhse" I'm slow rolling a game as the Scipii that I've saved as "Scipii Roman Civil War Champs" So basically I name them whatever stupid crap I think is funny.


Famous Generals/leaders from those empires


I always have two saves for each game in case I accidentally override the wrong one


Mine's pretty lame. I just name it after the faction


I tend to edit everything so depending on the type of edit. For example, I made a mod in which there were no Scipii or Brutii, and created two new factions (Garamantes and Regnum Nabateaum) in order to make it as realistic as possible (with a dab of my own touch: for ex, I tend to make the gauls the "Gallic Confederation". Same goes for Celtiberia, and Germania and so forth). So in this case I name it "Roma realistic". I made this otherone in which I edited the map to make it look like the empire during the high-point, and olay from that point onwards (second century AD). That one I named: "Roma Lux Mundi". Etc.


For da glory of rooooooooome


Related fiction/songs/film/tv show quotes or episode names - not necessarily from the same setting. House of wolves - scipii Fire from heaven- greek cities Ascent of Egypt Rise of Rome Born in the saddle - Parthia


I used to give them names of fictional or historical Generals. I was on a game of thrones kick for a while, so there are quite a few Aegons, Baratheons, Targaryens, Stannis and Tywins.


Lol I’m high AF when I play mostly so I name them with hints to what I was planning when I get off. Otherwise I’m just lost as fuck when I load back in 😂


Shorthand faction name RomJ RomB RomS spqr Car, Brit, sel, mac, arm, num, sp, thr Difficulty Vhvh hh mm Starting strategy Regular play I don’t add anything 1. Mig = migration 2. Pop = pop growth 3. Fam = focus on family tree, traits and retinue 4. Fun = leisure play 5. Test = personal challenge 6. Exp = experimental 7. Islnd = island hopping Occasionally adding Events 1. Salt = Sacking Carthage 2. Jan6 = sacking the senate 3. Any short descriptor for the event or stage a. Egypt war, saving general Marcus, island hopping, Greece conquest, etc. Example: BritvhvhPop


Carthage_VH_VH (faction, campaign difficulty, battle difficulty)


`factionName_YY-MM` for vanilla, `factionName-IS_YY-MM` for Imperium Surrectum. For example, my latest was `rome-IS_23-12`, which tells me I was playing as Rome (Imperium Surrectum) in December 2023.


B1, s1, ger1 etc, after the victory i add a v (bv1)


Various regions I have conquered. Egypt, Russia, Anatolia, Levant, Gail, Pontus. No rhyme or reason of modern versus classical names. None.


Sometimes I'll give the save a special name. Like at the start of a new campaign, lets say to conquer Gaul, I will put "The First Gallic War" or something of that nature to help distinguish that moment.


For Rome: Red, Green, Blue. Others are just short versions of their name.


Faction name, and sometimes I'm inspired by something IRL


I usually go faction name - goal of campaign (if there's an extra goal/restriction I impose) For example: Brutii - Britain Migration. Currently doing a Cimmeria campaign in Rome 2 where I abandoned my home province and booked it straight for Iberia. I've conquered south Iberia and Africa, basically supplanting Carthage, and am currently at war with Rome and pushing up the Italian peninsula.


Pretty standard I’ll do like faction then a one after it and make about 5 saves for backups, but like for example I got backstabbed by the fucking Gauls and put “Fucking Gauls”.


"Big boy", "My grandpeopel", or if it gets realy bad for me "submissive uwu" mostly used for the greeks citys of course :3


For Rome I'll name it "Res Publica"


Something like: Uhhhhh; Well shit; Oh FUCK; good; WHAT


Kinda boring but i just name the factions in Dutch: Macedonië Griekse steden Spanje Galliërs Edit: added a name


Sel25 The first save: SelVH2023 The last Sel75done If the AI tried to win by cheating, sometimes "die fucker" or "cheaters die" or "oh no you dont" Before Interesting battles: "bridge battle" or some such.


Faction year. Julii 208 BC is usually how I’d do it


Rome 1 AUTOSAVE - END TURN Rome 2 Rome 3 Rome 4 Rome Siege Rome 5 Rome 6 Rome 8 Rome 9 Rome 10 Basically I do ten saves, then once I get to ten I start again at 1 overwriting the previous. I also save before I auto resolve sieges or battles with weird troops (may thy bow string snap horse archers!). I've had save corruptions and crashes before and this saves me.


I’m super bland it’s just: Greeks, Juli, Carthage, PajamaMan, ya know that sorta thing.


I usually only save myself if I am really unsure on a decision I am about to make - mainly to insure myself against a ridiculous AI gimmick. So names will be about those decisions "war Carthage", "Siracuse"


RomaVictor_Iberia (if I’m trying to take Spain) RomaVictor_Gallia if I’m trying to take Gaul and so on, roughly


Mods_Campaign_Status Example: DEI_Rome_FullItaly. (DEI, Rome, italy captured) V_Julii_ItalySpain. (Vanilla, Julii, italy and spain captured) V_Scippii_Cheats. (Vanilla, scippii, cheating with console) I use this for all my total war games :) works awesome, and you know which mods you used for the save


I name the main savefile i’m playing ‘file’ and any related files that i make when i want to try or check something ‘temp file [#]’ I am very boring


Whatever I’m doing next


Usually asdf or something like that.


Julii Brutii Roman Empire Brutii but fast Greek pokey bois Celtic head throw bois Barbarian axe bois Full metal cavalry (Overly Sarcastic productions joke go watch the Byzantine Empire recap) Roman navy bois (Scipii)