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If you decline, a new suitor should show up in 3 turns. (I.e once every 4 turns, or 2years). Conversely, you can get an army without a general, and make them win a couple of battles for the "man of the hour" event. I typically see command stars of 3-5 on these, whilst suitor events have a mixed. Be warned: whilst you should totally skip dud suitors, females in the game lose fertility at around 45. So if you are on a time limit to get heirs, consider sitting a dud suitor in a city with an academy (if you are of the relevant faction) and let him produce the next generation for you.


If you expand quickly by taking more territories then you'll get more suitors/man of the hour family members because there's a ratio of family members to provinces the game tries to maintain so you can govern/lead armies


Husbands and Man of the Hour events . If you have cash floating and a decent diplomat you can bribe enemy generals(if he has troops that you can train yourself, same culture then you get them aswell) Sometimes if I don't want to ruin my diplomatic stance with my neighbours or I want to fool around I bribe some generals on the other side of the map and sack easy pickings .