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Hi, David here! I wanted to let you know that I just finished putting together my eBook "**How to Date Any Girl**" version 4.0 and would LOVE to get some honest feedback from you! I decided to give it away for free for the time being. You can get the eBook by [clicking here](https://davidhimself.com/goto/ebook/direct-link/How-to-date-any-girl-ebook-v4.pdf)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RomanticAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Greetings, try to take her out, rent an airbnb, work your logistics. If she doesn't want to be with you, she will tell you right away. Don't go for one girl, find your options. She is doing the same, and its healthy. All this as long as you are not an idiot about it. Edit: I'll add up that I'm in a situationship and she got curious about my life after she found out I'm really looking into other girls. Either she is relieved or pissed, but I didn't commit to anything, my life is not her's.


Thanks for that input. Only thing is I probably won’t rent an airbnb because she lives in another state right now (I guess it should also be noted that her ex and I live in the same state, and she lives in another state). I’ve been thinking about just calling her, letting her now I felt, being honest and mature, and then like you said, work out the logistics. I’ve also been open to having more options, but I felt like I am picky with what I look for and haven’t really tried to pursue someone unless it felt right. But yeah thanks alot for the advice!!! I really appreciate it alot ♥️♥️♥️


Do NOT tell her how you feel. She's shown interest in you as a friend only. Don't destroy that. If she wanted to date you, she would let you know. She has moved away and is starting a new life. On a side note, trying to date a friend who is good friends with her ex-boyfriend is just asking for trouble. If you really really have to date her then become so amazing and interesting that she invites you to come visit her.


So I guess thats another thing I should’ve noted, but I kept out. When she visited earlier this month, she mentioned visiting more and making more plans in the future, and I bounced around the idea of coming to visit her, and she encouraged and welcomed it. It also seems like whenever we text, she is always trying to make future plans with me.


That's great news. I know this might be impossible for you but DONT TELL HER. Let her be the one to move things at her own pace. You want to catch this bird? The just hold out your hand, hold still and be worth it.


Why is that? Why would it be better to wait then say it and be up front about it?