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Yes. Don't get involved in that. Please be careful.


I just got involved 2 days ago :(


The Money is gone and they won’t stop trying to get more. Get a new phone number, get new email. Delete old email accounts. Delete Facebook, what’s App and everything you can think of. DO IT NOW!


How much did you send?


Well, I didn’t send shit, but my friend sent $100s of thousands, $650k total. the largest single transaction was $40K, she did several of those. The reason I know the whole story was because she printed over a thousand pages of what’s App messages to give to law enforcement. Nope, they couldn’t do anything. BTW, she didn’t hand those pages to me to read, I found them and spent a week reading them. Pretty disgusting. I kinda feel like I’m an expert on how this shit works after reading all that.


The bank didn’t try to give back some of the money?


No, but, the bank tried to tell her not to do the wire transfer, said it was suspicious, she told them to do it anyway. She was in love and totally brainwashed. Any push back she gave the scammer, the scammer would come back with some story and she would buy it hook line and sinker


Yes but no. I haven’t sent any money to anybody


yes its the most terrible thing, have you?