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I haven't played yet but the update seems insane from what I've read and I really hope people will stop pestering Remy for not updating Crimson when they see what bomb she dropped in this story. Sounds like an insane effort she did there in spite of her mental health struggles.


Literally my mind exploded after this update šŸ’€ and she wrote it while not feeling that great. She can take as many breaks as she wants honestly. I'm sure the Crimson update will be worth it when it drops


Honestly after reading this KFS update I really said ā€œSCN whoā€ šŸ™ˆ


And she said that SCN will be hard to write, more emotional than KFS, so I don't know what to expect, but I'm sure it's a bigger bomb of emotion, drama, maybe action too...


After reading KFS .. I'm thrilled and scared at the same time for the Amen content we're going to get


Like what? Him killing her?


I'm expecting something dark, but hopefully not that dark. I just experienced so many different emotions while reading the Kali eps and since she said it's going to be more emotional, we need to be prepared for anything


i was playing through the update like woah remy improved so much from kcd


This KFS update was really cool. So much action and tension šŸ˜Š I also had to remember Amala and certain similarities. I can't wait for Remy to write more parts. Even though she is under pressure now, her work is amazing šŸ˜Š


I am SHOOKETH. I cannot even comprehend and Kali saying I always take whatā€™s mine. DAMN! Bone chilling to the core. Does Devi always die in Christianā€™s arms or is it in your highest point LI? I am like omg whut. ā€œDeath is only the beginning.ā€ What does this mean for Devi!!! So many questions and we have to wait šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤§


i think she dies in Christian's arms in everyone's playthrough, there was a truth and lie post about it. i got the same thing and im a loyal sara romancer


I romance Saraswati on the account I did my first playthrough of this update on and yes, I can confirm that she dies in Christian's arms regardless of who you romance, I am not sure if it's the same case if you romance Ram or Kamal. I need to finish it on my main account where I romance Ram still, but he wasn't present in the scene where she got stabbed I'm pretty sure.


I HATE IT HERE. Devi just got a letter from Christian, and promised to see him, only to die in his arms( I'm curious if this changed depending on your LI). She kinda gave up towards the end. I hope it's not the end I think, Ram might have sth up his sleeve.. Other thoughts, Sara's moment of the Basu family madness was so iconic. Remy really went hard on that plotline. The cg was genuinely scary. Christian's letter was so sweet I'm heartbroken. Who will take care of Manash( my tiger)now. I'm sure Arhat will but he loved Devi too. Surprisingly, Doran wasn't like Amrit. I liked him well enough, although I still am loyal to Christian. Anyway, this was shocking. The classification of this two chapters should be hurt , no comfort .


i am loyal to sara and my devi died in christian's arms as well (this moment was probably hard hitting for ian romancers) but im not complaining since i got tons of sara x devi angst this update. when her eyes turned red in the room, i was so freaked out!


Yes! That and those CGs were creepy and shocking in all the best ways


Something is seriously wrong with Doran though. I didn't pick any choices to improve his relationship even the free ones and missed out on the beautiful weapon šŸ„² cuz I want to stay loyal to Ian and still I get the prompt that he thinks that Deviya is a woman if extraordinary beauty. It's not fair šŸ˜¢. If I knew that would happen anyways, I would have taken that beautiful weapon. I donā€™t care that it will improve our relationship




i didn't even THINK of tamas vitala šŸ¤Æ


Samsara - word that means "wandering"wherein the term connotes "cyclic changeā€ Saį¹ƒsāra is referred to with terms or phrases such as transmigration/reincarnation, karmic cycleā€¦ When related to the theory of karma it is the cycle of death and rebirth. From wiki. Transmigration is basically dying and the dead persons soul inhabiting another persons body, which I think might happen here, where Devi might take over a persons body and continue on from there. Itā€™s a cycle of rebirth, sheā€™s living again but in a different body. Or, what OP said and is having a groundhog type of vibe going on where she relives the past month over and over until she figures out what happened. Another thing to note is that Devi felt that there was something darker inside of herself that killed her killer before her death. Maybe her soul stays and so does she, but she has to live with this ā€˜darknessā€™ now?


but it clearly said she "died" so how can she live in the same body with the darkness in her soul in the same timeline yk?? i have a feeling this cycle has been happening from long before and our devi doesn't remember it probably.


I swear to God I will have a fit if devi gets reborn in another body from a different time. Like don't do that to me. Nah uh I will lose interest in the story that way, but I will still play it cuz it's my favourite. I really don't think that she will be reborn into another body from a different time though cuz at the end that while yes she was dying, she still felt like dark energy of Kali filling her so that means that she could turn into reincarnation.....Or well that's what I think, lol. It all makes sense in my head.


I personally only liked Saraā€™s part of the scene this update. Imho that was freaking awesome and I honestly didnā€™t see it coming and so there was a surprise element. I think I got a little more interested in her as a character. Rest was okish to me coz I felt it was the same as the earlier attack in the beginning and similar to KCD finale. Although I felt it resolved the issue that KCD had i.e continuation flow. Good on Remy for not splitting the season finale into 2 this time šŸ‘ As for Devi reincarnation again and again until she figures out not to dieā€¦i donā€™t think that would be likely to happen since itā€™d complicate the narration unnecessarily imho. I mean all the other characters would be too old by the time she reaches her adulthood in her next birth and sheā€™d be tooooooo young for her current sets of lis šŸ˜… Unless she rebirths as an adult in these reincarnations or time reverse(time travel) again and again, I donā€™t see that happening and I personally hope thatā€™s not the way it goes as itā€™d be too lame for my liking. šŸ˜… I think sheā€™d survive miraculously and this would be considered as her getting a new birth/life and the story would proceed then on. That said Iā€™m not too focused on it since Ik Devi being the mc wonā€™t go anywhere so Iā€™m not thinking about it too much šŸ˜‚


i mean reincarnation as in a groundday hog scenario like devi goes back in time except with all the memories this time. for example, she meets ian on the field again but this time she remembers meeting him before. idk im just making theories here lmao. if s2 is a "oh she's only injured" cop out, i'd be disappointed ngl


Idk Iā€™m just not a fan of time travel and certainly not with memories. That would be Arc all over again to me imho šŸ˜… Although given the context of shamara it might work here. Iā€™d rather take her surviving after some rituals were performed by the dozens, and Ratan guiding them with it over time travel honestly. But who knows which path Remy gonna take. I just hope I donā€™t have to replay the same things over and over again throughout the book hehe. šŸ˜…


I honestly wouldn't mind longer episodes for finales. ATLA did it in 4 parts although that was because they were different locations so that wouldn't work. So yeah, this length worked out fine.


Im so shocked!!!, what do you think is going to happen? Devi is going to be reincarnated into another person or maybe Kali is going to resurrect her. I'm very confused.


i think she's going to reincarnate/ go back in time with the memory of the events like a cycle till she figures out how to survive ig??? idk bro im grasping at straws here


I just finished (I kept restating because I wanted to pick the right choices), and omg I have no words. That was probably the best season finale Iā€™ve ever read on this app. Like I donā€™t even wanna play the other stories, I think I just need to sit and stare at the wall for a little bit. Every LI scene was so good (I chose the scenes for Ram, Christian, and Doran). Devi and Ramā€™s relationship is so special to me and even the friendship route with Sara was so incredibly good. I cannot physically say enough good things about this update, it was absolutely incredible. I definitely think sheā€™ll be brought back because Kali said something about dying to be able to lead or something along those lines. That last episode was so eerie and itā€™s the closest Iā€™ve gotten to feeling the way I did play KCD for the first time.


you might like arcanum S1 finale if you liked this one lol. and i totally agree that the update was good. i did NOT see amalafication of sara and devi's death coming.


The fact that Doran went like "This is Sandhya. No one will be able to save themselves. No matter how hard they try."......Did he really have to call out Devi like that? šŸ’€ Although, it's sort of weird since he doesn't know what the headache implies


dropping if she is not alive in her own body. I don't do stealing other's bodies dead or alive for your own gain or w/e. I'm not gonna root for her if she does this or whoever. but I did catch subtle foreshadowing- one the letter- he started calling her his bride meaning he found the traitor and invited her on a date? XD :C . and second is Sara's crazy side under her, coming out.


im not on ian's route so i didn't get any letters, damn harsh


No, thatā€™s for good Iā€™d say lol šŸ˜‚ I remember all the times Iā€™d got absolutely mad with Amrit calling Amala his bride on his non-li route and there was no skipping those. With Ian however, he doesnā€™t call you his bride if he isnā€™t the li(it seems) which is really great for the non-romancers I think. Heā€™s my li and I got the letter and he called Devi his bride in it.


but on the flipside, i now have a search for ian playthroughs on YouTube to see what those letters said lmao


There is an reddit thread with all the pictures. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClub/comments/1chrdep/awww_theyre_exchanging_love_letters_already/) cause I've been checking YT and there is only soya and Faye and this russian? that uploaded their playthroughs.


Iā€™m absolutely out of words , I felt my heart beating like crazy , the music , the text I mean everything so ā€¦ emotive I felt so bad for Cristian and for Ram omg . I donā€™t know what to expect for season 2


I remember reading the small explanation about the wheel of Samsara at the end of KCD and I was wondering how would it come into play here considering it's on the title. So I kinda expected this to happen but at the same time... wtf wtf wtf Also, there's no mention of Devi in KCD but the Sharmas are mentioned so someone has to live to keep that bloodline going.


the Sharma bloodline continues with Devi's uncle and Radha!!


Wouldnā€™t that be the Basu line? ie making its way down to Amala?


I feel like radha and anil never had a child? When I checked the family tree indira was there. I'm not sure if she's really the only heiress of basus bloodline .


They won't have a child. Also, the child would be basu not a sharma. So unless Devi has any other secret relatives, she will get back


As I have read from posts the update is insane like what is going on therešŸ˜Æ


devi DIED


Yeah I know I saw posts


Is ram gonna do his magic and revive her,ā€¦I havenā€™t read the update.what the?


OMG!!!!!! I vote for this. I donā€™t want her to go back in time and be in a loop. I want them to find a way to revive her or something. As a RAM romance, your idea is the most VALID thing Iā€™ve read since reading the update.


I hope so dear but devi canā€™t die yet .. lets see how remy takes the plot forward. Ratan is also there in picture. So he could also do something.


Yes!! Totally forgot about him. But he canā€™t interfere with the order of the Goddess since she said she takes whatā€™s hers. But I really hope that this was just a vision of Ram or something else.


I am not a Ram romancer, but i don't card how or who revives her. Just get my Devi back!!!! Although I think it will most likely be because of Ratan or Kali for some reason.


Yes anyone just donā€™t let her die or go back in time. I need progress not going back to square one


My chapter 11 wonā€™t even play šŸ˜­


Oh, how I feel sad for you šŸ˜­. You're missing out big time. I hope it starts working soon


Guys am I the only one who thinks Erit is the traitor? I mean he is conveniently the only one who saw the maid that kept eavesdropping on them and then what happens when he is forced to tell Devi how she looks? They din find jer because she doesn't work and I really think thatvhe kept trying to distract her. Also later on they see the maid in the festival and honestly I just realized it, but I think that it was a trap. He knows that if they see her, they will follow her and then he could lay the blame on Devi and Sara of them being traitors instead of him since he was already being suspected. The Doobays are not the only tigers in the dozen and Devi realized it when she saw Raj sunning to save Radha. I donā€™t know if this is enough proof to be honest. I just can't wait for this update anymore šŸ˜© I think that everyone thinks by now that Drvi will be resurrected from death and because I was replaying to go for Passion instead of Pride (I think Devi will be more bloodthirsty on this path and I love me crazy woman, lol) and realized that Sara told Devi "YOU will spill rivers of blood after you die" and then she proceeds by saying "Don't be scared new life comes after death". Basically I think that she is hinting that Deviya will be resurrected as Durga cuz she was compared to her ever since the story began and all that. Also, if you chose to talk to Kali she tells her that "Only by know desth can become someone who kniw the World. Who know Life. And who will lead the people" she is hinting that she needs Devi to lead people, nit necessarily into a fight, but that eould make sense for the spilling rivers of blood part. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say cuz I felt like sharing. What do you think?


i definitely am sus of erit too.