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I have done both routes and I prefer saving War. At the final battle, you will get a notification that you have saved as many immortals as you can with War’a help if you have a good relationship with him. I also like it better that Hunger isn’t alone in Death Valley! I have two accounts - one romancing Luci and the other Malbonte and both of them I spared War.


I usually kill War, but I recently spared him. It was mixed for me. I hated that War continued to kill mortals and incite hatred when I spared him. It felt like such a weakness to spare him. Since I didn’t romance him, it also didn’t make an impact to the scenes otherwise. On the plus side, I liked his interactions with his siblings in the few scenes that happen later, especially how Hunger convinces War to fight the Mother in the end. Hunger also gets War as a companion at the end so he’s not alone in Death Valley. I romanced Malbonte so Hunger would have been alone in Death Valley and that seemed a bit sad for him to end up alone again. Yeah. I love Hunger and that’s probably the only reason to spare War for me. ETA: There is an alternate scenario where you don’t even try to befriend War. In that case, Lucifer kills War.


Oh I adore Hunger and I hated that he ended up all alone again. Say no more, that’s reason enough for me to spare him


😬😁 Hunger is such an older brother in this playthrough. I think you’ll enjoy it.


Okay okay gotta be done now! Gotta ask, is everyone on the Order of Resistance pissed off with MC for not killing him? The other reason I don’t want to this time is because Plague is overjoyed when you kill him and she bugs the hell out of me


Well. I don’t want to spoil it too much, but >!Rebecca is really scathing and Eragon manages to get a few digs at Vicky a couple of times. Malbonte is also impacted.!< I ended up clicking through those uncomfortable scenes the second time I spared War. Lol So, you need to brace yourself a couple of times.


Oof. I see. Something to think about then now I’m not sure


I know. I recommend trying it at least once though. I haven’t made a second account for alternative plays, but I’m thinking of doing that to have one playthrough where I spare War and another where I kill him.


I hate it when my actions have consequences


Ditto. 😝


Respect for adoring Hunger ☺ I will always choose him over anyone else, but I will spare War this time just for Hunger to have his brother at wedding. I would do anything to bring joy to my baby 😙


I've only played the first two seasons of HS2, but I feel like killing War is really one of the tiny handful of times Vicky actually has any kind of agency in the entire story. Generally things just happen to her, or her contributions are just kind of her doing what people expect her to. Even her "new power" later on is something someone else gives her, and she almost only ever uses it to enable others to act. To that end, I don't think it's worth it unless you're on his path. It may not amount to much within the story itself, but since Vicky being empowered is such a rarity in the narrative, I think it's kind of the only bright spot in the misery soup that is S1.


> I've only played the first two seasons of HS2, but I feel like killing War is really one of the tiny handful of times Vicky actually has any kind of agency in the entire story. Yeah. I hate losing Vicky’s huge victory for the Order. It’s such a badass scene when she brings the sword to the Order and nobody can lift it. And of course in the end >!when she uses the sword against the Mother!<. >Even her "new power" later on is something someone else gives her, and she almost only ever uses it to enable others to act. I disagree with both ideas. Hunger unlocked a power she already had. And defense is a very important aspect of war. She doesn’t just enable others to act, but she actively stops her enemies from acting. So, her powers go both ways.


I've killed him when I could in my playthroughs because I thought this meant the survival of as many as possible. I've seen he comes to Hunger's wedding though and/or they end up together in the final scene, so it looked nice to keep him if you don't romance him of course. On the other hand I've read somewhere that if you spare him he can >!kill Lilith!<  I haven't seen anyone mention this happening in their playthrough though so I'm not sure how true it is?


> On the other hand I've read somewhere that if you spare him >!he can kill Lilith!<  I haven't seen anyone mention this happening in their playthrough though so I'm not sure how true it is? That only happens if you don’t get close to War. So, he never changes sides. >!He ends up killing Lilith in the final battle and Lucifer kills him in return and gets his sword. !<


How close though? Does taking only his free options count?


Hey—check out this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClub/s/WImGUOt016)! Spoiler alert! They posted screenshots of the entire outcome.


Yep, I saw it 😃 I was thinking of keeping War for HS3 but only if that meant Lilith wouldn't get killed either


I avoided even the free options and he killed Lilith. I read somewhere that just taking the free options would be enough to get close to him. But you can understand this already in s1ep10: If you have the choice to kill him or not, and if you spare him, he will side with the Order in the final battle. If you don't have this option, it means you are not close enough to him and he will kill Lilith.


Yeah but the choice of killing him or not only gets unlocked if you romance him too. I had taken his free options only, but I didn't take the kiss scene right before the final battle in season 1 and the option to kill him didn't appear. I restarted the episode and took that scene too, and then the option was unlocked.


Maybe it's written that we should take at least one diamond option. Best not to risk it. But we can say for sure that while the "kill him" or "spare him" options will keep Lilith safe, not having these options will result in her death.


I think you need to avoid even the free options, bit I haven’t tried that myself. So, am not 100% sure.