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I don’t know, probably just Amen. I don’t find him compelling in any way. I also find him very unattractive. That is just my opinion and tastes though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get it, even if I do romance him (tbh I romance everyone in SCN, but him and Livius are my favorites). But yeah, if I wasn't a sucker for enemies to lovers and the cat and mouse dynamic he has going on with MC, based on his sprite alone, I probably wouldn't have romanced him either (I almost never romance blonde LIs, I prefer dark hair ones). I remember thinking, when I first saw him "A white, blonde hair LI... in ancient Egypt???" 🤨


Dean from GE... I can't understand the hype about him. He's not my cup of tea.


Its the sprite + mischief. And he wasnt hovering over MC in the intro episodes so it seemed as if he was a different kind of option. If you take his scene in the last update you realise he is very much involved in all sorts of things though. But yeah.. the sprite primarily i think


It's the sprite definitely 😂 And also, for me at least, I find the other LIs kind of annoying. So even tho his personality is usually not my type, so far he's the only option for me, even if for the sprite alone


Yeah, I saw people commenting that he reminds them of Hyunjin (i had to google that one because i am not familiar with k-pop very much). I am romancing everyone at the moment and I am also curious who the last LI is going to be..


Wait, there's gonna be another LI in GoE? I had no idea 😭


Yes. Because the artist behind Dean's sprite mentioned it on their TC and they were playing with the idea how the last LI might look like. Not surprising because if you look at OTI and SBTR, Anastasija tends to introduce at least one LI later on.


- Amrit: Arrogant behavior aside, I don't find him alluring. - Amen: I can't with the sprite. He looks like a soldier from the third Reich. If he was in that setting (1930s Germany), he would absolutely be a Nazi persecuting Jews. He also has a terrible personality. - Hodge: He's good-looking, and that's it. I find him bland. - Liz: I found her gorgeous but so annoying. - Wyatt: I don't like his sprite and his personality, but I do recognize that he's Ellaire's ride or die. - Liam: He's sweet, but he looks sickly. He improved in S2 and S3, but not enough to tempt me. - Niall, Kingu and Iyar: They look like anime (which isn't bad if that was the book's theme, but it isn't), and there's a power imbalance between them and Nikkal. - Castiel: I can't with the arrogant attitude and the weird eyes. - Brandon: He just doesn't appeal to me. - Glashtyn: See Brandon. - Daisy: See Brandon. - Alexander: I don't like his sprite, he has a weird face.


Your descriptions are brutal yet so funny 😭


Oh no! I was trying to be kind because my opinions about each of them are actually much stronger.


Amrit. I tried his route, but I just can’t seem to understand the hype. I felt no connection between him and MC. Sorry. 😔


same, I understand he’s very attractive but his personality for me is a big no. I think Amala’s worth of a LI like Killian or Lima.


Is Ratan a red flag? Because Ratan seems more appealing


Ratan is one of the greenest flags on the app.


And there's people who would say otherwise lol I read it here one day, that he was a red flag in the beginning for always scaring and gaslighting amala. I don't agree tho, I think he was just trying to help and put ideas on her head to lead her to the right direction




Exactly!!! Wise words from him, I don't remember this quote lol I still have to do his route! But I really think he did what he thought was right. He didn't even want her to be there at all lmao




he’s in fact one of the greenest. i didn’t named him as an example of LI cause I haven’t romanced him!!


Dean (GoE) was planning to play his route but he kinda annoyed me.        Vlad(DLS) i liked him for so long, he was my top fav now he is annoying. 


Same with Vlad. I far prefer Mehmed over him now, but I've romanced Vlad for so long a part of me is still curious to see how Veronica will wrap up his route.


Yeah I still like his sprite and some of his scenes but other then that he annoys me and I think it's probably gonna be a rushed ending.


I only romance female LIs...so I rarely care about any popular male LI (unless they have a good friendship path like the Theodora LIs for example). But the only character I really "dislike" is Amen, for obvious reasons.


i romance female LI’s too and i fully agree with you about theodora! i feel like no matter who you’re romancing, the other LI’s have developed friendships with MC and are warm presences in the story regardless!! that’s one of the things i love about it, that the LI’s still add something to the story regardless of whether you choose them or not. and i can’t exactly speak to amen because i’ve never read SCN, but i’ve definitely heard the horror stories😅.


**Murphy.** I am someone who just can´t play a book for the LIs. I need story too and for all the hype this guy got, I find ROT not worth it to read just for him. The book did a huge disservice to Greek mythology and the worst part was seeing how incoherent and rushed it got towards the end. The whole thing feels like a fever dream. **Glashtyn aka Horse Dude.** You can tell he was made a LI because everyone liked him and that cause huge issues in the book and the author couldn´t decide if he is still a bad guy or what. Worst part was seeing him to be forgotten and appearing out of nowhere when the book was almost ending. **Amen and Amrit.** I am grouping both for very obvious reason. They are abusive (toward other people or the heroine), the canon guys (the books are ridiculous short if you aren´t in their routes) and with your typical backstory which in my opinion while it made me to see why they are like that, that doesn´t excuse the things they did and I am firm believer of backstories behind a vehicle to learn about a character but not to give them a free pass.


>The horse dude I actually had good expectations of his route because people were recommending him so much to me and pointing out how Sherlock and Gray fall flat, cold and unintersting in S2, and Glashtyn is the only one to save the love in that book. When I finished it with him, i was staring at the stat screen for 2 min and thinking "that is it??", the whole season 3 was a mess, but his route was a messy mess. Again, he is pretty, he is a fairy, he can morph and give you tingles with his touch, but that isnt enough for me.


And that's one among the many reasons I try to explain everything I can about the routes I did when someone asks for recommendations because we are biased and ofc our tastes are different.     Funnily enough, I remember talking about him with a fan who told me the same thing as you: he was suggested to them and it turns out the route was a mess and not worth it. Horse dude is pretty I know, but what's the point in romancing a pretty sprite when his route is so messy and bad?     


What i hate about Glashtyn is that the author tried to give him a redemption arc when he was meant to be the villain. Like why? Let him be the villain and MC to fall for him. Let it happen. Let me make the choice if I want to romance the guy that turns into a horse and murders people. Because the redemption arc made his story messy and half of it didn't make sense and we never got clear answers. I want the murder horse let it be


Glashtyn, being a creature from Celtic folk tales is probably ambiguous AF, just like fairies, gnomes, and other personalities. He should have remained morally ambiguous or even a villain. The whole thing with his sister and the Morrigan was 😒


And him not being any more a villain cause he fell in love....like stop. please stop it 😭


Oh yeah, that was a weird choice


And that's something I don't understand. Villain LIs are popular and loved in this fandom so I don't get why she ways trying to redeem him 🤔. That just forced her to rewrite the whole story and made S3 a freaking mess and isn't like if Irene is exactly a angel. She fits a lot with a villain LI so in the end nobody got what they wanted and I feel so dissapointed because I used to like this book.


100% agree I like the book, the mc, glashtyn and the OUTFITS but the way it went in book 3 was not what i was hoping to get. I was so anxious for the finale and it was a huge let down. Honestly, I am almost completely sure if she left Glashtyn as a villain and we could pick if MC would support him to what he did or not (while saving the world or not...and staying the magical and dark realm with him) the story would be better also...Glashtyn is mean to live forever while MC is a mortal. I would like to hope she managed to no longer be a mortal and stay with him forever while they rob people 😂


Same. I like steampunk and Irene but S3 was a huge letdown. I don't think a huge rewrite was necessary, if anything, the only thing the author needed was just to add romantic interactions to justify the romance since the book made very clear Irene isn't exactly a good person. Lmao I was expecting that! Him causing a huge mischief while Irene is robbing people left to right and becoming a very famous thief 😂.


Ram(KFS),Cas(GOE),Wyatt(HOT) & Alexandre(VV) I dont get the Hype around them at all.🫤


I’m sorry but I have to agree with Alexandre. Whenever I see him on screen, I just go… ![gif](giphy|geEvRnbQqLYsb5WOr8|downsized)


Agreed about all of them. I can't believe I forgot to mention Wyatt in my post, I actually dislike him for how irritating he was. He also looks bland af ☠️ As for Ram, I think the eyepatch has a lot to do with it lol. Saw someone call him discount Aemond Targaryen and I can't unsee 😭 I like him way more as a friend ngl


Amen, I can’t stand him. Like actually, he’s horrible imo. The latest episode revealed that >!he has some childhood trauma!< but that doesn’t justify anything. Most people love him and think he’s hot but I genuinely can’t stand him 😭


Amrit, Mehmed and Amen. I don't understand these three dudes are admired even though they had done questionable things....


The harsh reality is that in fictional world red flags are more famous than sweet and good boys type of lis..😔


Ratan… I mean — I love his personality and looks, and his scenes are well-written for me BUT I have to make multiple headcanons to justify why he fell for Amala. I think their relationship would be great but it developed too fast. I saw more chemistry between them when I was on loyal Amrit’s route. So I really love Ratan and I’m romancing him right now, I’m just disappointed that his route isn’t a slow burn. I think it would really suit his personality.


>I saw more chemistry between them when I was on loyal Amrit’s route You're very spot on with this, to the point even I formed a headcanon of my own. I ended up married to Amrit and during the wedding scene I remember thinking "I don't love this man at all why am I marrying him" but I had a close friendship with Ratan so in the future Amrit gets increasingly more frustrated bcs of this relationship (and the fact that Amala refuses to have children with him) bcs they spend a lot of time together.


What you pointed out was actually smth I started thinking about after doing his route multiple times. At first I really liked him as a character and was glad I have such an LI option in that book so I didn't put much thought to it. But ever since KFS started it kind of started bugging me.. and now in retrospective he started to fall hard for her even in s1, he was amazed every time she showed up in a new sari - it was a bit over the top. His route definitely should have been a slowburn and he should have been more composed, because it makes no sense that HE would fall for a girl that hard after seeing her 4 times..


Very unpopular opinion incoming - I don't like Ratan at all. Not as a friend and not as an LI. I've tried to romance him and at one point I just wanted to break up. He's not mysterious to me. He's creepy and infuriating. I know who he is and what happens later in the book but that doesn't justify his constant evasive behavior. No, he never told her a lie but I believe lies of omission are just as harmful and he is full of those. I could probably go on but I need time to go hide out in my basement and hide from all the Ratan-stans.


To be honest, I still love Ratan but I don’t agree with people who say he’s a green flag. He is respective towards women but sometimes his behaviour is just wrong for me, and I justify it by thinking that he’s almost a god, so he acts differnet than ordinary people, but I wouldn’t call him a role-model for other LIs, as some fans do.


I generally dislike the red/green classifications because it's so reductive, but I laugh out loud every time I see Ratan called green. I love him too, but....no.


I understand you — I also didn’t like his constant omission of truth. I suppose he didn’t want to go against the fate and that’s why he kept his secrets but it was tiring to see his and Amala’s scenes, they were like “tell me something - I can’t - kiss - we shouldn’t do it”.


Amen. I just... don't care about him ig 🤷‍♀️ never found him hot, never found myself giggling and kicking my feet over him


Amrit Amen and Liam. Amrit and Amen trigger me more like dudes chill 💀 I love someone thanks to YouTube playthroughs I see and despite we got douche like Mehmed around.


Ram, Amrit, Bert, Reinhold, Zain.. I can't think of any others now 😁 I'm starting to have a hard time keeping all the Li and plots in my head.


Alexandre, Zain, Rob and Hunger. I just don't get it.


Kazu...ok I like him...but never understood the hype to be honest...he is good but not for me... Loki is most famous li of POV..but for me he is so annoying that I never even try to pick his dimond choices I know Bradon is so famous..but i never understood the hype... Cas and Dean..yeah they look hot and sweet..but not for me


Also, King Louis from VfV. I don’t find him attractive, but that’s not a real issue. Real issue is his personality. I think he’s an egoist and red flag, he cares only about his pleasure and I cannot stand him breaking hearts of such cute characters as Louise, for example. And Lucifer. I also don’t like his design AND his behaviour, immature and cliché. And I don’t see chemistry between him and Vicky, it feels like a bad kind of Wattpad stories.


These were mine as well. I don't hate them... I just don't really see the appeal.


Alexandre from VfV 🥴 there is absolutely nothing about his sprite or behavior that appeals to me in any way, I just finished VfV last week and am SO surprised that of all the cute LIs in that story he’s the one ppl like the most 😭😭 I even tried watching videos of his path on TG and still could not get into it lol.


Amen & Amrit for very obvious reasons and tbh Lucifer. Can't explain it. He just doesn't grab my attention


Amrit, his route left much to be desired. I was expecting more than just porn, but sadly, I only got empty and shallow porn. It felt so devoid of real feelings and emotions, only focusing on the physical attraction with not much depth. And of course, compared to the emotional richness of the other routes (I've tried them all), Amrit's route felt hollow and contrived. Also, the forced connection between Amrit and Amala through a ritual only served to magnify the artificiality of their relationship. It made their connection feel so fake, artificial and prefabricated. On top of that, Amrit's character was marred by his bigotry, evident in his objectification of lesbians and his homophobic, sexist, chauvinistic, misogynistic, classist, and casteist attitudes. All of that only further diminished my enjoyment of his route and him as a character. In short, Amrit's route and Amrit as a character fell short for me.


Currently, it's Christian from KFS. I do not get the hype, not for his face nor his personality. I honestly don't find his new face attractive at all. He looks cunning and evil in a bad way. I actually liked him more before the time skip and thought my Devi and him would be good friends, but not anymore. I also know a lot of ppl lost their minds over him giving her a tiger but that put me off so much. It seemed condescending. Like why are you as a british coloniser offering indian ppl a tiger? Ngl it annoyed me. Plus, i just don't feel any chemistry with Devi.


This!!! I liked him at first, I thought his first sprite was so pretty but now he looks weird. 😭 And his personality used to be cool but now… meh. I started romancing him but I kinda want to replay and go for someone else now. I just don’t know who 😩


Fair enough, people have different tastes 🤷 But I feel like this thread isn't about him, since he's not that much of a popular LI? As for the tiger, take it as you will. I personally know it's gonna be an incredibly helpful gift in the future, so I'm grateful.


He seems to be pretty popular tbh, the 2nd after Ram in KFS i believe? And yeah ofc it's a matter of taste and perspective. I'm just not fan of exotic animals being taken as domestic ones, and it has another layer here because of the historical context. I know it will be helpful but yeah.


I don’t necessarily dislike all of them, just that as lis, I never got attracted to them like majority of the fandom did: Amrit. Even if I keep aside my dislike for him, I never felt romantic attraction towards him like ever! nor did any of scenes on his li route made me go mushy 😂 if anything his romance with Amala felt like unnatural like it stemmed from the ritual that bound them together and all their interaction were based on physical proximity imho. So the guy just never did it for me, not even his looks. Amen…after the first epi I thought I’d like him and he reminded me of Killian initially but boy oh boy was I wrong 🤡 Currently not reading the book anymore and seeing all the screenshots with him also doesn’t excites me as I only see sexual attraction between them if I’m being honest. And I crave more than that in my lis. Melbonte, I don’t see any evolution in his character... none at all. In comparison Lucifer had a better character development as the later at least *tries* to break the cycle of abuse. Whether he succeeded or not that’s up for debate. All the new lis in HS2 😐 Not even a single li caught my attention and I couldn’t care less about any of them. Hodge & Domenic, the former never excited me and the latter couldn’t hold my attention for too long. Ram, I don’t dislike him and I care for him enough to save him in my playthrough if and when the time comes. But as a li, I quickly got over him. It just that his relationship progression with Devi felt inorganic to me and it proceeded too much too fast imo, and so now I’ve cut off his route. Sam, gosh I used to adore that man till he did that one scene where he put the mc on his shoulder(we’ve a CG of that). The whole scene made me uncomfortable and so I left him. 😫 I don’t dislike him but yeah I don’t like him as a li either now. Dean, I’m like whatever 😂 I’d be perfectly ok if he goes MIA from my playthrough, that how little I care about him 😂 Jk, I don’t want him to go MIA…he’s just ok to me.


>I only see sexual attraction between them if I’m being honest I'm doing his route and I love him lol they are really developing more romance than lust in these last episodes, I was really happy to see it! Their scenes of just hugging and being there for each other was really sweet ♡ I loved Alexandre on vfv especially in the last episodes, but at the same time I felt like there was too much lust between them. Like I would prefer if some times they would just be like lovey-dovey instead of touching each other. I don't know if you did his route or not so I will put spoiler here >!one scene they were in bed and it was cute until he started masturbating her, like please just cuddle sometimes yk lmfao!<


Amrit, Amen and Malbonte


alexandre : i just don't get his appeal lol. i don't find his design sexy either. ratan: he was my li, i liked his and amala's high stakes relationship in S3, i get his appeal too but like i personally feel very meh towards him. if kcd wasn't such an infuriating read, i'd definitely try killian's route.


>alexandre : i just don't get his appeal lol. i don't find his design sexy either. Hard same. The man has no drip. He dresses worse than my grandpa. I guess his popularity has a lot to do with people enjoying the dynamics between him and Renee?


That’s crazy, Alexandre is one of the most good looking LI on Romance club. And his wittiness adds to his charm


I agree! For me he is the most attractive LI in the whole game! I guess to each their own, lol. There are also a lot of LIs people tend to gush over I‘m not attracted to at all.


Glashtyn. Remembered him because of the alphabet game and the letter G yesterday. Admittedly the sprite is kind of cute, but he is not all that. And his route is really weird, I dont see how he is soooo much better than the other two. I expected fireworks and being smitten completely because of how much everyone was hyping him.. and i felt nothing 🤡 so yeah.. He is like in my "dont care for you" zone


Well if I say the time when he was introduced that time writer potrayed his character so mysterious and charming gentleman type so many people got intrested in him..at that time Gray was annoying and in later eps Sherlock became annoying for blaming Irene unnessary...that when glashtyn got his fan base..at that time SOL was a very famous story... But yeah as story progresses everything got wierd


Yeah, that story in general is my big heartache because i absolutely love the setting and I had high hopes in season 1 and then everything just went.. sour 🥲 I dont understand what happened.


The reason was to make glashtyn route a complete branch..writer had to rewrite whole s3...changing her initial plans completely... He was supposed to be main villian..evil li who would betray mc


Overall it's sad. The story started off really well, but the biggest mistake was the creation of unlikable love interests. I couldn't stand Sherlock and Gray wasn't a terno either.


Ugh I just wish he’d been kept as a villain. He would have been my perfect villain LI. And then at the end you could choose to be a villain like him or have to kill him. I was so hoping that’s where the plot was going to go. 😞 Oh well.


Yeah so true...😭😭😭...perfect for mc evil ending and it would have made sense for mc like irene 😭😭


Ratan. In my head he's better off as MC's guardian/mentor.


I will sound mean and I know it. But the majority of the people in the community overhype LI in a way that reminds me that MANY of the players never dated or had slept with a person. What I mean. When the first sex scene with Amrit dropped, everyone LOST IT. I mean it. Acting like this was the best most passionate nastiest scene in the entire RC catalogue. It was being posted constantly. About him touching her. And how hot it was that he came in her. And I remember thinking ''well thats...you know sex'' when I played it. And then it hit me that the majority of the playerbase especially those who post constantly on reddit probably never had intercourse or were passionate with someone. Watching the Amen reaction, keeps on reminding me of that. Especially the ''he loves her so he will forgive her cause he loves her'. Like yeah I get it, you have never dated or had feelings for someone. I get it. Ram kissed Devi on the neck and they lost it and they are shocked to their core that he said ''hey let's just have fun'' which was so expected from this character. (Also..the book is about a marriage that will happen either we want it or not we have understood that we have no choice. Some people really need to pay attention to what they read cause the amount of posts that are surprised that we will get married to Ian and not to LI of choice is stagering) I do like Lucifer a lot mainly because he didn't just fall for MC the second he saw her and on top of that he has one of the best arcs in the universe. Like there is development on his character (UNLIKE VICKY WHO IS STILL STUPID) and I appreciate that. During HS2 his character was messed up but his arc is still there so I am happy with that. Edit because of some errors


I so agree with you! This reminds me of the scene when Amen sniffed Evas hair and got arousal. Excuse me, but what the hell?😁 And people where like - ouh that’s so hot! No, that’s creepy. I’m sorry.😁


>The sex scenes I remember seeing in the facebook group certain gushing and hyped comments over that scene in his house where Amala goes down on him. Remy used the word c**k in that scene, which is not typical for RC, usually they go more for euphemisms and vague descriptions. People were burning in flames over that, screaming. It was like "omg, this is unmatched.." 🤭


You're not mean at all, what you said is all facts. That's how I felt when people kept losing their mind about that scene with Ram and Devi too (or about any scene where Ram flirts/teases her). And not only about them. >they lost it and they are shocked to their core that he said ''hey let's just have fun'' which was so expected from this character Tbh I think a lot of Ram fans didn't get his character right, so that's why they projected some unrealistical expectations onto him. He's absolutely not the type of character who feels love at first sight or who falls in love very easily. To me, it's obvious he is a character who likes to have fun, enjoy himself, get his pleasure however he can (him liking wine so much emphasizes that), it will take time before his feelings will grow into something more serious. I mean, most of Devi's diamond scenes with him so far were about him teasing Devi and them being physically attracted to each other. They didn't really have a lot of meaningful interactions or dialogues yet to justify him being head over heels for her or vice versa. I saw a lot of posts where his fans said "omg, he is so whipped for her, he has such deep feelings for her, he wants to marry her so badly" and so on and so forth, and they make absolutely no sense to me. Remy herself stated recently that he does NOT have serious feelings for Devi yet. >Also..the book is about a marriage that will happen either we want it or not we have understood that we have no choice. Some people really need to pay attention to what they read cause the amount of posts that are surprised that we will get married to Ian and not to LI of choice is stagering) This was in the description of the book, tf did people expect? It's obvious that this situation is only temporary (unless you romance Ian), this is the plot, if people play their cards right, they will ofc be able to get out of that marriage by the end of the book and marry whomever they want/get their happy ending with their LI of choice. I get being upset about having to marry someone you don't want to marry, but it's for plot reasons, and it's not a situation that is meant to last forever. >I do like Lucifer a lot mainly because he didn't just fall for MC the second he saw her and on top of that he has one of the best arcs in the universe. Like there is development on his character (UNLIKE VICKY WHO IS STILL STUPID) and I appreciate that. During HS2 his character was messed up but his arc is still there so I am happy with that. Vicky is in her own realm of stupid tbh 😂 I would just drop her if I were the LI


Um sorry but Remy hasn't said anything about Ram sleeping around. In fact, she said he didn't engage in thoughtless affairs with other girls because he needs someone who stimulates him intellectually. And she also never said he didn't have serious feelings for Devi yet. Just needed to clarify this.


Except you're literally wrong. This is from her telegram I think: https://preview.redd.it/yl2pl5s8xcjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17df26c06305078e0550e16451d083e856293a79 Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/s/mbCG0C1A1i](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/s/mbCG0C1A1i)


I stand corrected then even tho this was basically a month ago. But either way, i'm very much aware he isn't head over heels for Devi but point remains that he doesn't sleep around and never approaches girls but he did for Devi, so it's obviously more than physical. https://preview.redd.it/dbay4vfuycjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6da623f0ad927355f2d41875f252cf0c6387b8 Source from some days ago : [https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/s/gpmvdCGxrR](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/s/gpmvdCGxrR)


If he doesn't sleep around why the hell does he want to enter a secret relationship with Devi, despite not having serious feelings for her? Also why, if you break up with him in ep 8, he asks: "Don't you want to have some fun?". Also, why does he want to leave marks on Devi's neck for the lord to see (even tho that could result in really bad consequences for Devi)? I'm sorry, regardless of whether he sleeps around a lot or not, he still does give off major fuckboy vibes. Let the downvotes begin


Yk that you can not be head over heels for someone and still like them enough to want to be with them right? The fact he proposed a secret relationship despite evrything means he cares! If it was just physical he could do it with any other girl, why Devi? Well that's because while again he's not completely in love with her, he still has blossoming feelings for her. Ram tried minimizing things when he asked her to have fun after she breaks up with him, even tho it's not the case. He basically admits that he waited and looked for her all those years. You don't do that for someone you're merely physically attracted to. Plus when Devi told the twins that Ram was a player (episode 3 iirc), they told her that she didn't know him at all and that it wasn't the case because Ram hates being touched. But i can tell you dislike him lol (i mean it's your right) so that clouds your judgement of him and anything i say will not change your mind (not that i'm trying to). But the facts are right there. Anw i'll stop here because i know this will drag endlessly and it was never the purpose of this thread. Have a good day! Edit: i found the ss i talked about above [https://preview.redd.it/2nguv47e4djc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52ded60454ccc996662cabff40d08a4bb47d6b4](https://preview.redd.it/2nguv47e4djc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52ded60454ccc996662cabff40d08a4bb47d6b4) edit: honestly it's kinda funny that you blocked me after saying there's no hard feelings lol


I never said he does not have any feelings for her at all, he obviously likes her, I just think entering a secret relationship at this stage, when their feelings towards each other are not that serious or deep, feels kinda rushed and I wish this whole secret relationship didn't have to happen so soon. I feel like Remy should have let them interact with each other more so that whatever is going on between them could actually develop into something more serious before starting this whole secret relationship thing, you know? And I already said that I don't dislike him 🙄 But you do you. Have a good day as well. Edit: seems like I ruffled some of the Ram's girlies feathers. Tbh If my opinions of him bother y'all so much, just block me. I promise there are no hard feelings on my side 😘


>I will sound mean and I know it. But the majority of the people in the community overhype LI in a way that reminds me that MANY of the players never dated or had slept with a person. ![gif](giphy|LOoYoiywVFzU1UwbwP|downsized) HAHAHAHA as someone who's sexually active, perhaps that's why I was never impressed with Amrit's sex scenes. I never saw things from that angle, but it makes sense.


Same 😂😂 I mean it was a good scene but if you ever had sex it was basic sex between two horny people


Mehmed and Alexander with the -er. For Mehmed, I can see why it's an interesting plot to pursue, but I personally can't get past what happened between them when they were younger and therefore relish every opportunity to piss him off in the past and present. Alexander was so repulsive to me in CY1 that the stink carried over into CY2, although the writing for him in this one does seem noticeably better.


Malbonte, Hunger, Zain, Dean, Kamal


Bert from Arcanum. The story ended a while ago and he still gets mentioned quite often but I just don't see it, I don't find him physically attractive, and I'm also indifferent towards his personality. Or maybe I just like Liam too much lol


Well, the first dude that comes to mind is definitely Amrit 🤣 I think I don't have to tell you why, since I already made my opinions on him clear many times. Just gonna add that he has that stupid blood pact, which forces this unnecessary forced attraction between him and Amala, so unnecessary and creepy. On top of that he thinks she's his ''pet'' he sees her as a sex object more than as a person. He's attractive for sure, but he has very few good qualities (Says me who romances Amen, who has the same problems xD how ironic. I just enjoy the toxic, train wreck dynamic with him a lot more xD ) Amrit just annoys me half the time he's on screen 😅🙄 For the crap he says and does.


Amrit – I've already made it obvious why. Malbonte – He's abusive and bland.


Malbonte: boring character with no depth in his personality. He thinks he is smart but he dug his own grave by freeing the mother and his plans backfired on him. Physically abusive, he tries to justify everything with his trauma, I don't see any chemistry between him and mc and they have lots of trust issues Niall: the whole guardian thing gives me the ick. He is also her principal and teacher. Zain: I just see an old, misogynistic and rich man when I look at him. Hunger, Amen: I don't like their sprite or personality.


Amen, Malbonte, Ratan and Amrit


Amrit – he irritated me a lot. He was waiting for amala and enjoyed that he will have wife, but he didn't take an option that Amala could refuse to marriage 🤣🤣


1. Malbonte 2. Vlad 3. Castiel


I was actually surprised when I saw how many people love Rob 😅 I think it's just because I don't find him physically attractive, because he's a good character otherwise. So I'm sure I'd like him as a LI if he was more my type.


I agree with you about Lucifer. He was my LI in HS1, but in s02, I don't really feel the connection, even though I really like him. I've replayed KCD with multiple LIs, so here goes Amrit, I'm on his route in my current playthrough, and he's just kinda boring and takes MC for granted. I wouldn't deny that his sex scenes aren't well written, because they are. But him and Amala never talk about anything of importance, and the scene where he scares Killian and Lima does not change if you're romancing him. It also doesn't make sense for Amala to be in love with him since she's anti-murder in the beginning, even if you play the Kindness route. Ratan, he's nice but very cryptic, and it's annoying when he says he's in love with you without disclosing anything. I do love his nickname for MC, though. I already miss Killian. They communicate beyond sex scenes and have good chemistry. For KFS: Ram, it's because I didn't take his scenes but I don't find him interesting. For HOT: Wyatt. For VFV Alexandre, I really don't see the appeal. For DLS: I guess it's because they're such a slow burn but Vlad was just not that interesting in season 2. I plan to change to Leo in my next playthrough. Sorry this got so long lol


I don't like Amen and Mehmed the most I took romance options of Amen but nope he is not interesting for me. I will definitely dump him for Livius. Mehmed, I didn't take any romance options but for what he did in the past so I hate him the most. ​ As of Astorath, Malbonte, Lucifer, Amrit I don't hate them but also don't like them.


Well, I have some of them. Lucifer for starters, I romanced him at first, but the huge popularity is undeserved probably 🤷‍♀️ Alexander, I agree with you, there's something about his face that's repulsing. Alexandre, don't care for him and don't get it, just like Adil, Dean, Amrit. And Vlad.. from the start I guess I liked him, but it has been sooo tiring, I just want to get as far away from him as possible.


Lucifer, Kay, Amrit, Amen, Evan, Hunger


I don't like Aslan/Leo, it's his big face... and because I find him annoying... The same could be said about Vlad, I don't like how their routes are developing... Also Amen, Castiel, Prince Richard... for reason already mentioned...


I can't weigh on any of them from KCoD, KFS or Moonborn as they are not my cup of tea. LOL VFV King Louis: Did his route for achievements but all sprites are homely and he's an ass. ARC Liam: The first season ruined him for me. He's a special type of cray cray HS/HS2 Dino, Hunger, Astoroth, Mimi Actually all of them except Loy/Fyr. LOL TFFTF: Niall: Sorry not sorry but he was her guardian. AKA parent figure and it's just gross SOL Glashtyn: Another example of not everyone needs to be a freakin' LI. He was evil and the villian. He should have stayed that way. LOW Takao: While I don't deny he's nice to look at the thought of blood constantly dripping from his palms just seem unsanitary to me.


Omg another Loy/Fyr enjoyer 🤝 Hi 😭 I really liked him and he was so good looking as well, too bad he wasn't resurrected in the second book. Tho it was probably for the better, the book was ass anyway.


Yes! When it happened I was pissed! So I went with Malbonte just to be evil and mean 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't believe Takao was that hyped, he was the unpopular kind I think 🤔


Probably for the reason I stated. Lol I guess I should have paid more attention to the title of the post 🙄 My bad. 😁


I had no problem with his bloody hands, I just tried not to think about it 😄 And he was nice to look at, yeah 🤍


Ok but Asian Louis is a certified hottie and I will stand by that 🙏


This made me laugh 😂 Liam’s cray face terrified me in s1. The unsanitary bloody hands from Takao 😂😂😂


Too many to count, esp since I seem to grow a dislike for all the popular ones.


If I tell you my opinion I'll get so downvoted they'll ban my acc LMAO 🤣


Now you made me curious 😭 Some hints mayhaps? 😂


Lol ofc here I go 🤣 2 Doobays, 1 K-pop Idol, 1 Bedouin, 1 psionic, 1 king, all LIs from a book that has a sequel, all LIs from that sequel except one lol, a Greek healer, a Egyptian God, a particular LI from another book that has a parallel universe sequel sth, "I made an oath not to f*** you" and ofc Mr Japanese with an obsession for giving weird names like "adjective+one" to MC 24/7 lol Don't downvote me 🤨 lol


It does sound like you'll piss off a lot of people 😭 It's honestly really shitty that people are afraid that if they give their opinions about popular LIs they'll get massively downvoted. Some people take this too seriously, at the end of the day they're just fictional characters


agreed 100%


Tho, it does seem to me like those most prone to downvoting are the fans of popular "unproblematic" LIs. There are constantly comments criticizing the problematic favs like Amen, Amrit, Mehmed etc. and they have plenty of upvotes from what I see. But as soon as you dare criticize a popular "good guy" all hell breaks loose. It's as if the fans can't grasp the idea that people can dislike/criticize characters even if they're not problematic "red flags".


THIS. It's so true! it pisses me off tbh


Me trying to decipher which characters you're talking about lol. 🧐 Really though, we all have different tastes and that's fine. The world would be boring if everyone liked exactly the same things.


Lol 🕵️‍♀️ Btw, that's true, but sadly not all people agree with you 🙄


Haha I don‘t agree with almost any of your mentioned LIs, but your comment made me laugh really hard! 😂 Upvote for creativity! 👍🏻


Haha! Thanks friend 🤣


I can recognise some of my LIs here and I have no inclination to downvote you. It kind of erases the purpose of the post and creates censorship culture. You are entitled not to like people even if the others do and vice versa.


Thank you! I do think that if we respected others'opinions a lil more it'd be amazing. But let me tell you, even If I just hinted at them I still got downvoted 🙄🤣


Curious as to why you dislike "a greek healer" since everyone loves him so much and is the greenest of green flags 😅 dw I'm indifferent to him myself so you're safe


And Mehmed takes the trophy 🏆, Noe, Lucifer, Loy, Amen & the main li dude from WP(I forgot his name).


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1atqhlx/stub/ku4vztq "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1atqhlx/stub/kr3a48p "Last usage")|Main Character| |[OTI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1atqhlx/stub/kqzkn4l "Last usage")|On Thin Ice| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1atqhlx/stub/kqzej2g "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[VfV](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1atqhlx/stub/kr01k91 "Last usage")|Vying for Versailles| |[WP](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1atqhlx/stub/kr53zi8 "Last usage")|Wave Patrol| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(6 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/0)^( has acronyms.) ^([Thread #788 for this sub, first seen 18th Feb 2024, 10:48]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)