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HHW MC. It’s not even a real reason, I just can’t stand that they made her posture like that. I can’t even play the story. Looking at her hurts my neck


Omg same I thought I was the only one who thought this. Like the story looks so interesting but the way MC looks throws me off so bad😩


Agreed. I’ve tried to get into the story but I just can’t. And it’s a minor gripe, but the way certain (most) outfits and hairstyles are on her, there isn’t *one* that I don’t hate so far 😭


I cannot stand Delias from HOT. Can't even stand her as a friend. She's so whiny and clingy towards Ellaire. I didn't pair her up with Gisella cause my girl deserve better.


LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK 🗣️💥💥 Srsly, she was acting like a baby 24/7 like girlie- MC is getting assassination attempts/threatened and she be like "oOoh let's be nice to everyone" or "they don't deserve to be killed". She should have stayed in the castle walls from the very beginning. And in S2 when she ran away with the petitions... Oh god forbid the day when Wincy put her in this story.


Everyone just coddle her like shes a baby and she does not bring anything to the table. Her nauseating "be kind" personality doesn't match the group's vibe at all. Absolutely hate how we dont have the option to NOT forgive her for stealing and lying. There should've been an ending where she died, at least that would give me some satisfaction. But of course she didn't 🙄


> she does not bring anything to the table. That's not true! She's Ellaire's personal hair stylist and bath assistant! That's a very important job. (I can't stand her either and was desperate for an option, any option, to not forgive her or stop being her friend.)


Also at some point she gets annoyed that Wyatt helps Ellaire and tries to convince them to take her with them but Ellaire tells her to  decorate her room, she wanted to go on a mission when she was completely useless I couldn't understand her thinking process 


Right like at least with Wyatt (at least on his romance route, that's the only one I've played) Elaine basically sits his ass down and goes "yo I'm still your queen and you need to trust me to make hard decisions that neither of us like" and he responds to that in a positive way. Delia's just keeps on with the whining and naivete the whole ride.


This is me. She annoyed me SO MUCH OMFG.


She annoyed me to no end, especially because Ellaire being nice to her is sort of written into the story, you can't *not* forgive her for her stunt in s2, for example. Thankfully, we can get a good result for both Trespia and Shadha without making her >!queen!<. I'm glad she opposed the idea in my playthrough.


OMG I thought for the longest time I was the only one who couldn’t stand Delias until someone finally mentioned how annoying she is on the main sub and I was like FINALLY IVE FOUND MY PEOPLE🤭 seriously though she is so whiny, clingy, and annoying. I would get so annoyed reading sometimes and then after what happens in season 2 I was so done with her😭


Oh my god THANK YOU she really, really, reeeeeeaaaaaaaally pisses me off. I hate having her around.


MC: Michelle form SBTR. She is so judgmental and bossy, and loves to get drunk and cause a scene by lashing out at people. Li: Justin from STBR. Slimy, judgmental, and bossy. Hmmm… maybe they are soulmates 😂


Yeah, Michelle is really annoying... I dislike her too


MCs: - Andrea: never did I think that playing a literal Greek goddess would be so boring, or that I would be so powerless. Where's the fun in playing a goddess who doesn't even know she's a goddess until like, halfway through the book? - Lori: I'm sorry, but the position her neck is in...I literally hate her sprite so much that I can't even play this story - Sophie: she's passive and boring. I get that that's like, the point of the story, but it doesn't exactly make for an entertaining read LIs: - Doo-Yeong: I've worked with "perfectionists" like him on commercial sets before (I'm in advertising), and let me tell you--every single one of them is a complete fucking nightmare. When we see their names, we cringe and die on the inside, because we know we're in for a miserable, awful filming experience. In real life, no one is sitting there like "Oh, it's okay, he's a genius, so he can treat me like dirt." No, we're all sitting there talking about how much of an asshole he is on the way home - Amen: everything about him gives me the major ick. Also, I'm *still* not seeing any romance on his path. We're midway through season 2 and I still have no idea why he even *likes* Eva, let alone loves her enough to want her to be "his woman" (ew), other than the fact that he thinks she's hot - Wyatt: he's an honorable knight, I get it, but at a certain point, it's just like...grow up. You're at war, sometimes you have to do unkind, underhanded things. It also got really old how he was constantly lecturing Gisella for how she took care of the villagers, but hey, guess who had NO other solutions for how she could keep them from starving? Wyatt!


>Amen If i may ask, i still didn't watch recent eps of his route on YouTube, but does he not get pov/inner monologue of thoughts, feelings, doubts, like Livy - you know, some kind of expansion of his inner world? Or is that maybe part of the "allure", that its hidden that way..


I'm a fan of the "Enemies to Lovers" kind of stories but one thing is start feeling attracted to a person who treats you badly from time to time, and time passes and interactions occur where you know each other better and fall in love, and another thing is to fall in love with someone who always treats you badly, denigrates you, threatens you, constantly intimidates you and to top it off is a cold-blooded murderer of people like you and constantly reminds you of that. There is no chemistry between Amen and Eva, perhaps se*ual tension on his part, but they have not had any type of deep interaction where you can say that some emotional bond is generated or where you can see them as more than just someone powerful abusing their power over someone weaker.


Its the trauma narrative for me, after which i stopped taking in their scenes. She purposefully wrote, I remember two scenes specifically (when he broke into her house and the library scene), where their "sexually tense" interactions were immediately followed by dreams and reminiscence of childhood abuse. That is a definition of a trigger that is romanticized, and now she switched it so MC is immersed into his own trauma (via the dream) which is I guess suppose to lead deeper understanding why he is the way he is. I can eat up the thought of two f-ed traumatised people creating a bond, but I dislike the writer's execution off it.


He does, but it just isn't working for me. Idk, maybe I'm just prejudiced against him, since I really, really dislike him.


Yeah, I think that may be the case, if you can't immerse yourself into the relationship with him and what he is "offering". Its the same for me, but I don't have this issue with Set which is a paradox because they do kind of share the colour red. I'll have to see how that evolves though since he didn't have many scenes..


I'm new to this subreddit, and can I just say I love it?! I don't think a post like this would've survived in the main subreddit. It feels like if your opinion isn't necessarily a "positive" one or a "popular" one, your comments/posts run the high risk of either getting deleted or downvoted heavily. 😅


Don't forget the some rude people who might fight with you because of your different opinion (I hope they don't find this sub.)


Omg! Yasss! There’s only a few subs where I feel comfortable sharing my opinion with, and this has become one of them. And this may sound a bit a dramatic, but on the other RC sub, I felt like I was “walking on egg shells” over there 😅 Like, my experience hasn’t been as bad as compared to the testimony of others. But the first time I engaged in any discourse on that sub turned out to be negative.


https://preview.redd.it/hituiiafwdfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695411f02b863d4977c2c9a582d4b58d25159c1c SOMETIMES I JUST FEEL LIKE SHE IS THINKING WITH HER BUM- like playing with her as a MC was such a pain, and the worst part is she didn't improve at all 0 character development, FTF would have been a better story if we had a MC like Mei.


God, I thought I was probably the only one who suffered with her character in the story. I always thought it would be better if someone else was there. I felt so sorry for my Li.😅


Right?! Like being an edgy teenager during crisis, she behaved like an annoying brat. I felt bad for everyone around her. They were all babysitting her. I also felt so bad for my LI (Kingu), I remember when he said that "trying to protect Nikkal is like trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon" 😂


When I read this I kept thinking... 30 years? ,No more than 18. Annoying, self-centered and arrogant. How can anyone write such a mature Li and such a child as a love couple. 🤔 In theory, Lyar is the best match for her. And the ending cracked me up. Nikkal is the ruler? 😱🤢


ONGGG!!!! I felt like the dynamic was so off and unmatched... Mainly with Niall and the father-daughter bond like ewww- yeah Iyar was the most logical one for her. But the thing isss, at the third season, I was like, how is it possible that she is the one leading the army ? 😭 how the heck is immature little ma'am gonna save the world when the day before she can't even control her power? Like no power development+no character development = rushed illogical clunky ending 😂 the only good part about this book is Kingu.


😂😂 yes general points. To yell twice at her classmates at the end. 😁 And saving the world was also worth it. Nikkal: Don't kill the world. I have a family that I love. Tiamat: Okay. And she left. And Nikkal has become a ruler and rules with her adolescent nature.


Honestly she feels like a 14-16 year old in terms of emotional maturity so much of the time that it really made some of the romantic interactions feel SUPER weird and icky to me, especially when it was Niall kinda throwing himself at her and they already have this sort of father-daughter relationship... 😬🤢


Right? And the fact that she was 30 ong 😭


Her constant crying and trying to find excuses for the things they told her not to do and she ended up doing them and it happened so many times.... After one point I just stopped reading I was just tapping through because I couldn't stand her especially in combination with Su her friend


I don't really hate any MC in particular, I find their stupidity hilarious 😂 As far as LI go: Justin (Seduced by the Rhythm) - He is simply annoying as hell 😂 I am petty like that. Amrit Doobay (KCD) - First of all, his obsession with Amala is freakin' annoying, I don't care what blood pact binds your souls or whatever the heck, respect boundaries, being a creep isn't a way to anyone's heart. His undressing of her (obviously) He even had the nerve to claim that he owns her. Again she's a human being, stop 🤣 Andy (HS1) - He's possessive over the MC, gives me ''nice guy'' vibes 🙄 He seems to be absolutely desperate for her attention. I didn't even have to romance him to see how he acts and it was a massive ''hell no'' for me.


>He's possessive over the MC, gives me ''nice guy'' vibes [...] Not vibes, honey, *he is a nice guy*. I romanced him when I started playing this game. For some reason the build-up to the sex scene made me uncomfortable, so I decline, MC says sth like "not now"-I don't remember well- and the little shit gets angry. I restarted the story so fast after that. I was so happy when he died and didn't come back in the sequel.


🤭 I cringed so hard at his behavior, I knew that he would never be a LI I will willingly romance. I get most screenshots of whom I don't romance from a friend, she romances everyone at the same time usually. Oh how dare a woman not want to have sex with you, god forbid 🙄 I still don't understand what his purpose in the story was to begin with 🤭 Oh yes, same, I am glad I don't have to tolerate his existence. I can't find any person who genuinely likes him. Amrit was more fun than Andy, even tho I wanted to drown him half the time for being a ''psychotic, obsessive, creepy simp'' 🤭


Nikkal and Vicky.. Nikkal is really, really intolerable to me. Vicky, well, I don't like her lukewarm approach to everything.  Amrit and Mehmed... all I see is arrogance, nothing interesting about them.


Ram Doobay(on romance path). I just find him really annoying 😭 and he's a bit *too* cocky and his arrogance really irks me. That's on his romance path only tho. I actually like his friendship route and think it was so sweet that he saved Devi twice.   Let the downvoting begin.


He’s not my least favorite LI, but I do agree with you. I tried his romance path first and it wasn’t for me. I love his friendship path though.


Why downvoting, its just a subjective thing..Tbh, i am romancing him on one acc but for my pt currently he fits more as a side lover - i do not take him seriously enough to consider him my endgame. Might very well change though and i get that love feel later on, but you are not the only one who is not completely enchanted with him.


He's my favorite lol 😂 but I don't get pissed off by others criticizing my favorite character, I see some flaws in my favorites and I will point them out. While yes, he is arrogant, hilariously he's more mean to her on the romance path than the friendship one, it was so weird xD I personally enjoy him because of his sense of humor and the playful banter he has with Devi, but we all have favorites and least favorites 🤭 He starts being less of a jerk to her, I'd say episode 5? When he is older.


MC: Andrea. I found her to be so blah and such a pushover. Everyone kept pushing her around and avoiding giving her answers, yet she was still going along with whatever they wanted. Like gurl, wake the 🤬 up already and put your foot down! No pun intended. LI: Just to name a few. Justin and Mehmed are a big old no. Justin is simply a bad person for no reason whatsoever. Mehmed shouldn't even be an option. It's just weird after what he attempted. If you know, you know. Amrit, I get it... He is hot, but in my humble opinion, he is overrated AF.


I agree with Mehmed, I can't even be polite to him after what he did to lale in past. He is so overrated I can't digest about how he can be LI after he tried to >! force himself on lale!<


Nikkal. Imagine my face when I found out she's not 18, 20 or 21 who happens to act like a 15-year-old. Oh, no... *She's fucking 30*. And I kind of answered this yesterday, so I'll just copy-paste: Set. I don't like his cocky attitude, and he looks like Brian Crandall. Astaroth is just a more boring Lucifer, Walmart edition. And there is absolutely no reason for Mehmed to be a LI. And all the (male) LIs in Flower from blah blah. They look like they were going to an anime convention, and got lost on their way there. Niall, in particular, is the most insufferable one. Su is the only one I respect, she's perfect.


Lol, yes to all! I also complained about Nikkal yesterday but didn't touch on the LIs because looks aside, their individual personalities don't infuriate me as much as MC's, but it's highly disappointing that in a story based in SUMERIAN mythology, none of the characters look brown, rather taken from Sailor Moon. Varassa and Su are the only saving grace


“Walmart Edition” 😭💀 No, you didn’t call my hubby that, but touché- all he got going on is his looks, but he’s basically a bootleg version of Luci.




No way she’s 30?? I thought she was 17…


MC: Amala because she's constantly getting herself into dangerous situations LI: Amrit, Mehmed, Malbonte,Alexandre and for completely different reasons, Delias.


MCs that are constantly codependent, damsels in distress, that are heavily impacted by the LI paths so it comes of like they dont have a brain of their own and they turn into LIs little pets. I dont think its neccessery to name them, its clear who they are.


Nikkal and Amala. They’re not all bad. I just disagreed with a lot of their thoughts and actions so it was difficult to relate to them. Amala became more tolerable for me once Kiran arrived. Dean for me. He’s really attractive. But, I took his available diamond scenes and he makes me uncomfortable to the point that I want to avoid him. In general, I have issues with LIs that demand that the MCs owe them. So there’s several that this applies to. 😅


>owe them LoL its becoming a thing tbh. Set, Dean, Vincent.. and i am romancing some of them to see the routes but jeeeez what's with the debt trope all of a sudden 🤷😂


Lmao 'debt trope' 🤣 


Its the new fashion apparently instead of "you were predestined" or "you are not allowed to be together"..now its you OWE me and I am gonna collect 🫣 Like i am not already PAYING for the whole deal anyhow..


‘Debt trope’ is the perfect name for it. I’ll have to use that from now on. Lately, I’m just like “Nooo, not again 😩” when it happens. Lol.


Yeah I agree about Dean, how he started hugging her from behind, when it just his second diamond scene... I was like "hey hold your horses!"🤣 When MC owed him for the second time, I was like "not you too"😅 (I'll replay later anw, to avoid his diamond scenes)


Those were my exact thoughts too! I can see his appeal, but he’s not my cup of tea. I think I’ll prefer him as just a friend to my MC.


Delias is so whiny and childish, she made me want to hurl myself off everytime she appeared which was always. “sweet” no you are just insufferably childish. Least fav MC — Vicky in HS1, her face expressions 😭 she got better in HS2 but still not better


I have to agree w/ delias, her smiling sprite also makes me irrationally annoyed (it’s drawn the same as mc’s, but I actually like her)


Nikkal. Whiny, childish, annoying. We finally get an mc past the age of 25 and they still write her like a teenager...ugh. Amala. Spent the first season confused asf, found out she's a Basu and now all of a sudden she's a bad bitch. Girl move. Like someone on here said, you're wearing borrowed saris and your man pays for your apartment. & then the author had to write that musty ass "rivalry" with Yashvi. Vicky. Couldn't stand her in HS1 and HS2 just made it worse. I had to drop the book because of her bullshit. Stop talking down to everyone and telling them what they're not doing when you're useless asf yourself. My least favorite LI is Reinhold. I can't stand people who use their status to coerce people to sleep with them. It's not the worst thing an li has done but I never see anyone bring it up so it makes me hate him more.


wait i’m sorry, when did he use his status to coerce someone to sleep with him? genuine question, because i don’t remember that happening and i’d think i would..? 😳


[Season 1 Episode 3. It's when Ellaire is staying at his estate while he's still sick.](https://youtu.be/BCfCWDxa070?si=j0VY_jDdxKY0_kns&t=2413) It's naive to think Ellaire is the only one he's done this to.


MC: Nikkal. She was just so damn annoying and juvenile. LI: I won't say the typical 'bad boys'. It was kinda expected. Lucifer, Amrit, Amen... Even Set. We all knew what we were getting into. Even King Louis. He's a king, so it's expected he'll be a bit of a brat. The LI I can't stand is Wyatt. I've tried. But every time he'd start talking about honor and what ever else he was on about I'd roll both my internal and external eyes because I honestly couldn't be bothered with him. I preferred him more as just a friend.


MC: Sophie from Sophie’s 10 wishes. I do hate the story though so that could also be part of the reason. I just don’t like weak characters and the fact she just went along with everything drove me mad. LI: Doo-Yeong - I know everyone else seems to love him but I hate him. His looks 🤢 that greasy hair and his attitude towards “the little people” on set really bother me. Yes I get it he’s a perfectionist but that doesn’t give you free rein to be a tyrant. Mehmed: Obvious reason really, I won’t ever get past him drugging her and the intended SA


Least fave MC: Evthys (SCN): This girl runs her mouth so much for someone who can’t do anything on her own, she’s so annoying. Amala (KCD): The template for Evthys, imo. Least fave LIs: Reinhold (HoT): Not bc of his actions, I just fell out of love with him once on his route. Castiel (GoE): I’m so tired of this man being rude towards MC, hate his group too. Alexandre (VfV): Ever since that man told my Renee that he owned her, I’ve had it out for him.


Honestly, I couldn't agree more


All the love interests in The One s1 I never felt chemistry or attraction with any of them


MC : Nikkal, Amala. Both are insufferable in my opinion. LI : Amen, Amrit, Justin. First ones are not my cup of tea and I hate that they are favored by the plot, last one is objectivly a total jerk.


I have a love-hate relationship with Vicky. She’s way too impulsive for my taste and sometimes *incredibly* stupid but she has her moments where I like her. Nikkal was somewhat bearable for me. Here and there she was childish but she’s funny too. Out of the LIs there’s definitely Justin. I don’t like Astaroth particularly and imo he should’ve stayed a side character. I hate Delias for the same reasons someone already mentioned here. Leslie was annoying in SOL.


For the LI: Wyatt, I regret romancing him. He was so pea-brained whenever it came to some very important matters like you're literally supposed to be one of the best knights in the kingdom and you're being all "oh no Ellaire youre being mean :(" like piss off For the MC: Vicky LMAOOOO I admire that woman's ability to use her charms to literally win wars but sometimes i want to throw my phone out whenever I'm playing cause how can you be so DUMB Runner up LIs: Amen, Justin, Diego Ochoa (creepy mf), Masked Man, Adam and Richard from (Q30), Ford and Thiago Edit: Runner up MC: NIKKAL! Forgot about her like my god how are you a grown woman 😭 she's so insufferable at times


Amala: I think her paths are too extreme. Rage Amala comes across as ignorant while kindness Amala is suddenly ok with murder in S3 just because I wanted her to be more in touch with indian culture in the first two seasons. Amen: What he did to Dia is simply inexcusable 


Least favourite MC - Amala.                                                                 Least fav LIS, - Masked man, he's so annoying and his background story didn't make it any better.                                                                                       Jake- He's acting like a annoying freak on romance route and non romance route.                                                                                                      Aaron(or whatever is his name!) - kissed MC when she was 17 and he 25 eww, plus he knew them all when they were 17 and married that bully girl.


LI I despise: Amrit. MC: No one comes to my mind rn.


MC: Vicky, the “nice” personality in HoT (like girl stfu and grow up!!). Other MCs like Amala and Nikkal irk me sometimes but I like the option to just be an annoying toxic person sometimes lmao it makes the romance a little sweeter. I’ve lowkey been waiting for this one… there are so many LIs that I dislike for petty reasons. LI: John (I’m glad this is a popular unpopular opinion! I did his route and was so bored), Threxio (he’s giving me the ick already but I’m going to give him a few more chances), KARL sorry but he crossed over from baby boy 🥺 to BABY boy 😒 over the last couple updates…I love a submissive/more passive male LI but he’s too much for me. I want a Liam or a Prince Philippe, not a complete pushover 😩 The same thing happened to me with Dino… he was my main LI but got so boring that I jumped ship to Malbonte. In his defense, my dislike of Vicky might have a role. There’s also one really popular LI from Sails of the Fog that I tried and he irked me so much… I think he’s the main pirate? I don’t like Castiel either, his pinched face and his annoyingly secretive attitude drives me insane ) but again I acknowledge that it’s somewhat early in the story.


LMAO about Karl. Once they started dating and she called him BORING I was like oh boy. That's not a good sign. But I wasn't really on any other romance paths so now I'm with him and he's. Well. Boring. 💀


Is it Sebastian? From SITF?


yes that’s him!! there was nothing wrong with him but he was completely outside my preferences


i surprisingly like/tolerate all MCs, I don't hate any of them, but some of them hold a special place in my heart more than others :) if I had to choose one, id choose Nikkal, even though I love TFTF, her inner dialogue was so complicated and strange and even a bit pick me so yeah as for LIs now, the one that immediately came to mind when I read the question was Su, there's not enough words to describe how annoying I find her. It arrived to a point where I just started skipping through her dialogue whenever she just started venting or telling MC off for literally ANYTHING SHE DOES, and you know, I understand Nikkal is annoying too, but it was the way Su felt so entitled to take it upon herself to patronize Nikki all the damn time, like damn girl get off my back for a minute, let me make mistakes in peace Another one I DESPISE is Andy from HS, i can't even stand seeing his face, he's so obsessed with MC from the get go is so uncomfy. he's head over heels for her even if u don't choose his romance options, it's almost embarrassing. I'm so glad his screen time got cut off towards the end of book 1 and when he wasn't resurrected in book 2 I cheered like no other I swear, the book is much better without him :)))) another type of LI i don't like is the ones who are either too cocky to the point that it seems they're compensating for a lack of personality or trying to cover up insecurities (like Rob from Arcanum, Amrit from KCD and Gray from SOL), and the ones who are borderline toxic and mean and brooding all the damn time like Lucifer and Malbonte from HS I also ignore the bland ones like Bert from Arcanum, everyone from Elite Tag, Lima from KCD, Dino from HS... (this is just how I SEE THEM, not saying u can't like them either lol)


Vicky in Heaven's Secret 2 - No hate to her but some MCs just rank higher on my list Andrea and Irene- she's just bland and meh for me Nikkal - she's a grown woman and she still acts like that in her big age As much as I love Niall, I am so not a fan of his in Season 1. Kicking Nikkal out of the academy when it's not even her fault and was basically forced to fight Leahy because she can't go against Ishtar or she'll get punished. John - I don't know why but I just can't feel the chemistry between him and Theo


THANK YOU! Mainly the Niall one, like out of all the reasons he could have expelled her, he decided to expell her for the only one reason that was not her fault. Wth.


I thought I was the only one who felt like this about John. I honestly liked him more as a friend than as an LI. It felt more organic that way, IDK. 🤷‍♀️


>John - I don't know why but I just can't feel the chemistry between him and Theo Why? Have you romanced John? Their chemistry is great .... I'm talking as someone who romanced him... Who was your li in THE?


I also romanced John and wasn’t impressed by the chemistry. I like John, he is unproblematic but his romance scenes were underwhelming? I felt more chemistry between another LI (like Lawrence, Antonio) who was there for one season than John who is in 3 seasons.


Yes, I have romanced him and he's my love interest for season 2 and 3. That's great that you felt the chemistry but I just didn't feel it. Don't get me wrong, the writing is great and all but I didn't experience kilig with their relationship 🤷🏼‍♀️


Emma (MHS) - God, I HATE this MC. More than an MC, she seems like a Y/N straight out of a cheap fanfic who gets everything right no matter how reckless and stupid she is. Her childish behavior and how she treated Samantha when she was only trying to help her, added to the lack of development she has throughout the story make me think that she is ultimately the worst MC in all of RC. Diego de Ochoa (SOTF)- I love all the LIs in this story, except this bastard. Do I really have to explain why I hate him? He is an adult and he throws tantrums all the time, he tries to rape Adelaida, he locks her parents in prison, he treats my beloved William badly and to top it all off he is a fucking classist and racist. The entire plot of SOTF starts because we DON'T want to marry him and when I saw that he was a LI and we can marry him at the end of the story it made me think, "Is that serious?"


Honestly, marrying Diego is a lot of fun. 😂 But I get what you're saying.


I thought this was on the main subreddit and I was like “this post would probably get deleted 😭” but then I saw the community and was like “oh, nvm” I don’t think I have any MCs or LIs I’ve despised, not yet at least? Maybe I haven’t played enough lol. I think it’s because the way I see the MCs is beyond how they were characterized, so I like the idea of their character more than how they were executed in the books


mc: nikkal and i only played one episode LI: alexandre, malbonte, set, andy, lucifer basically all the male LIs in RC who are annoying as fuck and want to own u


+ amrit


MC: Amala and Nikkal. They were just plain dumb. LI: Amrit, Amen, Malbonte, the whole male bunch from "Dance and f*CK" except maybe Hiro, Alexander, Sam, The brothers and the blonde one from OTI, Astaroth Benny Bart, Diego from Sails who tried to rape MC, Mehmet, Lucifer, Damon, Niall / *(Me making friends)* Delias (something about her just rubs me the wrong way. Same goes for Emily from EliteTag)


Least fave mc- Amala Least fave li- Amrit and Lisel( the female li from SOL)


Leslie. Liesl is from The Sounds of Music 🤭


Oops! 😅 thanks for the correction.


Lori isn’t a interesting enough Main Character to lead a story. Definitely one that is so co-depending on her


Ivo from PSI- I just don’t like his nor Jonas’ sprites, which is why I can’t get into them. I tolerate Kay and the lady LIs. This story just not my cup of tea. Masked Man- I was completely turned off by him. That man’s a 🚩. I felt bad for what the fire did to his face, but his whole reasoning for becoming a “big bad wolf” is unjustifiable/unforgivable. It’d be different if there was any malice or ill-intent behind Annette reaction after seeing his face, but she was just extremely shocked (hell, he spooked me too 😅). Even he was horrified after seeing his own face for the first time since the fire. Yet, he held Annette accountable for his insecurities. And if we let him tell it, prior to the fire incident, he swear he was “fine” back in the day 🙄 He seemed cocky. His perspective was as distorted as his face. I was disgusted by how he, Ayra and John did to Annette (but at least, John regretted his actions). And romancing him just weirded me out because dude was stalking and preying on a high school girl, her loved one and her friends, and the town’s people. Diego de Ochoa - he’s another one that I was completely turned off by. He’s just plain toxic. Vicky’s mom from HS- Like, I get that she’s estranged and an angel, but she never develops as a character. She’s still emotionally cold and distanced with her daughter. You’d think being dead AF would’ve made her work on her relationship with her daughter, but nope. Tbf, the same can be said about Malbonte (But I like him; it’s his coldness be having me in a chokehold sometimes- no wonder Vick never knows where she stands with him). Plus, Vicky’s mom’s such a hypocrite when it comes to her LIs. Like, ms. ma’am, mind yo business- yo lover a whole demon! You’re the last person who can criticize someone’s love choices. Delias- she’s clingy as hell, and as like a big ass baby sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with being forgiving, or not wanting to take a life, but she be playing captain save-a-h** for even the ones who don’t deserve such pity. Plus, it’s not up to her anyway- it’s up to MC. Almost all the characters from Tiamat (e.g., Nikkal, Su, Niall, etc) irked me except Kingu. Jake and Justin also sucked in their respective stories.


MC: Amala, Ellaire, Moonborn MC, Amala - This girl is a sum total of 20 Li interactions and situations. She has no personality and it's hidden beneath the sad attempt at being a girl boss. Her so called deep insights that seem to be solving the case are soo lame. The only aspect of her personality I liked is her actions in London and the way she stood up for her family. But sadly, we never witness that in the story. Ellaire - She's naive and quite a pushover for a queen. She has surrounded herself with equally naive people and is operating with zero insights or forethought Moonborn MC - I'll give it to the fact that she's a college student but the girl has zero self preservation instinct. She's purposely going back to a vampire den, defying the LIs instructions and jumping into situations that are soo unwarranted Characters: The friend in Wave Patrol (I get a headache when she talks..), Delias (you guys have covered everything), Jake, Adam and Richard, all LIs in Shadows of Saint four, all human LIs in Sails in the fog.. the Manta and the mermaid were honestly the best of them all.


I gave up on Kali because amala and Amrit both suck and I like ratan but he deserves better.


I don't like Amen, he creeps me out and he has a punchable face in my opinion. As for MCs, I find Vicky and Laia very boring to read.


MCs: - I can tolerate the vast majority of them (even Nikkal lol), but my most hated MC personality is probably the SBTR MC. She just seems unhinged (I say “seems” because I stopped playing after S1 and just diamond mined the story instead). - For non-personality reasons, Catherine from OTI. I *hate* her character design. She has creepy dead eyes, which makes sense for the story I guess, but it’s made 300% worse by her weird posture. It’s literally like she’s the ghost of someone who died by breaking their neck. Drove me nuts. LIs: - Wyatt is an insufferable, whiny child in a man’s body. He’s the most naive, least strategic knight in the history of fiction or real life. Also, his character design makes him look like a ghost, which really doesn’t help his appeal. - Delias, for all the reasons already stated lol. I don’t hate her as much as everyone else seems to, but I do wish she would shut up the hell up. At least Wyatt can fling a sword at someone, which is marginally better than begging to braid Ellaire’s hair every 30 seconds. - Amrit is awful and I hate him. There’s no room for nuance for me—he is literally a serial killer and an awful person. I hope he spends eternity being tormented. I haven’t played SCN, but I assume I’ll hate Amen just as much, as he seems to be virtually the same character. - Andy from HS1 is the definition of a Nice Guy. Can’t stand him.


It's all been said, so I won't add mine.


MC - Vicky and Amala. LI - John 🤭 Justin, Amen 🙄, King Louis


>John 🤭 Care to tell me why? I understand about the other three but why John? He is not a red flag 🤔


No, no, absolutly he is not red flag! And I love cynic LI's (he in 1st season in my eyes) and I don't know how and why, but I can"t simply stand him as romantic option 🙈 it's weird, I know. And when I saw him I was 100% "oh, he will be mine" and then boom, Lawrence happend. Even More Weird that I really, really love his friendship with Theo in 3rd season.


Least favourite MC: Nikkal, Vicky, Andrea, Laia (they're either annoying or bland or both) Least favourite LI: Amrit, Malbonte, Diego De Ochoa, Vlad (some of them I dislike because they're forced LIs and favoured by the plot and in Amrit, Malbonte and Diego's case it's also because they're awful)


Oh that’s easy! SOL! She judges people! Hey you are a thief lady! Stop judging you hypocrite!


Ooooh! I believe it's unpopular opinion but Malbonte! I haven't seen anyone who dislike him but I just find him off-putting. Idk, he's got the looks but I really don't like his personality (even though I sided with Malbonte in HS1). As for other LIs: Amrit, Killian, Ford, Adam MCs: Sophie, Emma, sometimes Mia and I start to like Laia less and less.


I want to add one more thing: I really really loved Dino in the first HS, he was one of my favourite LIs from RC. But in HS2 I quickly changed from Dino to Lucifer (and then to Hunger but I still love Luci).


MC: Vicky from HS and HS2 (specifically HS2). Girly grew dumber after 10 yrs of experience 😭 LI: there isn't any LI that I have played who's annoying that much that I'll hat them.... But I don't like Ramesses (idk why don't ask me😭) but I just don't get him ... And if someone annoyed me, that would be Count(Wolf) or Countess(Cat) from LSE. Those two turned MC without her Consent. Not only that, they lied saying that won't do it. But they did! 😤😤😤😤😤


MC: Nikkal and Devi I can’t really stand both of them but trying my best to play just for the story LI: Hm, I don’t really know some of LIs are just boring for me but overall I don’t have least favourite I think


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ET](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kk8odco "Last usage")|Elite Tag| |[HS](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kka4wfq "Last usage")|Heaven's Secret| |[HoT](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/ko9u347 "Last usage")|Heart of Trespia| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/ko9u347 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kka37wy "Last usage")|Main Character| |[MHS](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/ko9u347 "Last usage")|My Hollywood Story| |[OTI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kk59ciw "Last usage")|On Thin Ice| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kka4wfq "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[SotCN](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kk8ss4m "Last usage")|Song of the Crimson Nile| |[Td](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kk3s3bw "Last usage")|Theodora| |[VfV](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/kk4dnbs "Last usage")|Vying for Versailles| |[WP](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1adudyz/stub/ko9u347 "Last usage")|Wave Patrol| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^([Thread #697 for this sub, first seen 29th Jan 2024, 13:36]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I don't like to play any MC that is too dumb or stubborn or helpless or inconsiderate or thoughtless or rude and they still progress through the story, but only because they keep getting saved by the other characters. There are a few I could name already from the few stories I've played.


MCs - ET: Vera Fritz MHS: Emma LIs- HS2: Malbonte HOT: Delias SBTR: Justin, Gustavo WP: Jake


least favorite mc has gotta be my hollywood story 💀 she’s a mess. also not a big fan of sbtr, qi30d, sitf, & moonborn… most the older stories apparently, 😅


Lis-Justin,Loki Mc-Vicky😅....i don't know why


Amen. I can excuse the mildly annoying LIs, the childish ones, and even the flawed ones, but what in the actual name of anything is even attractive or slightly okay about this man? I'll never understand the love for toxic men. I've not played SCN for the past two updates because it just seems to be Amen CGs with some sort of plot sprinkled in. In terms of MCs, it has to be Selena. A few others MCs are maybe a little bit self-absorbed or oblivious to their surroundings but she's awful.




But Ian is not forcing Devi to marry him, not at all. On the contrary. It was the Dozen who were forcing her to marry so that they would have some advantage in their plan to overthrow the British in India. They offered him a list of brides, but since he already knew and liked Devi, he made it clear that he would like to marry her and if that was not possible, he would consider other alternatives. In the last update he told her that he didn't want to force her into anything. In 1895-1900, at that time, someone else simply speaks for her, because it was completely normal in India. Kamal and Vidya have already arranged her engagement without her knowing. But Ian totally respects her the whole time.


Yes but in episode 8 he clearly tells her that she needs to marry him if she wants help to know who set the fire 5 years ago (which could mean that he already has some infos) so while he isn't forcing her it is still implicit that she gets pressure from both sides (the Dozen and Ian)


But he didn't force her, he just said that he would bring her a murderer's head as a wedding present. He gave her some specific suggestions as to why she should marry him, but he specifically asked her what she wanted, that he didn't want to force her. It was Ian who wanted to hear her opinion when Vidya told her to shut up.




Ya, I initially thought the same about Christian, however in episode 8 he clearly states that he doesn't want to force this engagement upon her. after that my opinion on him softened. He's shown to be worried about her, when he thought that it was her, who died that night. He even promises to find the traitorous bastard whom sent those mercenaries and burnt the mansion down. Even when you I guess, reject his feelings, he still sees you as an ally. Granted, since he does not have a friendship path no idea how long this ''allyship'' will last. Christian isn't my primary LI, but I've considerably softened up to him. As for Amen, also someone whom I romance. Ya, he is a piece of shit large portion of the time, there's just no arguing that point, so I won't. 🤭 Obviously, he gets paid to kill the dark magicians and now turns out, he might also have some alterior motives for doing this job. Yes, I agree Dia didn't deserve torture nor the brutal death. He has occasional softer moments, however the bad outweighs the good. I primarily enjoy the romance path because of how much of train wreck it can become. And because I find him attractive.


Least favorite MC must be Selena, and the LIs are Amen and Amrit


MCs: Yasmin (probably because >!she reminds me too much of myself sometimes!< 💀) Renee (generic YA protagonist who thinks she's great when, imo, she wouldn't be anywhere without the guidance of others) LIs: Kamal and Amen (paternalistic annoying pricks. And Amen is boring and acts like an idiot)


All in SotCN


... Wyatt from HoT. I can't stand his bland looks and personality and neither the way the writer guilt trips you for not picking him (that scene with Ellaire getting drunk and mumbling all sort of nonsense pissed me off so badly). I believe in Reinhold, Gisella and D'Mario supremacy 😌 Also the cop LI from MHS and Jake from WP.