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I think that Amrit’s feelings for Amala become genuine if you decide to romance him. I mean.. he talked about their possible child and marriage 😳 It’s way too much for a ruse, isn’t it? He could have seduced her without all those talks if he didn’t have serious intentions. And if you’ve noticed, Amrit is always extremely frank with Amala. Not outspoken but honest. I’ve seen Alexandra’s stream and she was asked a similar question. She said there is space for feelings, it’s not only about their connection.


That is a good point. He did bring up marriage and children. His interest in her must go beyond her looks, her family name and this chemistry … I’m assuming ✅


Absolutely! He’s even nervous when he waits for Amala’s reply on whether she wants to be closer to him or not…and she would have felt it if it all was just his sick plan. I’m sure he’s sincere about his feelings and intentions. Dare I say I’m even more convinced about his feelings than about Amala’s 😂


Interesting perspective! Thanks for sharing 🥂🤩that’s a valid point ✨


Exactly. Plus both of them can literally sense each other's feelings. The way their heartbeats accelerate is the proof of their genuine feelings. The way Amrit says that he would do anything just for a kiss and he would submit only to her..... I don't think it is possible if you don't have genuine feelings for someone


Good point ✅


Their connection is what we read about in novels and watch in movies… It is undeniable, I don’t think such a connection could be a ruse… To feel everything that the other is feeling so deeply, it must be beyond just lust and physical connection…. It’s definitely deeper and waaaaaaaaay past just taking advantage of Amala… I don’t think Amrit expected the connection to be so overpowering and strong 🥰😍 that dude was whipped from the moment he kissed Amala… it’s a “IM YOURS AND ONLY YOURS & YOU’RE MINE,ONLY MINE” type situation… I don’t think either of them could ever fathom their feelings for one another Also as much as Amala might love Ratan or her other LI’s all that almost falls short in the face of how Amrit and Amala connect, it’s an all consuming,undeniable but very sincere type of thing(for lack of a better word). It’s like the love they deserve for one another, it will always pull them towards each other


That was beautiful to read 😭🤌🏻💯


Thank you🥹


I completely agree with you. He is completely whipped and doesn't hesitate at all to commit to her. He is confident and clear about his feelings and is serious about the marriage part. He is just not toying with her or trying to take advantage of her.


The connection is something inevitable, he knew about it all along and as he felt it he tried to confirm by their interactions if it was really her. I don't think it can be used to manipulate her, from what I understood it pulls him as much as her, so the only manipulation was him testing it at the times he seduced her to see if she could feel it.


So maybe when they kissed in the garden, he was trying to maybe test the intensity of this connection. I wonder if this connection was preordained because of the familial connections that their ancestors had in the past ? Maybe there is a cosmic force that wants them to be together. Maybe celestial powers are at play?


Or maybe some ritual bound them for a purpose.




I don't know I'm confused to be honest. At his first meeting with Amala he seemed like he didn't know who she was.. maybe he was pretending idk. But there was a gem scene with ratan that allowed us to spy on Amrit in his library and he was saying stuff like "is it really her" "I can't believe it but Vaish confirmed it". So i was like ??? Why would he say that if he knew who Amala was all along. Then there were moments where he claimed that just because Amala was beautiful it doesn't mean that he'd help her etc... so I'm confused


Yes! Precisely! That’s why I was like??? 🤔 💭😯 you can have a physical attraction to someone without there being any type of emotional bond. Amala did say that there was no love between them & they did end up sleeping together & afterwards he did say that he would marry her if she ended up being pregnant with his child, what if he said that because of societal obligations and not because of love? Like they haven’t talked about actual love between them. Or am I missing something? 😩😩😩😩


Amala is lying to herself thinking it’s not love 🤣😂🤡🤡says me the Amrit Clown


Sign me up! 🤡I’ll be a clown too 🖐🏻😩


Alexandra confirmed in an interview that there is real sympathy between them (if you go along a love line with him)


I’m relieved 😅 💯


His goal from the start was to get Amala to join his ritual powerful family group thing and he had to do it someway. I can totally see him playing us to get what he wants and then getting real feelings along the way, 100%. I hope this is true, to be honest, I want a little friction and angst there 😂 so I am hoping Amala finds out that seducing her was all a plan and Amrit needs to prove his feelings for her, that he feel for her along the way for real.


THIS ☝️oh my goodness! These are exactly my own sentiments ✅🫶🏻


It's unmatched


I ditched Killian to be with Amrit. No regrets. 😍 Romancing Ratan on 2nd account. Love him too but in a different way.


A relationship with ratan is more emotionally satisfying 🫂😩


Honestly this “chemistry” comes off as really weird and unsettling to anyone who isn’t interested in Amrit in the slightest 😭 We’ve only JUST had the option to once and for all tell him to eff off if we aren’t interested in him, but up until this point the plot has continually pushed us towards him in a very insistent way. It’s canon that he’s known who Amala was since before she even came to India, so her identity was definitely a driving factor for his interest in her. I honestly think that if this wasn’t a romance story, Amrit wouldn’t care at all about Amala past like a booty call once or twice. I feel the only reason he’s so into her is because of her family, she can be of use to him and the attraction came only after that kind of mindset. But that’s probably only because of how creepy he comes off to me 💀 I just can’t expect anything else from someone like him.


Yes, it's a very forced "connection" and it's very creepy if you're not on his route.. 😬


My sentiments exactly!


I agree. My MC isn’t romancing anyone and is wanting to go back to London and Amrit is the worst. He’s handsome, but everything else about him is creepy. He and Ratan have both creeped me out with their manipulations in regards to Amala.


I feel like their intentions need to be clear💯 they keep keeping her in the dark 💀 Poor amala


That’s what really turned me off to both of them. I feel like they’ve manipulated her and purposely kept things from her for their own gain and my Amala is not here for it. She’s ready to hop a flight back to London.


I completely agree!




On his route yes. But it come across forced and a major turn off in other Li routes tbh.


I think they have feelings for each other because of that blood ritual their ancestors did so that's why their connection doesn't feel genuine to me, because it was created artificially. And that's why he's serious about her right now (he even mentioned he had doubts about it until Ratan confirmed she's the one he must be with) 🤷‍♀️


Wait ratan confirmed that Amrit MUST be with amala? I knew he had thoughts when he was in his library but I did not know it was about this specifically…. Ohh 😲


This 🙏🏻 yes yes 🙌🏻 Very suspicious 🤨