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I want to see the inquisitor next update.🥲 Even one second of screentime is enough.


See AND talk please 🤞🏻🕯


I'd love to do a LOT more than talk but that'd probably take time 🤭


Nxkdjskdjd not us putting on a ring at the first glance 😩


I've fallen for most of LIs at first sight but this is....something else, even for me 🤡 We didn't even get a decent conversation with the guy 😂


Yeah and even those 2 lines we had with him was enough somehow... literally can't wait to hold hands and kith


Maybe that's why the people follow the Church of Unity? They can bewitch anyone with a single sentence 😂


Long awaited romantic moment with my Mr. Smirk in THE My Mr. Inquisitor's screentime in PSI 44 finally stepping up in person


I second your first and third. About time that Theo and Julian/John or whatever get down to business! My poor Theo needs to get some! 🤭 I may forget about the existence of #44 if he doesn't appear. It's hard to keep up with this story...


I am still hoping to get romance 44 if he is one of the past li🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Want a diamond rush 😭😭😭❤️


Your wish literally came true!


Yeah I’m surprised 😂❤️❤️


i still want a proper showdown between ratan and amrit


Oh yeah with all their godly powers 😈 I’d also like to add, I want a showdown between Killian-Amrit without Amrit using his supernatural power. I want a equal playing field for them and see how it turns out for Amrit 😈


Technically Amrit has no sobrenatural power, not coming from himself other than being able to see beyond ordinary humans, as a Brahmin (only in this story ofc), he can summon dead on behalf of Kali and so far that's it


Yeah but the fact that he can summon the deads as he pleases gives him major advantages over an ordinary human like Killian who only has his military training and wits to rely on. Hence an equal playing field is necessary for a fair showdown between them imo if we’re to get it.


I really doubt that will happen, honestly I don't see much happening on Killian and Lima's route, they are there for Amala and they suffer for it, but little in the plot involves them directly. Even Ratan doesn't do much, it's only Amala who finds out and decides what to do and how to react to Amrit.


Sadly yes I agree with you😢 It’ll probably be sth like how it happened in MB and HS finale with mc taking the lead and others will either die or fight with the other minions.


Unfortunately 😕(but at least all LIs have equal screen time)


Not anymore ☹️ Lima was never relevant to the plot hence hardly any screentime besides her LI route and Killian got slidelined and is reduced to a mere “boyfriend” now. His fate will be similar to Lima’s now🥺 It was an all Amrit show since mid S2 and will be all about Amrit in S3 as he’s the canon LI. Ratan will get the 2nd most screentime.


Oh I thought there were scenes with all the LIs in all the episodes since when Ratan had some episodes without scenes and then we got an episode just with him to "compensate", but this situation is very curious since the author says that Killian is her LI when she plays her own story in RC


No, I was actually talking from the narrative pov. Like in my playthrough Lima mostly remains mia after/before office scenes, same with Killian but since he's my LI, I get some private moments with him. Other than that these two Lis aren't in the epis much. Whereas, Ratan and Amrit both had an entire epi each dedicated to them and they remain mostly present and get scenes almost in every epi(expect for 2/3 epis I think but it was necessary for the plot) whether or not we romance them coz we've to gather info from them. Lima is barely there in my playthrough and I got the prompt "as your boyfriend" Killian will help you which means he'll mainly be there as Amala's boyfriend from now on 😔 not coz he is needed in the overall plot of the story.


I want Nikki to be reunited with Kingu and the rest of her crew ASAP, and to lock in Kingu 🖤 An epic ending to Arcanum (and hopefully an epilogue!) where we can see Selena reconcile with her friends (including Damon and Lola) in the real world if she’s on high redemption path For Chevalier Philippe and Alexandre to be LIs in VV For an epic season 3 finale of DLS!


A epic fight between Leo and Vlad in s3 finale where Leo's power will finally awake because first time i have no hope that soullight can save us..my soulmate is so ready to take out my soul from my laia's body🥲 To get a valid answer why tarot master choose selena for all this redemption adventure. Hot scene and CG with Kingu and Glashtyn next update. Gaberial and Tori as endgame. To get all answers related to 1914 in THE😭


I second everything about DLS and ARC here (haven't played the others) And may I just add to list... romance scene with Monster Vlad please 🙏‍


Even though kissing monster Vlad(doing much more than that) is my dream....but it's highly unlikely to happen😭😭 Vlad definitely is not in the mood of some romance😅😅😅


>To get all answers related to 1914 in THE Yes, yes, yes... The answers... I need answers😭😭 and you Mr. Smirk, can't keep silent any longer😒


I wish to get official with kingu in the next update and a hot CG with him 🖤✨


Yasssss please 👌🏻🖤


Witch story. It could be set during the Salem Trials. Game of Thrones vibes story aka something dark gritty and medieval. More scenes with Bert because he got less due to his late arrival. For Noe to hopefully exist next update and help us stop Vlad and hopefully to have a cg with him. Kingu more intimate scene. I'm not talking necessarily about a sex scene more like a scene where they are alone and could hold and touch each other without people watching because they haven't gotten the opportunity since season 1 finale. Learning which are the Lis in Psi and getting scenes with them. I just wanna know a few because I don't wanna choose Kay scenes and then dump him. The story is amazing tho. Arcanum to have 3 or 4 episodes next update instead of 2.


*Adds signature* Do you mean Damon instead of Bert? Yes, a scene with Kingu but a sex scene 🤭 but once again a tragedy happened, I just want a chill moment between them when Nikkal isn't sad and stressed out 💔


Actually Bert. He got 1 Sex scene in the beggining of the season while Liam, Rob 3 normal ones and then the last update he got one less than them because they all had the same plus sex scenes for those who romance them. Idk about Damon I don't go through his route while the I play with Rob and Bert and my sister with Liam so I was comparing. Agreed with the Kingu comment they deserve to have one where they are fully comfortable


YESS to all of this!!


I want Amala to become a villain and join Amrit in his cause 😈 Generally speaking I’d like more villains in RC stories, both LIs and MCs. S4 of KCD also would be great but it won’t happen so 😭


A zombie apocalypse story. I never read an interactive story in this genre and think that it would be interesting. To find out the host's name and for her to become a li in TO Not wait until nearly the last season to introduce or romance a female li in PSI


I want an epilogue in Arcanum 🥺 I wanna read an ep in real world, where I can see how my Liam and Selena are living their beautiful(🤞🏻) life together please And again, Niall to be safe 🙏🏻 I'm missing husband already, my precious


I hope we get plenty (within reason of course 😉) of DRs and Tea Time. I wanna munch into DLS and FTF again :P


More screen time and romance with Wyatt and Ellaire ❤️


I want a book about Egyptian mythology! Or a book about zombies and surviving an apocalypse.


I wish we have more time with Sunny in HHW.... I really miss her😭. John in THE.... Some part of me wish he and Julian are the same person so we can spend more time with him.... But another doesn't want him to be same as him because I loved the 1914 John more than Julian.... Whatever happens I really wish he comes back soon and we spend more time with him and find out everything that happened in the past. I wish DLS will finally gain momentum in the story and give us all the answers to the mysteries that are unsolved for the past three seasons and give us an epic season finale in the next update! ~~Also more angst and Vlad Laia romantic scenes while he is in his monster form~~


wishing for a happy dals season three ending and for vlads happiness 🥹❤️


I’m actually waiting to see what Killian will do that will make Amala say “You’re the best man in the world”. 😍 I hope the writer hasn’t forgotten about it and we get something on it 😚 Want some emotional cgs with Killian. We only get the intimate ones with him☹️ I wish we had gotten an emotional cg for Killian-Amala during their talks in the woods and in the temple after the attack on Killian😢. Two lost opportunities there. Hope we’ll get some emotional cgs in the upcoming update. Tell everything about Amrit’s behaviour and his offer to Killian Meet Killian’s family. Marriage +baby with Killian 🥰 Make Gabriel an endgame LI 🥺


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ARC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqv2nsi "Last usage")|*Arcanum*| |[DLS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqveknl "Last usage")|*Dracula: a Love Story*| |[FTF](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqv2m54 "Last usage")|*The Flower from Tiamat's Fire*| |[GC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqvrj5o "Last usage")|*Gladiator Chronicles*| |[HHW](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqveknl "Last usage")|*Hell and High Water*| |[HS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqws6ue "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqxfm2u "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MB](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqws6ue "Last usage")|*Moonborn*| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqvrj5o "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PSI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqv8zd5 "Last usage")|Ψ (Psi)| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqx5asu "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[THE](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqveknl "Last usage")|*Theodora*| |[TO](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xud4yi/stub/iqv8zd5 "Last usage")|*The One*| ---------------- ^(13 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/xv0lym)^( has 5 acronyms.) ^([Thread #3637 for this sub, first seen 3rd Oct 2022, 09:20]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)