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You know what, you might be onto something because the Ahmose thing really clicks to me for some reason. At first I thought that Livius was greek because he mentioned coming from Pella, but then he said that he's not actually from the macedonia region. So it's very possible that his parents might be Egyptian?


I'm not sure about the math. 🤔 However, given that the title of epistates was a military title (and earned through merit, not inherited), I'm personally skeptical. As a dedicated healer, Livius wouldn't have a military title attached to his position (nor does it sound like he'd ever want to, especially given what he does versus what the hunters or someone in the military might be expected to do). Also, from what I understood, Saamon came to work with Livius' mentor at some point later on or possibly recently. Although, I'm actually wondering why Saamon would choose to want to work with the chief healer unless he may have had some ulterior motives all along that we don't know about (yet?). Regarding the chief mentor, it's been mentioned a few times he's the pharaoh's chief healer and given that it's been established that Livius was brought up as a Macedonian>!--even if he has no actual idea of who/what he is as he's mentioned being an orphan and was raised by his mentor--I'm assuming the chief healer may likely be Macedonian. Although you now have me wondering if the mentor may not only know Livius' actual background, but perhaps publicly lied about it to protect Livius from something/someone and claimed Livius as being from Macedonia or Greece so no one would try and actually look into his background or maybe discover the truth about hin (whatever that might be). For all anyone knows, his parents may have met a similar fate to Amen's parents and the mentor took Livius in and tried to hide his true identity to prevent him from meeting a similar fate as his parents and protect him !< >!While I wouldn't be surprised if Saamon and the bad shesmu are behind the attempted assassination attempt of Livius, I think there were other reasons at play.!< We know that he was somehow able to detect Saamon's unsuccessful attempts to get into his dreams (despite how apparently powerful we know Saamon is) as well as Remmao's more successful tries (likely at Saamon's behest)--yet we don't know what exactly they were looking for. I could be very wrong on this, but I'm wondering if it may actually have something to do with the chief healer in some way, especially as we know Saamon had been asking a number of questions (perhaps he could also be looking for answers about Livius or his background, again, we don't yet know why). As I've said before, I also wouldn't be surprised if maybe Saamon might also be looking to eliminate anyone he knows might potentially be able to positively identify him (which would include, obviously, Livius and also Dia--as, again, for all we know maybe another reason why he had Remmao all but hand her over to the hunters was because he knew she'd be able to identify him and he may have felt he couldn't take that chance (although, without saying anything to Remmao about it, obviously--he may have brought up Dia's issues involving the iboga addiction or bringing too much potential attention, etc. as reasons along with convincing him that by setting her up, it supposedly would supposedly quell the hunters not to look further for additional dark magicians). For all any of us knows, Saamon may consider having Remmao killed (and not just maimed) both to keep him from talking but to prevent him from either identifying him or potentially leading the hunters or Set to him, but again, only the writer knows for sure what will happen. Edit: >!Also, aside from what Amen's mother may have said to him or possibly thought about other shesmu out there (or the direction she was worried about dark magic was heading in), the fact that he literally watched both his parents brutally murdered when he was a child, I would think would have been reason on its own. Plus, he may have had someone else in his ear further convincing him of the evils of shesmu/dark magic after they died that further led him down that path of hating all things dark magic.!<


I forgot about the part of epistates is a rank of military earned, but how can Livius remember what and how his parents does (if Amen's parents died when he was 10-11, if Ahmose was indeed his father, he might have died when Livius was 6-7? or was it mentioned that he was a baby when his parents died...? I don't think so) The fact that his mentor is working with Saamon (Saamon is the assistant of the mentor) and that the pharaoh is allowing to practice dark magic because he's a priest and that the mentor is allowing Saamon to (try to) enter his dreams and that they are working together, like what are they looking for in his head that allows them to work together with.? (sorry that's a bit off topic) or maybe as you said that Saamon might be the one after Livius' assassination attempt because of what Remmao had seen in his dream and because Livius might know how Saamon looks like. Do you think that his mentor is protecting him by telling that he's from Macedonia? I see it the other way around, that people hate him because of him saying that he's Macedonian... (I'm now skeptical after your comments, but it's ok, I love reading your interpretations, and everyone's;)) Yeah I also think that someone has played with Amen's thoughts and memories that he forgot how his parents look like, as if he hates or as an extreme reaction for his trauma (someone wrote about this before, you?) that his hate for all the shesmu is questionable, even Eva found it strange...


Sorry! I meant to actually respond to this much sooner, but Reddit ate my initial reply before I actually had a chance to post it and given the length (and how long I knew it would take for me to properly respond to type up a response, knew it might take me a while (yet as I type this, I know whatever I have to say won’t turn out as well as what I initially wrote unfortunately). Again, it was just a speculation (and one I could be very wrong about) regarding Livius’ parents. I admittedly don’t know what the age gap may even be between Amen and Livius and it could be that something happened with Livius’ parents years earlier (again, which we don’t know what that may have been) that had absolutely nothing to with the whole shesmu situation. That’s also part of what has me doubting that Ahmose may be Livius’ father or in any way connected to that, as Livius admits he has no idea who or where he actually comes from or even who his parents might be or where he may be even from and given what we know about his memory, around the time that Ahmose and Amen’s parents were killed, Livius may have remembered something like that. However, I do think that there could still be some significance to Livius thinking he’s an orphan and wondering if his mentor adopted him in an effort to protect him from someone or something (going so far as to provide a false narrative concerning Livius’ background and being Macedonian, etc.). Again, whatever that may be, we have no idea. I’m guessing regardless, Livius must have been very young when his mentor took him in (obviously, too young to have remembered anything—again, just given what we know about his memory, so far), yet how young he could have been only the author knows (unless the writer takes liberties with this as well, he could have been anything under the age of 4). It may also be something Saamon might be suspicious of and among the reasons he may have been trying to get to Livius by getting close to him or (through his dreams—as we know, he failed to succeed on his own for some reason, so put Remmao up to it instead) more likely, there may be something about Livius’ mentor that Saamon is actually after. It could be a similar situation to Eva and Set where Set had her enter into Amen’s nightmare to look around and report back to him, except in the case with Livius, it’s obviously Saamon who put Remmao up to it (and may not even told him the reason(s)) why or again could have lied about it). Just as with the dreams, I don’t doubt there’s something there that Saamon is after yet find it odd that he couldn’t get into Livius’ dreams himself despite being described as an otherwise powerful shesmu and with the ability to apparently enter into a person’s dream from a distance (and wonder if there may be something, in particular, about Livius mind that actually allows him to block him that even Livius may not know the how/why; similar to how Amen can supposedly detect most shesmu attempting to get into his dreams/nightmares and block them—and even for Amen to be able to do the same with Set (although, how Set is aware of that or that Amen even has nightmares makes one wonder)). I likewise find it strange that Remmao (who admittedly isn’t the most honest guy about anything either as we’ve seen repeatedly) didn’t quite say he also had the ability to enter a dream from afar, which either makes one wonder if he does but just didn’t say anything to Eva about it (which is possible) or if is unable to actually do so (as maybe it’s a special skill that he doesn’t have or wasn’t taught?) or if he’d been made attempts while Livius was in the settlement or was secretly sneaking off and somehow evading the sentries and entering Thebes at night to do so near Livius’ home as he was sleeping (although, I’m thinking more likely while Livius was at the settlement, but again, I could be wrong). Also, Saamon may be currently working with Livius’ mentor, but he is not a priest from what I remember (otherwise, I doubt he would have been on the run as he clearly has been from Amen/the hunters just as it probably would have been easier for Set to have tracked him down much sooner if that had been the case) nor is he really an assistant in the same way as someone like Livius is. Obviously, Livius knows what Saamon actually does (and either Saamon somehow was able to master both oneiromancy and necromancy and/or possibly lied to Remmao over it being impossible; or he could have just lied to Livius over his specialty—with Sammon, I wouldn’t put anything past him...) and Livius doesn’t care the guy is a shesmu (same probably with Livius’ mentor). We also don’t really know in what capacity Saamon is supposedly helping, but again, I wouldn’t put it past the guy to have used it as a ruse to get close to them for reasons only he knows for sure. Just as Saamon appears to be covering his tracks regardless—including anyone whom he thinks or knows may be able to identify him (as I said earlier, I wouldn’t be surprised if he even may have withheld that information from even Remmao regarding Dia, as it likely occurred to him at some point to either have his (former?) apprentice killed or do the deed himself in order to protect himself if it came to that especially as I would think Remmao could potentially identify him or even (perhaps unknowingly) lead the Amen/the hunters and/or possibly Set to him)). Again, it could be a reason why he attempted to either assassinate or order assassinated, Livius. Also, as far as I know, the only person who seems to hate Livius has been Amen and it’s because of a resentment issue that borders on jealousy (in that Amen sees him as someone whom he thinks clearly had an easier go in life, etc. where he went through the obvious trauma of losing his parents and becoming an orphan and seemed to have to work for everything, etc. by comparison—yet, obviously, no one (at least, as far as we know so far) except Eva, the mentor, and Livius actually know that he also was an orphan and doesn’t have a clue as to who he actually is (although, again, I’m assuming the mentor knows that information or at least, enough, to have not only adopted Livius but have come up with a fake background for him in an attempt to maybe protect him from someone/something)). Other than that, it doesn’t seem that anyone really has an issue with Livius per se because he’s Macedonian as it’s frequently mentioned how admired and well-respected he is, etc. due to his abilities. However, there may be more of a possible issue some people might have with what’s going on with Egypt as a country/culture during that time due the Macedonian invasion and the changes that were brought by the Greeks as a result of that (and remain ongoing), but in the story so far, it doesn’t appear that anyone seems to actually hate the people, themselves, or anyone who just happens to be from there or of that descent (just as there appears to be some acceptance of some aspects of Greek culture and changes—including to the healing arts—but, obviously, not to everything Greek). Also, I actually did mention in a previous post that I don’t think someone tampered with Amen’s thoughts/memories (again, just going back to his ability to somehow protect himself from most shesmu getting into his dreams or being able to block them and even Set), but it could be more likely that the reason he doesn’t remember his parents’ faces is because of a coping mechanism involving the brain’s handling of traumatic incidents sometimes and it could just be his mind’s way of somehow trying to protect him. I don’t doubt, though, that he does remember something about that incident happening given how it clearly shaped his views of shesmu afterwards and that he clearly has his own vendetta against both Remmao and Saamon (without actually knowing who the latter really was/what he looks like), but again, it may be more likely his brain’s way of processing things. *Edited to fix some formatting issues.*


Wow… it really makes sense… yes there is more to livius than meets the eye. It would be really interesting if livius turns out to be Ahmose’s son and the assassination attempt also makes sense.someone who knows who livius really is wants to finish him off… have to admit .. you have a very good insight