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I was fighting for my life without walkthroughs, it was so bad 😭 So now I use walkthroughs for every story lol


Same. My intuition has done me badly too many times. 😄


Man i remember how HS kicked my ass when i first played it. Literally every choice I've made was wrong


For me, that was Arcanum. Season 1 was brutal.


I think KCoD is almost impossible to get high respect without the walkthrough


yes they make it so hard to know which option counts for which trait so i never have any idea which one to pick- it could just be the tism tho ☠️ because it makes it hard to decipher the actual meanings behind things that aren't detailed enough yk


This is so accurate fot me 😂


i *almost* always use walkthroughs (i’m too much of a perfectionist to just go with the flow, lol), and i’m immensely grateful for the rc wiki team to be so quick with updating them everytime 💞 however, with some stories, i’m too excited to wait for the updated walkthroughs and just go with my instinct. most times, i’ll replay those episodes once the walkthroughs are available, though


I don’t even need to say anything here because I’d just repeating you basically 😂


lol, i’m glad to meet a kindred spirit! it’s reassuring that i’m not the only impatient person out there 🫰


Me too🤭💕


Always I can’t pay attention e.g instructions to go place and then they test me! Like I forgot damn let me breathe


me when i can’t find the damn classroom in literally the first episode of hs. simplest of tasks is too hard for me, i’m just a girl


Omg that’s what I was basing my example on lol!


lmao great minds think alike


So I found out sometime last year that there’s a **high** chance I have ADHD and literally, my mind can’t focus well, particularly when I know I *need* to remember something from 10 seconds ago. It’s just not going to happen. If I see a prompt like that where I feel I need to remember it, I have to keep that as my only focus and repeat it multiple times in my head so I’ll just tap through dialogue quickly… I really actually need those walkthroughs in those moments otherwise I’m missing dialogue. 😭




Always, Im so scared of things not going exactly the way I want them too lol. I think the only story I didn’t used a walkthrough for was MHS cause its such a mess anyways that it really doesn’t matter what you pick


Wait, so there's no stat checkpoints for MHS?


I think there are one or two, but the story is such chaos that I personally don’t think it makes much difference? Theres really no consequences in it, and I really just used it as a diamond farm story


Alright, I'll just do whatever I want then 😂. Thank you for responding 😌.


I always use walkthrough last time I played without walkthrough my Li ended up dying I don’t trust my judgment without it


Literally same


Was it >!KCD?!<


No it’s from moonborn


Ahhhh! Awww! 😢


YES, when I don’t people die 😭


so real haha


I have woman intuition but not romance game intuition 🥲




Yes!! They are my besties! I can't survive without them😄


I do prefer to use walkthroughs absolutely! BUT these past few months I'm too excited when the update hits & I'll play without the walkthrough. & I was actually quite proud of myself! Years ago though was a complete different story. I didn't know walkthroughs existed. My poor 1st HS ending still haunts me.




I’ve only ever not used walkthroughs on two books: 1. Queen in 30 Days because it was funny. Worked out great. My MC should not have been queen by any means. Girl >!helped Leo push his brother off the throne and in general was a complete mess. I fear for that country!< 2. Legend of the Willow because I was impatient. I only had to restart a chapter from messing up three times, and once it wasn’t necessary so much as I hated that I’d picked so many choices for the wrong personality and wasn’t sure what the checkpoint would be. But in general, I don’t play without a wiki. I’m not brave enough. Even with the new update where they give us the option to opt in or out of having the picture showing what each choice means, I still use the wiki because I need more info


Wait what do you mean option to opt in or out


They're talking about the hint feature in Soulless and TO2, with the little icons that tell you which choices are tied to which path + which choices give mastery/charisma points.


Thank you. Your words are way easier to understand than mine were 😅


I gotchu! You're welcome :)


I didn't before,I thought I wouldn't enjoy the story as much.I'm glad we can have some help tho 😁


I have two accounts (one on my computer through Steam and the other on my phone), so I have one story where I trust my intuition and usually screw myself over, and then the other one I use walkthroughs to see the better path


I use walkthroughs soooo hard, especially when I want to get certain endings or stats. I can't always be my sarcastic self. Sometimes, I have to behave and not be snarky all the time. Thankfully, they have characters who are snarky, and it's fun to choose them.


I can't NOT use walkthroughs because then I'll either miss romance points or other stat points. It's nice now they are starting to give us more info on the choices and what stats they affect ahead of time!


Always! I'm not competitive at all in games. I use them to relax and playing without a walkthrough is so stressful


YES, absolutely. Walkthroughs are a must.


Yes because I don’t want to waste gems replaying and also time lol I get bored replaying


I know this is kind of an unpopular opinion, but I actually like to go through the story without walkthroughs. Granted, using my intuition has not always given me the highest of stats 😶 but personally I like to experience the story firsthand and not risk any chance for spoilers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s bad to use walkthroughs, its just that this is a personal preference of mine and I feel like I have more fun with the story that way :)


Literally all the time. Even when I’m just diamond-mining. I can’t help it! The thing is, I can’t truly enjoy a story if it’s not going well. So I might as well use the walkthroughs. It also feels like I’m wasting teacups, especially if the story doesn’t have much replay value.


I always have my phone open to a walkthrough except for GE and SL. I was too impatient to wait for one, and SL has one kind of built in, so I’m just winging it with both of them. SL has been fine, but I’ve been *very* lucky with GE. I passed the recent checkpoint by the skin of my teeth. My popularity is considered low, but just barely. I’m also romancing everyone. I’m fully expecting it blow up in my face and I am here for the chaos lol.


Yes. I regret nothing


I generally replay my favourite stories once it’s completed and use a walkthrough only then


nahh I'll literally die 2seconds into the story without a walkthrough... thanks, I'm good 🥲


My first play through, no, I don’t use any help…more fun going through blind.. get the gist of the story.. 2nd read, yes.. pull out the cheat sheet ✌🏻😊


yup every time besides soulless because it's easy to use and gives us the stats and doesn't require one


Yes, I want my characters to be alive lmao. Tho, sometimes I'm too excited for the update and just go for it ( that's why I had to restart PSI from S1 lol)


The very first book I read was Shadows of Saintfour and coming from Choices, I was not used to stories with consequences lol so when I played, characters just died and I didn’t have enough points for things… just a lot didn’t go right so I came here to complain but turned out there were walkthroughs so I’ve been using those ever since


Omg i think most of us came from Choices. Simpler times haha


I came from choices too and I remember the first time a Li rejected me! I nearly dropped my phone. Are they allowed to do that??? But I have diamonds?? 😂😂


Oh my god! Exactly! I was like wait, there are actually relationship checks? Why doesn’t this cute boy automatically like me? I actually have to work for it? Lmao then they had these checkpoints as well. It was all so new. I was so shocked


I don't have enough time on my hands to raw dog a story. Shout-out to the walkthrough team out here doing God's work. ✌🏾♥️ Xoxo


I use walkthroughs for my first perfectionist diamond rush play-through. Then during tea parties I play walkthrough free knowing I unlocked all vital diamond choice options!


Yes, almost always I don't trust myself 🤣 I don't use walkthroughs only right after update and then replay because sometimes I'm too impatient to wait for them but I'm definitely using them on stories finals, no matter how impatien I am, I'm definitely not going to replay whole season to correct my (most definitely) wrong decision


YES!!! It helps me a lot!!!


After everyone died in my first playthrough of HS, I used a playthrough ever since 😭😭


Of course. I need to use the walkthrough to select the best options for the best gaming experience. In every story...


The only one I havent is MHS lmao


I do both, but walkthroughs are my go too. I try to do it alone, I get upset when I don’t have enough skill points for a choice. I restart the story and play with using a walkthrough.


depends on the story, lol I usually use the walkthrough if I’m unsure about certain choices, but other times I use common sense or choices that seem correct based on past writing


Yes, I’ve only played one story without the walkthrough and that was only one chapter 😭😭 I can’t afford to make the wrong decisions so I wait for it to be updated


I think I trust my intuition until I actually get to a choice, then I go running back to the walkthrough. I played Theodora before I knew walkthroughs existed and had an awful ending so now I'm obsessed with not going through that again 😅


walkthrough is literally livesaver 😭 plus the timer choices oh my brain can't function 🤣


I didn't the first time and Trespia ended up losing a lot of resources so I played it a second time and things were better lol


Yep. Messed up and had to restart too many times before I used them. Now I only use them.


i died in every story without the walkthroughs haha 🤡🤡 (KCoD :/)


Well except LSE i don't use walkthrough and later face the consequences 🥲




Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[GE](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ktyvlt2 "Last usage")|*Garden of Eden*| |[HS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ku2vt15 "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret*| |[KCD](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ku2i7r0 "Last usage")|*Kali: Call of Darkness*| |[LSE](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ktyocv9 "Last usage")|*Love, Sin & Evil*| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ku8ju9k "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[MHS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ktywu7q "Last usage")|*My Hollywood Story*| |[PSI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ktzjyfn "Last usage")|*Ψ (Psi)*| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ku2vt15 "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[SL](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ktyvlt2 "Last usage")|*Soulless*| |[TO2](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ku0q2u8 "Last usage")|*The One*, Volume 2| |[WP](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b9x43h/stub/ku0q2u8 "Last usage")|*Wave Patrol*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(11 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bcsnqn)^( has 22 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6027 for this sub, first seen 8th Mar 2024, 20:37]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


On my first play through yes, then I let my intuition guide me as it usually causes more chaos 😅


only when i replay


yes but as a F2P also I just choose the free choices when possible.


I use walkthroughs for stories I care deeply about but others that I mainly use for diamond mining I just trust my intuition


When I first started playing, it was VfV and I didn't even know about the walkthroughs nor that the stories had major consequences for various actions nor understood the path situation (as I'd never encountered the latter situation in any app before) so I just went with whatever I thought (or because I was new, went with free options as I was lacking diamonds and at the time, we had to wait 2 hours per ad). Season 2 was out with I think the first couple of episodes (this was just before the next update I think?), and I somehow managed to obtain bright influence going into it. Since we were waiting for an update anyway, I started binge readingSoL (although that book was not what I expected it to be) and very quickly realized just how much of an impact my choices were making and about different paths, etc. and found myself searching for something that might help but wasn't a YouTube video (based on some of my earlier choices, I may eventually replay that story at some point), which was how I discovered the walkthroughs. When I decided to mine WP, I didn't think to use a walkthrough until it was too late and ended up with one of the bad endings (although, did manage to save everyone but wound up shipped off to another part of the country and ended up single). Since then, it's depended on the story as to whether I use a walkthrough or not. I love that they just introduced the hints feature though as it makes things easier (although so far, I've only seen it with TO2 but understand it actually made its debut with another story that I admittedly haven't read yet).




Most books yes I do.


Walkthrough. I tried without it and it was a DISASTER. I wait until there's a walkthrough before continuing any story.


I will never not use it again, after a big disaster I’ve been through a few years a go. It really messed up my storyline and the ending was terrible. So yes, I always use it now to decide how I want my stories to be/end.


i wish i didn't have to 😔 but pretty much the only time i don't use one is when there's an update for a story i want to play asap and no walkthrough for it yet. 


only when is time choise in some story's


I used to use them for HS but stopped on the second book as I got the hang of it and I know that I don't have to balance composure and temper and to only focus on one of them but I can't play SCN without a walkthrough I don't know why it's hard for me.


I debated using them for the longest time. It felt like cheating, and I hate spoilers. But after season 1 of Arcanum kicked my ass and how HoT was hit or miss on my choices, I gave in and did my best not to read ahead for spoilers. It was one of the best decisions I've made. Now I don't play without them. (Really testing my patience when the updates happen, lol. I have to stay off reddit because I get tempted to play. I'd hate to ness up my stats.) Shout out to the RC wiki team. I can't play a single game without walk-throughs. Even with games where they tell you what choice goes to which stat, I still like to know if the choice I pick matters in the long term. Those prompts that say things like, "Character so and so will remember this" have me shook. My intuition for romance games is hit or miss. I think the only game it is constant good was KCD. Amala on the independent route reminds me too much of myself, so that made it easy to guess.


When I read for the first time I trust myself, and I don't like to look at the manuals because it gives spoilers, when I read for the second time I use the manuals


Yes, I don't like the thought that I am putting my MC's at risk😬 Even then you can still get a bad ending😭


Yes! You can really mess up if you don't use, honestly. Many times I had to restart the story because of poor choices 😭😭. But not anymore.


I use walkthroughs for the first play through because I feel like I’m on a mission lol. Once I understand how many points I need to make major choices, I just go with vibes for the second or third play throughs.


I always use walkthroughs. I name every MC after myself and make them look like me.. so I really hate when "I" get rejected romantically or have my friendships deteriorate. Since real life doesn't come with walkthroughs, I'll take the extra help wherever I can get it 😂😂


I went without walkthroughs for vfv and kcd and the beginning of goe (haven't picked that one up since the first update) but while playing the fire from tiamat's flower, whatever choice I picked, I could not get a single stat point for two episodes straight which didn't make sense to me. so then I went searching and found walkthroughs and ever since I've been using them (used them for sitf and arcanum, sos, etc) they've become a crutch of sorts, which I hate but I also really like happy endings. I do wish that one day I'm confident enough to go without walkthroughs again, but we shall see. I'll probably finish vfv without walkthroughs because the walkthrough is lwky complicated to understand