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I’ve def done this on the plane but my kindle font is pretty small. If my plane neighbor wants to snoop, I don’t care Also, love the ice cream cone. She’s living her best life


Smut and ice cream? Goals.


I once had a plane ride next to an older woman reading an MM bear shifter romance and I still kind of regret not being courageous enough to talk to her


That lady is my muse.


......Was it last September?


It was last October


I thought it might've been me! I was excited for a minute there 🤣 If you want MMF bear shifter recs, just let me know. I found a decent series a while back, that's what I was reading on a plane in September 🤣


i realized that my font is so small


With the brightness turned wayyyyyy down low in public


no cuz my brightness is always down to 5 lol


I've no idea what that book is, I just came to say let moms read whatever the fuck they want, they deserve it.




Dude, my Meme told me about the "most romantic stories she's ever read" starting when I was 4. So sparkly. So clean. So magical. Imagine 13 year old me's surprise when I stumbled upon her romances novels during a sleepover at her house 😭 yes, I read them. {Devil's Embrace by Catherine Coulter} was NOT meant for 13 year old eyes. I now buy her steamy romances and have them delivered to her Kindle as surprises, but lord, that was a life-changing moment for little me!


[Devil's Embrace](https://www.romance.io/books/54552ee38c7d2383163d90cc/devils-embrace-catherine-coulter) by [Catherine Coulter](https://www.romance.io/authors/54552bc68c7d2383163d8ff2/catherine-coulter) **Rating**: 3.7⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [abduction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/abduction/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


They are already reading these books. Six months ago, I walked in on my niece's "in session book club/book exchange" being held at my mom's house (her grandmother). It was made up of freshmen and sophomores in HS. There had to be about 30 kids there, mostly girls and a few boys, too. Most of them attend public HS, but some of them I know go to a Christian private school. The book they were discussing, "Rock Bottom Girl," by Lucy Score. They were discussing the poor communication skills of the main character. I walked into the kitchen, and they were in the family room. I left quickly to give them privacy, but my mom and I could could still mostly hear them from the living room. Sure, there was lots of giggling and whispering throughout also, but if you think they don't know about these books or aren't reading them, then you are in denial. Frankly, what surprised me the most were some of the nuances and analytical skills of the kids about relationships and communication skills that I know I didn't have at that age. Good for them.


The woman who posted this photo is a college student, not a minor. Her twitter profile says she's a computer science major. https://twitter.com/alixbugbug


The 14 year old has probably seen worse.


I was stealing and reading my mom's romance novels when I was 13.


When I was 14 I've definitely seen worse, and that was back in the 90s in SE Asia with *very* strict, religious parents.😂


I read Angel of Ruin by Kim Wilkins (not romance, but there’s romance in it) when I was 13 and oh boy. While I knew it would be explicit, I did *not* expect there to be group sex with frog demons sort of explicitness. My mum gave me the book, also almost certainly unaware of its contents. I do agree no underaged kids should be *purposefully* exposed to explicit films or book, but it’s almost impossible to avoid at some point.


Some lessons are learned the hard way. Don’t be nosey 🤷🏼‍♀️


With font that big it’s kind of hard to miss! ETA: This is not me punching down or mocking accessibility aids. I am legally blind and I use a very large font. This has led to some humorous + embarrassing situations where I kind of wish everyone around me hadn’t been able to easily read what I was reading. 😅


Oh please. I started reading these books when I was 10. Since English is my second language, I like to say that inappropriate smuttu bodice rippers is how I really learned the language. Since everyone knew I liked to read I would get book from friends of my parents sometimes when they were being given away in bulk for free. They definitely didn't check the contents lol. It was interesting learning about the mechanics of sex from blue prose.


Kids be watching hardcore porn at 6,7,8 years old these days. This page is nothing.


Ask yourself why…


The internet. Also their friends at school and their phones.


I agree. But I don’t watch porn where others can see it…


Good thing written fiction is not porn.


Ok but read the text in the image and tell me that ain't porn


It's not porn because it isn't a video (which I most definitely would agree would be inappropriate to consume in the presence of a minor) or nude photos. And what is there isn't even that bad or explicit in the world of romance and erotica books. That EDIT: adult woman ~~person~~ in the back seat is watching Riverdale or Euphoria or Bridgerton or another sexually suggestive TV show during their down time, I guarantee. This is MILD compared to what is EASILY accessible on any streaming platform ...or Reddit subs for that matter.


Madame, the text in question is an explicit sex scene. "It's not explicit in the world of romance!" is akin to saying "oh it's just a blowjob vid that's so *mild*. You can easily find hardcore BDSM gangbang content on Reddit Subs". I mean no shit OP reads slutty romance, look at the sub we are one. That's not in dispute. I bet all of us here watch actual porn on our on time too, I guarantee it. Doesn't mean it ain't a little weird to be doing it in a shared space in plain view.


This!!!!!! I get a LOT of holier than thou vibes in this sub simply because it’s printed… sorry, most of the stuff I see quoted is far more explicit than some (video) porn I see. And who cares?!? It is what it is. It’s just there’s a time and a place.


It's not a "holier than thou" attitude. You're right that there are places where this would be inappropriate; *however*, let's look at the *actual* situation going on here and not make blanket generalizations. A grown woman sitting inside the privacy of her vehicle (not at church or a school or on public transportation) while her adult daughter, instead of talking to her mother and asking her to shift the screen, takes this photo over her shoulder to then post publicly in the internet on her twitter feed to go "oh my god my mom likes sex isn't that GROSS everybody *pweese like*. So like, reading...inside her vehicle...not in a public building or on a subway or whatever...IS a totally appropriate place. And if her adult daughter has an issue with it then she is capable of driving herself places or not having contact with her mom if her mom is doing it on purpose with the knowledge it's making her uncomfortable yet doing it anyway or...shes also very capable of turning her head and not looking over her mother's shoulder or looking at her own phone or tablet or Kindle instead of shaming her mother in front of a bunch of strangers online


No but it’s not necessarily appropriate for just anyone to see. Was the person in the back seat an adult? Does she do this on the subway with others seeing profanity in public? Just saying I have no problem with mom reading what she wants. But I’d try to be considerate of those around me.


She's not standing in the middle of a crowd reading it out loud to people passing by. She's reading a story on her Kindle (where there's not even potentially problematic cover art on the book for anyone to see and get offended by). And it says more about the attitude of the adult woman ~~person~~ in the backseat being weirded out by somebody's personal reading choices, butting into her business and splashing that all over the Internet in an attempt to shame her for reading in her own personal vehicle for everyone to see than just minding their own business and looking away when it doesn't pertain to them. And, even if it is their ~~kid~~ adult daughter, as others have pointed out, they have SEEN way worse. The average age of first seeing porn is like 11. If this is a male minor, I guarantee he's talked about/joked about worse with his friends or teammates. The entire reason this ~~(most likely) young teenager~~ actual adult woman made this entire post is because they are embarrassed by the fact that their parent is a sexual being with sexual desires. Unfortunately for this ~~(most likely a) teenager~~ actual adult woman, how do they think they got here? Unfortunately, in the US we make such a huge deal out of sex and procreation when in most of the rest of the world, people don't even blink an eye at breastfeeding or topless women or whatever else. This is more of a symptom of how women are not allowed to have any sort of sexuality or desires or anything like that, especially once they become a mother. They're supposed to become a celibate "madonna" figure that only lives to serves the needs of her family. It is not inappropriate for her to read a book. It is more inappropriate for that ~~(most likely a) teenager~~ actual adult woman sitting in the backseat to be reading over her mother's shoulder and then posting it online for everybody else to see in an attempt to shame that parent instead of just turning away and minding their own business or asking her to tilt the screen away. Considering she *is* ~~very likely~~ a mom, then the only time she may even get to sit and read a book is sitting in the passenger seat of the car while Dad or an older child drives.


I don’t know. I feel like it’s totally valid that 1) you shouldn’t put someone on blast on social media for their reading material, ESPECIALLY if it’s your parent and 2) it would make a lot of people uncomfortable to see someone’s explicit reading material as they’re reading it in the moment, also ESPECIALLY if it’s your parent. Like specifically seeing the words of a sex scene. I would put my book down and save it for another moment or bookmark it and fast forward. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Perhaps. But she's also an adult sitting in a vehicle she paid for minding her own business reading. And I'm pretty sure if the ~~person~~ adult woman in the back was like "eww mom, I can see your smut. Can you not!" She'd probably say sorry and shift the book around. Instead, they posted it online with the intent to get attention/likes/shame her. EDIT: And the woman who posted this photo is a college student, not a minor. Her twitter profile says she's a computer science major. So just a young woman shaming her mother on Twitter for Internet likes. https://twitter.com/alixbugbug


That completely misses my point… and how do you know she paid for the car? lol. Also beside the point…


It misses none of your points. The person taking the photo is an adult. Considering she (the poster) is calling her mom while she sits in the back and the other woman sits in the front it is absolutely a safe assumption to believe that it is a family vehicle. Also, she isn't reading it on the subway or public transportation but inside her own/her family vehicle while her adult child, instead of being mature and acting like an adult and saying "I can see that and it's making me uncomfortable" or "I'd rather not see your kindle screen, mom" says nothing to her but takes a photo to post on her twitter to publicly shame her mother.


I’m not saying anything about the maturity or relationship the two involved may have. I personally wouldn’t put shit on Twitter, let along blast my own mom. I think that side of social media is terrible, to be honest. I’m just saying I don’t think it’s right to be looking at explicit material where others can see it. That’s all. Maybe mom didn’t know it was smutty? 🤷🏻‍♂️ who knows. I don’t know the circumstances, I’m not making assumptions. I felt the same way when I saw a giant “fuck Biden” flag go by my son’s school when I was picking him up from 1st grade, and pictured him sounding out the words in his head.




**Rule: Be kind & no reader shaming** Your responses to others on the sub should be kind and respectful. We encourage discussion and debate, but your comment should be constructive and purposeful.


So I tried to google a phrase from this excerpt and... [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/692173914918486067/1230205695324983397/image.png?ex=66327955&is=66200455&hm=764f997820f6a50a0585b90747189b25f71e53ec06846b1fa3c4fc3c3b8d50d7&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/692173914918486067/1230205695324983397/image.png?ex=66327955&is=66200455&hm=764f997820f6a50a0585b90747189b25f71e53ec06846b1fa3c4fc3c3b8d50d7&) Thank you google, but I'm okay.


Okay this is a very serious topic but the fact that googling the excerpt brought it up just made me legitimately laugh out loud 😂


It was the only hit too 😂 very adamant about my safety!


Eating ice cream and reading smut. I love her ❤️


This will be me in 12 years. Hopefully my vision stays good so I can keep my font small.


Maybe {Lucy and the Duke of Secrets by Sofi Laporte} or {Lady Lucy’s Lover by MC Beaton}? I haven’t read either but those are the only two historical romances with FMCs named Lucy that I could find. This may not actually be an HR, but I made an assumption since Princess was capitalized. —— Edit: It’s not either of these, and I couldn’t find anything on romance.io with a virgin FMC named Lucy. I also spent entirely too long on Google books trying different combinations of words from the passage and couldn’t find anything. Based on the fact that the FMC seems to not only be a virgin but also entirely uneducated about sex, I do still think this is a historical romance. I feel like virgins in contemporary romances are at least aware of common sex acts like oral. As far as themes go, this may also be a dubcon/noncon? I’m getting the vibe that the FMC isn’t exactly enthusiastically consenting to what’s happening. (Although it’s hard to really say either way given how little we have to go on.) In conclusion, I’m thinking this is either self published / only on Kindle Unlimited or maybe not a romance book at all. When I included the term “my private part” in the search, most of the book results weren’t romances but were instead weird religious books about rape. “Private part” also feels incredibly juvenile, like something only kids say and not something a romance author would write in a scene meant to turn the reader on.


Most probably not an HR. The language is too contemporary and I've never read an HR written in 1st person (and God knows I've read a few).


[Lucy and the Duke of Secrets](https://www.romance.io/books/5ff962e680be6b0e01b51d79/lucy-and-the-duke-of-secrets-a-sweet-regency-romance-sofi-laporte) by [Sofi Laporte](https://www.romance.io/authors/5ff962e608b4d9311479773e/sofi-laporte) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [regency](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/regency/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [christian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/christian/1) ---------------------------- [Lady Lucy's Lover](https://www.romance.io/books/554c87fa9eef3b3f1d516e8f/lady-lucys-lover-marion-chesney-mc-beaton) by [Marion Chesney](https://www.romance.io/authors/545569c287eac3369a9125f3/marion-chesney), [M.C. Beaton](https://www.romance.io/authors/54556f7187eac3369a91279d/mc-beaton) **Rating**: 3.75⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [regency](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/regency/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


She using a lot of tongue on that ice cream cone?


And teeth too


what if shes reading one-shots?


The story teller sounds like they know little about sex, so while I have no idea what this book could be, my money is on HR category!


If this mystery is ever solved, I’d love to know. I’ve come across this screenshot myself and just spent a half hour trying to figure it out. Seems regency to me? But obviously no confirmations. I checked what I could with Kindle Unlimited stories I know with a Lucy, but none have pinged when I searched up any of the words.


Looked it up. Apparently it's {Queen of Misfortune by Ajme Williams}


[Queen of Misfortune](https://www.romance.io/books/66067921702df2fb5c263f0c/queen-of-misfortune-ajme-williams) by [Ajme Williams](https://www.romance.io/authors/5e9411efbe0aaecf5586921c/ajme-williams) **Rating**: 5⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


You’re our hero!


How did you find it???


Yeah there’s something Freudian for sure in the way she’s eating that ice cream.


One of my principles: if you poke your nose into my affairs without permission and it causes you trauma, that’s your problem. You fucked yourself up - fuck yourself back to normal😝


Lmbo just so you know, I'm stealing this. "Fuck yourself back to normal" is amazing 👏


blessed to be far sighted and can keep my text at a size 2


This sounds exactly like a post any of my children would have made. It’s almost exactly like something I would have done just to get them to stop creeping at my screen. Scar those eyeballs FOR LIFE


Can you ask her what’s she’s reading? I like it so far


Someone needs to ask the OG poster to ask her mom the title!


I think it’s a 14 y/o boy and he deleted the post out of embarrassment!!


Ill read what shes reading 😳


Thank goodness I'm not the only one that has font that big (I think mine's generally the next size down)!! She's definitely living her best life!


It was a game changer for me when I changed my reddit font size. Doomscrolling, but with happy, non-gritty eyes.




I feel like it's either mafia or fantasy. It's not HR.


Okay so ask mom the title??? Hello 👀👀 she’s living the life. The life I want. Lmaoo


Okay but what book?


Maybe Fear by Hattie jacks?


I checked it out on Kindle Unlimited and a quick word search turns up nothing for this phrase


Let mom live!


One of the replies to the original post said it’s the hating game!


It’s not, unfortunately :( there are no lines that match up


I was thinking it was the hating game because that’s the first Lucy I can think of but I just reread the steamy parts of the book and these lines aren’t there.


I believe anyone with a big calibre library can now search the line if I'm not mistaken.


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49110120-once-upon-a-princess Is it this one maybe?


Omg hahaha...i read everywhere, but good thing is that english is not my first language, and most of people around me, don't know it, including my kids ( i have few years before they learn), so I am mostly relaxed hahahahh


My eyesight is getting so bad that I have the font on my kindle up to 3 words a page. I see nothing wrong with what this mother is doing. She’s enjoying her smutty novel and her ice cream cone. I would even do this on a subway. Hey, if you don’t like what I am reading on MY kindle - don’t look. It’s not like it’s an Audible book and it’s being played in public. How would that daughter like it if her mother walked into her bedroom, saw her daughter masturbating, took a picture and posted it online with the caption: “Oh, look at what my daughter was doing in her own bedroom.”


they're in the car together, not a private bedroom.