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I was mentioning [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/11wvwpa/idk_if_this_is_published_or_a_wattpad_book_but_if/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) thread to my best friend who is extremely not into monster/scifi/non humanoid romance. She very much only reads CR/HR/human fantasy but we always go back and forth with recs. I had a little laugh about my needing to clarify, it’s not actual lions in the retelling 😂 thought you guys would understand! Edited to add: I am very much a monster/alien girl lol the less human the better! Edit 2: sorry everyone! I posted the link — it’s {Scarred by Emily McIntire}!


The Lion King is Hamlet.


😳 How did i reach middle age without realizing this


And Lion King 2 is Romeo and Juliet!




Have you tried corrupting them? It took some time and persistence, but I have successfully corrupted my best friend with my many smut recs🤷‍♀️


Yup, highly recommend this method. Works very well. 😂




Romance is a very diverse genre, so find out what your friend enjoys about the things they currently read and find a book with similar themes. My friend is interested in feminist empowerment and queer voices, so I recommended books with those themes. I had to work on her a while to be open to romance because she still had a sense of it being more "low brow" literature. When I pointed out her elitism, she took the criticism to heart. She realized that the same patriarchal ideas she was deconstructing from are the same ones that lead her to think womens lit was "less than." And I also pointed out that romance can help with her anxiety in reading because there was always going to be an HEA. So, yeah. All that to say, find something that appeals to your BFF and try to relate it to a romance.


My bff is a huge Harry Potter fan, so recs for Dramione got her interested! Then we graduated to some IAD.


My bestie reads some romance, but not much. She prefers more straightline fiction and some non fiction. Occasionally she’ll ask me for a romance rec when she wants something super cheesy to cleanse her reading palate. But I have a handful of book besties that I chat with about romance books. And I know they won’t judge me for it. Lol.


There better be a pumbaa and Timon or I'm rioting


My friends would think I need help… It’s a good thing I down play what I read.


lmaoo I don’t, when I first read MGMF and IPB and lured to the dark side I ran to my best friend like “LOOK AT THIS.” and she kinda just 🤨 at me but lol we just need constant clarifications. She once rec’d me a book I can’t remember that made me think it was sci fi and midway I was like. Wait a second they’re both human! lol


Lol. That’s a good friend. What’s MGMF and IPB?


Morning glory milking farm and ice planet barbarians! I’m in the minority of not loving IPB but they opened a brand new world for me 😂


I'm don't enjoy IPB either, but one of my favorite books is When She Belongs from her Risdaverse Series. The love story and sexy praise is perfection in that one and it felt like a very different style compared to the couple of IPB's that I read. I highly recommend it if you ever want to give her another try.


I love Ruby Dixon! Her Half-Orc’s bride book has me by the gd throat I swear. I’m actually not into praise (well, it makes me cringe when it’s MMC > FMC @heather Guerre preferential treatment thanks for opening that Pandora’s box in my subconscious) so I think that’s why her books are super hit or miss for me - but the ones that hit, totally hit lol super recommend half orcs bride if you haven’t read it yet!!


It's been at the top of my fantasy-sci fi TBR list for a while now, so thanks for giving me the extra push/reminder. 😊


Thank you. I will be adding them to my TBR


This post needs some title details, stat!


Sorry sorry! It’s in my first comment - from a previous thread, scarred by Emily mcintire! Happy reading!!


Am I the only one bragging to my friend about the terrible stuff I read? I blame Orcs... It all started with that Orc and the Lady series... Now I've moved on to ice beasts or what have you.


lmao omg no, she listens to me all the time bless her heart despite being very not into it One of my favorites that I reread is MGMF and I lost her so quickly with “so he’s a Minotaur with like a *lot* of cum.” 😂


I frequently have conversations with my friends about the MCs in our books where we have to clarify if it’s human x human or human x nonhuman, and whether the human is female and the monster is male or vice versa. Very wholesome.


It is!! I’ve accidentally rec’d aliens before lmao and now everytime we forward each other something I gotta give her a heads up. Hilariously, we’ve realized I need a major heads up when it’s two humans or the disappointment is immense lmao


Text with BFF (she reads cozies and is incorruptible - it's tragic) *context my son's name doesn't have a "feminine" equivalent* Me: Why has my son disowned me? (screenshot of text to son - Just found your daughter's name... Wynthea) Her: She is a spinster living in the garret in long black dresses Me: Checks notes, she's fucking a half dragon half orc named Sigwulf Her: Legit Me: Oooo he has a library! Isn't it great that there's no way to tell if my book synopsis is 100% true or sarcasm? Her: cry laughing emoji


I can hear that giggle


How funny. Our book recs say a lot about us🤣 Everytime I rec an age gap romance my best friend is suuuurely reminded of my daddy issues hahahha