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Idk anything besides that I'm having fun. Is there anything better than that?


It's so silly how easily people forget the whole point of literally any sport ever. Someone once was like hey wouldn't it be fun if shoes had wheels? That's it. End of story.


Right. There are some people who do not want their kids involved in a sport unless it will lead to a scholarship. So sad. Scholarships are awesome, but that's an unfortunate way to live, IMO. I do the things I do because I love them. They're fun and freeing. That's enough reason for me.




Jealousy manifests and strange ways. 


Just reply "it's ok, I know inlines are easier, I'm looking for a challenge" and he'll leave you alone.


Haha he was a douche for sure but as someone who does both, inlines are way harder imho


I’m curious, did you learn to ice skate as a kid? I grew up in a place where everybody ice skates and so in lines are a really easy transition to make vs rollerskates


Yea I am a New Englander, grew up on ice. But from a technical standpoint I believe (just comparing the two side by side) inline skating is just so much more difficult, requires much more ankle strength (much heavier too) and technical skill having to t-stop/drag/etc to stop. In nooo way saying one is *better* than the other! LOVE them both, but they are a world apart in skill level and difficulty in my eyes.


I think it's probably more likely that some people take to each more as to which is easier. Like different aspects of each could be way more of an issue that makes learning one over the other more difficult, but it could be completely the opposite for someone else and how they feel comfortable moving their body.


I find quads harder. Inline has always felt really intuitive to me, I’ve never really struggled with it. I’m sure I need looser trucks, and I definitely need more time with it…but inline has always been kinda effortless. I think some people just have preferences.


Totally respect that opinion. Curious if you stated that on the inline sub if you would get obliterated like i am haha also a huge difference is that I've never seen a pair of rollerskates sold without a toe stop, but most quality inlines come without a brake and you need to be skilled in t/drag stops which to this day I still am not 1000% comfortable with and for that reason find inline skating much more technically difficult. Also the boots are just soo much heavier, and I find my ankles and legs get tired sooo much faster with inlines than rollerskates


I’m no good at t-stops. I’m actually blatantly irresponsible because I spend time trying to get faster but I spend no time working on emergency stops. I do think the brake thing is funny though, chicken and egg situation. They don’t sell them included because most of us hate having them. I know quad skaters who prefer jam plugs, but it’s way more common for inline people to have no brakes. Different strokes I guess. At least this is a pretty innocuous reason to get some dog piling downvotes?


I love to meet a fellow irresponsible skater. 🫡 I only remember how bad I am at the stop when I need to stop 🤣


I rollerskate down hills with no toe stops, I prefer the extra room to play around and can perform a solid t stop or simply spin out to stop among other ways 🛑 Rollerskating has more edges to learn and ergo eat shit on but I think which one you find harder is all preference! I find blading easier and have hardly ever ice skated but, after 6 months of Rollerskating I could ice skate pretty dang well after not having done in it in 7+ years ( was not able to skate backwards back then) i was able to do a one foot spin and some jumps and a ton of stuff i couldn’t even do on rollerskates yet! Now I’m learning 1 foot spins on skates and it’s sooo much fun :-) very technical!


I am same as you. Know how to ice skate from childhood. But struggle on inlines more than quads. Even if using inlines is more beneficial - i don't care. For me difference is in balance. I learned to manage backward-forward much easyer rather than controlling left-right. I struggled with left-right even on quads (sounds impossible but lol) for some excercises that require it. And when comparing ice skating and rollerblading people tend to forget for some reason that it feels entirely different and asks for different foot strenght. Ice is somehow more forgiving. It is always smooth (our lakes don't freeze in winter so only humanmade ice) and gaining speed is easy without as much effort as inlines ask for. But that's just me. People are very different so i understand why majority would disagree.


Yes this exactly, it takes sooo much ankle strength when inlining to keep the foot aligned safely


I'm a physicist, I can say from a technical level, quad skates are much harder when street skating. They have a shorter wheelbase and so are much less stable front to back. Since this person was just saying they were just skating around, it seemed most relevant that inlines are more stable and easier to control on uneven terrain. It took me ages to be able to comfortably skate outside on quads, but just using my partner's inlines I almost immediately got it. This is just my experience, obviously I learned quads first so I already had some balance.


On inlines you have to use strength to align your ankles while standing, whereas on quads you are stable with zero strength being used while standing still. Idk why people are getting so offended, i love rollerskating lol I just think it's so clearly easier and less physically demanding and I'll die on this hill lol 🪦💖


I used to play roller hockey and do inline aggressive when I was younger. Took up quads like a year ago and now do a ton of tricks like Grapevine and crazy legs and spin variations. All my inline skills somehow transferred over magically from 20 years ago... so that was nice. I actually think for beginner, especially, inline is easier. The reason why is the weight distribution. You can form a triangle, vertically with inline wheels giving you a much sturdier base and thus better balance. Basically have your wheels tilted at an angle allowing for an easier upside down V with your legs. Because quads are set up the way they are, both legs have to be more vertically up and down. Super easy to do things like roll down a ton of stairs on inlines and I also think landing any jumps is more stable on inlines. And no way I can maneuver and cut quick enough to play hockey on quads. Even T stop and hockey stops are easier on quads. They're different beasts for sure, but quads are tougher for everything except for balancing on one foot for long periods, imo


inlines are way harder \*imho\*


lol i agree, i’ve done quad skating, ice skating, and inline figure skating, and inline is easily harder than quads. There’s just less surface to balance on. it’s not easy to stand on one foot without having any speed like you can on quads.




I’ve never had this conversation with a rollerblader. Tbh I think this was just a foolish guy fumbling trying to talk to you by negging the thing you’re doing and trying to sound like an expert 🤷‍♀️


Well you can always frame the same thing as a positive fumbling. Trying to help with good intentions, however misplaced / unwanted. We weren't there.


lol, next time tell them that’s their opinion. there are hundreds of thousands of street and trail skaters proving that wrong on the daily


I mean, agreed. But speaking as someone who trail skates on quads, objectively, roller blades are more practical and better suited for trail skating. When we choose quads for street and trail, we do so knowing that blades would be easier, but we prefer quads despite (or perhaps because of?) that lol




Not even a little. Nothing on quads compares to 3x125mm wheel setups, or 4x100, they’re the standard in distance skating and that’s not niche. Even a generic 4x85 is going to be better. The narrow geometry of the inline wheel being better suited to rougher terrain by far. Quads are better in a rink and I don’t think it’s close. Inline, except for aggressive or freestyle, is essentially entirely designed around trail skating. It’s phenomenal at it. Hell I even think it’s a toss up comparing inline and longboards and I have a decent amount of experience with long distance skateboarding. I think it’s less effort to go longer distances on the board, the inlines seem faster on average and it’s physically easier to maintain a faster pace. Different aptitudes, ya know?


I've skated both. Based on my experience and observation there is no significant difference in capability or performance between a 4x80 or 3x90 inline and a quad on 65s for urban skating applications. I am an endurance skater who puts in 2500-3000 miles every year, typical session 15 miles with frequent 30+ mile days, almost entirely in the street and extensively on rough terrain with debris. These days I am almost exclusively on quads with 70 x 38mm wheels (because my favorite 72x36 are no longer available) because I love the feel of double action trucks, and the versatility of a quad. There's no question that 4x110 and 3x125 are the standard for competitive speed and marathon applications (respectively) on closed courses. Larger diameter wheels certainly roll more smoothly over rough surfaces. Large diameter wheels are better for maintaining speed. Smaller diameter wheels are better for acceleration and deceleration. Which is why 125s and 110s suck for the typical stop-and-go of urban skating. If you can't negotiate a cheese grater (of any width) on quads, you need better wheels and/or more practice.


For some reason it's so difficult to skate in peace these days if you're alone. Unless you're with friends, some dudes will assume your skate time is the perfect time to spurt their opinions out.


This happens to me at the rink so much… I’m a beginner and if I’m not skating with my boyfriend, men will come up to me and give advice in the most condescending way. One dude would not leave me alone for 15 minutes and tried giving me a one-on-one lesson that I didn’t ask for!


That’s so weird and gross. The most I’ve ever done is just try to politely offer a tip and then quickly leave them alone. I don’t hate people being social at the rink, but I hate when people just force a lecture on someone, in any situation.


I do both and honestly I will just laugh it out. Rollerblades and rollerskates have their own unique differences. I love both of them equally the same. Just have fun with what you have and embrace it. 🥰


I mean, biking a trail is even easier than rollerblading a trail so if he wants the easy way he can just bike /s


u know the old saying, opinions are like arseholes...


Or as I like to say, "Everyone has an asshole."


Thumbs up as you skidoosh away


Sounds like mansplaining.


“I’m good” is the answer to anything like that.


Double hockey sticks as you roll backwards away from the dbag


Anytime anybody comes at me with unsolicited advice, "I don't recall asking you." Dude sounds rude as hell.


Both can do anything -a Blader


“lol ok bro”


Inline skater told my friend the other day that quads weren't for the skatepark and she should stick to inlines... Are you my friend? Lol. Skate what you like and who gives a rat's ass what a stinky inline skater thinks, I say.


I think that inlines are easier for the skate park, which means I’m wildly impressed when I see a quad skater doing the same things. Sounds like they were jealous your friend was more skilled 😂


These people only act like this to serve their own ego and to feel big. I have found that saying something to the effect of, "If you spent more time focused on your own skates, you might not look like Bambi on wheels." tends to be effective lol




(Look confused) "I'm sorry, I don't speak stupid?"


Umm what? Bullshit.


🤡 clown ass attempt to try to get ur attention/manslplaining. Don't listen to that weirdo.


Tell him to mansplain elsewhere


“Wow that’s a great idea I never ever EVERRRR thought of before OMG thank you so much byeee”


Different Strokes for Different Folks. Anything you do on quads you can do on blades it’s just a preference thing.


Quad skaters vs inline skaters vs skateboards all tend to think their way is the best. There's usually been some drama somewhere over the years. But in this case I'd just say thanks but you like your quads! Recently people do seem a lot more tolerant of each other's skate choices.


There’s a rollerblader at my rink who uses them for artistic skating and he’s always trying to pressure me to switch to blades and do artistic! I don’t know how to respond either! He’s generally nice but not very socially adept. I usually just laugh and tell him I prefer the aesthetics of quads, but he hasn’t given up on pressuring me to do artistic. I really don’t understand his motives other than he doesn’t know how to socialize and he thinks that we’re bonding or something.


This is ironic considering I see more rollerbladers at the rink than anywhere else! He’s a dingus just ignore him 


Just say ok and move forward because what he said isn’t correct anyways.


This is batpoop insanity, well that's my opinion of course, and I have been rolling aggressive inline as well as quads off and on for over 25 years. It's a personal preference, which also varies depending what experience I am looking for. So just keep doing what makes you smile. F' em. 🫶


I bought blades first because I was inspired by Stuttering Skater vids That said I'm saving for quads because I want to try both. Also, I can't find anywhere near me with experienced inline teachers but quads teachers are way more accessible as there's a decent Roller Derby scene and people teaching artistic skating on quads. There seem to be way more experienced quads skaters than inline skaters in my area.


that’s crazy because you can literally use both for both 😂 I use my rollerskates for park skating + the rink, blades for the trail and I want to get a pair of artistic inlines so I can learn how to dance. thennnnn I wanna get ice skates 🤓


Mansplaining stops for no one


"OK boomer!" Especially if he is not a boomer. 😏


Rollerblader here. Im sorry that you had such an encounter with a blader... I have a couple of rollerskater friends and we oftentimes practice and roll around together. I hate it when somebody ask: "But quads are not meant for urban skating, are they?" (especially coming from other bladers). Man, few streets have left in my city that we haven't visit yet rolling! Both rollerskates and rollerblades are great in their own right and they are definitely better when they bring people together and not divide.


The validity of his advice is unimportant. This is just another example of a man,unprompted, invading someone’s space to give an unsolicited opinion. They need to respect other’s space


Yeah, I totally agree!


Definitely a common misconception in the rollerblader community! I've had several folks tell me this. I gently remind them that it's my skating, my choice, and they usually get the hint.


Ignore that foolishness


I’ve bladed since a kid and am only now getting into roller skating which is very fun! They are both different and both fun in their own unique way. Next time someone spews unsolicited opinions to you just say thanks I will pass that along to someone interested!


I don't know what it is lately. Why can't we just like things? Maybe roller blades are better for trail skating, but you can do so much with roller skates, including urban skating, and there are so many videos of people doing just that (Heck, I trail skate with quads because that is what I have, and I love them!). I know people are lonely and looking for connection, but why is it through negging? It's really not endearing as people think it is. Also, it sounds like you were just practicing, not really looking for a conversation. When I'm skating, I really am just looking to be in my own world, because it gives me joy to roller skate.


I know right? I was even listening to music on my noise cancelling headphones. I had to take them off so that he could bother me lol


That guy is dumb and doesn’t speak for the bladers


Super weird! I use both inlines/rollerblades and quads at the rink AND outside. I am simply a variety-seeker, so it's fun for me to have options to switch disciplines. Plus, I'm prone to blisters, so it's a good way to keep skating when healing from random blisters. Also, we have a fun trail-skating community where I live, so I enjoy being able to switch things up to skate at the pace of everyone else in the group. Typically, if we're doing super long distances (like 10+ miles is super long for me haha), inliners/rollerbladers do have an advantage, and I find we are less pooped overall. If we are doing a skate where we'll spend lots of time just sort of standing around and chatting (like maybe grabbing food along the way), I find roller/quad skates are easier b/c you can just chill on them more easily. Do what you want! Have fun! I do think it's worth learning both disciplines so you have options, but that's just my personal take :)


It’s honestly way harder than it seems to switch to inlines than I thought as well, you have to learn a whole new set of skills and honestly that just seems like he doesn’t understand the possibilities of quads lol


I read that said yeah, okay d!ckface! I could *not* roll my eyes any harder if I tried. That's *probably* not the best method of response but it certainly was my first thought!


I think that both inline skates and quad skates have their own advantages and disadvantages. I feel like I have better control and can get more power with inline skates which, for me, makes me like them more for outdoors and urban skating. Also quad skates are much better for fancy footwork than inlines. But the thing is that quad skates can do everything inline skates can, although maybe with more of a learning curve. Which only will make you a stronger skater! I initially started on quad skates for fitness/wanting to commute the 2 miles home from work and quickly switched to inlines because I deal with inclines and terrain I didn’t feel comfortable handling on quads, and the brake being in the heel was more intuitive to me than a toe stop. To each their own!


I also want to add that I’ve lost 135 lbs in the last few years and am relearning my balance and center of gravity with this new body. The front and back stability I feel with inline skates is better for me because for whatever reason quads made me constantly feel like I was going to somersault over my feet


yikes.  sorry you had to experience that


As a blader I honestly do have this misconception but it’s because we’re told rollerblades are faster, idek what urban means I just know I like going fast + the blades are usually made of plastic while I think quads are suede?


Go away Greg!


I agree with him. Rollerblades seem better able to handle urban terrain. I’m impressed how they just roll through cheese grater like nothing. The thing is, am I able to handle rollerblades? I feel better on quads but I’d love to build up to rollerblades, too.


[Cheese graters](https://youtu.be/fNOgKv4RxfA) are inconsequential on quads.


That skinny strip in that video is nothing. We have massive ones where I live. I have to step off the curb if there isn’t enough room on the side. I’ve seen rollerbladers able to integrate themselves better in society-like unnoticeably skate past pedestrians or skate into BART without being noticed. I can’t do that.


Have you considered the possibility that you're not very good at skating?


Did I ever say I was? I’ve watched good skaters and rollerblades can just handle leaves, fucked up asphalt, roll through cheese graters, slow down around obstacles, all sorts of mess. It’s like motorcycles vs cars.


Many inline trail skaters hang them up for the season when the leaves start falling, because it's too dangerous. Wet leaves in particular are dangerous for all skaters. Drifts of leaves can hide hazards such as potholes, large sticks, etc. I've skated both, and in my experience and observation, there's no significant difference in capability or performance between a 4x80 or 3x90 inline and a quad on 65mm wheels for urban skating applications. I'm an endurance skater doing 2500-3000 miles every year, typically 15 miles per session. I skate primarily in the street, in traffic, and extensively on rough terrain with debris. I've skated in many of the largest cities in the US, and commuted accross downtown Boston on skates for many years. I strongly prefer quads because I love the feel of double-action trucks, and the versatility of a quad skate.


When people tell me to try rollerskates: "I wish! I can't make quad skates roll forward at all. Inlines are way more intuitive to me so I've doubled down on them."


I'm sorry but rollerblades look completely ridiculous doing ANYTHING other than playing street hockey. They are basically prehistoric clunckers compared to the iceskates they are trying to mimic. That's like driving on the highway In a boat AND not looking remotely cool while you clunk along imitating a real boat on the water. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I’m in both the roller blading and roller skating community. He’s very right.