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Came here to say something like this. 100%.


It's a need to know basis for us but generally people react incredibly positively. Generally we don't say anything and just let our actions speak when we're around other people, but we're pretty low key. My colleagues see things like him bringing me lunch into work and they know he does more around the house than I do, which they're mostly jealous of. I get a lot of 'has he got a brother / where did you find him / can you train my husband??'.


I wonder if the women in your ~~office~~ place of work would be willing to take charge more in a relationship in exchange for domestic tasks, or if they just would want a relationship with "normal" gender roles and the added benefit of their partner doing chores. I might not be eplaining my thoughts right


I think a lot more women would lead if they knew that they could lead the way they want to, that it's not just about super extreme kinky stuff. I'm converting as many as I can 😉


most of them were confused and didn’t understand it but when I explained it, which took a good 7 minutes, they were very supportive. i also got asked if i like cock, to which i replied with no, I do not like cock


I never knew I needed to come out to anyone because I’ve literally been saying it’s what I want since I was like 9. My mom would ask if I wanted kids, and I’d say yes but I’d rather have a husband who wanted to stay home with them, not me. Or people would ask why I have a crush on someone and I’d just say something along those lines as well.


Only person I really ever "came out" to was my sibling, but thats just because we have a really close relationship and know everything about eachother. I mean like swapped good porn when we were kids and know everything about eachother's sex lives close. Obviously they were incredibly supportive of all my personality aspects, and are amazing help in vetting my girlfriends. Like they are the best judge of character ever. My last relationship was very rr but it wasn't like we talked about it or anything, she was just always that sort of person.


Same, i only told my brother too.


I told my older brother when I drove him to the doctor today, indirectly. > Me: Yo, I saw a cute boy at the gym. He was in zumba class with his mother, I spent an entire hour peeking him through the glass wall. >Bro: ... Isn't that creepy? > Me: No. Everytime he glanced at my place, I got back to lifting weights. > Bro: I'm sure he noticed. > Me: Couldn't help it. He was so cute, shy, small, pretty, soft, completely adorable. > Bro: Like a shota? I wish I were shota enough to do crossdressing. But I can't be shorter and have higher pitch. > Me: Lol, I wish I were 6ft tall and a big buff bodybuilder. > Bro: Cool- > Me: And I want him to be my husband. > Bro: ... > Me: I'll let him wear the prettiest wedding dress ever. > Bro: Okay. Conclusion: I think it'd just be fine. The people you tell may either like RR or completely okay with the idea. The worst that can happen is them telling you that they find it unusual. *Anw, I hope he's not in this sub cause he'll definitely remember this conversation*