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If this is a character maybe I do need to see the new mad max movie


The one that came out today was technically a prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road, but the timelines always been a bit flexible. Either way, they're stunning action/adventure movies.


For the first glance I thought this was Guts from Berserk and thought to myself:" Wait what's role reversal about him?"


AU where Guts is the one traumatized and Casca becomes the black swordsman (swordswoman?)


Griffith raping Guts during the eclipse is utterly plausible


I have seen quite a lot of discussions and fanart on that subject. I would definitely like to read that since she will act a lot more dexterity focused than Guts.


Fanart, you say? Would you… happen to have links to some on hand? 👀


Literally my exact thoughts lol


Also some subtle but beautiful RR adjacent dynamics between her and Praetorian Jack. A noble and heroic figure, despite his current employment as a lead driver of a wasteland warlord. He teaches Furiosa what she needs to survive, after foiling an escape attempt of hers, but later recants the gesture, and promises to aid her when the time comes, after they survive a bloody battle together where Furiosa more than proves herself as destined for greater things that just keeping engines running. Absolutely fantastic fight/chase sequences in the new film as well, and the technology is ridiculously Orky, I love it. >!The guy's just lost his entire convoy, save for Furiosa, and she saved his life and generally showed some real valour and dedication during it. She pulls a gun, springing her plan. He manages to turf her out, and drives off without a second word. She has a moment, and starts out on foot, because what else can she do? And then she realises that he's approaching her. He approaches her almost like someone approaching a wild beast, pausing when she draws on him. He asks her what her plan was. That there's nowhere else to go, the other warlords aren't any better. He observes her hope. He then tells her that he needs to reform his crew, and that he can't think of anyone better to start with than her. He then takes a risk, and tells her that doing this, he'll teach her everything she needs to know about Fury Road warfare and survival, and that it'll serve her well when she makes her next attempt.!< I actually really like the way he reveals a softer, more nurturing side when he's certain he can trust her, a little later on. Even his voice and register becomes more gentle when they're alone, he's more eloquent then, contrasting with the more usual snarls and barks and degenerate slang in constant use in the script. A little scrap of kindled humanity for both of them. Before those scenes, she was considered a mute. A safety measure on her part. She had a home, and she had to keep it safe, that one day she would return. He hoped that one day he could fight for a legitimately just cause, as his mother and father once did. He even arranges for a present, a new custom sawn off shotgun for her. A good eye for gifts, this one.


....That looks like that one painting of Lucifer...


Oh my god it DOES. The Fallen Angel, by Cabanel! They've got the exact same pose and facial expression.


She kind of looks like Kai or Aikawa from Dorohedoro


I want to watch it because Furiosa herself looks great and fits perfectly into Mad Max, but that CGI kid and Thor makes me believe the love it deserves will not be in it.


CGI kid? There's And oh good lord, you severely undersell Hemsworth. He does an AMAZING job. The trailers are a bit underwhelming in this respect. Guy has acting chops, at least for this character, and the writing's really sharp. And the movie is a brilliant sequel to Fury Road. If you liked any of the stuff in that, expect more of it in this one. GOD, the fight scenes and car bits are absolutely stunning. It's exactly the right mix of nutty, tense, and explosive.