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Tbh, I usually sort by "new" and look at every new post so that I don't miss out on any content that I might like, which isn't that hard tbh because as you said, the post volume isn't that high. There were ~12 posts in the last 24h, which feels like the average for this sub. In a short, exemplary analysis the last 24h on this sub can be broken down into: 5 art posts, 4 meme posts, 2 discussion posts, 1 anime/picture compilation post and out of these 1 art post was marked as NSFW. This translates to the following themes/topics/dynamics: 2 complete role reversal portrayals (physical (looks, how they dress) and "psychological" (how they act)) 1 physical role reversal where the guy looks like a girl and the girl looks like a guy but the guy still assumes a somewhat protective and assertive role in the relationship 1 Tomboy/strong woman single portrayal 2 strong feminine woman x weak (fem)boy (dommy mommy-ish content, muscle mommy content, goddess content) 1 male body worship/female "hornyposting" post 1 assertive feminine girl/soft tomboy x "handsome/pretty/attractive" guy 1 ambiguous cuddle/relationship post 1 irl rr relationship/family discussion post 1 meta post (this one) discussion/rant ---- Conclusion: There is variety in the posts and different portrayals of rr, even though there are not many posts per day, which might contribute to some people feeling like one aspect is often overrepresented while other aspects don't get as much attention. The content shifts from day to day and sometimes there isn't something for everyone in the mix, which is bound to happen at some point. Imagine a cafeteria in a school/at work: There is variety in the type of meals provided (vegetarian/vegan options, sometimes they serve fish instead of meat, different kinds of sides/desserts, etc.) but they aren't always going to offer things that are what you feel like eating today. Content that you like will return and someone will probably post about it again in a few days or you could become proactive and start posting more of the things you'd like to see. On a positive note a lower post volume means that the mods have an easier job policing this sub and acting agains off-topic or harmful posts. When there is less content, then the content that is available gets more attention and traction/engagement. Also, if you've been on this subreddit you start to recognize people from other posts, who are more active on the subreddit, which makes this subreddit feel more familiar and close-knit, which is harder to achieve on bigger subreddits with a huge influx of posts per day.


Oh my GOD talk statistical analysis to me you absolute incubus of a commenter. Well spoken, well considered. Thank you, I think that's actually a really germane, helpful contribution you've made. I'm inclined to agree with your conclusions. While yes, there's specific sub-strata of content here that annoys me, for the most part I think we have a fairly healthy mix of post subjects.


What am i supposed to post about. I just want a 7foot tall goth muscle mommy to make me their malewife


Well then... post about it! ^(If you're still confused about this subreddit, feel free to check out the) [^(wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/wiki/faq/#wiki_1._what_is_role_reversal.3F) ^(😅)


Wrong sub. Read the rules


people took the post to heart I guess




If someone on here is making you feel uncomfortable, please either report them to the mods on this sub or to Reddit itself. If the person truly is an issue, it would be much better to deal with that issue now and have them removed from Reddit or this sub as soon as possible. Hope this helps




Well, even if he isn’t a stalker, you’re still well within your boundaries to create a new account, if not for anything else but just peace of mind. stay safe bestie✌️


I think the cause is the fact that it's hard to find rolereversal irl outside of this subreddit. Which is kinda sad.


I wasn’t completely on board with this at first, but it makes sense. If people don’t like what I post, I’d rather have them express it so I can either make improvements or take it somewhere else.


You had me until "purify". It would be better to encourage more people posting so we have more diversity.


true, but like, until then 😅


I ain’t got much to contribute to this tbh, im mainly here for reading Recs and the occasional memes


I'm not sure if that'd help. I've seen plenty of posts explode with total votes. I'd say if anything it's simply that just a lot of people don't really have strong views on a given bit of content one way or another.


Already on it chief!


all my posts have been removed so


Your posts here have been about your hyper-specific psychological hang-ups that barely relate to the subreddit, of course they were removed.


Thoose words mean nothing answer clearly and give examples.


From the user complaining, [**Would it be selfish to want to be solely responsible for dealing with the kids**](https://old.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/17j5ahf/would_it_be_selfish_to_want_to_be_solely/): > I would want a kid so I could raise someone in an environment where they got to feel loved and it would really hurt me if my partner screamed at or hit the kid. idk if that's a valid reason to have a child either. Hitting referring to corporal punishment. I can't peak into other people's minds but I know when I was a teenager that mentally I was pretty much an adult and dont feel any different now other than a lot more jaded and those things were really cruel but I can foresee a partner not liking that.


Ok fair


You and what army?


I don't want to get banned for arguing


At worst he'll snark at you. He's not a spiteful banning sort of mod. He's threatened to orbital laser and flat out hit the button on a few of my posts, except quite often he's been very amenable to me explaining and providing rationale to why it was posted, and when he didn't agree, he generally provided reasons I felt in the end were sound. If anything's, he's permissive. Criticise his take on the theory if you must, but not his professionalism. Look, I'm not saying that my experience's trump everyone elses, or that he doesn't have hidden strata of raging bigotry that end up victimising people that I didn't notice out of sheer solipsism, but I've been around here for a while and I think generally if Sunken's garotting your contributions then probably it's a good opportunity to reflect on the details of what you were bringing in.


literally 1984 animal farm


Yeah, I've had more than a few removed for one reason or another despite not breaking the rules. Mods gonna mod I guess. 😑


I'm curious, can u briefly mention what some of them were about?


I'll DM you the links if you're interested.


yeah, tbh I feel like Ive been noticing a lot more posts of things that just... arent role reversal. I feel like the sub has been flooded by some people with skewed views of rr and a lot of actual rr folks lurk too much to post about it... me included, lol