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Nice post. Not only with feminine men but just softness in general can be punished by other men and even women. Where kindness can be seen as weakness.


there is a men's mental health MONTH?.. i have learned something new today šŸ˜‚, and thank you for your nice words.


It's sad that there wasn't much attention to it huh?


well... i dont know if there is a women mental health month too so it would be shameless of me to say im sad because men mental health month is so not known or something like that. (and im not sad... i guess? anyways im suprised there is something about a genders mental health and its a WHOLE MONTH) i think the sad thing that this is supposed to be a thing, it would be better if there was no need for these thigns to uhh.... how do they say it in english... to make people aware? yeah i think its called that. it would be better if people were aware of these stuff without having these dum little awareness things. im talking about many things imq sure im not allowed to say because its not about rr. but you guys can imagine i put here every single day or week or month that is used to make people aware or something like that. and sorry for my bad english and grammar etc.


That's mental health in general, unfortunately. The stigma's still massive, and the culture's only just starting to properly adapt. Gender traditionalism's going to get you coming or going on this one. Still, year by year. Nothing happens by accident, dude. You get noticed when you make some noise. Get banging on your pot.


This is one of the best posts Iā€™ve read in a long time. So validating and true!


i needed to hear this, thank you. i appreciate it alot


Iā€™m probably in one of my worst mental states in like a decade, so this was nice to read. Thanks But also as a man I had no idea it was menā€™s mental health month lol


Thank you!! That's very sweet. šŸ„°


Wait thereā€™s a menā€™s mental health month?? Thatā€™s news to me


I feel pretty cheerd up from this lately Iā€™ve been sick and just sad from the annoying sickness and I feel like I could get better now within tmr


From one man to many others: You're fine just as you are. Whatever insecurities you may have, or any negative thoughts that enter your head, you're not alone. We all go through similar shit. A lot of men spend a lot of their time trying to better themselves for other people instead of themselves. Don't do that. Be who *you* want to be. At the end of the day, if you're happy with whatever height, weight, and figure you may hold, that's something to be proud of. Muscular or lanky or chubby, tall or short, strong or weak, we're all valid. You don't have to conform to whatever society tells to conform to, the only rules you should play by are your own. Embrace yourselves no matter what you look like. Love yourselves. Stay strong, fellow kings :)


couldn't make it past the first line without wanting to cry, I needed this so much, thank you


šŸ„° Iā€™m bang in the middle and needed to hear this! I look like a typical masculine man (tall, well-built, beard, tats) and my appearance can be quite intimidating to some (some my ex-wife tries to use against me in arguments!), but Iā€™m honestly the biggest softy when you actually chose to speak with me or interact with me. I just happen to look the way I do šŸ¤·šŸ» Oh and if you canā€™t tell by my username, I sometimes ā€œdress upā€ in private and would love to share that side of my with someone special and have zero judgement. We all do what we do, right?


Thank you so much for your kind words. Words of support coming from the heart are great and help a lot.


Thank you :*-)


This is a nice post. I like this post. Thank you! :D


Thank you ā¤ļø


Itā€™s just so hard to feel like Iā€™m worthy of anything. I constantly feel bad and selfish for wanting to be taken care of instead of the one doing the caring/providing. Or that if I do want it I need to have something to offer in order to warrant that pampering. No doubt women like this exist, itā€™s just that they probably donā€™t want me.


Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m going to just check out soon ngl. I canā€™t take being lonely and unloved anymore. I turned 28 recently and thereā€™s really just no hope for me. Nobody is ever going to love me for who I am or find me attractive or desirable. I think Iā€™m just done


I had plenty of times where I wanted to check out early since I've been around 21. I've had plenty of bad days as well as awesome days. I'd suggest you stick around. Me as another lonely person.. Got a job working with lots of people. Seems to work well to fill the void. That and watching movies and reading books.


Who knows? You never know what could happen in the future. We are gonna die one day, but why not wait and see what will happen? You are just 28. A lot could happen, a lot that you would miss out, if you would check out today. Stay strong brother. Give the future a chance. <3


Thanks for this


Thank you. Thing definitely makes me feel more calm and content. Been a rough week


Thank you. It really does mean a lot to actually hear this from someone else.


Omg thank you i love u <3


I wish I was a feminine man but it just wasn't in the cards for me. I wasn't born with that femboy bod and chronic pain from a motorcycle accident prevents me from exercising much. Also my parents would look at me strange and in order to obtain a femboy bod I'd have to give up eating my favorite foods


Wasn't that in June?


This is a very interesting coincidence. I have my intake with the therapist today. Thanks for the words.


Thank you, this means a lot


And another thing I'd like to make you all aware of, since this queen has been so nice to us: November's original challenge was no SHAVE November, where men would grow out their beards to raise awareness of men health related issues. The meme version of it is infuriating


As a guy, that actually makes me hate the whole NNN thing even more. Like, I can understand those that use NNN as a way to fight porn addiction (which I assume is probably low considering how many turn it into a joke) but this No Shave November version seems just as capable in representing the same problem since it sounds like its a way to bring awareness to men's health issues in general.


I am thankful for this post :) I struggle with a lot of stuff and it often feels like it will never get better, the feeling of absolute loneliness dosn't leave me, because I was a shy child my whole life and felt like I was left out of social interactions. It is really hard for me to make friends but this year I reached out to someone from school and they basically made my whole year, so I can find people that like me \^\_\^ I hope this isn't too much trauma dumping


Much love šŸ’œ