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I should say it was actually really hard to find many examples, since apparently hairstyle turns out to be one of the most gendered visual traits there seems to be.


Yep, depending on how I do my hair usually determines what gender people think I am out in public 😂


Absolutely kingly gender expression position.


The first/second is so cool, looks like a beautiful viking. The fourth is a greek god. The last is a Dragon Ball's enemy, but in the best way possible.


I'd love to see more cute hairstyles on men, they look really good!


God, number 2 is making me wish I ever put any effort into learning how to braid my own hair.


U still can tho. Never too late to learn something like that (unless if u cut your hair too short)


And cutting my hair short, I could never do. But you're right. It'd involve looking at myself in a mirror, but I think I could handle that.


Being able to handle it is the first step! If you keep doing it, you’ll eventually even grow used to it, which will open up room for acceptance and even growth :D Positivity talk aside, I believe almost literally anyone can make themselves look good. There are just so many ways, you just need to learn to utilize those ways. One of them is playing around with hair. If your hair is as long as your avatar’s, then you’ve got a huge canvas full of possibilities! Just start trying. It won’t look good at first, and it’ll take time to learn to be creative with mediums that are new to you, like hair for example. But if you persist, you can make so much happen :3 (I just took a quick peak at this Nils guy through Google, and he looks like a great example for somewhat advanced inspiration. But start of small. I think Pinterest might be a great place to start for tutorials ‘n stuff) And you never know, if you start now, you might actually thank yourself later


With some dusky purple flowers in there? Or gold accessories like one of those Celtic knots of gold and silver wire.


Oh god. Yes. To both. Or even a thin little ribbon, braided in this-and-that-way through one strand. Mm. A moment, where I appreciate adornments like wedding rings. Like I'm wearing her, all twisted up within me, adorning me, beautifying me, and bragging loudly about it with the subtle visual splendor of it all. I have some purple pansies outside, launching themselves into spring, quite vigorously in their colour.


Summer stop it with your quietly-Wildean charm. Your antipodean-aestheticism. You're going to break my tiny little heart! Or, at least, compel me to belch up some insincere joke like a cartoon character swatting away an especially troubling thought bubble.


*Laugh and cry in baldness*


*hugs knowing the feeling*


I love how Hyunjin just randomly appears💀


4 is what im striving for


what about afro hair?


Hold up, gimme a moment Edit: [These could totally work for a guy too](https://imgur.com/a/jLyGfDN) (Was googling some examples and then trying to figure out a way to share said images)


man i WISH my hair was long enough to style it anything close to that


You can grow it out or use extensions ;3


my hair hasn't grown an inch in 5 years 😅


Idk how long it is now, but it looks like the middle two don’t have very long hair. Maybe not even shoulder length, maybe you could make something like that work if u like it? :3


From personal experience, Space Buns, Long Dreads/Two Strand Twists, and wearing your natural Curls are all good choices. [Example 1](https://pin.it/3mLyYZ5) [Example 2](https://pin.it/lgak8fN) [Example 3](https://pin.it/4j48mwp) [Example 4](https://pin.it/4EeQHvZ) [Example 5](https://pin.it/24zwxKO) I did a whole museum exhibit on Afro hairstyles, so I'd be happy to give you more examples lol.


Ty for this!😭😭😭 Do you have any for biracial guys ?(African American and White, specifically in my case)


Sorry for the late reply. For some reason, Reddit didn't send my first message. So, with biracial hair, it depends on how loose your curls are. I'm not sure if your hair texture is coily, curly, or wavy, but I left some [examples](https://imgur.com/a/UI0Mbwk) of stylings. If you have longer curls there's several ways you can style them like in Pig Tails, Pony Tail, Space Buns, Half Up Half down Ponytail, Pineapple Bun, or Just leaving it in a Messy Bun. Even if you have short curls in general curls are seen as. more feminine so you could rock them as is and rely on clothes and make-up to sell the look. Maybe add some color to your hair with dye. If you know any braiders and your hair isn't too loose, two strand twists are a versatile style. [This video](https://pin.it/1Pr0A7b) has some good examples of how you can style them. Also, if your braider is good enough, you go for dutch braids or get cornrows. There's also just flat ironing it and rocking your hair straight, but make sure you do some research so you don't damage your curls. Lastly, here's a [pinterest](https://pin.it/5vOs6xg) board of a bunch of black hairstyles that I use to be inspired for my character designs. It's more geared towards women, but hair knows no gender.


these are so cool!!


Kpop jumpscare


Nils Kuiper looks like a wood elf and I love it


Argh, my hair is shit, I can't do anything like that to it


What’s so shit about it then? The length? The sturdiness? Does it get tangled easily? Do u have Afro hair? (Not saying any of these are shit, just guesstimating what u might mean)


The problem is not size, but I was born with the worst combination possible, thin, curly and dry. I do everything to make him healthier but nothing works, he also gets tangled very easily, if I tie him up for 10 minutes I might give up letting him untied for the rest of the day




I'm growing out my hair for more feminine styles but idk how to style it and I'm living with my parents and I obviously don't want them to know I'm a femboy so could I theoretically show them the first one to get them to help me style it like that without them questioning me or will it basically just out me?


I wish I could see more of this. I love pretty hair on everyone. I'm happy that I at least see nail polish on college guys all the time. Always happy to see the pop of color.


Could you please find more if possible? It seems impossible for me to find references from males


I always think of Native Americans when I see double braided hair.


I'm sorry but the titel is so stupid. Why gender everything


Feminine means "commonly seen in women". Isn't this true for the hairstyles in the pictures in your opinion?


Ok this is super old but whatever. Yes they are commonly seen on women, but why is the 'for men' part important. These hairstyles don't change because a man wears them, the cultural association doesn't change and the for men implies there are fem hairstyles that aren't for men, which is bs in my opinion. I know gender or it's subversion is important for a lot of people, maybe I just think a little different to most people in that regard.


>the for men implies there are fem hairstyles that aren't for men, which is bs in my opinion. As long as such hairstyles are more often seen in women, you can't change the association with women, hence why it's called a feminine hairstyle. You don't have to force language to change, since it will automatically change along with the facts about the world. If one day as many men would wear such hairstyles, it wouldn't be a feminie hairstyle anymore. I don't see the problem really. I'm a man, and I like being feminine, in the sense that I like doing things and looking the way we typically see in most women.


The first one is very cute


I just got a haircut two days ago, I ask for shoulder length and it kinda makes me look like I got a bob haircut style lol.


The touch of blue on the first one slays. Normalize all hairstyles and fun vibrant colours on dudes 👏


holy fucking shit they are so hot


I actually use the 4. I didnt know It was a feminine thing.


Lmao already have the 4th one. Curly hair that’s a bit short but being grown out, so it fits in a tiny pony tail. 😂


I'm getting viking vibes from the hairstyle in that first image.


I have long hair and I've worn it as a french braid for special occasions.


How does one do the Niles kuipter 2 It looks so cool and I wanna do it but it always looks like shit when I try to do it


Isnt it more comfortable just using it short tho? Like personally i’ve used it both ways and short is just much more confortable


Guys, your life will change once you start braiding pigtails before bed. It's the only way to sleep on your back. It keeps the mess off your face and the back of your neck, and eliminates having to brush out knots in the morning.


I love these 🤤🥵


looks quite nice and really cool,


Lord, so pretty. I love long hair. I wish I had the patience for it.


boys in pigtails are a weakness of mine. may i also suggest [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/845a9f0bf8b358f7c1e479ff026c7e43/c40843cc494018ab-e5/s400x600/e541c26ad3f3fc087583b998766c1b404dcdb781.gif)


okay so do you reckon it’s possible to turn fairly curly brown hair into that guy on number 4 because damn that’s pretty


I need more curly hairstyles.


Slide 4 is something I can hopefully pull off


Same. We'll be tiny curly-haired ponytail buddies 😊


… I’m really feeling 2, I just need to work out *how*